God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 1115

'Yue' or'Taki', the strength can also be ranked in the forefront of all the only real self-level powerhouses in the sea of ​​heavens. If the'Yue' can be liberated, things will undoubtedly be easier after that.

'Lei' was silent for a moment, pointed at Xiuyi not far away, and said: "Don't care about that kid?"

He was able to perceive that the anger in Xiu Yi was not completely extinct. With the amazing self-healing ability of the creatures outside the world, if they let it go, even if the heart was pierced, it would not take long to recover.

"Don't worry about it," Xiao Tian shook his head, his figure flashed, and he disappeared into the ten thousand thunder yuan.

Seeing Xiao Tian leaving,'Lei' hesitated for a moment, and just about to leave, a thick thunder light suddenly appeared on Xiu Yi's body, attracting the eyes of'Lei'.

"That bamboo branch?"

Lei's eyes fell on the bitter bamboo branches, and his eyes were a little bit surprised.

I don't know when countless words appeared on the bitter bamboo and bamboo branches, and the strong atmosphere of the great avenue emerged, which aroused the thunder in the ten thousand thunder abyss!

"So, it's no wonder that Brother Xiao didn't care." Seeing this scene, Lei felt clear, and then it turned into a thunder light and disappeared into the ten thousand thunder abyss.

Almost at the moment'Thunder' left, Wan Dao Lei Yuan instantly rioted, and countless thunder fell towards Xiu Yi whose heart was penetrated, and directly tore it to pieces!

Xiuyi was hit hard by Xiao Tian’s attack, and his amazing self-healing ability was greatly compromised because his heart was pierced by bitter bamboo and bamboo branches. In this case, he faced the ten thousand thunder abyss that Xiao Tian spurred. The thunder condensed by the law, naturally without any resistance, was instantly torn into pieces, and completely fell into this ten thousand thunder abyss!

Chapter 2561 Miasma!

Somewhere in the sea of ​​heavens, in a strange space.

A large hall floats in the void. There are a large number of jade plaques enshrined in the hall, but many jade plaques have long been broken and scattered randomly around.

Suddenly, countless cracks appeared on a jade card that exuded a faint fluorescent light. With the sound of crisp cracking, the jade card was broken into countless pieces and scattered all over the place.

"Xiuyi has fallen," a figure quietly emerged in the main hall. If Xiao Tian were here, he would be able to find that this figure was the phantom that had fought him before!

It's just that the phantom that appeared in this hall was just a projection, and no one knew where its true body was.

"Xiuyi should delay the footsteps of'Thunder' in Lei Yuan," a figure appeared behind the phantom, staring at the broken jade tiles on the ground, and said in a deep voice: "With the strength of'Thunder', it is impossible to cut Killing Xiuyi, who was blessed by the Mother God, the other powerhouses in the sea of ​​heavens were also dragged, unable to support'Thunder'..."

"The reincarnation of the saint master," the Phantom said before the figure finished speaking.

"The reincarnation of the saint master has disappeared for a hundred years, and no one knows where he went, but it is certain that after a hundred years of absence, the strength of the reincarnation of the saint master may have improved a lot."

The Phantom stared at the broken jade plaque on the ground, without turning his head back: "A hundred years ago, the strong men of the heavens and seas suddenly attacked the people who stayed in the Jedi to monitor them. I am afraid that the saint master would have been reincarnated by then A breakthrough has been made, and now the reincarnation of the saint master may have broken through to the only real self state, maybe!"

"I have this guess too," the figure nodded and said solemnly: "If the reincarnation of the saint really breaks through, our situation will be very difficult.

There is still a small piece of the mother god’s seal that has not been cracked, and it will take at least ten years to completely crack the final seal and welcome the mother god.

If we can survive these ten years, we can still have a chance. If we can't, the best result is to be driven out of the sea of ​​heaven and wander in the chaos again. If we are not lucky, we all have to stay here... …"

"Inner Demon, are you scared?"

The Phantom did not look back, a hazy brilliance emerged on his face, his face constantly changing, and his original crisp voice became blurred.


The figure known as the'heart demon' sneered, his figure flashed, and disappeared in place.

Only the voice of the inner demon still echoed in place-

"I'm rushing to Silvermoon Forest, where the woman of the Saint Master is there. Taking that woman down may be able to force the Saint Master not to take action against us temporarily."

"The saint teacher's woman?"

Hearing the words of the inner demon, Phantom shook his head and sighed.

"That woman is not easy to provoke. Before the saint master appeared, how severe the loss that woman caused to us, did you forget the demon?"

But now that the heart demon has left, and after hearing the words of the phantom, the phantom can only pray in his heart that the heart demon can capture the moon and bring it back!


The forbidden land of the heavens and the sea, the forest of silver moon.

The Jedi that was originally covered by countless Shadowmoon Trees has now become a ruin. The entire Shadowmoon Tree of the Silvermoon Forest has been damaged to varying degrees, and a large number of sacred trees have been cut off by the waist, and the remains have fallen into the void. Among them, I don't know where it fell.

The figures of Xiao Tian and Lei appeared in the sky above the Silver Moon Forest. Looking at the greatly changed Silver Moon Forest, the expressions of both Xiao Tian and Lei became a bit solemn.

"It seems that the situation of'Yue' is not good..."

'Lei' sighed, and said solemnly: "That girl is the one who doesn't look forward to the destruction of the Silvermoon Forest, but now that the entire Silvermoon Forest is almost destroyed, the girl may also have encountered a difficult opponent."

Xiao Tian nodded lightly, then stepped out and appeared in the depths of the Silver Moon Forest.

Today, the depths of the Silvermoon Forest have completely become a ruin, and there is no intact Shadowmoon Tree in a radius of thousands of miles.

"Can you detect the breath of'Moon'?"

The figure of Lei appeared beside Xiao Tian and asked.

He had already patrolled the outside of Silvermoon Forest for a while, and he hadn't found the figure of Moon.

"No," Xiao Tian shook his head and said in a deep voice, "I can't feel the breath of'Moon'."

"The girl has already eliminated the opponent and went to other places to support?"

'Lei' guessed.

The strength of'Yue' is one of the top few among them, and it is not surprising that he can solve his opponent in advance.

Perhaps'Yue' had ended the battle before they arrived and went to other places to support.

"It doesn't look like it," Xiao Tian shook his head, pointed to the surroundings, and said solemnly: "The traces of the battle are still very new. The battle should not have ended before we arrived.

It's impossible for'Yue' to not notice our breath, even if she really eliminated the opponent, she would not leave so hastily."

Hearing Xiao Tian's words, Lei's eyes swept from all around and his expression became serious.

"Something's wrong!"

Xiao Tian's eyes suddenly condensed, and he locked the space not far away. A bitter bamboo branch appeared in his hand and suddenly pierced out!

The void split instantly, and the strong miasma instantly spread, covering the entire Silver Moon Forest.

Under the corrosion of the purple miasma, the remains of the Shadowmoon Tree in the Silver Moon Forest melted instantly, freeing up a large space.

And at the moment when the miasma appeared, a cold moonlight also pierced the miasma and fell into Xiao Tian's sight.

"Sure enough," Xiao Tian said in a deep voice, looking at the strong miasma: "Unexpectedly, the one who fought with'Yue' turned out to be a puppet. No wonder I didn't find an abnormality before."

The miasma puppet is one of the top powerful creatures outside the realm. Its frontal combat ability is not strong, but the miasma emanating from its body is something that even the only real self-powered person must be afraid of!

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