God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 1054

"Congratulations?" Xiao Tian raised his brows. Who would give him a gift at this time?

And the whereabouts are so weird, is it actually sending a genius who participated in the enrollment of Fengyun Academy to give gifts?

"I don't know who your master is?" Xiao Tian stared at You Luo with sharp eyes. As long as You Luo let Xiao Tian find anything wrong, Xiao Tian would directly kill You Luo!

"Xia Xia didn't dare to mention my lord's name, but my lord asked Zai Xia to tell the dean a sentence, saying that as long as the dean listens to this sentence, he will definitely accept the gift!"

You Luo was watched by Xiao Tian, ​​his heart jumped, he lowered his head slightly, and respectfully said: "My lord let Zai tell the dean, the final battle of the ancient land, my lord is very happy, my lord is waiting for the dean in the abyss of killing. "

The ultimate ancient land?!

Xiao Tian's eyes were cold. There was only one place in the ultimate ancient place he knew, and that was the entrance to the heaven beyond the Boundary Sea on the plane of the sky.

And when he was on the Obscuring Plane, he had indeed fought against people in the Ultimate Ancient Land. It was not someone else. It was Ernubi, one of the ten ancient demon gods who invaded his original world in the ancient times. S!

Xiao Tian didn't expect that the Death Demon God would not only want to hide himself after the ultimate ancient land was defeated by him, but would send someone to Fengyun Academy to fight the post!

"Interesting!" The corner of Xiao Tian's mouth twitched slightly. He wanted to know where the Death Demon God Enubis came from, and even made a war against him!

You must know that at the beginning, Xiao Tian used the cultivation of first entering the holy realm to force the death demon Anubis at the peak of the holy realm to use forbidden techniques to escape from the sacred plane. Now he is a holy With the existence of the pinnacle, the death demon Enubis dared to invite him to fight, which made Xiao Tian a little puzzled!

"I'll accept the war post," Xiao Tian said casually, the brocade box fell into his hand, and said lightly: "Go back and tell your master, after the Fengyun Academy enrollment is completed, I will go to the Abyss of Killing. I hope he won't it disappointed me."

Although he didn't know where the death demon came from, Xiao Tian didn't intend to go into it. If he was a newcomer to the battlefield of ten thousand realms, he might have scruples in his heart after receiving the battle post from the death demon Enubis.

But now he is at the pinnacle of the holy realm. Even if the death demon Enubis regains his heyday strength, Xiao Tian is confident that he can easily suppress it, and even the top ten demon gods at the peak are there, Xiao Tian I don't think I will lose!

What's more, the Death Demon God worked hard to draw him out with a strange treasure, and put down a war post in full view. If he was timid, it would also be a great blow to the prestige of Fengyun Academy!

Therefore, in addition to challenge, Xiao Tian actually has no second choice!

However, Xiao Tian didn't think he needed a second choice!

Hearing Xiao Tian's words, You Luo nodded and turned into an abyssal mephit flying towards the distance. Soon, You Luo's figure disappeared in place...

Chapter 2477 True Spirit Fragment!

It's just that even though You Luo has left, the creatures in Fengyun City have exploded. Someone dared to come to Xiao Tianxia at this time?!

You must know that Xiao Tian is the pinnacle of the Holy Realm, let alone the Eastern Region, even if you look at the entire Ten Thousand Realm battlefield, it is also the top existence, except for those who have broken through to the only real self when the dragon sees the head without seeing the end. , The peak of the holy realm is invincible in the battlefield of ten thousand realms!

However, some creatures found the problem, and a look of horror appeared on their faces.

"The one named You Luo just now seems to have mentioned the Abyss of Slaughter!" A creature opened his mouth, his eyes full of shock.

Regarding the Abyss of Slaughter, many creatures on the battlefield of the Ten Thousand Realms do not understand, but they only know that it is the place opposite the battlefield of the Ten Thousand Realms, which is extremely dangerous, even if the only real self-level powerhouse enters it, life and death are unpredictable.

Therefore, the Abyss of Slaughter has always existed like a forbidden land in the eyes of most of the creatures on the battlefield of Ten Thousand Realms!

Of course, like Xiao Tian, ​​who had an understanding of the Abyss of Slaughter, he was even exposed to the truly hidden existence in the battlefield of Ten Thousand Realms, but he would not take the Abyss of Slaughter into his heart.

Because the strongest of the Slaughter Abyss is not the peak of the Holy Realm, although the strongest of the Holy Realm in the Slaughter Abyss is generally better than the strongest of the Holy Realm on the Battlefield of Ten Thousand Realms, they cannot pose any threat to the battlefield of Ten Thousand Realms!

And more importantly, because the Abyss of Slaughter and the Battlefield of Ten Thousand Worlds have the same roots, as long as one party has an accident, the other side will also collapse, so although the masters of the Abyss of Slaughter and the Ten Thousand Worlds Battlefield often fight desperately on the battlefield. , But the group of people who really stood at the top of the battlefield of Ten Thousand Realms knew that there was no threat in the Abyss of Slaughter.

Only those people at the top of the Ten Thousand Worlds Battlefield knew about these news. Most of the creatures actually changed their colors when they heard the Abyss of Slaughter. Any news related to the Abyss of Slaughter would make them fearful for a long time!

Nowadays, a strong man from the abyss of slaughter delivered a war post to Xiao Tian, ​​which naturally attracted the attention of those creatures!

"I don't know how strong he is, I dare to post a battle to that Dean Xiao!" Someone said with emotion: "It is said that Dean Xiao is already the top existence in the holy realm peak, in the same realm. There are few opponents, even if it is a strong man in the slaughter abyss, I am afraid that he will not be able to make a move under the attack of this Dean Xiao before the peak of the holy realm!

"I'm really curious about what the earth-shattering thing this Dean Xiao has done, so that a powerful man in the Slaughter Abyss sent a servant from a thousand miles to come to the battle post!"

Someone next to him spoke, with a solemn expression: "The Abyss of Slaughter is my great enemy on the battlefield of Ten Thousand Realms. It is impossible for the other party to have not planted a spy on the battlefield of Ten Thousand Realms. Therefore, the strong man at the Abyss of Slaughter does not know Dean Xiao's current cultivation level!

However, in this case, he dared to send someone to hand over the war post, which shows how confident he is in his own strength. Dean Xiao may not be the opponent of the strong man who killed the abyss this time!"

Hearing that person's analysis, the surrounding creatures nodded subconsciously. This person's words are not unreasonable. If it were not for absolute certainty, how could the powerhouse of the Slaughter Abyss war against Xiao Tianxia?

You must know that Slaughter Abyss attaches great importance to strength, and everything needs to be spoken with strength. As long as the strength is strong, the Slaughter Abyss can be called the uncrowned king!

And because of the deformed rules of the Slaughter Abyss, the power of the Slaughter Abyss is much stronger than the power of the Ten Thousand Worlds Battlefield in the same realm.

Therefore, if the powerhouse of the Slaughter Abyss is defeated by the powers of the same realm on the battlefield of the Ten Thousand Realms, its position in the Abyss of Slaughter will plummet. If there is no absolute certainty, it is impossible for the power of the Abyss to Kill Xiao Tianxia. War post!

Xiao Tian did not know about the external comments. After returning to Fengyun Academy, Xiao Tian did not go to the main hall, but returned to the hut on the back mountain, and then took out the death demon Enubis sent by someone' Congratulations'.

Opening the brocade box casually, a broken stone bead lay quietly on the bottom of the brocade box. At the moment when he saw the broken stone bead, Xiao Tian's soul could not help but shake a few times, and his whole body seemed to be overcharged, and he actually appeared Some trembling.

On the incomplete stone beads, he actually felt a power of the same origin as him, as if the stone beads were part of him!

Just when Xiao Tian was a little stunned, the stone bead suddenly trembled twice, and there was a hazy clear light on it. In the end, the stone skin on the surface of the incomplete stone bead quickly shattered, revealing the dazzling light hidden in it. The brilliant crystal.

"True Spirit Fragment!"

Xiao Tian looked at the dazzling bright crystal, and his heart was shaken.

He didn't expect that it was a true spirit fragment that made him feel special!

It should be understood that true spirit fragments are things that only the broken creatures of the true spirit can leave, and once the true spirit is broken, the possibility of reincarnation is lost. In this case, it is impossible for a creature to affect the true spirit. The debris produces a special induction!

Because the mutual attraction of true spirit fragments is only useful for true spirit fragments with the same root and the same origin, and once the true spirit is broken, it is impossible to reincarnate. In this case, the broken true spirit can only be a large number of fragments. , It is impossible to give birth to a complete creature from those fragments!

However, Xiao Tian felt a strong attraction on the true spirit fragments. There is only one possibility for this situation, and that is that he is one of the incomplete true spirit fragments!

It's just that the incomplete true spirit fragments are impossible to reincarnate at all, which made Xiao Tian had to deny the guess in his heart.

"Could it be the system?" Xiao Tian muttered to himself.

However, before Xiao Tian could think of a reason, the incomplete real spirit fragment turned into a streamer and shot towards the center of Xiao Tian's eyebrows. At the moment when that streamer was about to sink into the center of Xiao Tian's eyebrows, a hazy The moonlight fell from the sky, and the next moment, the ghost of the moon appeared out of thin air, intercepting before that stream of light.

It’s just that even the power imprint of the only real-self realm powerhouse "Yue" could not stop the streamer of the true spirit fragments, the streamer directly penetrated the power imprint left by the moon and submerged in Xiao Tian’s sea of ​​consciousness. .

Xiao Tian only felt as if he had received a heavy hammer on his head, and then a lot of memories that did not belong to him came to his mind.

It’s just that unlike the previous experience of being taken over by the devil’s soul, those memories didn’t have any plans to occupy the magpie’s nest, as if they wanted to state something to Xiao Tian, ​​except that it made Xiao Tian’s mind more Except for some inexplicable memories, it did not cause any impact on Xiao Tian.

Chapter 2478 The past of the sea of ​​heavens!

And at the moment that the true spirit fragments submerged into Xiao Tian's body, the mark of Yue's power also slowly dissipated.

At the same time, Yue Yue, who was sitting in the Jedi somewhere in the sea of ​​heavens, slowly opened her eyes. In front of her, countless images were reflected, which were just some of the images she had seen before the power mark dissipated.

"How could that piece of true spirit appear in his hands?!"

Yue looked at the picture in front of her, her expression that had not been fluctuating until she finally changed a little. She was surprised at first, but then she was replaced by ecstasy!

"Sure enough it is you!"

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