God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 119

As his voice fell, a huge disc suddenly appeared in front of him. The disc was divided into four parts, which were written "Gong Fa", "Equipment", "Pill" and "Others".

Xiao Tian thought for a while and chose the exercise method.

In terms of equipment, he now has the Xuanwu battle robe and Zhuxian's Four Swords (imitation), especially the power that the Xuanwu battle robe can exert is closely related to his cultivation base, so Xiao Tian did not have much demand for equipment in a short time.

As for the pill, Xiao Tian himself does not have a high demand for elixir, and he also planted a flat peach spiritual root in the real world. Although it is much worse than the complete flat peach spiritual root, it is also a rare spiritual root. .

Xiao Tian naturally wouldn't choose pill.

As for other things, they were eliminated by Xiao Tian from the beginning. After all, with his current cultivation base, even if he took out some good things, he might not be able to use it. In contrast, it would be better to choose the exercise method.

As Xiao Tian made a decision, densely packed words appeared on the disc, surrounding it.

Xiao Tian stared at it and found that there were a lot of famous magic skills.

For example, "Thirty-six Changes of Tiangang" and "Dapin Tianxianshu", there are a lot of exercises that Xiao Tian can't tell.

"Start the lottery draw," Xiao Tian stared at the disc, silently instructing in his heart.

Following Xiao Tian's order, the disc quickly spun, and the words on it became one piece. Even with Xiao Tian's current strength, there was no way to read the words clearly!

"Stop!" Xiao Tian waited for a while, but couldn't see any clues, so he ordered in his heart.

The disc that was originally spinning rapidly stopped in place for an instant, and the dense text on it disappeared, leaving only the four characters "Explosive Body Tiangong"!

"Broken Body Heaven Skill?" Xiao Tian frowned. In his impression, he had never heard of such a practice.

However, being able to be put into the rewards of the designated lottery by the system is not a bad technique if you want to.

As Xiao Tian was thinking, the disc in front of him disappeared, and then a large amount of information poured into Xiao Tian's mind like a tide.

Xiao Tian hurriedly sorted out the information, the more he sorted it out, the more surprised he was.

This "Explosive Body Heavenly Art" is not so much a method of cultivation, as it is a method of fighting for life. Once the Body Exploding Heavenly Kung is operated, the strength of the physical body is doubled, and the power of the body's zhenqi is also greatly increased.

The only weakness is that the operation of this exercise is too heavy on the body. People who are not talented, I am afraid that after running this exercise, they will decay and die!

"However, the tempering of the physical body by this exercise is really not comparable to that of ordinary exercises," Xiao Tian thought in his heart, then opened the system panel, looked at the remaining thousands of master points, and made a decision in his heart. .

Chapter 244 Nine-turned Immortal Body!

"System, how many faculty points does it take to integrate Body-Explosive Heavenly Art and Nine-Ranked Profound Art!" Xiao Tian asked the system in his heart.

"The fusion of the first layer of explosive body celestial power and the first layer of nine-turn profound arts requires a teacher's point of 1000. Because of the lack of nine-turn profound arts, the subsequent exercises cannot continue to be integrated." The system quickly answered.

"That's it," Xiao Tian didn't feel surprised either. If the incomplete method of fusion can achieve the same effect as the complete method, the loophole is too big. With the stingy nature of his own system, it is definitely impossible to allow this. A loophole appeared!

"After I get the follow-up exercises of Rank Nine Profound Art, will I continue to merge into other exercises?" Xiao Tian thought for a while and asked in his heart.

Xiao Tian was sure that he could continue the fusion after obtaining the follow-up exercises of the Nineth Rank Profound Art, but the problem was that the fusion was carried out in stages. It would be funny if he merged with other exercises!

"The host doesn't need to worry, the system won't have such low-level errors," the system seemed to be silent for a while before giving an answer.

"That's fine," Xiao Tian nodded, and instructed in his heart: "Then fuse!"

"It's merging, the estimated time is one minute, please wait patiently," as Xiao Tian's voice fell, the system prompt sounded immediately, and an hourglass appeared in front of Xiao Tian's eyes.

There was nothing to do in one minute, Xiao Tian simply stayed in the hut, leaning on the back of his chair, waiting for the fusion to complete.

As the last dust in the hourglass fell below, the system prompt sounded as scheduled——

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully fusing the first layer of Body-Explosive Heavenly Art with the first layer of Nine-turn Profound Art. Please name the new method for the host!"

It succeeded!

Xiao Tian secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He still remembered some of the precautions the system said when he first merged the exercises. The merged exercises might fail, although he has never failed.

But if you are not afraid of 10,000, you are afraid of the in case. The two exercises this time are not comparable to the rubbish of the previous fusion. If the fusion fails, Xiao Tian will really want to cry!

"It's called Nine Ranks Immortal Body," Xiao Tian thought for a while, and said casually.

Although the system version of "Nine Revolutions Profound Art" focuses on tempering the soul, it is also not weak in the tempering of the physical body. Like the original version of "Nine Revolutions Profound Art", it is a path of physical body sanctification, except that it focuses on the inner , One pays more attention to the outside.

Although "Broken Body Heaven Kungfu" is a self-harming technique that kills 1,000 enemies and damages 800, the tempering of the physical body is far from comparable to ordinary body training techniques.

Combining the strengths of the two exercises into one, after the "Nine Revolutions of the Immortal Body" is cultivated to the fullest, it may really be immortal, the world is destroyed and I am still there!

"The naming is complete. Congratulations to the host for obtaining the first level of "Nine Revolutions of Indestructible Body"," the voice of the system rang in Xiao Tian's mind, and then a lot of insights surged up like a tide, and it was all the same as "Nine Revolutions of Indestructible Body." related.

Xiao Tian didn't dare to neglect, and quickly concentrated on the information in his mind. As Xiao Tian sorted out the information in his mind, the aura emanating from his body became more and more shocking.

Originally, although Xiao Tian stepped into the Mahayana realm to complete consummation, at that time Xiao Tian practiced five volumes of the "Book of Heaven". Although the "Book of Heaven" was mysterious, how could it be compared with the "Nine Revolutions of Immortal Body"?

Although Xiao Tian is still in the Mahayana realm, his strength is completely different from before!

Chapter 245: Planning to Leave!

More importantly, the five volumes of "Book of Heaven" are for practicing qigong, and they don't pay much attention to physical training.

Half a year ago on the Qingyun Mountain, although Xiao Tian took advantage of the power of the Xuanwu battle robe, he even dared to be big in the face of the attacks of Yuyangzi and other demonic giants, and he did not evade, but Xiao Tian’s body is really Pathetic weak.

Without the Xuanwu battle robe, Xiao Tian would not dare to accept the attacks of Yuyangzi and others!

But if he were to change to the current Xiao Tian, ​​Xiao Tian was absolutely sure that he would not use the Xuanwu shirt to accept the joint attack of the two giants of right and evil on the plane of Jade Emperor!

"The Rank Nine Immortal Body is really mysterious, and there will be a lot of trump cards in the future," Xiao Tian felt the power of the majestic blood in his body, and his face couldn't help but smile a little.

"At the moment the Qingyunmen prestige is ruined, and only Pukong remains the four great monks of Tianyin Temple. I don't need to continue to escort Baguio here. It's time to leave," Xiao Tian thought in his heart.

After the battle of President Ghost King Zong, Qingyunmen's reputation plummeted. Although Wan Jianyi reappeared in the world and sat in Qingyunmen, Qingyun's decline is inevitable.

As for Zhang Xiaofan, the son of the original plane of Judgment, after Lin Jingyu hit Qingyun Mountain last time, he withdrew from Qingyunmen and went to work as a cook in Heyang City. Now his life is safe.

Compared with Qingyunmen, Tianyin Temple is even more miserable. The four great monks have gone to the third, and only one Pukong is struggling to support the overall situation. Self-preservation is now a problem, let alone external expansion.

The same is true for the three main gates of the Demon Sect, Changshengtang, Wandumen, and Hehuan Sect. In the battle of the General Altar of the Ghost King Zong, although they broke into the Hall of the Ghost King Zong, nearly half of their elites were also damaged.

We must know that the Ghost King Zong defended according to danger, and he was guarded by multiple formations. In order to invade the Ghost King Zong Hall, the loss of the two forces of good and evil is not small!

Even though the heads of the three martial sects of the Demon Sect were still alive, they were still very weakened, and there was no way to expand outside without a period of cultivation.

In addition, Baguio is now a master of the Tribulation Period, with the help of the Eight Desolation Profound Fire Formation, and Lin Jingyu is on the sidelines, Xiao Tian does not think that there is anything else on the plane of Zhu Xian that can threaten him. These two apprentices.

"It's just that breaking through the Mahayana period is not something simple, yes," Xiao Tian thought of this a bit of a headache. The main mission of the plane of Juxian was to teach Baguio to break through the Mahayana period. Before that, he couldn't walk if he wanted to go. .

"However, the first level of Rank Nine Profound Art should be enough for Baguio to break through. If it doesn't work, then exchange for some more natural treasures!" Xiao Tian thought for a while and made a decision in his heart.

Anyway, he has a lot of mentor points now, and he can still afford to buy some heavenly materials and earth treasures or pills that can improve his cultivation.

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