God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 1118

The Phantom looked at the broken seal with a sad expression on his face.

She had a good personal relationship with Mengmo. Now seeing Mengmo's fall, the Phantom cannot be indifferent.

But she also understands that the choice of Mengmo is the best way at the moment!

The reincarnation of the saint master has not yet reached the peak, but it has broken the balance between the sea of ​​heavens and theirs.

Not to mention that the reincarnation of the saint master has the memory of the saint master, and his strength is extremely powerful, and he even hopes to step into the realm of the only true self at any time.

In this case, the more time it takes for them to crack the seal, the greater the danger they will face later.

As the so-called late ones change, in order to prevent any accidents from happening, Mengmo sacrificed himself to break the seal forcibly, but this is the best way now!

Soon, the broken seal completely dissipated in the turbulent flow of time and space, and then a tyrannical aura emerged from the turbulent flow of time and space, and several shots penetrated the space, exuding a frantic aura.

"Congratulations to Mother God to get out of trouble!"

Seeing the huge tentacles, the Star God and Phantom Shadow quickly gathered their minds and bowed from the huge tentacles.

"My loyal children, follow my orders and tear everything you can see before you!"

The distorted voice came from the turbulence of time and space, with breathtaking power, causing the eyes of the Phantom Shadow and the Star God to quickly cover a layer of blood.

"Go, kill, destroy this chaotic universe and turn it into a place where our race rises!"

The distorted voice sounded again, with a strange power, which made people unable to refuse.

"Yes, mother god!"

The Phantom and the Star God did not hesitate at all, bowed slightly at the tentacles, and then disappeared in place.

Soon after the Phantom and the Star God left, a big octopus flew out from the turbulent flow of time and space. On the big octopus, there were a lot of eyes. At this moment, these eyes were all opened, making people shudder.

"The saint master who sealed this god back then, if you are still alive, then take the anger of this god well!"

The eyes of the huge octopus were blood red, and even those eyes on its body became blood red, full of amazing killing intent.

A piece of meteorite swept across from a distance, and the huge octopus tentacles flung it at will, directly pulverizing the meteorite!

Then the body of the huge octopus continued to twist, and finally disappeared in place, I don't know where it went...


At the same time, Silvermoon Forest, Xiao Tian and Heart Demon were still fighting frantically. There was a lot of space-time turbulence forming in the space around the two of them. If they were accidentally involved in those space-time turbulence, even if they were not strong Vulgar, will be seriously injured on the spot!

However, even so, neither the heart demon nor Xiao Tian flinched. The two sides seemed to have lost their eyes, and they promised not to stop without knocking the other down!

"Holy Master, after a round of reincarnation, do you only have this strength?"

After pushing Xiao Tian back again, the heart demon wiped his face casually, staring at Xiao Tian not far away, mocking his face.

Although he has been at a disadvantage during the confrontation between him and Xiao Tian, ​​and even before Xiao Tian found the opportunity to leave a wound on his face, this also allowed the inner demon to fully understand Xiao Tian's strength!

Today's Xiao Tian's strength is nothing compared to the original Saint Master. Even if Xiao Tian is now able to match the only True Self Realm powerhouse, his strength is only about 50% of the original Saint Master!

Faced with this level of Xiao Tian, ​​even if the inner demon is confident that he cannot win, it is easy to get out of it.

"You will know how much strength I have left," Xiao Tian's eyes drooped, no expression on his face.

He held the bitter bamboo and bamboo branches in his hand, and kept making a crisp trembling sound.

"Different way!"

Xiao Tian's figure flickered and appeared in front of the heart demon. The bitter bamboo branches in his hand were instantly covered with a hazy brilliance, and then suddenly fell!

A sword gas that distorted time and space emerged instantly, slashing towards the heart demon!

This sword is a move created by Xiao Tian combining the many sword skills he cultivated with the sword skills in the memory of the saint master. Its power is extremely powerful, and it is the strongest attack method Xiao Tian currently has!

This sword has already involved cause and effect, that is the power that transcends time and space. If it is hit by this sword, even the original Saint Master will feel uncomfortable!

Facing Xiao Tian's attack, the heart demon's face changed slightly.

He smelled a dangerous aura from that sword aura, and the terrifying pressure even made his body tremble a little!

"No answer!"

There was such a voice in the heart of the inner demon that constantly echoed, making him afraid to stay in place for even half a second, and directly used the unfolding body technique, swooping towards the distance, trying to avoid Xiao Tian's blow!


Xiao Tian sneered, a little mocking in his eyes.

This type of "different route" is his master of swordsmanship. As long as this sword aura locks the enemy's aura, before the energy contained in it is exhausted, he will pursue and kill the target to the ends of the world!

But if you just chase and kill the fleeing inner demon, the energy consumption of this sword aura can be ignored at all!

In other words, unless someone else takes action, the heart demon will never get rid of this sword aura at all. No matter where he flees, this sword aura will stick to him, forcing him to fight hard!

Chapter 2565 Same way, different paths!

The heart demon also quickly realized the horror of the sword aura that Xiao Tian had cut out. If he kept dodge this way, the final result would be that the sword aura was directly slashed on him when he made a mistake!

"Since you can't hide, don't hide!"

A look of determination flashed in the eyes of the heart demon, and then countless clones appeared in front of him, rushing towards that sword qi crazy!

He actually intends to directly annihilate that sword aura by relying on a large number of clones!


Seeing this scene, Xiao Tian twitched the corner of his mouth, disdainfully.

If this method is useful, then this type of different ways is not worthy of him as a killer move!

This type of sword technique is the most mysterious and powerful method he has now, even the reincarnation mystery he once used is far less than this type of mystery!

The heart demon chooses to use the clone to counteract the sword qi, this approach is simply seeking a dead end!

Soon, the clone of the inner demon slammed into the sword aura that Xiao Tian had cut out, but that sword aura seemed to be non-existent, passing directly through the clone of the inner demon, and fell towards the inner demon!

If it weren't for that sword qi passing through the heart demon clone, a faint ripple appeared on it, I am afraid that everyone would doubt whether this sword qi really exists!

Soon, this sword energy was slashed on the heart demon's body, and then it was broken into countless light spots and dissipated in the starry sky.

The frightened heart demon subconsciously touched his body, then cast his gaze on Xiao Tian and laughed wildly: "Sage Master, this is your ultimate move?!"

"Unexpectedly, in several epochs, the strength of the saint master has not improved, but the level of bluffing has risen in a straight line!"

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