God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 1107

If Xiao Tian did not show up, when things were critical, Shadow and others would work together to crack the methods left by the saint master at the beginning, so that Dragon Ancestor could break through in the shortest possible time to deal with the attacks of outside creatures!

And although Xiao Tian knew from the memory of the saint master of the existence of the original power of the seas of the heavens and the role of the original power of the seas of the heavens, how to arouse the original power of the seas of the heavens and the worlds The characteristics of the power of the sea origin, there is no record in the memory of the saint master.

Obviously, these memories were specially erased by the sage master, just to stop the reincarnated body from taking shortcuts!

"It deserves to be the strongest person in the sea of ​​heavens..."

Xiao Tian couldn't help sighing in his heart. Although he was the reincarnation of the saint master, he was not the original saint master after all.

He and the original Saint Master only have the same true spirit aura!

Xiao Tian also sighed with the sage master’s method. Even if it has been lost for many years, the backhands he left behind are already playing a role and even promoting the development of the sea of ​​heavens. Such a method is shocking. !

After sighing for a while, Xiao Tian took his mind and continued to concentrate on preaching.

Because of the blessings of the origins of the seas of the heavens, the scope of the vision that originally enveloped Fengyun City has rapidly expanded, and in a blink of an eye it has covered thousands of miles. There are a lot of golden lotus blooms in the endless sea, and countless sea beasts that exist in the endless sea have come out of the water. Listening intently to the sound of the avenue.

Many birds and beasts did not know where they came from, coiling in the sky above Xiao Tian, ​​as if worshiping something.

The creatures immersed in the content of Xiao Tian's preaching did not notice the changes in the surroundings, but the strong like Ying Wu You, but their eyes widened, as if they had seen some incredible scene!

"Even sea beasts that don't have any wisdom to speak of, and those alien beasts that can't be transformed?!"

Ying Wuxian was shocked, looking at the golden lotus in the endless sea, for a moment he didn't know what to say.

Even when the ancestor of his shadow clan, the only real-world powerhouse'Shadow' preached in person, it failed to arouse such a grand vision!

Although it cannot be said that'shadow' is inferior to Xiao Tian based on this point, it is enough to show that Xiao Tian is already able to compete with the only real self in some respects, and is even above the only real self!

Under the blessing of the original power of the sea of ​​heavens, Xiao Tian's soul grew rapidly, and soon he perceives a strange space.

And in that strange space, there was a voice constantly calling for Xiao Tian.

After Xiao Tian hesitated for a moment, he separated a ray of soul and flew towards that strange space...

In a strange space in the sea of ​​heavens.

Xiao Tian's figure appeared quietly, looking around blankly.

However, it didn't take long for Xiao Tian's eyes to disappear completely, replaced by a thick surprise!

"Could this be the origin space of the sea of ​​heavens?"

There was a shock in Xiao Tian's heart, and he thought of some information in the memory of the saint master.

To achieve the only real self, you need to mirror the original space of the heavens and seas with your soul, and imprint your mark in it!

Only by doing this can you truly break through to the only real self. Otherwise, even if the strength exceeds the peak of the holy realm, it can only be regarded as the false real self, and after all, and the real only real self strong Not at the same level!

"Yes, this is the origin space of the sea of ​​heavens."

The magnificent voice resounded in the strange space, and then a ball of flame emerged in the space, turning into a burly figure.

"Welcome back, Saint Master, or rather, you should be called Xiao Tian," the burly figure nodded at Xiao Tian and said with a serious face.

"Brother Xiao," a thunderbolt loomed out of nothingness, and then surrounded by thunderbolt, a figure that made people unable to see clearly appeared in the origin space, laughed and said: "The saint master gave up the rebirth. Although Brother Xiao is the reincarnation of the true spirit of the Saint Master, he is not the original Saint Master after all."

"Congratulations," a figure walked out from the shadows and nodded at Xiao Tian, ​​appearing a little silent.

"Now Brother Xiao uses his soul to illuminate the origin space of the heavens and seas, and it will not take much time to break through to the real self," the figure of'Shadow' appeared in the origin space, and smiled at Xiao Tian: "Wait until Brother Xiao breaks through. , We can launch a counterattack against the creatures outside the world!

Since Brother Xiao broke through the blockade of the saint master at the beginning, induced the power of the origin, and successfully reflected the origin space with his soul, his future strength will never be inferior to that of the saint master in his heyday. Perhaps this time he can complete the battle and solve it completely. Threats from outside creatures!"

Perhaps because of the excitement in my heart, the words of "Shadow" were also a lot more, which seemed very excited.

"Congratulations," the figure of'Yue' also appeared in the Origin Space, and his gaze towards Xiao Tian was somewhat complicated.

She hopes to see Xiao Tian break through, but she also doesn't want to see Xiao Tian break through.

Xiao Tian breaks through, that means they have the hole cards to suppress the creatures outside the world, and they are also capable of launching a counterattack against creatures outside the world, but in the same way, this also represents that the holy master has completely lost the hope of returning!

This is why she does not want to see Xiao Tian break through. After all, although Xiao Tian is the reincarnation of the true spirit of the saint master, Xiao Tian is Xiao Tian, ​​and the saint master is the saint master. Even if the two true spirits are not different, After all, they are not the same person!

Seeing the figure of'Yue', Xiao Tian was also somewhat silent.

He inherited the memory of the sage master, and naturally knew the feelings of'Yue' towards the sage master, but unfortunately, he was not the sage master, nor could he inherit the feelings of the'yue' in the memory of the sage master.

Therefore, although Xiao Tian could somewhat guess the idea of'Yue', he could only say sorry in his heart!

"Now that Brother Xiao is illuminating the origin space with his soul, then some things can be advanced,"'Shadow' saw that the atmosphere was a little silent, and quickly cleared the siege: "We will make arrangements for the alien creatures in advance and wait until Brother Xiao officially breaks through. You can also shoot directly and catch the creatures out of bounds by surprise!"

Chapter 2551 Ruthless and determined!

Hearing the words of "Shadow", the rest of the people also turned their eyes to the "Shadow". They all knew that the most urgent task was to deal with the creatures outside the realm. Other things can be temporarily set aside and dealt with after the threat of the creatures outside the realm is solved. .

"Today, the strong enslaved by creatures outside the realm are still raging in the sea of ​​heavens. Although Brother Xiao has successfully mirrored the original space of the sea of ​​heavens with his soul, if those strong who are enslaved by the creatures outside the world are allowed to wreak havoc, Brother Xiao breaks through the holy realm The time will be extended a lot, right?"

'Ying' turned his head to look at Xiao Tian, ​​and said sternly.

He had interacted with the saint master at the beginning, and even the backhands left behind before the saint master's fall had his participation. Therefore, regarding Xiao Tian's situation, coupled with Xiao Tian's appearance, he has been paying attention to Xiao Tian.

It can be said that'Shadow' is the one who knows Xiao Tian best among all the only real self-level experts in the sea of ​​heaven.

Precisely because of this,'Shadow' knew how much influence on Xiao Tian would be if those strong men controlled by outside creatures wreak havoc on the heavens and seas!

Even if Xiao Tian can now steadily step into the only real self, if the development of Fengyun Academy is hindered, Xiao Tian's breakthrough time will be lengthened, and it may even affect Xiao Tian's strength after breakthrough!

Xiao Tian nodded when he heard this.

If those strong creatures from outside the realm wreak havoc in other worlds, it would not have a big impact on him. He can just let them wreak havoc and wait until the extra-world creatures are solved before turning around to slowly clean up this group of people.

But if those outside creatures break into the world where Fengyun Academy is located, it will undoubtedly have a great impact on Fengyun Academy.

And Fengyun Academy is the key to his breakthrough in the only real self. If Fengyun Academy is affected, it is likely to affect him to break through the only true self.

"Those creatures are not strong in strength, but they are numerous and scattered everywhere. Even if we take action, it will take a lot of time." Shadow cast his eyes on the figure surrounded by thunder, and said solemnly: "' Ray', can you make a move?"

Among the nine only real-self realm powerhouses in the past, the strength of'Thunder' is not the strongest, but it has the greatest influence on the sea of ​​heavens!

Because'Thunder' is in charge of the robbery of all worlds in the heavens and seas, as long as the thought of thunder can provoke the robbery of the worlds in the heavens and seas, and clean the entire world!

"My body is controlled by the powerful creatures outside the realm of Lei Yuan, and I can't allocate too much energy to control the thunder. If I act, it is likely to directly destroy the invaded world."

'Lei' pondered for a moment, and said in a heavy tone: "I can perceive hundreds of worlds with the breath of extraterrestrial creatures. Among them, there are more than ten large worlds, more than 30 medium worlds, and the rest are all Small world.

If all those worlds are destroyed, I am afraid that another Jedi will be born in the sea of ​​heavens. Although the new Jedi is not too dangerous, it is enough to easily obliterate the existence under the peak of the holy realm."

For Lei, it is not difficult to destroy all of those worlds, and let him destroy those worlds, and he will not have any compassion.

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