God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 1086

It's a pity that this Izumo city powerhouse is facing Baguio!

Chapter 2522 Long Ancestor descendants!

The fireball condensed by the fire of the pure world smashed on the defensive barrier arranged by the strong Izuyun City. After just a few breaths, countless cracks appeared on the indestructible golden barrier, becoming shaky.

Even the barriers of the world can hardly withstand the erosion of the fire of purifying the world, what's more, it's just a defense arranged by a strong man who stepped into the holy realm late stage?

In the desperate eyes of the Izumo city powerhouse, the fire of Jingshi quickly pierced through the barriers he had placed, and the following sad flowers hit him one after another, sending him directly out of the ring.

Baguio stood beautifully on the ring, and the huge dragon body of the Baguio fire dragon shrank and coiled around Baguio, setting her off like a fairy walking out of flames.

"Junior Sister's strength has increased too fast, even my grandson is ashamed, and I don't know where Master got these enchanting evildoers!"

Near the ring, Sun Wukong and other disciples of Xiao Tianmen gathered together. Looking at Baguio on the ring, Sun Wukong couldn't help but exclaimed.

His cultivation speed is not slow, because of the integration of the Sun Wukong's true spirit in Xiao Tianyuan's world, his strength improvement speed can even rank in the top three among the many disciples under Xiao Tianyuan!

Today's Monkey King is already in the middle stage of the holy realm, half of his foot has entered the late stage of the holy realm!

However, even if his own cultivation is far better than Baguio, after seeing Baguio's performance in this battle, Monkey King couldn't help feeling a little bit emotional.

If it weren't for his fusion with the true spirit of another Monkey King in Xiao Tianyuan's world, I am afraid that at this moment his cultivation has been far behind Baguio, unable to catch up!

"Senior Sister's talent is indeed the only thing I have seen in my life," Lin Jingyu nodded lightly and said with some emotion.

He and Baguio came from the same world, and when he did not leave the plane of Zhu Xian, his cultivation speed was even faster than Baguio by three points!

But after entering the battlefield of Ten Thousand Realms, Baguio was out of control.

Especially after this time he, Baguio and Xiao Feng were sent by Xiao Tian to other worlds to establish the Fengyun Academy branch. Baguio, whose original cultivation base was still under him and Xiao Feng, has not only caught up with him and Xiao Feng. , The strength has completely surpassed him and Xiao Feng!

Xiao Feng, who was not far from Lin Jingyu, glanced at Baguio on the ring, with a sense of war rising in his eyes.

Among all the disciples of Xiao Tian, ​​his status is the most special, because in addition to being a disciple of Xiao Tian, ​​he is also the son of Xiao Tian accepted!

And he was also the only righteous son Xiao Tian accepted!

This shows how much Xiao Tian values ​​him, and although his performance after entering the battlefield of Ten Thousand Realms is not bad, he is far inferior to the Baguio Monkey King and others. This undoubtedly makes Xiao Feng feel that he has failed Xiao Tian in his heart. Expectations of yourself.

Therefore, when Xiao Tian was sent to other worlds to establish the branch of Fengyun Academy, in addition to the affairs of the branch of Science, he tried every means to improve his strength!

Although Baguio showed amazing strength this time, his improvement will not be inferior to Baguio!

"I don't know when I will play!"

Xiao Feng squeezed his fist, feeling a little excited in his heart.


In the Xuanxu realm,'Ying' turned his head to look at Xiao Tian, ​​and said with a wry smile: "This time I lost. After the Hundred Cities War is over, I will leave an incarnation at Fengyun Academy to give pointers to Fengyun Academy students."

Although'Shadow' had already anticipated the outcome of this battle when Baguio showed the fire of purifying the world, but the powerful Izumo City defeated so quickly,'Shadow' did not expect it!

Originally, from the perspective of "Shadow", although Baguio had the advantage of purifying the fire, the strong person in Yuncheng could hold on for more time depending on his own cultivation level. However, the victory and defeat of this battle was too fast, so The Cloud City powerhouse has not even been able to make three moves in Baguio's hands!

With the cultivation base in the early stage of the holy realm, even if half of the foot is in the late stage of the holy realm within three moves, and is known for its defense, such a record is extremely dazzling even in the eyes of a strong like'Shadow' !

"Then there is Brother Lao Ying," Xiao Tian couldn't help but smile a little more when he heard this.

With the addition of'Shadow', the only real self-level powerhouse, after the Hundred Cities War, the development of Fengyun Academy will usher in a rapid outbreak period. I am afraid that it will not be long before Fengyun Academy will have a large number of branches spread across the sea of ​​heavens. In the world!

The goal of the Fengyun Academy spreading across the heavens and seas will also go further!

While Xiao Tian was talking with Ying, the battles on the other nine arenas also ended one after another. Then, under the signal of Ying, Ying Wuyou continued to arrange for other geniuses to fight in pairs.

Only this time, none of the disciples under Xiao Tianmen appeared on the ring.

"Huh? Isn't this the little girl of the dragon clan?"

At the beginning, a Seraphim brought a dragon girl and a three-eyed protoss youth to Fengyun City, and wanted to capture the three-eyed protoss genius Qi Yue in Fengyun Academy, but Zhang Bairen dismissed it casually.

And because of the breath leaked'inadvertently' before Xiao Tian left, when Zhang Bairen made a move, the Seraphim did not dare to fight Zhang Bairen and chose to retreat.

The dragon girl naturally left Fengyun City with the Seraphim.

It's just that Xiao Tian didn't expect that the dragon girl was actually a creature in the Eastern Territory Boundary City, and logically speaking, the dragon creatures should all be gathered in the Dragon City in the Southern Region. The appearance of this dragon girl made Xiao Tian a little surprised.

"That little girl?" Hearing Xiao Tian's words, Shadow also noticed the little dragon girl, and couldn't help but said dumbly: "That girl is the granddaughter of Long Zu, and she has always been eccentric. It's not enough to appear in this place. Surprising."

The Dragon Ancestor, one of the pinnacle existences in the sea of ​​heavens, second only to the eight unique real-self realm powerhouses, the ancestor of the dragon clan, can achieve the only real self realm in only half a step.

It can be said that in the case where the only real-self realm powerhouse sits in the Jedi of the seas of the heavens and will not easily appear in the world, the dragon ancestor is the most deserved strongest in the seas of the heavens!

Therefore, even if they are the only real-self-level strong person like Shadow, they have some understanding of Long Zu. Even in the eyes of strong like Shadow, Long Zu has barely been regarded as an existence at the same level as them, they will naturally be happy. Take some time to understand Long Zu's situation!

And the little girl of the Dragon Clan,'Shadow' has seen it several times. She has a lot more talent than the celestial arrogances of the Shadow Clan. It's a pity that she has a temperament. Otherwise, she is not keen on cultivation. With the resources held by the Dragon Race, that little girl has already stepped into the pinnacle of the Holy Realm!

Chapter 2523 Dragon Secret!

"That girl's opponent is afraid that she will suffer a little bit this time,"'Shadow' couldn't help laughing as his eyes fell on the dragon girl.

The dragon girl is the granddaughter of the dragon ancestor, although her cultivation is not too outstanding, but her blood is extremely pure, and her opponent is so immortal that she just has the blood of a fierce beast. In front of the dragon girl, she is capable of strength. Thank goodness for three achievements!

Not to mention that the dragon girl has a lot of protective items made by the dragon ancestor himself, and her opponent may be directly defeated if she can't even touch the corner of her clothes!

Xiao Tian also laughed dumbly, he did not expect that the identity of the dragon girl was so amazing.

Although with his current strength, he doesn't need to take Long Zu to heart at all, but he also has to admit that Long Zu is among the sea of ​​heavens, and his status is second only to the only real self-level strong person!

And this undoubtedly made Xiao Tian a little more fond of this dragon girl, at least in Fengyun City, this dragon girl was not as defiant as those three-eyed gods!

"This girl can be admitted to the academy, and may not become a pillar of the academy in the future," Xiao Tian said as he looked at the dragon girl in the light curtain.

"Brother Xiao, you really are..."

When the shadow on the side heard Xiao Tian's words, he couldn't help being a little speechless: "If Long Zu knows that you are eyeing his granddaughter, I am afraid that he will take the dragon master to go to Fengyun City to fight with you! That old guy treats his granddaughter. But very precious!"

"I just think this girl has a good talent. Putting it on the Dragon Clan will only make a good seedling dust in vain," Xiao Tian smiled when he heard the words, and said in a calm tone: "The strength of the dragon ancestor is not bad, but I want to talk about the ability to teach the younger generation. That's it. Otherwise, the dragons today will not rely on the dragon gate to attract geniuses with dragon blood."

There are some memories about the dragon ancestor in the true spirit fragments of the sage master, so Xiao Tian does not know much about the old dragon.

Before the saint master fell, Long Zu also imitated the saint master, trying to achieve the only real self state with the path the saint master walked, but ultimately ended in failure.

And this also made the Saint Master very helpless. You must know that when Long Zu was re-walking the path that the Saint Master had walked, the Saint Master even personally gave instructions on Long Zu, but as a result, Long Zu still failed to successfully break through the Holy Realm and rank among them. The only real world.

The most important reason for this is that Long Zu's teaching ability is really bad!

'Ying' naturally knew these things, but he knew better how precious Long Zu had to that dragon girl. Xiao Tian wanted to recruit her into Fengyun Academy, and it was not easy.

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