God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 1066

Hearing Xiao Tian's words, Monkey King also quickly dissipated the magical powers, scratched his head, and said: "Master's hands are merciful. If you continue to fight, I am afraid that my grandson will not be able to catch Master's fourth move."

Xiao Tian smiled and shook his head when he heard the words, and did not say much, but turned his attention to Hu Tu.

Being watched by Xiao Tian, ​​Hu Tu shrank her neck subconsciously, and said, "Master..."

She has not been lazy during this period. She knows very well that if Xiao Tian really asked her like Monkey King, she would never pass Xiao Tian's test!

Seeing Hu Tu's expression, Xiao Tian knew that this little fox must have been lazy again during this time.

Somewhat helplessly, Xiao Tian shook his head. Xiao Tian spoke slowly and said in a calm tone: "I will retreat in the back mountain for the next ten days, and I will personally supervise you to practice for the teacher!"

Although he doesn't need the strength of Hu Tu, but with her talent, at least he can't be thrown too far by his fellow apprentice brothers!

After all, if you really want to talk about talent, Hutu can be said to be the strongest among all his disciples. Even Xiao Xianer's talent is only comparable to Hutu, but it cannot surpass Hutu!

However, the strength of Hu Tu, who possesses such a talent, ranks in the middle and lower reaches among his many disciples. He didn't know the existence of extraterrestrial creatures before, so he was more forgiving to Hu Tu.

But now it's different. The creatures outside the realm are like sharp swords hanging upside down on their heads, especially since he has now been confirmed as the reincarnation of the saint master, and the creatures outside the realm will definitely kill him at all costs!

And everyone related to him will also be targeted by extraterrestrial creatures. If Hu Tu is still so tired, there will be no accidents in the future!

So now Xiao Tian can't let Hu Tu continue to be so tired and lazy. Even if she can't maximize her talents, her cultivation base and strength must never be weaker than her fellow students!

Hearing Xiao Tian's words, Hu Tu nodded bitterly.

Her understanding of Xiao Tian is probably the deepest among the many disciples under Xiao Tian's school. Although Xiao Tian seems to be calm now, she is probably already burning with anger. If she is no longer interested, she will really anger Xiao Tian!

The reason why she has been able to make Xiao Tian be more forgiving to her is to a large extent because she is very aware of current affairs at other times, except for being a little lazy in cultivation!

So after hearing Xiao Tian's words, although the little fox was extremely reluctant, he nodded and agreed.

Because she knew very well that there was no room for maneuver. If she insisted on arguing with Xiao Tian, ​​I am afraid that the final retreat would not last for ten days!

Only then did Xiao Tian nod his head and cast his eyes on Zhao Yun, Huang Xu, Yu Xiaogang, and A Yin.

These four people arrived at the battlefield of the Ten Thousand Realms before he went to the Abyss of Slaughter. Because of the many things in his hands, Xiao Tian simply entrusted all these four to Zhang Bairen for his care. Now that the matter of the Abyss of Slaughter is over, he naturally has time. Here are the four to give pointers and test the school.

"Zilong, Xu'er," Xiao Tian looked at Zhao Yun and Huang Xu, and said, "How much do you two know about the Ten Thousand Realms Battlefield?"

"These days, I have gained some understanding," Zhao Yun and Huang Xu said with a stern look at each other.

"The test for the two of you as a teacher is to go to a space channel connecting the abyss of killing and stay inside for one month," Xiao Tian looked at Zhao Yun and Huang Xu and said.

Zhao Yun and Huang Xu are different from the others. The best place for them is the battlefield!

On the battlefield of Ten Thousand Realms, the only thing with a battlefield atmosphere is the space channel between the Abyss of Slaughter and the Battlefield of Thousand Realms!

"Yes! Master!"

Zhao Yun and Huang Xu nodded when they heard the words, and had no objection.

They know where the Slaughter Abyss is, and they also understand how dangerous the spatial channel connecting the Slaughter Abyss and the Battlefield of Ten Thousand Realms is, but they still have a bit of confidence in their own strength. As long as they don’t go too deep and break into some dead places, they The two together should not be trapped in the space channel!

And they also knew very well that Xiao Tian’s arrangement was actually the most suitable for them, because the paths of the two of them were different from those of other fellow teachers. They wanted to break through quickly, but what they needed most was not the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, but the battlefield. The horrible evil spirit that lingers above!

And in the battlefield of Ten Thousand Realms, there is probably no place where the suffocating aura can be stronger than that in the spatial channel connecting the battlefield of Ten Thousand Realms and the abyss of killing!

"Xiaogang, A Yin," Xiao Tian then turned his gaze to Yu Xiaogang and A Yin. The cultivation system of these two people is the most peculiar among all his disciples, even Xiao Li who is fighting the plane. Can't compare with it.

The essence of martial arts is actually the embryonic form of martial arts, and the martial arts monks who condensed martial arts are no less powerful than those who practice immortality, so the cultivation system of the Douluo plane is actually an alternative martial arts system!

However, the Martial Dao system of the Douluo Plane is different from the orthodox martial Dao system followed by Xiao Feng and others. The cultivation of soul power is more inclined to the cultivation of the Immortal Dao system. It can be said that the Martial Soul System of the Douluo Plane is Martial Dao and Immortal Dao. A deformed product born after the combination!

Before the holy realm, it may not have any influence on the cultivator, but it is extremely difficult to set foot on the holy realm with the martial spirit system!

Except for a small number of exceptionally talented and peerless wizards, the apex of most of the creatures who practice the martial soul system is the peak of the Hunyuan realm!

Unless his house can penetrate the flaws of the martial arts system in time, abandon the martial arts system or immortal doctrine system mixed therein, and become the purest martial arts or immortal doctrine, otherwise it will not be able to break through to the holy realm at all!

Right now, Yu Xiaogang and A Yin had reached the late stage of the Hunyuan realm, but they were trapped in this realm, and they didn't make any progress.

"You two should be aware of your own problems, right?" Xiao Tian looked at Yu Xiaogang and A Yin, and said slowly.

Yu Xiaogang and A Yin nodded their heads. They could perceive that their cultivation base had reached a bottleneck. No matter how hard they tried, they couldn't improve their cultivation base even by half!

In fact, if it were not for this bottleneck, the two of them might have already broken through to the Holy Realm with the huge resources of Fengyun Academy, but now they have been stuck at the peak of the Primal Realm, no matter how hard they tried to cultivate. Any changes!

Chapter 2496 The solution and Xiao Tian's plan!

"I have also noticed the problems of the two disciples of the Dean, but I don't know the crux of it," Cang Ming suddenly said, with a little doubt in his eyes, he asked: "If I am not mistaken, the Dean The two disciples are fellow practitioners of Martial Dao and Immortal Dao, but this situation does not prevent them from entering the holy realm."

Cang Ming, as the peak powerhouse of the holy realm, naturally has extraordinary experience.

He has seen a lot of experts who practice martial arts inside and outside the Tao, but none of those experts have encountered the problems encountered by Yu Xiaogang and A Yin, and even in the process of breaking through the holy realm, these inside Xiuxiandao Experts who practice martial arts outside are much easier than ordinary creatures!

"Big brother is right," Cang Xing nodded and said in doubt: "My eldest brother and I have seen a lot of creatures who practice martial arts in the outer cultivator path. Although their early improvement speed is slower than the creatures who specialize in one Less, but they have a unique advantage in breaking through the holy realm. Logically speaking, the two disciples of the dean should be able to break into the holy realm more easily than others."

Not only the two Cangxing Cangming brothers, but even Zhang Bairen turned his attention to Xiao Tian, ​​with a little doubt in his eyes.

"If it's normal, that's the case," Xiao Tian shook his head when he heard the words, and said lightly: "However, their situation is a little special. It is not the immortal and martial arts fellow practitioners, but the system they are practicing Immortal Dao and Martial Dao were thoroughly blended together, and finally formed a malformed product.

This kind of training system allows them to have the rudimentary form of martial arts before they enter the path of cultivation. If they focus on martial arts, their achievements will be limitless, but they have the prototype of martial arts in advance. It's the path of immortal cultivation!

Using the spiritual power cultivated in the Immortal Way to support the martial arts, finally let the two blend together and become a nondescript deformed monster. This is the reason why they can't break through to the holy realm!"

Hearing Xiao Tian's words, Cang Ming and the others suddenly realized it was because of this reason.

If it is a simple immortal martial arts practitioner, then there will be no problem, it will only slow down the early practice speed, it is a path of accumulation.

However, it is a path of opportunism to provide martial arts with the spiritual power of immortality. This way may be more convenient and quicker than other systems in the early stage, but it will encounter a strong bottleneck in the later stage, and many geniuses will spend their lives. Can't break through!

A Yin and Yu Xiaogang in front of them are the best examples!

"Since the dean knows the crux, there should be a solution?" Cang Ming turned his gaze to Xiao Tian and couldn't help asking.

They had long discovered the problems with Yu Xiaogang and A Yin, but they had communicated with Zhang Bairen many times, and they had not found the crux of the problem, but Xiao Tian was very clear about the crux of the problem, and he should be able to solve it. The law.

What's more, with the shadow of the famous tree of man, Xiao Tian was able to enter the abyss of killing and slay a peak powerhouse in the abyss of killing, and retreat after a battle with a master who is suspected to be the only true self. This is enough to prove How terrifying is Xiao Tian's strength!

If even Xiao Tian couldn't solve the problem of Yu Xiaogang and A Yin, then in the entire sea of ​​heavens, only the strongest true self could solve this problem!

"It's not difficult to solve," Xiao Tian smiled when he heard the words, and said in a calm tone: "The easiest way is to rebuild the exercises."

Hearing Xiao Tian's words, Cang Ming and the others all smiled bitterly. San Gong re-cultivation is naturally a good solution, but for a strong person who has reached the late stage of the Hunyuan realm, who wants to completely disperse and start from the beginning?

To know how much time and energy it took to cultivate to this state, it is even more difficult to know how many opportunities they have gained.

It would be extremely difficult for them to disperse their cultivation base and start over again, and even many creatures cannot guarantee that they will be able to return to their original state after re-cultivation!

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