God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 126

That meant that in Xiao Tian's mind, the Wei family was considered a friend.

In this situation, Wei Yi would not be so stupid to target Xiao Tian.

If Xiao Tian just took the Sakaguchi Yixiang caught by the shit luck, then the Wei family spent great effort to deal with Xiao Tian. Not only did they lose a friend, they would not get anything in return. They might even offend the Zhang family. This is not eating. Have nothing to do when you are full?

This kind of pay and return are completely disproportionate, and I am afraid that even the stupidest businessman will not do it!

If Xiao Tian had taken Sakaguchi Yixiang by his own strength, wouldn't the Wei family provoke himself a terrifying enemy against Xiao Tian?

Although the Wei family is one of the three major families in Shangjing, they have to spend a lot of effort on Shang Sakaguchi Yixiang. Aiming at a Xiaotian who is stronger than Sakaguchi Yixiang, may bring heavy losses to the Wei family!

In this case, Wei Yi would not be full to target Xiao Tian!

Just like now, if you have a good relationship with Xiao Tian, ​​once Xiao Tian has any benefits, you will think about the Wei family in the future, and you won't suffer any loss in the Wei family.


There was no word for a night, and soon it was the early morning of the next day.

Xiao Tian got up from the bed and rubbed his eyes. After washing, he walked to the courtyard and sat down. By the way, he turned off the Zhaowu Xuanguang Formation, then lifted Sakaguchi Yixiang behind the door and threw it to the wall to lie down.

He still remembers that Wei Hong said that the Zhaowu Xuanguang Formation who came to visit today, he did not want Wei Hong to know for the time being.

After all, the defensive heart is indispensable. Although the Wei family is still a friend at the moment, who knows if the Wei family will suddenly have a convulsion?

The existence of the Zhaowu Xuanguang Formation can save him some worry.

Wei Hong came faster than Xiao Tian thought. Less than half an hour after Xiao Tian turned off the Zhaowu Xuanguang Formation, Wei Hong's figure appeared outside the villa's gate.

"Haha, Xiaotian, you gave the old man a surprise," Xiao Tian didn't close the door, so Wei Hong saw Xiao Tian sitting in the courtyard at a glance and laughed.

"We are all old acquaintances, and still play this one?"

Xiao Tian pointed to Sakaguchi Yixiang, who was lying on the wall, like a dead dog, and then looked at Wei Hong with an angry expression: "What is the origin of this stuff, you actually let you come out in person?"

"Xiaotian, do you remember what you said when Uncle Wei used this villa to exchange crow formations with you?" Wei Hong sighed and asked.

"Remember, isn't it that there may be some'little trouble'?"

Speaking of this, Xiao Tian was also a little speechless. He stared at Wei Hong and said with no good air: "You didn’t talk about this so-called'little trouble'. This is a Japanese ninja. If it weren’t for my strength, I’m afraid I would be planted in it. Here it is!"

"Hey, this is because of ill-consideration," Wei Hong laughed dryly when he heard the words, and then said, "Should I arrange another property for you?"

"It's okay, but first tell me what the origin of this product is, and what the hell is Sakaguchi Osora," Xiao Tian thought for a while, pointing to Sakaguchi Yixiang lightly.

While talking, Xiao Tian had a little smile on his face. Why did he tell Wei Hong about Sakaguchi Yixiang? Apart from trying to figure out the origin of this product, he was not just too troublesome, and planned to let Wei Hong replace him Find a place to live by yourself?

Now that Wei Hong is doing this way, he certainly won't be stern.

Seeing Xiao Tian's expression, Wei Hong was relieved and quickly informed Xiao Tian of Sakaguchi Yixiang's origins.

Chapter 260 Ready to go to the next plane!

Wei Hong talked about matters related to Sakaguchi Yixiang and Sakaguchi Osora for more than half an hour before he could finish.

"Xiao Tian, ​​now do you understand what it means to catch Sakaguchi Yixiang?" After Wei Hong finished speaking, he turned his gaze on Xiao Tian, ​​his expression a little more solemn.

Even for a behemoth like the Wei family, the Iga Ninja faction is a very tricky existence. After all, the ninjas from that force are not as good as their descendants of the ancient martial family.

But when it comes to the next three indiscriminate methods, there are so many varieties that people can hardly guard against.

Xiao Tian smiled, looked at Wei Hong, and said with a smile: "Probably understand, you can take the goods away. As for the residence, I want to find a cleaner place, preferably famous mountains and rivers. "

Although Wei Hong described both Sakaguchi Yisho and Iga Shinobi as very tricky, in Xiao Tian's eyes, the so-called Iga Shinobi was nothing more than a bunch of rubbish.

He is now at the completion of the Mahayana period, only half a step before he can take the last step and step into the fairyland of the legendary man!

Na Sakaguchi Yixiang is nothing more than the acquired grandmaster. As for the Iga Ninja faction, the strongest is no more than a mere congenital grandmaster complete perfection. With this kind of strength, he can just stretch his fingers and crush it to death!

Wei Hong was stunned when he heard Xiao Tian's words, then took a deep look at Xiao Tian, ​​but didn't say much.

In fact, he had been outside the villa long ago, and he had also seen a little bit of the mystery of Xiao Tian's villa.

As a descendant of the ancient martial family, and even some children in the clan have already embarked on the path of cultivating immortals, Wei Hong is also very clear about some secrets.


It seems that my little brother might have got some amazing opportunities.

However, Wei Hong's thoughts were similar to Wei Yi's. Although he knew that Xiao Tian's chances might be against the sky, he didn't have the slightest idea of ​​taking it.

Rather than bothering to offend Xiao Tian and taking the risk of failure, it is better to make friends with Xiao Tian. If something good happens then, Xiao Tian might think of their Wei family first!

The latter is a trade that makes a profit without losing money, while the former is risky, and fools know how to choose!

"Xiaotian, where do you want a house?" Wei Hong thought for a while, looked at Xiao Tian, ​​and said earnestly: "Five sacred mountains are places where there is a master, even my Wei family can hardly intervene, except for Taoism. Apart from the Dragon Tiger Mountain of the Ancestral House, other places are up to you to choose!"

He said this swearingly, and with the strength of his Wei family, he could do it!

"Then Dali Wuliang Mountain," Xiao Tian said casually.

When he was on the plane of Heavenly Dragon, he had lived in seclusion on Mount Wuliang for a while, but he also had some feelings. Before there was a better choice, Mount Wuliang was not bad.

"Wuliang Mountain? OK! Xiaotian, give me two months, and you can call me directly after two months." Wei Hong frowned, then gritted his teeth and agreed.

Furthermore, Wei Hong considered that Xiao Tian might have his own arrangements, and simply asked Xiao Tian to come to him in two months.

Without waiting for Xiao Tian to speak, he called the bodyguard who was guarding outside the villa to carry Sakaguchi Yixiang and walk out.

"This old man Wei has a good nose," Xiao Tian shook his head and laughed as he saw Wei Hong's figure.

Although Wei Hong's cover-up was good, he also saw some clues, but since Wei Hong was acquainted, he didn't mind maintaining the friendship with the Wei family.

At least this can save him a lot of things!

"It's estimated that it will take a while for the Wei family to find a new place. How about finding another plane to have fun with?" Xiao Tian waited until Wei Hong's figure disappeared from his sight, and activated the Zhaowu Xuanguang Formation casually, thinking at the same time. .

Chapter 261 is actually this plane!

Thinking about this, Xiao Tian opened the property panel with his hand.

A light quality panel appeared in Xiao Tian’s line of sight, listing all the information of Xiao Tian today——

Name: Xiao Tian

Race: Terran

Cultivation: Mahayana Consummation!

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