God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 1040

Hearing the sound of the wind roar, Xiao Tian nodded lightly, actually without the wind roar, he knew that they had reached the secret place.

"I don't know how much good fortune is still hidden in the sea of ​​heaven..."

Xiao Tian looked at the scene ahead with a bit of amazement in his eyes.

Not far in front of him, there was a translucent alien tree rooted in the void, surrounded by galaxies, and above the canopy, there was a surging of stars, connected together, like a bright galaxy.

In that galaxy, there are many golden fruits faintly appearing, emitting astonishing fluctuations.

"Fruit...in the river...guard..."

The sound of the roar of the wind reverberated again, with a faint fear, obviously, there is probably something in the galaxy that has caused it to suffer.

Xiao Tian just smiled when he heard this. Even if he was far away from this golden fruit, he could feel the surging energy hidden in it. The attraction of such a treasure to countless creatures in the heavens and all realms is beyond doubt.

Even if most creatures are unable to reach this galaxy vortex, the existence of world beasts and some holy realms can easily find this place!

However, in such a treasure place, there are no creatures other than him and Wind Devouring Roar. If there is no weirdness in it, Xiao Tian would naturally not believe it!

His gaze fell on a golden fruit, and Xiao Tian had cares in his eyes.

"Go and get that fruit back," Xiao Tian pointed at the golden fruit he had previously fancyed, and shouted at Qi Feng.

Qifenghou hesitated when he heard the words, and then roared towards the golden fruit that Xiao Tian pointed to.

Rather than facing Luo Chen, Devouring Wind Roar is still more willing to face the guardian in the galaxy. After all, the guardian is strong, but it can escape with its own speed, and suffers some flesh and blood at most. With the beast's tyrannical body, it didn't worry that it would fall.

But if it irritates Xiao Tian, ​​it doesn’t think it can survive. After all, its strength is stronger and its defense power is much higher than that of its mid-sacred giant tortoise. Even the giant tortoises in the mid-sacred stage cannot withstand Xiao Tian’s blow. It is impossible to survive Xiao Tian's attack!

Seeing the roar of the wind, Xiao Tian quickly cast his eyes on the galaxy with a solemn expression.

He also wanted to know what was hidden in the galaxy, making countless creatures jealous, even if he knew it was a treasure place, he didn't want to approach it!

When the wind roar was about to catch the golden fruit that Xiao Tian was referring to, waves splashed in the galaxy where the golden fruit was located. In the next moment, a figure formed purely of starlight emerged from the galaxy, holy The breath of the mid-period is fully revealed.

"Middle Saint Realm?" Xiao Tian frowned when he saw this. If the guardian was only in the middle Saint Realm, then the danger of this place was much smaller than he had imagined. In this case, it shouldn't It will make the nearby creatures feel jealous and dare not approach it.

"Could this Galaxy Vortex have another mystery?" Xiao Tian looked around and guessed in his heart.

The breath that the golden fruit exudes is extremely obvious, as long as you are close to the galaxy vortex, you should be able to perceive this breath, so under normal circumstances, this place should not be so deserted.

After seeing the guardian's strength, Xiao Tian dispelled his first guess.

Although the strength is not weak in the middle of the holy realm, it is nothing in the sea of ​​heavens. It is just a guardian of the middle of the holy realm. It may be able to block some creatures, but it is absolutely unable to stop the powerful ones in the sea of ​​heavens. world!

If it wasn't for other reasons, I'm afraid this place has long been a secret place that a certain powerful world has mastered!

Just as Xiao Tian was thinking about the reasons for this, the Wind-Sweeping Roar had already grabbed the golden fruit Xiao Tian had previously designated, and rushed towards the place where Xiao Tian was.

And the wind-devouring roar hadn't rushed far, before hitting a layer of nothingness barrier, frozen in place.

"Space power?!" Xiao Tian saw this scene with a little more insight in his eyes.

Before the wind-biting roar hit the void barrier, he had faintly noticed the faint spatial fluctuations, but the spatial fluctuations were extremely concealed, even he was not sure to do better!

"It seems that this place should be hidden by the power of space, so it was not discovered by anyone..."

Xiao Tian looked at him trapped in the same place, looking at his wind roar full of pleading, a little smile in his eyes.

The space technique used by the star-shaped figure is extremely clever, and if it ignores the loss, or if there are other cards, it is not difficult to cover this place with space power.

Chapter 2456 The projection of the ancestor of the shadow clan!

He clicked a finger casually to lift the space blockade around the Wind Devouring Roar. Only then did Xiao Tian cast his gaze on the figure formed by the galaxy, with some curiosity in his eyes.

Although I have seen those weird creatures in the sea of ​​heavens, I haven't seen many creatures like the pure starlight in front of me.

This kind of creature with a physique similar to a ghost, but composed entirely of starlight, should not have too strong strength in theory, but this starlight creature had easily trapped the wind roar before.

You must know that Wind Roar is a realm beast in the early stages of the Holy Realm. Although it has been a little bit persuaded, its strength is solid, and it can be easily trapped, which shows how strong this starlight creature is!

"Quickly retreat, if you disturb the master, even if you are at the peak of the holy realm, you will not escape death!"

Perceiving the aura radiating from Xiao Tian's body, the starlight creature's entire body dimmed a lot, and he vomited.

When Xiao Tian heard this, his face was a little more clear.

This place is really weird, otherwise, how could there be no other creatures in such a place full of opportunities!

"I don't know who your master is?" Xiao Tian said calmly while looking at the starlight creature.

Although the starlight creature said that the peak of the holy realm would only die once facing its owner, but Xiao Tian was not an ordinary peak of the holy realm. If you really want to talk about combat effectiveness, even some powerful people who have already set foot in the false and only true self are not necessarily there. He is strong.

Therefore, Xiao Tian did not take the words of the starlight creature to heart, unless the owner of the starlight creature’s mouth was one of the eight known experts in the sea of ​​heavens who had achieved the only true self. Otherwise, Xiao Tian Don't take it to heart!

"My main name is'Shadow', but I am the ancestor of the Shade family!"

Hearing Xiao Tian's words, the starlight creature spoke immediately, his tone full of pride.

"Shadow Clan? No wonder," Xiao Tian felt relieved when he heard this. The Shadow Clan was good at hiding, and his attainments in space art were equally good. Looking at the heavens and all realms, he could outperform the Shadow Clan creatures in terms of spatial attainments. There are very few.

If this is the chassis of the Shadow Race, it is not difficult to understand that no other creatures can enter here.

I am afraid that even the wind-devouring roar entered this secret place by chance. This time he was able to enter here, I am afraid that it is the blessing of the wind-devouring roar!

As for the ancestor'Shadow' of the shadow clan in the mouth of the starlight creature, Xiao Tian also heard about it. It is the powerhouse who has truly achieved the only real self state, the only eight peak powerhouses in the universe that are truly the only real self state. !"

"It seems that I want to control this place, but I have to make a long-term plan," Xiao Tian was silent for a moment, and thought to himself.

He does not intend to give up this secret place easily, because those golden fruits can increase the intelligence of the world beast. If used on the monster race, the effect will be more significant. If he can control this secret place, he does not need to worry about the monster race. The development of the college!

Therefore, even if he knew that the owner of this secret place was the only real-self realm powerhouse, Xiao Tian did not give up the idea of ​​this secret place.

"What if I insist on mastering this secret place?" Xiao Tian looked at the starlight creature and suddenly said.

"It's very simple." The starlight creature was stunned when he heard the words, as if he didn't expect Xiao Tian to be frightened by the name of'Shadow'.

However, the starlight creature quickly reacted and said: "The master has left a projection in this galaxy secret realm. As long as you can overcome that projection, this galaxy secret realm is at your disposal!"

Starlight creatures do not think that Xiao Tian can surpass the projection left by its owner, Shadow. You must know that Shadow is a strong man who has achieved the only true self, truly standing on the top of the sea of ​​heavens. The projection left by the strong is simply not something a creature of a sacred peak can contend!

"How can I fight that projection?" Xiao Tian looked at the starlight creature with a calm expression.

"Easy, just break me up," Xingguang Shengling's tone did not fluctuate at all, as if to tell a trivial matter.

Hearing the words, Xiao Tian took a close look at the starlight creature, and directly drew out the long sword around his waist. A sword aura ran across the galaxy. The sword aura was extremely radiant, exuding an astonishing aura, and seemed to divide the galaxy universe in two!

A pitch-black crack appeared in the galaxy, and the stars all over the sky died down, but the strange trees only gently shook their roots and dissolved the aftermath of the impact on them, without being affected by Xiao Tian's attack.

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