God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 1084

The reason why the strong man of Agni Realm City suddenly vomited blood was obviously because his full attack fell into the empty space and caused himself to be backlashed.

And what caused this was Lin Jingyu's mighty sword!

Who would have thought that Lin Jingyu's astonishing momentum, a sword that seemed to split the world, turned out to be a complete false move?!

Even through the light curtain, they could feel the majestic strength hidden in that sword. They thought that even if they faced the sword, they would never see through the details. In the end, the flaws were truly revealed and Lin Jing was surprised. Yu easily defeated!

"As expected of that disciple, the sword just now was enough to be false and true. Even if the old man has already set foot in the late stage of the holy realm, he still has no certainty to distinguish the true and false of that sword..."

Among the crowd, a strong person said with emotion: "Really a young hero, whether it is talent or xinxing is the best choice."

The person speaking has not made any comments before, and there is no pressure to say these words at this moment, but many strong men who have already determined that Lin Jingyu will be defeated are blushing at this moment and do not know what to say .

They were only convinced that Lin Jingyu was just a good talent, and he was chosen by Xiao Tian as a disciple after taking the shit luck. There was nothing too outstanding about it. In a flash, they were slapped in the face by Lin Jingyu. !

The most important thing is that this slap is still they rushed up and suffered!

At this moment, I don’t know how many people are secretly cursing at themselves why they have to talk too much, and forcibly put their faces in front of others' slaps!

Xiao Tian and Ying would naturally not care about these things. Ying's gaze swept away and fell on Ying Wuyou, motioning him to arrange the next match.

Ying Wuyou will come to pass, and his figure disappears. Soon, the picture on the light curtain changes, and there are figures appearing on the ten arenas.

Lin Jingyu and the strong of the Fire Realm City were only conducted separately because of the opening match. Naturally, the subsequent battles would no longer enjoy such treatment, so there were strong figures appearing on the ten arena at the same time.

It’s just that although there are battles on the ten arenas, everyone focused on the front one, because the girl in the aqua-green dress that appeared on the arena is under Xiao Tianmen. Disciple-Baguio!

Lin Jingyu's previous battles had already told everyone that the disciples under Xiao Tianmen might not have a strong cultivation base, but they must not be underestimated!

"As far as I know, Brother Xiao is very important to this little girl, right?" Ying, who was sitting next to Xiao Tian, ​​said suddenly, looking very interested.

And hearing the voice of'Shadow', many creatures cast their eyes on Xiao Tian, ​​waiting for Xiao Tian's answer.

"Yao'er is one of my most satisfied disciples," Xiao Tian smiled when he heard the words, and said in a calm tone.

For Baguio, Xiao Tian has not been too harsh, and Baguio's performance has indeed made Xiao Tian unable to find too much to be critical.

This eldest lady of the ghost kingzong on the plane of Zhuxian is the best choice in terms of talent and temperament. In many cases, Xiao Tian only needs to dial a little, and Baguio can draw inferences. It can be said that Baguio is among the many disciples of Xiao Tianmen. The one that made him worry the most!

Hearing Xiao Tian's words, the hearts of everyone around him trembled secretly.

Before Lin Jingyu's performance seemed to them to be extremely amazing, but in Xiao Tian's mouth, he only got a "good" evaluation, and Baguio was one of Xiao Tian's most satisfied disciples?!

How amazing is his performance to be evaluated by Xiao Tian?

Many people couldn't help but cast their gazes at Baguio's figure on the light curtain, wanting to see why she could get the amazing evaluation of Xiao Tian's!

Even'Shadow' was a little surprised. Xiao Tian integrated the existence of the incomplete true spirit of the saint master. Both his vision and strength were the best in the sea of ​​heaven. With Xiao Tian's vision and strength, he still believed that Baguio was him. One of the most satisfied disciples, this is enough to show how good Baguio is!

"It seems that Daoyou Xiao is very optimistic about that little girl," the stunned heart was fleeting, and'Shadow' couldn't help but said: "But that little girl's luck seems to be not very good. Although her opponent is only in the middle stage of the holy realm, she is still far away. It's only a thread, your disciple is only in the early stage of the Holy Realm after all, and the hope of winning is extremely slim."

"The outcome is undecided, but it's not easy to jump to a conclusion," Xiao Tian smiled and said calmly.

'Ying' took a deep look at Xiao Tian, ​​but didn't say much, but cast her gaze on the light curtain.

Above the light curtain, the strong on top of the ten arenas have already started to fight, but the one that attracts the most attention is the arena where Baguio is located, especially after someone has revealed the details of Baguio’s opponents, everyone is looking forward to Biguio. Can Yao beat that strong man from Izumo City, whose cultivation base has half-footed into the late stage of the Holy Realm!

Under the gaze of everyone, Baguio was the first to attack an opponent whose strength was far surpassing his own. The sad flower volleyed down, and several sad flowers pierced the sky with a dazzling tail flame, making the city strong. All the space around the person is sealed.

"Small bugs," the Izumo city powerhouse slightly twitched his mouth, and his strong spiritual power was released, forming an indestructible barrier around his body, and said lightly: "I know you are that disciple. I want to come and you have a lot in your hands. Use all your hole cards, otherwise you won't even be able to break my defense!"

"As you wish," Baguio didn't say much when he heard the words, the flame marks on the center of the eyebrows were suddenly large, and the rich fire attribute aura gathered towards her, turning into a ball of flames around her, setting it off like fire Middle elf.

Chapter 2520 Eight Desolate Profound Fire Array Reappears!

"This girl is really impatient," Xiao Tian in the Xuanxu realm, seeing the picture on the light curtain, the corner of his mouth slightly twitched, and a little smile appeared in his eyes.

Baguio’s movements are naturally familiar to him. As the first strange formation on the plane of Judgment, the Baguio Profound Fire Formation has long been deduced by Baguio to an extremely alarming level, and the Baguio Fire Dragon has already spent countless resources in Baguio. Under the circumstances, set foot in the early stage of the Holy Land!

Because of the characteristics of the Eight Desolate Fire Dragon, although it is only cultivated in the early stage of the Holy Realm, its combat power is sufficient to sweep a large number of mid-sacred realm experts. !

Baguio, who has arranged the Eight Desolation Profound Fire Array, is fully capable of attacking the powerful in the late stage of the Holy Realm!

Now that Baguio directly chooses to use the Eight Desolation Profound Fire Array, its ideas naturally needless to say!

With the sound of Xiao Tian’s voice, the flames surrounding Baguio changed rapidly, and eventually turned into a few colorful phoenixes surrounding Baguio, and where the colorful phoenix passed, mysterious patterns loomed in the void. , In just a few breaths, a mysterious formation took shape out of thin air, covering the ring where Baguio was.

The sky fire came to the world, directly turning the arena into a flame purgatory, the dragon roars in the large array, and you can faintly see a terrifying beast with a length of unknown light-years in the void slowly opening its eyes Staring at the ring.

Even if they did not see the ferocious behemoth with their own eyes, the creatures in the Profound Void Realm could feel the strong aura emanating from the ferocious behemoth through the light curtain!

The strong man in Izumo City was even more shocked, being watched by the Eight Desolate Fire Dragon from the air, he actually felt that his body had become a lot stiffer, and his breathing had become a lot more difficult.

"how is this possible?!"

The Izumo City powerhouse was astonished that the Eight Desolate Fire Dragon had brought such terrifying pressure to him, and this was just a means of a powerhouse in the early days of the Holy Realm?!

You must know that he is half of his foot in the late stage of the holy realm. With his own amazing defense power, even the strong of the late holy realm, he dare to touch it, but now he is in the early stage of the holy realm. The'junior' felt such a terrifying pressure!

Even if Baguio was Xiao Tian's disciple, this situation was unexpected and unacceptable to him!

"I don't believe you can maintain this formation forever!"

However, the powerhouse of Izumo City was a half-footed existence in the late stage of the Holy Realm, no matter whether it was his eyesight or his temperament, he quickly calmed down and sneered in his heart.

The great array that Baguio had set up was indeed amazing, especially the Eight Wilderness Fire Dragon, even if it hadn't fully appeared yet, just staring at him from the sky, it brought him extremely strong pressure.

But this powerful method consumes its own spiritual power is also extremely shocking. Even if Baguio's practice is passed down by Xiao Tian, ​​it is far more mysterious than other secret techniques in the sea of ​​heavens, but Baguio's cultivation level It is the biggest flaw!

Even if the secret technique she cultivates is more mysterious, it can't change the fact that she only has the initial stage of the holy realm!

As long as he survives Baguio's first few waves of attacks, he will not have to do anything to defeat Baguio!

And everyone who watched the battle knew this, and couldn't help but lifted their hearts to their throats, looking forward to the next battle.

Baguio's opponent is not small, but a well-known lone ranger in Izumo City. He is known for his defensive power. He has even taken the top ten tricks of a powerful player in the late stage of the Holy Realm!

If it were before Lin Jingyu’s debut, no one would think that Baguio had the slightest chance of winning, but after seeing Lin Jingyu’s amazing performance, no one would dare to be underestimated by Xiao Tian. Baguio!

Even if Baguio only has the initial cultivation base of the Holy Land!

"Brother Xiao, how do you feel about the outcome of this battle?" Next to Xiao Tian,'Ying' suddenly turned to look at Xiao Tian and asked with a smile.

"There is no suspense, Yaoer will not lose," Xiao Tian said calmly, as if to state a fact.

The expression in'ying''s eyes became a lot more serious when he heard this. He didn't think Baguio would win, but Xiao Tian's words made him inevitably shaken.

After all, Baguio was a disciple taught by Xiao Tian. If you talk about understanding Baguio, he can't compare to Xiao Tian.

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