God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 131

"Okay, go," Xiao Tian waved his hand and said, "After my disciple breaks through Dou Huang, you can leave by yourself."

Without waiting for Hai Bodong to speak, Xiao Tian's figure flashed, a faint spatial ripple appeared in front of him, and then disappeared in front of Hai Bodong.

"Space shift, high-level fighting saint?!" Hai Bodong's knowledge is much better than Xiao Li. Before that, Xiao Li hadn't recognized what Xiao Tian's hand represented, but Hai Bodong had completely broken Xiao Tian's display. s method.

"That kid named Xiao Li is really lucky," Hai Bodong sighed as he looked at the place where Xiao Tian had disappeared, with a deep envy on his face.

There is a high-level Dousheng master, let alone in this remote northwestern region, I am afraid that even in the legendary Zhongzhou where geniuses gather, he can walk sideways, right?

"Forget it, I'd better meet the kid named Xiao Li first, and if possible, make a good relationship with him, maybe I might have the opportunity to use that kid to get on the line with the previous senior."

Hai Bodong thought to himself, a pair of ice-blue vindictive wings appeared behind him, and he quickly flew towards Shimo City.

Chapter 270 Xiao Li Breakthrough!

After completing Haibodong, Xiao Tian found a place to live in Mocheng.

When teaching Xiao Li's "Nine Revolutions of Immortal Body" before, Xiao Tian had already instilled all the matters that needed attention to Xiao Li. At the same time, Xiao Tian also activated the special skill of the saint master [Shien], and treated himself to The insights of "Nine Revolutions of Immortal Body" shared to Xiao Li.

So this time Xiao Tian didn't plan to stay by Xiao Li's side all the time, and this time, let Xiao Li break through to the Nine Star Grand Fighter within a month, it was a test he gave Xiao Li.

With the mystery of "Nine Revolving Immortal Body", Xiao Li could break through to Dou Ling within a month as long as he worked hard, and Jiuxing Da Dou Master was just Xiao Tian's lowest expectation!

So which step Xiao Li can do this time also determines how Xiao Tian will teach Xiao Li afterwards!

If Xiao Li couldn't even reach the Nine-Star Great Fighter, then Xiao Tian planned to directly use the pill to force Xiao Li's strength up, and then recruit a few more disciples to teach them carefully.

Only when Xiao Li meets his requirements will he teach Xiao Li with his heart.


A month later, Shimo City.

Although a month has passed, Shimo City still hasn't calmed down, and even the news that a fighting saint powerhouse once appeared in Shimo City spread in all directions at a hurricane-like speed.

It’s just that most of them are just people in Shimo City talking jokes. After all, in this small Jiama Empire, Dou Huang is the top powerhouse. He has basically never seen Dou Zong, let alone standing in the legend. Fighting Saint at the top of this continent?

How could a small stone desert city, even a small place without a Dou Ling, attract the legendary Dou Saint powerhouse?

But there are also some people who have thoughts on Xiao Li. In their opinion, although the appearance of the Dou Saint powerhouse in Rock Desert City is just groundless, since there is such news spreading, I am afraid there is some hidden secret in it.

And the legendary Xiao Li, who was accepted as an apprentice by the fighting saints, was the best breakthrough!

Some of the people who hit Xiao Li with their ideas came to make friends with good intentions, and some even attacked Xiao Li directly and secretly.

The former was stopped by Xiao Ding on the ground that Xiao Li was in retreat, but Xiao Ding did not neglect these people, and arranged them in the Motie Mercenary Corps resident, and established good relations with some of them.

As for the latter, Hai Bodong, who was secretly protecting Xiao Li, was frozen into an ice sculpture and left deep in the Tagore Desert.

Motie Mercenary Corps resident, a secret room.

Xiao Li sat cross-legged in the secret room, his eyes closed tightly, and the clothes on his body were close to the skin. In front of him, there were a large number of empty pill bottles scattered.

Suddenly, Xiao Li's closed eyes suddenly opened, and there was a glimmer of light in his eyes. The breath that had not been attracted suddenly exploded, shaking the pill bottle in front of him!

"Huh—unexpectedly, in just one month, I broke through to Dou Ling. The exercises passed down by the teacher are indeed mysterious. Not only do they have amazing advancement when they practice, but they can also automatically temper their fighting energy and greatly weaken those who rely on pill to improve their strength. The sequelae, it really deserves to be a Heaven-Rank Cultivation Technique!"

Xiao Li felt the energetic fighting spirit in his body and the fighting spirit sea urchin at his dantian place, with a smile on his face.

Fighting Qi solidified to form a sea urchin, which is a sign of Fighting Spirit!

Originally, Xiao Li felt that it was a blessing to be able to step into the Dou Ling realm in this life. Unexpectedly, after meeting Xiao Tian, ​​it only took one month to achieve the previous life expectancy!

"It's time to find the teacher, I hope the teacher can solve the problem of Xiao Yanzi," Xiao Li muttered, then opened the secret room door and walked outside...

Chapter 271 Who Dares to Bully My Brother!

After Xiao Li left the secret room, before even Xiao Ding had time to see him, he walked out of Shimo City with a look of urgency.

The passers-by in Shimo City saw Xiao Li appear, although they were curious, but when they saw the urgency on Xiao Li's face, there was no one who did not look forward to blocking Xiao Li.

After all, Xiao Li, as the deputy commander of the Motie Mercenary Corps, was one of the most powerful people in Shimo City. Even without the existence of Xiao Tian, ​​the Dou Sheng master, the residents of Shimo City would be a little bit afraid of Xiao Li.

What's more, Xiao Li was accepted as an apprentice by Xiao Tian in the crowd a month ago?

Soon, Xiao Li saw a white robe in the old place, Xiao Tian who was already waiting here.

"Disciple Xiao Li, I have seen the teacher!" Xiao Li saw Xiao Tian and hurriedly stepped forward two steps, respectfully.

"En," Xiao Tian replied, and then took a closer look at Xiao Li, with a little more smile on his face, and said with a smile: "One Star Dou Ling, not bad!"

Xiao Li secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Xiao Tian's words, then looked at Xiao Tian and said nervously, "Teacher, what about the little Yanzi?"

"Will I lie to you?" Xiao Tian glanced at Xiao Li, and said in a bad mood: "Have you arranged your affairs? When we are done, we will set off immediately."

"It's already arranged!" Xiao Li heard Xiao Tian's words, the joy on his face could no longer be suppressed, and he immediately said loudly.

Xiao Tian nodded lightly when he heard the words, and then waved his right hand, and the power of the surrounding space quickly boiled, and soon a slowly rotating wormhole was formed under Xiao Tian's control.

Then Xiao Tian grabbed Xiao Li and flew into the wormhole. When the two entered, the wormhole disappeared instantly.

Not long after, a spatial wormhole suddenly appeared in an empty dense forest outside Wutan city thousands of miles away. Then Xiao Tian and Xiao Li flew out of the wormhole and landed in the dense forest.

"Utan City is here. As for how the Xiao family should go, you have to lead the way," Xiao Tian said to Xiao Li, looking at the magnificent city not far away.

"Teacher follow me," Xiao Li nodded, leading the way.

Xiao Tian followed Xiao Li very casually, and the two quickly walked towards the place where the Xiao family was.


The Xiao family hall, the atmosphere in the hall at this moment is very dull.

"Clan Chief Xiao, please dissolve the marriage contract," Ge Ye said coldly, looking at Xiao Zhan who was sitting above him.


The tea cup in Xiao Zhan's hand burst into pieces and instantly turned into powder, his eyes full of killing intent when he looked at Ge Ye.

There were a lot of people in the hall, almost all of the Xiao family's protagonists were in the hall. Under the big crowd, Ge Ye's words were like a slap, slapped on the faces of Xiao Zhan and Xiao Yan.

"Hey, I was bullied to come to the door and forced to retreat. Xiao Zhan is a scandal today!" Although the old family of Xiao, who was sitting not far from Xiao Zhan, had a serious expression on his face, his eyes were full of sarcasm. And mocking.

"Xiao Yan? Retirement?"

The younger generation in the hall unabashedly cast their mocking gaze at Xiao Yan, looking at the former first genius of the Xiao family.

"Damn it!"

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