God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 1028

After seeing this scene, Qilin had a deeper understanding of Xiao Tian's methods, but she didn't sigh for long, her eyes fell on the golden ladder again.

In this short period of time, someone is about to pass the golden ladder and board the Yuntian Palace!

Soon, under Qilin's gaze, a well-dressed middle-aged man in his early forties appeared outside the Yuntian Palace through the golden ladder.

"Girl Qilin," the middle-aged nodded to Qilin, and said with a serious face: "My name is Shen Lingfeng, I have passed Mr. Xiao's test now, right?"

"It turns out to be Mr. Shen, Mr. Shen, please come with me," Qilin nodded, and took Shen Lingfeng to the courtyard of Yuntian Palace, and said with a serious face: "Master and Senior Xiao have other things to deal with, please also Mr. Shen Wait a moment."

Qilin guessed that Xiao Tian and Zhang Taixuan might still be playing on mobile phones at the moment. In order to preserve the image of her master and Xiao Tian as a senior, Qilin deserves to excuse that Xiao Tian and Zhang Taixuan have other matters to deal with, and it is temporarily inconvenient to meet with Shen Lingfeng. .

Chapter 2437 The truth of the world!

Shen Lingfeng naturally won't have any dissatisfaction.

The methods that Xiao Tian demonstrated in the sky above Juxia City are already extremely amazing, not to mention that the demon queen Morgana who invaded the planet is also extremely submissive when facing Xiao Tian. Obviously, Xiao Tian’s strength lies in the devil queen Mo. Above Ganna, even the entire demonic civilization is afraid of it!

And Zhang Taixuan also cultivated as Tong Xuan, and even compared to Xiao Tian, ​​Zhang Taixuan was more in line with the image of a Taoist immortal in their impression.

Under such circumstances, Shen Lingfeng would naturally not be dissatisfied because of Xiao Tian and Zhang Taixuan's small negligence.

"Girl Qilin, don't care," Shen Lingfeng shook his head and said respectfully: "Senior Xiao and Senior Zhang have important matters. It's the same until the two seniors are finished."

Qilin wanted to tell Shen Lingfeng that the two seniors he imagined were actually busy playing with mobile phones, so they didn’t have time to talk to him, but Qilin finally held back this sentence, after all, let Shen Lingfeng and others see him. Such Xiao Tian and Zhang Taixuan, I am afraid that life is very disillusioned!

"Please Mr. Shen stay here for a while. I have to pick up other people who have passed the test, so I will be out of company first," Qilin smiled at Shen Lingfeng, and then walked towards the outside of Yuntian Palace.

Shen Lingfeng didn't say much when he heard the words, staying in the courtyard of Yuntian Palace honestly, looking around from time to time, with a little amazement in his eyes.

Not long after, Qilin brought a few more people, including men and women, just like Shen Lingfeng before, looking around with curiosity, as if seeing a miracle.

"Qilin, bring these people here," at this moment, Xiao Tian's voice sounded over the courtyard without any fluctuations.

"Yes, Senior Xiao," Qilin nodded, then looked at the ecstatic people, with a faint smile on their faces, and said, "Everyone, please follow me."

Shen Lingfeng nodded in a hurry, but they couldn't help but feel a little worried. After all, Xiao Tian's strength was too amazing. Although they passed Xiao Tian's test, whether they could enter Xiao Tian's eyes is still unknown!

In this way, Shen Lingfeng and the others walked into the main hall of Yuntian Palace with full of anxiety, while Xiao Tian and Zhang Taixuan had already put away their mobile phones. At this moment, there are countless illusory stars in front of them, making people unable to look away. .

Seeing Qilin and the others arrived, Xiao Tian glanced over everyone, without any expression on his face.

When Shen Lingfeng and the others saw Xiao Tian's gaze, their hearts jumped, and a heart rose instantly, for fear that Xiao Tian would be dissatisfied with them.

After all, this is a great opportunity. If it is missed, I am afraid I will never have such an amazing opportunity again in the future!

"Yes," Xiao Tian smiled when everyone was in a state of anxiety, and said in a calm tone: "Being able to pass the test left by me in such a short period of time is enough to show that your management skills are all the best."

Everyone secretly breathed a sigh of relief when they heard this. Since Xiao Tian recognized their talents, it undoubtedly meant that they had taken one step closer to that amazing opportunity!

"But..." Xiao Tian noticed the changes in the expressions of Shen Lingfeng and others, his expression remained unchanged, and his tone was calm, "It's not enough to have talent."

"Senior please also express it!" Shen Lingfeng gritted his teeth and said in a firm tone: "If seniors have other tests, please show them, juniors are willing to try!"

This is a fairy fate, and Shen Lingfeng will not allow himself to miss this shocking opportunity anyway!

Therefore, he knew that his actions were likely to offend Xiao Tian, ​​but he still rushed to Xiao Tian to ask before everyone else.

"Except for the test outside the Yuntian Palace, I have not set any test," Xiao Tian just smiled upon hearing this, raised his hand to the countless illusory stars in front of him, and said calmly: "Take care of the industry for me, you will leave this world. , I can’t come back for a long time, if you want, just sign a contract."

As he said, Xiao Tian raised his hand and pointed, and a stack of golden paper emerged out of thin air, appearing beside the countless star phantoms, exuding a touch of coercion.

"Not in this world, do you want to leave the earth star?" A young girl couldn't help asking. This is the youngest of the group of people who have passed the test. He is only eighteen years old. It is a rare one. genius.

And in her understanding, the world they are in is the earth star, not in this world, they may go to other planets or even other civilizations.

For this kind of thing, no one on the planet can accept it anymore. After all, even demons and angels have descended on the earth, and even the hands of the god of death Karl who claims to be from the Styx galaxy have appeared on the earth. Therefore, the earth is now The inhabitants of the star have long accepted the fact that human beings are not the only civilization in the universe.

"Good idea," Xiao Tian nodded approvingly when he heard the words, and then said calmly: "But the horizon is still too narrow. Have you ever thought that the universe you are in is actually just one of the most unremarkable among countless universes?"

"Multiverse? Parallel time and space?" Hearing Xiao Tian's words, Shen Lingfeng quickly reacted, thinking of some guesses he had known as nonsense.

"It's still too narrow," Xiao Tian shook his head and said lightly: "The so-called multiverse and parallel space-time are just projections of one world. In the final analysis, they still belong to this world.

Do you see the phantom of the stars in front of you?If I tell you that the universe you are in is just a tiny piece of dust in the star sea, do you believe it?"

Xiao Tian did not intend to conceal the news about the sea of ​​heavens. After all, he had already planned to include the Super God Universe under the Fengyun Academy. By then, he would most likely set up a Fengyun Academy branch in the Super God Universe, so Xiao Tian did not mind letting Chao The creatures and powerhouses of God's universe know the existence of the heavens and seas.

What's more, even if Xiao Tian does not plan to establish a branch in the Super God Universe in the future, but leaves Yuntian Palace to ask Zhang Taixuan to gather talents for him, he also needs to let them know the outside world!

After all, he wants to recruit management talents who can maintain the operation of Fengyun Academy. If his vision is too low, what is the use of recruiting him?

"Even angels and demons have appeared on the earth star, even if the reality is a bit exaggerated?" Shen Lingfeng laughed when he heard the words, and said with a serious face: "What's more, senior, you don't have to deceive us, if it is what senior said. Leaving this world means leaving the world where we live, then I am willing to follow the predecessors!"

With that said, Shen Lingfeng directly drew a piece of golden paper, bit his finger and wrote his name on it.

Chapter 2438 Shen Lingfeng Lin Luoyan!

Seeing Shen Lingfeng's movements, Xiao Tian's eyes received a touch of appreciation, which Shen Lingfeng was decisive.

Not long after Shen Lingfeng signed her name, the girl who asked the question before pondered for a moment, and took a piece of golden paper from the side and signed her name.

It was also at this time that Xiao Tian knew the girl's name-Lin Luoyan.

As for the remaining few people, after hesitating for a while, they couldn't make up their minds to leave this world in the end, and they had to stand alone.

Xiao Tian didn't care too much either. After all, the Earth Star and the entire Super God Universe had an endless stream of management talents coming towards Yun Tian Palace, and he would not force these people to leave the Super God Universe.

After all, he does not lack these people!

"Qilin, send these people away," Xiao Tian said with a calm tone, casting his gaze on Qilin.

Qilin nodded, leading the few people who had not made up their minds to leave the Super God Universe to leave Yuntian Palace.

"Since you two are willing to follow me to leave this universe, you should also be informed about the external situation." After Qilin left, Xiao Tian's eyes fell on Lin Luoyan and Shen Lingfeng, and his tone was calm: "You are going to go next. The place is called Battlefield of Ten Thousand Worlds.

The Battlefield of Ten Thousand Worlds, as the name suggests, is the place where countless world's arrogances gather, and I founded an academy there. Your task is to take care of that academy for me and maintain the normal operation of the academy.

Just tell me what you need at that time, or you can post it as a task and let the students find it. All you have to do is to build a stable rear for me!"

"Senior Xiao, there are only two of us..." Shen Lingfeng hesitated when he heard the words, and then whispered: "If there are only two of us, Sister Lin, I'm afraid I will be too powerful."

After knowing his mission, Shen Lingfeng not only didn't have the idea to shrink back, but also a deep pride emerged in his heart, but Shen Lingfeng knew very well that some things could not be done with a lot of blood.

Although he thinks he has good abilities, the university in Xiao Tian's mouth knows that its power must be huge just by hearing it. To take care of such an industry and create a stable rear, it only depends on him and Lin Luoyan. They can't do much when they are exhausted!

"Don't worry, you will naturally not be the only two of you at that time," Xiao Tian smiled when he heard the words, and said in a calm tone: "You are just the first two I recruited, and then you two will be selected for me. Regardless of race or status, as long as you have passed the test, and at the same time you feel capable and willing to leave this world, you can accept it under your hands.

As the first two people recruited, Xiao Tian didn't mind giving Lin Luoyan and Shen Lingfeng some sweetness. Now this identity may not seem like a big deal, but if Shen Lingfeng and others start the logistics of Fengyun Academy, the identity of the two I'm afraid it will not be inferior to those old mentors of Fengyun Academy!

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