God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 1076

And the weakest wreckage in his lifetime was the middle stage of the sacred realm. At least as far as Xiao Tian's perception could detect, he did not find even a wreck from the early stage of the sacred realm!

In addition, the most important point is that these wrecks are attached to the law that does not belong to the sea of ​​the heavens!

"The battle back then was really tragic..."

Xiao Tian sighed quietly. He had guessed the identity of the wreckage. It was undoubtedly the extraterrestrial creatures who had invaded the heavens and seas, and this so-called above the heaven was just a battlefield left by the extraterrestrial creatures invading back then!

Compared to the battlefield where the only real-self-level powerhouses are competing, this battlefield is undoubtedly insignificant, and it is even impossible to get into the eyes of the only real-self-level powerhouses!

This is also the reason why this battlefield can affect the perfect world, but it has not been noticed by the only real-self powerhouse!

We must know that every world in the sea of ​​the heavens is protected by world barriers. Under normal circumstances, the world in the sea of ​​the heavens is difficult to be affected by the outside world.

Especially in top worlds like Perfect World, its protection against world barriers is extremely strong. Unless the peak power of the Holy Realm takes action, otherwise, it will be difficult to tear the world barriers from the outside and affect Perfect World. Top world.

And this battlefield in front of this battlefield can affect the perfect world, because there are a large number of holy realm peak powers falling on this battlefield, and their blood pressure is not scattered, and the perfect world is just near this battlefield. The unbridled holy blood broke through the barriers of the world.

Although the world barrier of the Perfect World was quickly repaired, a drop of black blood still fell into the Perfect World, which happened to fall on the corpse Immortal Emperor who had just broken through!

It can be said that the corpse immortal emperor is really unlucky. If it breaks through earlier or later, it can avoid the drop of black blood, and without being directly hit by the black blood, the drop of black blood wants to erode a statue. Immortal Emperor, it is undoubtedly impossible!

At that time, the drop of black blood was not a disaster for the Emperor Corpse Immortal, but a great opportunity!

It's a pity that the corpse fairy emperor was too unlucky, and he didn't get the chance, but brought disaster to himself!

"It is a troublesome thing for the corpses of these outside creatures to stay here after all," Xiao Tian glanced from the surroundings with a solemn expression.

The number of corpses in this space is too large, and if they are allowed to continue to exist, it is difficult to guarantee that other worlds will be affected by this space like the Perfect World.

"Just a battlefield is so tragic, I don't know how terrifying the battle was."

Xiao Tian's eyes swept from all around, his eyes deep.

Although he had a lot of memories of the battle after merging the true spirit fragments of the saint master, the saint master at that time was responsible for the top powerhouses who sniped the creatures outside the realm. For other battlefields, the saint master did not have What to understand.

After all, even if the saint master's strength is amazing, it is still difficult to distract him when facing the top powerhouses of creatures outside the world!

Therefore, although Xiao Tian got the memory of the saint master, his understanding of the battle that year was limited to the battle the saint master participated in!

"Let's deal with this battlefield first!"

Xiao Tian just sighed with emotion, and then put his mind on business.

The real fire of the lunar yin and the real fire of the sun ignited from Xiao Tian's body at the same time, quickly merged and turned into a beating chaotic flame.

Terrifying energy spilled out from the chaotic karma, causing a lot of dark cracks to appear in the surrounding space!

"go with!"

Xiao Tian waved his hand casually, and the chaotic karma fire flew out of his hand, directly igniting the nearest few corpses, and then the chaotic karma fire quickly spread, and a few breaths had completely occupied Xiao Tian's sight. It is still spreading far away at an extremely fast speed!

Although the corpses were at least in the mid-sacred realm before they were alive, the chaotic karma fire that Xiao Tian condensed could easily obliterate the death demon Enubis at the peak of the holy realm.

Even in their heyday, these corpses could hardly resist the chaotic karma fire released by Xiao Tian, ​​not to mention that these corpses have long since lost their vitality and their defenses are greatly reduced!

Facing the chaotic karma fire released by Xiao Tian, ​​a large number of corpses were instantly annihilated, and even the blood scattered in this mysterious space was quickly evaporated.

And as the corpses were annihilated and the blood evaporated, a rich spiritual aura of heaven and earth quietly emerged, which soon filled the entire space.

Those corpses and blood inherently contain extremely terrifying energy, otherwise the corpse fairy emperor of the perfect world will not become a complete tragedy because of a drop of black blood that occasionally drips into the perfect world!

Xiao Tian used the chaotic karma fire to refine those corpses and blood, and the heaven and earth aura contained in it was naturally released to feed back this space.

Soon, the corpses and blood in this space were all burned out by Xiao Tian with chaotic karma fire, and massive auras emerged from the originally exhausted space, forming a spectacular tide of auras!

"This can be used as a trial ground for the academy," Xiao Tian said inwardly, feeling the majestic aura of heaven and earth in the space.

Today, Fengyun Academy’s trial grounds are still a bit scarce. In addition to the phantom array he arranged, there is only the thunder pond he later built with the Thunder Dragon captured from Lei Punishment City as the core!

As for the other places of trial, they are far from being compared with the fantasy formations and thunder ponds arranged by Xiao Tian.

Therefore, although the current Fengyun Academy is not small, there is no shortage of training resources, and the foundation is extremely strong, but there are indeed some shortcomings in the trial land.

Although the two trial sites of the Magic Array and Lei Chi are sufficient for the students of Fengyun Academy, Xiao Tian’s goal is to make Fengyun Academy a holy place that all creatures in the world aspire to. Therefore, Xiao Tian’s requirements for Fengyun Academy are natural. It will be much higher!

The space in front of us has been fed back by the debris and blood, and the aura of heaven and earth has become extremely rich. In addition, as a battlefield, there is no shortage of dangerous places. It is undoubtedly suitable as a place for students of Fengyun Academy to test. but!

Chapter 2509 Return!

"But before that, you have to remodel this space first," Xiao Tian said, sweeping his eyes from all around.

This dead space is a battlefield left over from the beginning. Although the level of danger is not as dangerous as those battlefields where the only real self-level strong can participate in the battle, it is not easy for the average holy realm strong to run wild.

Most of the students of Fengyun Academy have not yet stepped into the Holy Realm. If this space is not transformed, the students of Fengyun Academy will experience a great chance of falling into this space.

We must know that the danger hidden in this space is not comparable to the black blood of the perfect world, but just that drop of black blood made a strong man who just broke into the holy realm almost fall. Students who have not yet set foot in the Holy Land enter this place, it is difficult to guarantee their own safety.

A faint golden light radiated from Xiao Tian's body, and the golden light was continuously distorted, turning into golden runes, hidden in the void.

After doing all this, Xiao Tian nodded lightly, his figure flashed and disappeared into this space.

As the battlefield left over from the original battle, the space in it was extremely chaotic. Even if Xiao Tian wanted to find a complete space node to build a teleportation array, it was not a simple matter.

Therefore, Xiao Tian did not intend to waste too much energy to build a teleportation formation in this battlefield. Anyway, he is now able to enter the perfect world freely, and with his strength, he has opened up a spatial channel connecting Fengyun City and the perfect world. It's just a matter of turning hands.

At that time, the students of Fengyun Academy could naturally enter the battlefield through the passage of the ultimate ancient land, and Xiao Tian could also save a lot of effort.

After leaving that battlefield, Xiao Tian didn't stay too much in the Ultimate Ancient Land, and hurried directly towards the Eight Regions of the Lower Realm.

When Xiao Tian returned to the Great Wilderness, he discovered that there had been an additional floating island above Shicun. There was an astonishing spirit filled with carved beams and painted buildings on the island.

A willow tree fell at the gate of that building, and its green-gold branches fell down, sprinkling a thousand feet of glory.

Among the many buildings, one can vaguely see looming figures, sometimes Kunpeng flapping their wings, and sometimes real dragons roaring, adding a bit of mystery to them.

Xiao Tian nodded slightly, his figure flashed, appeared outside the floating island, and looked carefully.

"I have seen Senior Xiao!"

As soon as Xiao Tian's figure appeared, several figures flew out of the island. The look of alertness that was originally full of warfare quickly melted after seeing Xiao Tian, ​​replaced by a respectful look.

"You don't need to be polite," Xiao Tian waved his hand, cast his eyes on everyone, and said lightly: "Good job."

The group of people in front of him were the immortal kings and true immortal-level masters he brought out from the Void God Realm, as well as the Kunpeng he had resurrected before. As for the Fang Pavilion trio and Liu Shen, they were not among them.

Originally, he thought it would take a while for the university to get on the right track, but he did not expect that he had only left for a few days, and this group of people had already set up the shelves of the university!

However, Xiao Tian was not too surprised. The weakest among this group of people were the masters of True Immortals, and most of them were the giants of immortal kings. With their strength, they wanted to build a holy land. It's not difficult.

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