God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 129

Even Xiao Ding was a little sluggish. He had no idea that Xiao Li's luck would be so good. Xue Lan's eyes on Xiao Li were incredibly hot, and he couldn't wait to swallow Xiao Li's bones!

"Senior is serious?" Xiao Li swallowed, feeling like he was in a dream.

That is at least the existence of high-ranking Douhuang!

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is calling the wind and calling the rain in this Jiama Empire. In this stone desert city, it is even more like a god!

"Do I have to lie to you?" Xiao Tian shook his head and said lightly: "A two-star battle master is just a mere two-star master, I can run it to death with my hand..."

"That's right, senior, I think Xiao Li just doesn't know how to promote. The junior is Sharo of the Sand Mercenary Group. Senior, see if the junior can get your eyes!"

Before Xiao Tian could finish speaking, Sha Luo jumped out and said loudly.

Originally he was envious of Xiao Li, but when he heard that Xiao Li had to confirm it, his heart blossomed immediately. In his opinion, Xiao Li was a fool!

If you don't agree to this kind of pie in the sky right away, you still have to confirm it. Isn't it afraid of causing this Senior Xiao's discomfort?

But he had forgotten one thing. Xiao Li questioned Xiao Tian's words, although it might make Xiao Tian unhappy, but if he interrupted Xiao Tian's words rashly, wouldn't he make Xiao Tian angry?

"Noisy!" Xiao Tian's face suddenly became gloomy when he heard Sha Luo's words, and he said coldly: "It's my turn to talk in the Lord?"

After finishing speaking, Xiao Tian lifted his right hand and grabbed it. The majestic spatial force surrounded Sha Luo and instantly crushed it into a mass of meat!

Then Xiao Tian looked around and said lightly: "I don't like someone interrupting me, understand?"

The surrounding crowd nodded in a hurry, joking, Sha Luo is one of the strongest in Rock Desert City, but was crushed into flesh by this Senior Xiao's gestures. If he angered him, how could he be dead?

Of course, some of the sharp-minded people present heard Xiao Tian's claim before, and their hearts turned overwhelming. Looking at Xiao Li, there was a raging jealousy in their eyes, as if they were about to burn Xiao Li to ashes!

This saint!

Is this Senior Xiao actually a strong fighting saint?!

They didn't doubt that Xiao Tian was deliberately exaggerating his strength. After all, although their strength was low, they could also see what Xiao Tian used to crush Sha Luo into fleshy meat just now——

The power of space!

That's the power of space that only the strongest person can master!

Is it necessary to deceive the ants when it comes to the powerhouses at that level?


To say unceremoniously, at this level of my own little strength, he doesn't even have the qualifications to be in the eyes of this Senior Xiao, it is naturally impossible for Senior Xiao to come here to deceive him!

"Master is here, please be respected by the disciple!" Xiao Li is also a slender-minded person, and naturally guessed something from Xiao Tian's self-proclaim, without hesitation, he immediately reverently said.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for accepting the first disciple of the Doupa Sky plane, Xiao Li!"

As soon as Xiao Li's voice fell, the system prompt sounded in Xiao Tian's mind.

Chapter 266: Teaching Techniques!

When Xiao Tian heard the system prompt, he nodded slightly, looked at Xiao Li's gaze a little softer, and smiled: "You don't need to be formal, you and I are also destined, let me follow."

After speaking, Xiao Tian rose into the air and flew towards the outside of Shimo City.

Xiao Li hurriedly squeezed the crowd to keep up. As for the people watching around, they didn't bother very wisely.

After all, everyone has seen the end of the previous Sharo who jumped out. No one wants to use his own life to prove to the latecomers that this road will not work!

With Xiao Li, Xiao Tian found a secluded place outside Shimo City, and arranged a space barrier to isolate the surroundings.

At present, Queen Medusa, the leader of the most powerful snake-man tribe in the Tagore Desert, is only a high-ranking emperor.

As for the "Ice Emperor" Haibodong hidden in Mocheng, he was no more than the Five-Star Fighting Emperor in his heyday, and now he was sealed by Queen Medusa, and his strength was only the Fighting Spirit!

So Xiao Tian didn't think anyone had the ability to break through the space barrier he had laid.

After doing this, Xiao Tian turned his gaze to Xiao Li and said lightly: "Since you have entered my sect, I will naturally pass on your cultivation technique and fighting skills first. Judging from the aura you leaked before, you are a thunder-type fighting spirit? "

"Teacher's eyes!" Xiao Li quickly replied when he heard Xiao Tian's words: "The disciple is indeed grudge with thunder attributes."

While speaking, Xiao Li's face was faintly self-satisfied. On the plane of Doubreaking Sphere, there are many kinds of fighting spirit, and the thunder attribute is one of the most aggressive fighting spirits!

"Yeah," Xiao Tian nodded lightly, raised his hand to point to Xiao Li's forehead, and then a lot of information poured into Xiao Li's mind like a tide.

Xiao Li only checked part of it, and his face showed ecstasy!

If he didn't guess wrong, what Xiao Tian taught him was a technique that was at least the ground level!

This is a ground-level technique!

The Motie mercenary group he was in was called the Moshicheng giant, but what he and Xiao Ding were practicing was only the lower-level exercises of the profound rank. He naturally knew what a volume of ground-level exercises represented!

"This volume of exercises is called the'Nine-turned Immortal Body'. In terms of level, it is considered to be the top level of the Heaven-ranked exercises. Please feel it carefully!

Seeing Xiao Li's expression, Xiao Tian could probably guess what he was thinking, and said lightly.

"Heaven-level cultivation technique!" Xiao Li's brain seemed to be hit hard with a heavy hammer, and the whole person was dizzy.

In the legend, once it appeared, it could cause a bloody storm, and countless forces competed for the Heavenly Rank technique, but now it was taught to him by his own teacher?

"Nothing to do," Xiao Tian glanced at Xiao Li, and said without a good air: "It's just a trivial exercise of the heavenly rank. Don't show this expression again in the future, it's a shame for being a teacher."

In fact, Xiao Tian was right. Although the "Nine Transformation Immortal Body" he taught to Xiao Li only had the first level, it had already allowed Xiao Li to cultivate to the pinnacle of fighting sage, and even use it to break through to the emperor. It is not an exaggeration to call it a heavenly rank.

"The disciple understands," Xiao Li heard Xiao Tian's words, only then recovered and said seriously.

Only then did he remember that his teacher was a legendary fighting saint powerhouse, and perhaps the incomparably precious Heaven-Rank Cultivation Technique was really nothing in his teacher's eyes.

Thinking of this, Xiao Li suddenly had a bold idea.

My own teacher, might be able to solve the strange situation of Xiao Yanzi's fluctuating strength?

Chapter 267 Finding a bodyguard!

Thinking of Xiao Li's excitement, he immediately asked: "Teacher, the disciple has a younger brother, and his talent is even higher than me, but for some reason, after breaking through the fighter, the realm suddenly drops, no matter how young I am. Brother can't improve his cultivation level by any means, I wonder if the teacher can solve it?"

"The realm has fallen?" Xiao Tian smiled and said lightly: "The reason is many. Before I saw your young brother, even I couldn't make a conclusion at will."

Of course Xiao Tian knew the reason for the fall of Xiao Yan's realm, but he didn't plan to tell Xiao Li about it right now.

"That..." Xiao Li hesitated after hearing Xiao Tian's words, and said cautiously: "I don't know if the teacher can go back to Wutan City with the disciple... See my little brother."

When Xiao Li wanted to come, with his younger brother Xiao Yan's talent, what if he saw Lie Xinxi after seeing him as the teacher, and by the way, would Xiao Yanzi become a disciple?

At that time, with the support of his own teacher, who else in the Xiao family would dare to laugh at or even bully Xiao Yanzi?

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