God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 123

At the moment, although he only used one Slaying Immortal Sword, because of the cultivation of "Nine Revolutions of Immortal Body", the power of this sword was even stronger than the Zhuxian Sword Formation he had arranged before!

Although Li Lei's punishment on this day is strong, his attack intensity is only half a point stronger than that of the general Mahayana period. If facing other people, it will naturally be detrimental, but if facing Xiao Tian...

"As long as you haven't broken through the Mahayana period, even if it's a heaven, what can you do to me?" Xiao Tian let out a long whistle, and the Slaughter Sword flew back into the scabbard, the sword light swayed across the sky.

But the robbery cloud still vanished, disappeared into nothingness, as if it had never appeared before, only the surrounding mess was silently telling something.

Chapter 253 Baguio Breakthrough and Leave!

"Hiss——" Dao Xuan and the others took a breath when seeing Jieyun disappear.

Pukong wiped his eyes even more to confirm whether he had read it wrong!

He couldn't believe that Xiao Tian was unscathed under the punishment of heaven and thunder. Not only that, Xiao Tian killed Jieyun with a single sword. Such feats, let alone watching, Pukong didn't even think Dare to think!

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Pukong couldn't believe that someone in the world could do this!

Daoxuan and Wan Jian looked at each other, smiling bitterly at each other.

They are very clear that from now on, I am afraid that no one can threaten Xiao Tian on this vast land of China!

In the same way, with such an invincible backing, no one will be able to stop the expansion of the Ghost King Sect!

There was an exaggerated smile on Ghost King's face.

Because Xiao Tian defeated Li Lei this day, not only represented Xiao Tian's astonishing strength, but also represented Baguio's stepping into the realm dreamed of by all big monsters and even all monks!

Mahayana period!

Xiao Tian ignored the ghost king and Daoxuan and the others, his gaze fell on Baguio, his face was a little more satisfied.

Baguio seemed to perceive something, slowly opened his eyes, stood up, and respectfully said to Xiao Tian: "Thank you, Master, for protecting the law."

Although she was immersed in the state of cultivation before, it was not that she did not have the slightest perception of the outside world. She knew how terrifying Xing Li Lei was that day.

If it weren't for Xiao Tian's move, I am afraid she would really turn into flying ash under the terrifying thunder!

Hearing what Baguio said, before Xiao Tian could speak, the cold and mechanical voice of the system rang in his mind——

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, the disciple Baguio broke through to the Mahayana stage, the main task of the plane of Jade Dynasty can be submitted, and the host can leave the plane of Jade Dynasty at any time!"

Xiao Tian ignored the system, looked at Baguio, nodded slightly, and smiled: "Good job!"

Then Xiao Tian moved his gaze to Lin Jingyu, with an undiminished smile on his face, and nodded: "Although it is a bit worse than Yao'er, it is enough to be proud."

"It's all master's teachings!" Lin Jingyu and Baguio said quickly and respectfully when they heard Xiao Tian's words.

"You don't have to compliment me," Xiao Tian said with a smile: "Of course there are reasons for my teaching, but it is also inseparable from your own talents.

Said Xiao Tian waved his hand, looked at Baguio and Lin Jingyu, and said solemnly: "I should teach you all. With your cultivation level enough to cross this world, I have no need to stay on. I hope our masters and apprentices will have a chance to see you again in the future."

After speaking, before Baguio and Lin Jingyu could speak, Xiao Tian's figure disappeared instantly on this Foxqi Mountain.

When Xiao Tian's voice disappeared, Daoxuan and others reacted, but at this time there was not much joy on their faces.

It stands to reason that without Xiao Tian's confidant worry, they should celebrate loudly, but...

As Xiao Tian said, with the strength of Baguio and Lin Jingyu, in this world, who else is their opponent?

Dao Xuan Ke also remembered that on Qingyun, Baguio relied on the Eight Desolation Profound Fire Array to fight the Qingyun Gate's Zhuxian Sword with the cultivation base of the peak of the Aperture.

At the moment Baguio has broken through to the Mahayana stage. With her strength, in conjunction with the Eight Desolation Profound Fire Array, Lin Jingyu is on the sidelines to help, it is already invincible in the world!

Thinking of this, Daoxuan and the others showed a deep frustration on their faces. As for Yuyangzi, his face was even more gray, looking at the place where Xiao Tian disappeared, with a sullen expression.

When he was on Qingyun Mountain, he dared to attack Xiao Tian, ​​even thinking that he was not weaker than Xiao Tian.

But just now, before Tian Xing Li Lei appeared, he didn't even have the courage to attack Xiao Tian. Now, even Xiao Tian's disciples can beat him. This is undoubtedly a great blow to him. !

Of course, these are not what Xiao Tian should pay attention to, because he also encountered some minor troubles when he just returned to the real world...

Chapter 254 The Problem of Pan Peach Spirit Root!

Nanjiang City, deep in the villa area between clear water and clouds.

Xiao Tian sat on the stone bench, with three empty golden gourds on the stone table in front of him. Looking at the half-human flat peach spiritual root not far away, his face felt a little sad.

"System, do you mean that this spiritual root culture fluid has no effect on today's flat peach spiritual root?" Xiao Tian picked up a golden gourd casually and asked in his heart.

Originally, his spiritual root culture fluid has been used up, and now these three gourd spiritual root culture fluids are rewards for submitting the main task of the plane of Zhu Xian after returning to the real world——

The prestige value is 30,000, the teacher's point is 500, and the three gourd best spirit root culture fluid.

Xiao Tian himself is naturally quite satisfied with this reward, and the role of reputation and teacher's point need not be repeated. These three gourd best spirit root culture solutions are what he desperately needs.

But when he used all the three gourd top-grade spirit root culture solutions to water the flat peach spirit roots, he discovered that although the pan peach spirit root had absorbed all the spiritual root culture fluid, it had remained half a person in size.

If only this is the case, what makes Xiao Tian feel depressed is that after absorbing the whole three gourd best spirit root culture solution, the flat peach spirit root did not even have a leaf!

"The concentration of aura in the place where the host is currently located is too low to meet the growth needs of the flat peach roots in the next stage. Therefore, unless the host waters enough spiritual root culture fluid every day, it will not be able to support the continued growth of the flat peach roots."

The system quickly answered.

Xiao Tian was a little depressed when he heard this, but he could understand it.

After all, although the flat peach spiritual root I got was extremely incomplete, it is still one of the few spiritual roots in the legend since Hongmeng!

In addition, the spiritual root culture fluid rewarded by the system itself has the effect of repairing and nourishing spiritual roots. Under the nourishment of a large amount of spiritual root culture fluid, my extremely incomplete flat peach spiritual root may be far better than before.

In this way, the aura needed will naturally be more!

"Is there any place in the main world that can satisfy the growth of the flat peach spirit roots?" Xiao Tian sighed and continued to ask.

There was a hunch in Xiao Tianming that if he could cultivate this flat peach's spiritual roots, it might be of great use in the future.

Besides, even if this flat peach spirit root will not come in handy at that time, whether it is flat peach fruit or flat peach branch is a rare treasure, Xiao Tian will not suffer anyway!

"The host is home to 36 caves and heavens, 72 blessed places, and countless famous mountains and rivers in China, all of which are full of aura. The host only needs to transplant the flat peach spiritual roots to those places."

Xiao Tian couldn't help frowning when he heard the system's answer.

System requirements are not difficult to say, and simple is not easy to say.

After all, the famous mountains and rivers mentioned by the system are not without people. As long as you can find a place to live with a big price, Xiao Tian moved in with Pan Tao Linggen.


Finding a suitable place is not that simple.

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