God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 1094

At least there must be the potential to become a supreme-level powerhouse to be able to enter the eyes of Liu Shen and others. The three thousand geniuses who can be at least a supreme-level powerhouse are also not a small number when looking at the perfect world.

"Well, because of the relatively high requirements, only 3,000 people have been recruited for the time being," the female Kunpeng on the side nodded and said: "Among the 3,000 people, the least qualified have the potential to set foot on the supreme level. Most There is hope to attack the true immortals, and among them are several immortal kings who are personally directed by the three Taoist friends in Caiyi."

Xiao Tian nodded, and didn't say much. This is also a good thing.

Although this stall looks very large, it doesn't matter if you think about it carefully.

After all, the true immortals and immortal kings that he brought out of the virtual world, which was eroded by darkness, are close to a hundred people, plus the willow god, female Kunpeng, the second world, immortal gold Taoist, and Caiyi, etc. The faculty of universities is already extremely large.

Enrolling three thousand students, there is no pressure on the Fengyun Academy of Perfect World.

As long as the resources are sufficient, this number can even continue to expand!

"How about the resources that the university has?"

Xiao Tian thought for a while and asked.

With the faculty of Fengyun Academy, recruiting three thousand students is stress-free. The only question is whether the resources can keep up!

"There is no problem with resources," Caiyi on the side heard the words and said immediately: "Some forces in the Three Thousand Dao States, such as the Sword Valley, the Demon Sunflower Garden, and the Immortal Palace, are easily destroyed by us. The resources are also collected by us.

And the life forbidden zone that has not been explored beyond the three thousand states is not much dangerous for us. We have found many treasures in it, and the resources mined in it are enough to supply the operation of the school."

When talking about the destruction of the Demon Sunflower Garden and other forces, Caiyi's expression did not change at all, as if she had just crushed an ant.

In fact, for the existence of Caiyi, it seems that those forces in the Demon Sunflower Garden that do not even have real immortals are indeed not even considered as ants. In fact, if it weren't for the fact that the fairy temple and the Demon Sunflower Garden and other forces had secretly calculated Kunpeng and others after returning from the bloody battle in the foreign land, this time Fengyun Academy will not list those forces as targets for cleaning!

After all, although those forces have a lot of resources, they simply can't enter the eyes of Fengyun Academy, the true celestial beings and the giants of the fairy king!

Today, Fengyun Academy’s resources are respectful and the bulk of it comes from the ancient battlefields and resource points they found in the life restricted zone. As for the resources collected by forces such as Destroying Sword Valley, it is only a drop in the bucket for Fengyun Academy.

Xiao Tian nodded slightly. He knew exactly what the forces in the Demon Sunflower Garden had done. Therefore, when he heard that Caiyi and others had destroyed the Demon Sunflower Garden and other forces, Xiao Tian didn't take it seriously.

"Take me to meet the genius of the academy," Xiao Tian muttered for a moment, and said to Cai Yi who was aside.

Since there was no problem in terms of resources, with the ability of Liu Shen and others, it was not difficult to maintain the operation of Fengyun Academy Branch, so Xiao Tian did not ask too much.

As long as the Fengyun Academy of Perfect World operates normally, he will not interfere too much.

Caiyi nodded, and led Xiao Tian towards the Fengyun Academy. Naturally, Liu Shen and others followed Xiao Tian. The group of people walked into the academy with great power, attracting many students' curious eyes.

However, after the students who secretly observed the stern gazes of the instructors such as World No. 2 and Xianjin Taoist, they quickly took their minds and continued to practice honestly.

And more students are still immersed in the state of cultivation, seemingly ignorant of external affairs.

Xiao Tian nodded slightly, who had captured all this in his eyes, but did not comment on anything.

Soon, under the leadership of Caiyi, Xiao Tian appeared in the depths of the Fengyun Academy Branch. In the depths of this Academy, there was a floating island, but it was isolated by the formation. If there is no token, even the Immortal King Capital It is difficult to pass through the formation to enter the floating island.

"The place we have traveled before was the outer courtyard of a school. Most of the geniuses in the outer courtyard only have the potential to become a supreme master, and only a few have the possibility of impacting the realm of true immortality. If there is no adventure, the realm of true immortality is the genius of the outer courtyard. The peak that can be reached."

Standing outside the formation, Caiyi explained to Xiao Tian: "After this formation is the inner courtyard of the academy, the geniuses in it have the potential to attack the realm of the immortal king, and the upper limit may even be the immortal emperor or even higher. "

Nowadays, the senior leaders of the Perfect World Fengyun Academy all know the existence of the sea of ​​heavens, and understand that the realm of the immortal emperor is not the end. There are many realms above the emperor, so Caiyi will say that the inner courtyard genius has the impact of the immortal emperor Possible.

Xiao Tian nodded slightly, stepped out and stepped directly into the range of the formation.

The great formation that could prevent the strong immortal king was in vain in front of Xiao Tian, ​​and could not cause any obstacle to it.

After passing through the formation, Xiao Tian realized that he had actually appeared in another starry sky. He couldn't help but stayed for a while, and then a splendor appeared in his eyes.

"Who arranged this formation?" Xiao Tian turned to look at the Liu Shen and others who had just appeared behind him through the formation, and couldn't help asking.

Chapter 2534 Little Kunpeng!

This big formation is clearly a spatial formation. If it were in other places, Xiao Tian would naturally not be surprised, but this is Tianyuan!

Even if it is a giant immortal king, it is extremely difficult to walk in Tianyuan!

To be able to lay out a spatial formation in Tianyuan, its cultivation level must at least reach the realm of the quasi-xian emperor. Even the master of the restricted area who helped Liu Shen and others put the Fengyun Academy branch into Tianyuan could not do this. .

Because the space formation is totally different from the ordinary formation, the difficulty of setting up a space formation in a place like Tianyuan is no less than opening up a new world in the sea of ​​bounds!

Although the immortal king giants are super powerful, they can never achieve this level!

"This is a remnant formation found in the forbidden area," Liu Shen explained immediately after hearing this: "It is led by the master of the forbidden area and completed by Daoists, and this is used in the academy."

Xiao Tian was relieved that there were a large number of immortal ancient relics in the life forbidden zone, and even the battlefield of the emperor's fall era. In that era, there were quasi immortal emperors walking in the world, and Liu Shen and others found such a place in the life forbidden zone. It is not surprising that the incomplete formation is.

No longer caring about the spatial formation, Xiao Tian glanced from the surroundings and nodded in satisfaction.

The inner courtyard of this Perfect World Fengyun Academy is much stronger than the outer courtyard. There are a lot of rare treasures on the floating islands. Near the periphery of the island, a deity tree stands beside the road, which is placed outside. , Even the spiritual roots that the immortal king giants would attach importance to were placed on the side of the road at will, as if they were no different from ordinary landscape trees.

In the depths of the inner courtyard, Xiao Tian felt the existence of a large number of spiritual roots. The Wandao tree and the sacred hibiscus tree were only second. In the center of the island, Xiao Tian even found a seedling of the World Tree!

These spirit roots, which could not coexist in the same place, were on the island at the same time under the control of a formation, and they were in peace with each other, and they were not affected in any way.

"The spiritual roots in this inner courtyard are mostly unowned." Seeing Xiao Tian's gaze staying on the god tree for a while, Caiyi said with a smile: "Except for the few spiritual roots that sell fake medicines. In addition, only the god tree has a master.

However, the owner of the sacred tree that day happened to be an immortal king rescued by the dean in the Void God Realm, so that day the sacred tree was also taken back by him and placed in the inner courtyard."

Xiao Tian nodded when he heard the words and walked toward the depths of the inner courtyard.

During the period, he saw many geniuses sitting under various spiritual roots, using the pure heaven and earth auras of those spiritual roots to temper their physical body, and even some geniuses madly absorbing the surrounding heaven and earth auras, exuding amazing aura.

Xiao Tian's eyes did not stay on these geniuses for long.

Because Xiao Tian had seen too many amazing geniuses on the battlefield of Ten Thousand Realms, although these geniuses in front of him had good talents, they were still a bit worse than those at the top of the battlefield of Ten Thousand Realms.

However, Xiao Tian's gaze quickly fixed on a figure, and his eyes were a little bit more surprised.

It was a little Kunpeng, whose cultivation base could not reach the ranks, and had just reached the level of princes, but the power of blood in its body was extremely abundant, and it was not inferior to many geniuses who had already stepped into the realm of saint sacrifice!

"This is a small Kunpeng born from the few Kunpeng eggs that the dean brought from Beihai Kunpeng's nest."

Seeing Xiao Tian's gaze on the little Kunpeng, Caiyi immediately explained: "The four Kunpeng eggs that the dean brought back to the school have successfully hatched, but the other three little Kunpeng's talents are far less talented than this little Kunpeng. Kunpeng.

Therefore, the three little Kunpengs were all taken by Kun Pengzi to guide them. Only this little Kunpeng stayed in the academy and was taught by the senior officials of the academy."

Xiao Tian nodded slightly. At the beginning of the Kunpeng nest in the North Sea, he used to resuscitate the Kunpeng bones, reverse life and death, and rescue Kunpeng, and the four Kunpeng eggs were also revived by his means and rejuvenated.

It's just that Xiao Tian didn't expect such a talented creature to be born out of those four Kunpeng eggs.

Regarding the creatures Xiao Tian had seen in the perfect world, I’m afraid that only Shi Hao can crush this little Kunpeng in talent. Other creatures, even the blood of the immortal kings in the foreign land, and the strong immortal kings in the fairyland Future generations may not be able to match this little Kunpeng in talent!

"Perhaps because of the dean's methods, this little guy has changed, and his talent has exceeded the upper limit of my clan," the female Kunpeng on the side said, with a bit of joy in her eyes.

Originally, the resurrection of her child made her heart excited, but after all four Kunpeng eggs hatched, she unexpectedly discovered that the talent of the little Kunpeng in front of her was far superior to that of her brother, and even she couldn't compare with it. Bi, so he immediately sent it to Fengyun Academy to be taught by Caiyi and others.

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