God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 1092

At first, when the creature heard the words of other creatures, he sighed in his heart and didn't say much.

The reason why he proposed to rescue Yinbai was naturally because he had a good personal relationship with Yinbai, and because Yinbai's status in the mother god's heart was indeed not low, so he proposed to rescue Yinbai.

But other creatures don’t support it, and he can’t just go his own way. What’s more, he also understands in his heart that the proposals of other creatures are indeed the best choice, far more secure than they rush to rescue the silver and the top powers of the sea of ​​heavens. Much!

"The rescue of the silver is temporarily put on hold," the creature groaned for a moment, and said: "But the reincarnation of the saint master cannot be left alone. The following people may not be able to prevent the reincarnation of the saint master from returning to the peak in a short time, and we must act personally. "

"I'll go," the figure called the'Phantom' said, "I personally take action, and it is not difficult to suppress the reincarnation of the saint for a period of time.

What's more, my ability does not play any role in breaking the seal of the mother god. It should be the most appropriate thing for me to contain the reincarnation of the saint."

"That's good, the reincarnation of the Saint Master will be handed over to the Phantom," the rest of the creatures nodded when they heard the words, as they had completely finalized the matter, and then many figures disappeared in place, leaving only the Phantom alone.

The Phantom's figure stayed in place for a while, and then a hazy brilliance appeared on his body, and when the brilliance dissipated, a graceful figure appeared in the same place.

And its appearance is actually the same as that of nightshade!

"I don't know if the reincarnation of the saint can see through my illusion..." The corner of the mouth of'Dragon Kwai' slightly hooked, and then the figure disappeared in place, I don't know where it went...

At the same time, the sea of ​​heavens, Fengyun City.

Xiao Tian sat in the Wind and Cloud Academy. Under the infusion of massive spiritual energy from heaven and earth, Xiao Tian’s injuries healed quickly, and his cultivation level also improved to a certain extent. Although the prompts were not too exaggerated, they undoubtedly made him Closer to the only real self.

Slowly opening his eyes, Xiao Tian casually dissipated the light curtain covering his body, just in time to see the high-levels of Fengyun Academy gathered nearby.

"Congratulations to the dean for the great advancement in cultivation," Cang Xuan couldn't help laughing at Xiao Tian when Xiao Tian finished his cultivation, with a respectful expression.

He could perceive that Xiao Tian’s aura was more solid and thicker than before. Obviously, Xiao Tian gained a lot this time. It may not be long before Xiao Tian will be able to set foot in the realm of the only true self. At that time, Fengyun Academy will Will become a veritable sacred land of the heavens and seas!

As the vice president of Fengyun Academy and one of the veterans of Fengyun Academy at the beginning of its establishment, his status and status will rise by then. Even if his cultivation is not too strong, he has not even set foot in the middle stage of the Holy Realm, but in terms of status, he Not even inferior to the powerhouse at the peak of the Holy Realm!

As long as he thought of such a scene, Cang Xuan couldn't help feeling excited.

This kind of future is really too tempting for him.

What's more, even if he is now, his status in the battlefield of ten thousand realms is not low. Even if his cultivation has not reached the middle stage of the holy realm, many powerful people in the latter stage of the holy realm must treat him with courtesy. All this is Because of what, Cang Xuan naturally knew.

From a poor man who has been trapped in the peak of the Hunyuan realm for countless years and has been unable to break through, he has become the existence that even the strong in the late stage of the holy realm must be treated courteously. It only took him less than three years!

And the reason why he was able to transform in three years was the young man in front of him!

This is also the reason why Cang Xuan treats Xiao Tian so respectfully, not only because of Xiao Tian's amazing strength, but also because the opportunities that Xiao Tian brought to him are so amazing, giving him a completely reborn change!

Chapter 2531 Come to the perfect world again!

Upon hearing this, Xiao Tian just nodded to Cang Xuan, and did not say much.

Although his gains this time are not small, they cannot make him qualitatively change. With his current background, he can certainly break through to the realm of the only true self, but if he breaks through forcefully, at best he can only return to the original state. The level of the saint master cannot cause a qualitative change in the danger of the sea of ​​heavens.

Therefore, every time Xiao Tian retreats now, he can only strengthen his own foundation. If he wants to break through to the only real self, he still needs to look at the development of Fengyun Academy!

Only after his own background has been strengthened to an extremely profound level, Xiao Tian will try to attack the only real self, relying on his own profound background to surpass all things!

Carry Ten Thousand Ways by Oneself!

And this is also the only way that was deduced before the fall of the saint who had the opportunity to detach!

The former sage master had walked a short distance on this path, but in the end, because of the fallacy of the way he chose, he couldn't let his own foundation reach the level of detachment.

This caused the Saint Master to reach the only true self state, although his strength surpassed the other only true self state powerhouses, but it was only half a step beyond them, unable to completely transcend.

And because of the special nature of the real self, even a sacred master, such a stunning talent, can only be trapped in that realm in the end, unable to take the last half step, unable to completely detach.

Xiao Tian inherited all the memories of the saint master, and naturally understood what situation he would face after a forced breakthrough. Therefore, it was impossible for Xiao Tian to force a breakthrough without a last resort.

"How long have I been in retreat?"

Xiao Tian's eyes fell on Cang Xuan and asked.

"Three days," Cang Xuan quickly replied after hearing this.

Xiao Tian sighed secretly. He didn't feel anything when he fought the silver figure, but he didn't expect that just such an injury would take him for three full days!

"How is the situation in the school now?"

Quickly putting aside the distracting thoughts in his heart, Xiao Tian turned his attention to Fengyun Academy.

This was the opportunity for him to transcend, and it was also the key to transcendence above all things. Naturally, Xiao Tian couldn't ignore the situation of Fengyun Academy.

"The unknown powerhouse came to commit the crime. Although it injured many high-level academics, fortunately, the academy did not suffer any damage. What was damaged was only insignificant buildings."

After hearing this, Cang Xuan quickly said: "Now the academy has all been repaired, and it has resumed operation without any impact."

Speaking of this, Cang Xuan seemed to think of something, and said to Xiao Tian: "By the way, during the three days of the dean's retreat, a peak powerhouse in the Hunyuan realm who claimed to be an'ancestor sacrifice spirit' once came to the college. It is said that the branch of the university has been set up and officially put into operation. Please come to inspect it."

"Because that person's origin is unknown, I didn't let him stay in the academy for a long time. That person should have left the battlefield of Ten Thousand Realms by now." Cang Xuan looked at Xiao Tian with a solemn expression.

"Ancestral sacrifices to spirits?" Xiao Tian's heart moved, and a little smile appeared on his face: "I know, I will leave for a while, and the affairs of the academy will be left to you."

Xiao Tian did not expect that the Fengyun Academy Branch of Perfect World would be on the right track so soon. Although he collected the best teachers and strongest team of fighters from Perfect World for the branch of Perfect World, Liu Shen Waiting for someone to develop the branch of Perfect World in such a short period of time still surprised Xiao Tian.

After all, there are many great forces in the Perfect World, and the sudden rise of the branches of Fengyun Academy is undoubtedly competing with them for the top genius. Even if many forces know the strength of Fengyun Academy, they may not be willing to send the top genius in the gate to Fengyun Academy.

Because they couldn't be sure that the genius in their door would be willing to return to their power after entering Fengyun Academy!

So Xiao Tian has always felt that the branch of Perfect World wants to get on the right track. I am afraid it will take a while, but he did not expect that Liu Shen and others will move much faster than he thought, and the branch of Perfect World has already been invested. In operation.

"The dean can rest assured, we will take care of the academy well," Cang Xuan nodded when he heard the words, and said sternly.

In fact, the Fengyun Academy is already on the right track, and with the logistics team led by Shen Lingfeng to maintain the academy's operations, there is not much that they need to do.

Except for things like the things that Yinbai came to commit before, other times they only need to stay in the academy and teach the students, and they don't need to worry about other things at all!

Xiao Tian nodded when he heard the words, but his figure disappeared...


Perfect World, Netherworld, Stone Village.

Xiao Tian's figure appeared in the stone village.

Today's perfect world line has been deflected, completely different from the original world line.

Because of Xiao Tian's move to help Shi Hao recover the supreme bone, coupled with the guidance of God Liu, Shi Hao's strength increased extremely quickly, igniting the divine fire very early, and the lower realm was invincible.

After igniting the divine fire, Shi Hao rushed into the imperial capital of the State of Stone, killing Shi Yi, the heavy-pupil, and even the mansion of Prince Yu was destroyed by Shi Hao. In the end, the emperor of the State of Shi himself came forward and stopped him .

However, the Emperor Shi Guoren didn't dare to attack Shi Hao, but showed up and stopped Shi Hao without any action.

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