God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 1030

It can be said that this result is more frightening than death!

If it were replaced by some unsteady people, I am afraid that they would end up in this unchanging chaotic space a long time ago, turning them into pure energy to nourish the body of the fallen Hunyuan realm powerhouse!

"My name is Xiao Tian," Xiao Tian glanced over the two of Kieran and Dinghei, and he was concerned.

As one of the founders of the Super Theological Seminary, and during the Shenhe civilization, he has always been the leader of the Super Seminary. The leadership and organizational skills of Kieran and Dinghei naturally need not be said.

Before that, Xiao Tian never thought that Jilan and Dinghei were still alive, so he did not include these two people in his talent search list. Now seeing these two people, Xiao Tian started to solicit. thought.

If he can recruit these two people under his command, maybe he can subdue the Super Theological Academy in one fell swoop. At that time, he can completely treat the Super Theological Academy as the branch of the Fengyun Academy in the Super God Universe. This will undoubtedly save him. A lot of effort!

"It turned out to be Mr. Xiao," Kieran and Dinghei nodded and looked at each other, seeming to be discussing something.

Even they don’t know how long the two of them have entered this space. However, since they entered this space, they have never seen any creatures. On the contrary, there are many relics left by civilizations beyond Shenhe civilization. They were found in this space.

It's a pity that although they have found the legacy of those powerful civilizations, and because of the legacy of those powerful civilizations, their strength has been raised to the apex and they can no longer see the hope of continuing to improve, but they still can't find it to leave this place Space approach!

And the most important point is that they are in this space, all detection methods are suppressed, with the technology they currently have, they can only detect conditions within a radius of 100 meters, and sometimes the technology is not even as good as theirs. The naked eye works!

But the appearance of Xiao Tian undoubtedly shocked the two of them, because Xiao Tian easily revealed their whereabouts, and it seemed as if they had not been suppressed by this space at all!

This undoubtedly shows that Xiao Tian has the ability not to be affected by this space, or that Xiao Tian himself is related to this space, but no matter what kind of possibility it is, it means that Xiao Tian may have the way to leave this space!

Xiao Tian naturally noticed the small movements of Kieran and Dinghei, but he didn't say much. He didn't think Kieran and Dinghei dared to count him, not to mention his strength, even if he was defenseless. Being dark by Kieran and Dingo would not have any effect on him.

Just like a true dragon flying for nine days would not care about the ant's calculations, Xiao Tian didn't take Dinghei and Kieran's strengths in his heart at all. If it weren't for the management of the two, he would barely be able to see him. If so, Xiao Tian wouldn't care about Jilan and Dinghei at all!

"I don't know how much Mr. Xiao knows about this space?" Kieran and Dinghei exchanged glances, then cast their gazes at Xiao Tian, ​​and said, "We have been wandering in this space for a long time, and we know how much. Intelligence, maybe we can exchange the intelligence we have and try to find a way out of this space."

Kieran said this very well, just exchanging information, which meant that they were seeking cooperation from Xiao Tian instead of seeking help from Xiao Tian.

You must know that the meanings of these two situations are different. If they just seek cooperation, they undoubtedly still have the initiative and can terminate the cooperation relationship at any time.

But if in the second case, they seek help from Xiao Tian, ​​they will undoubtedly lose the initiative completely. Without knowing the details of Xiao Tian, ​​completely losing the initiative is not a good thing for them!

"No need," Xiao Tian just smiled when he heard the words, and with a finger, a spatial passage quietly appeared beside him. Through the spatial passage, one could vaguely see the scene of Juxia City on the other side of the passage.

Xiao Tian didn't intend to play any mystery, thinking that it had no meaning at all other than making him look boring.

He knows very well that if he wants to conquer Dinghei and Kieran, there is actually not much difficulty, as long as he shows the strength far beyond their understanding, it is enough!

The two of them have been seeking the ultimate in technology throughout their lives, and a power beyond their understanding will undoubtedly arouse their curiosity.


Looking at the space channel next to Xiao Tian, ​​Dinghei and Kieran were immediately stunned. It took a long time for Dinghei to react and said to himself: "This is not a space wormhole technology. , It's like the way to break through the void in the surviving records of martial arts civilization in this space. It just doesn't rely on technology. Can the human body really achieve this level?"

Kieran was even more direct, looking at Xiao Tian with scorching eyes, and said excitedly: "Excuse me, I don't know what technology Mr. Xiao just used, why I can't notice the spatial fluctuation at all?"

The fish is hooked!

A faint smile flashed across Xiao Tian's eyes, and he said in a calm tone, "It's just a method that you can master after you have cultivated to a certain level of martial arts. If you really want to say it, it is similar to the broken void, but it is more advanced than the broken void. "

"That's it," Dinghei nodded, and then asked: "I don't know what price Mr. Xiao needs us to pay so that we can get information about martial arts civilization from Mr. Xiao and leave this space with the help of this space wormhole. ."

As the voice fell, Dinghei looked at Xiao Tian with burning eyes, quietly waiting for Xiao Tian's answer.

Chapter 2441 Conquer!

Judging from Xiao Tian's previous hands, the technology that Xiao Tian mastered was far above him and Jilan.

Dinghei didn't think that Xiao Tian, ​​who mastered this method, would show amazing strength in front of them for no reason. The only explanation was that Xiao Tian had deliberately revealed his strength before!

And the reason why Xiao Tian did this is not hard to guess. It is nothing more than an intention to make a deal with them, or there is an idea to subdue him and Kieran!

And Dinghei is not an oblique character, so he didn't hesitate too much, he asked frankly.

Xiao Tian couldn't help showing a faint smile of satisfaction after hearing this. It was really easy to talk to smart people. If he were to change to the crocodile god Thornton, he might think that he was trying to grab territory.

"It's very simple. Take care of an industry for me." Xiao Tian's eyes fell on Jilan and Dinghei, and his tone was calm. "You two, one is the first master god in the known universe, and the other is the god river. The chief scientist of civilization has even founded the Super Seminary, which just allows you to take care of some industries. It shouldn't be difficult for you."

"I wonder if Mr. Xiao can tell us what the industry we need to take care of?" Dinghei asked immediately without hesitation upon hearing this.

Judging by the methods Xiao Tian mastered, if Xiao Tian only wanted people to help take care of the industry, he could create sufficiently intelligent robots, and there was no need to recruit them specifically.

Therefore, Dinghei had to worry about the industry problems that Xiao Tian said!

Although he knew that the methods that Xiao Tian mastered were amazing, it was impossible to jump inside even knowing it was a pit!

"Naturally," Xiao Tian nodded and said in a calm tone: "It's just for you to take care of an academy, but this academy does not exist in the known universe, nor does it exist on the edge of the big clock's unresolvable. space."

Hearing Xiao Tian's words, Kiran and Dinge's black eyes condensed. The big clock is the computing cloud controlled by Shenhe Civilization. This computing cloud simulates the entire universe and can be said to be the highest crystallization of Shenhe Civilization's technology.

However, the entire computing cloud can no longer be calculated after a certain degree of calculation.

In a sense, the big clock has encountered a bottleneck, or it has reached the edge of the universe!

For those spaces that can be accurately resolved by the big clock, Dinghei calls it the known universe, and those spaces that cannot be resolved by the big clock are called marginal spaces.

In their eyes, the entire universe is just divided into the known universe that can be resolved by the big clock and the marginal space that the big clock cannot resolve.

Even in the space that trapped them, Dinghei and Kieran only regarded it as a certain part of the marginal space that the big clock could not resolve.

Now Xiao Tian told them that there are other dimensions beyond the known universe and marginal space?

"Mr. Xiao means that besides the known universe and marginal space, there are other spaces?"

Kieran pondered for a moment, and said in a calm tone, but if you look closely, you can find that there is still a look of horror in Kieran's eyes that hasn't disappeared in time.

Xiao Tian smiled and waved his hand, an illusory world appeared in the sight of Jilan and Dinghei.

"Look, this is the world I used to play when I was boring," Xiao Tian pointed to the illusory world in front of him, and said in a calm tone: "Did you see the kid playing with the axe? It is the strongest in this world. Well, I always boast about being a god, claiming to be the number one in the universe, and saying that he can destroy a hundred universes in one breath..."

Xiao Tian didn't say the following words, but he believed that both Jilan and Dinghei could guess what was behind him.

"Mr. Xiao means that the universe as we know it is actually just a huge world created by humans. Whether it is the so-called known universe or the marginal space, it is actually just a part of this world. Are there powerful creatures watching us, as if watching a clown?

Mr. Xiao, are you the creator of this world, or are you closely related to the creator?"

Jilan and Dinghei were naturally able to guess what Xiao Tian didn't say, and because they had been trapped in this chaotic space for countless years, although they were surprised by the news that Xiao Tian said, they did not find it unacceptable.

After all, the more you know, the more you will feel ignorant. Therefore, after hearing what Xiao Tian said, the two quickly accepted Xiao Tian's statement.

"It's half right," Xiao Tian nodded and said lightly: "The known universe you know and the so-called unknown universe really belong to one complete universe, and beyond this complete universe, there are The existence of countless universes.

But what is wrong is that these universes are not created by man, and I am not a creation god. The world you live in is conceived by the sea of ​​heavens, and the world you live in is just one of the countless worlds in the sea of ​​heavens. Just one of them."

"Are the heavens and seas?" Kiran and Dinghei fell into thinking when they heard this term.

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