God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 133


Ge Ye spouted another mouthful of blood, holding on to take out a bottle of pill from Najie, carefully pouring out a pill into his mouth, and then pulling out the spear that penetrated his abdomen with a pale face.

"For your good luck, I can count on my words, I can pick me up, and I will spare you not to die!" Xiao Li glanced at the golden paper Ge Ye and said lightly.

Originally, his shot was aimed at Ge Ye's heart, but Ge Ye was lucky, and when he was blocking, he missed the tip of the gun by a few points, and he managed to survive.

After that, Xiao Li no longer paid attention to Ge Ye, but turned his eyes to Nalan Yanran, her eyes flashing with murderous intent.

He had heard what Nalan Yanran had said in the hall before. If he hadn't appeared in time, the Xiao family would have lost their reputation today!

It's a shame to be forced to retreat from the marriage!


When Xiao Li saw this, Nalan Yanran shivered severely and shrank back like a quail.

Having seen Xiao Li's shocking shot, she didn't have much confidence to take Xiao Li's shot and not die!

"Your Excellency, please be merciful! Give me a thin face of Yun Lanzong and let Yanran go!"

Ge Ye saw Xiao Li cast his eyes on Nalan Yanran, and said quickly.

This is the disciple of his Sect Master Yun Lan. If he dies here, not only will the Xiao family be in disaster, but Ge Ye will also be unable to survive!

"Yunlanzong? Thin face?" Xiao Li sneered. Before Ge Ye could react, the spear in his hand shook suddenly and stab Nalan Yanran!

Then, Xiao Li's voice sounded in this hall——

"There is a Yunlanzong in the mere trivial area, is it worth letting me give a thin noodle?"

It’s no wonder that Xiao Li looked down on Yun Lan Sect and had the existence of a master like Xiao Tian. It would not take long for Xiao Li to step on the entire Yun Lan Sect on his own. Under such circumstances, why should he give Yun Lan Sect face ?

Not to mention that Yun Lanzong sent his face to the door to beat him!

Seeing that Ge Ye was about to splash blood on the spot, a crisp voice suddenly sounded in the hall——

"Second brother, wait a minute!"

Chapter 274 Don't bully the young man!

When everyone present heard this voice, they quickly turned their eyes to Xiao Yan.

In this hall, there was no one who could call Xiao Li the "Second Brother" except Xiao Yan.

"What's the matter?" Xiao Li also cast his eyes on his third brother, with a gentle smile on his face.

"Second brother, I want to make my own decision on this matter, can I?" Xiao Yan looked at Xiao Li, gritted his teeth, and said seriously.

Xiao Li was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, and then laughed: "Okay, this is your business, it should be decided by yourself! Don't worry, no matter what your decision is, even if you want to kill Yun Lanzong, the second brother will give it to you. You carry it!"

"Yeah!" Xiao Yan focused his head, his eyes were a little red, it's great to have such a brother!

Then, Xiao Yan's gaze swept across the faces of everyone present, and finally fell on Nalan Yanran, and said coldly: "Miss Nalan, it's nothing more than feeling that Xiao Yan is a waste of me and is not worthy of you, but you Don’t forget, I was already a fighter when I was twelve years old!"

Speaking of this, Xiao Yan looked at everyone in the hall with flames rising in his eyes: "And you people, especially you, Nalan Yanran, when you were twelve years old, how many periods of fighting were you?"

"Even if I, Xiao Yan, are a trash now, but I am only fifteen years old, who can guarantee that I will not create another miracle in the future? Miss Nalan, looking at the face of Father Nalan, I will tell you a word, Thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi, don’t bully the young and poor!"

"Okay! What a young man!" Xiao Li immediately laughed when he heard Xiao Yan's words, and said proudly, "As expected, Xiao Li's younger brother, it's really extraordinary!"

When Nalan Yanran heard Xiao Li's words, she felt a puff of anger rushing to the heavens and coldly shouted: "Why are you teaching me? Even if you were no one before, you are just a waste! You can only rely on long Brother-like coward!"

"You said you can turn over again? Well, three years later, I am waiting for you in the Yunlanzong. As long as you can defeat me, Nalan Yanran will be a slave and a maid in this life. You have the final say!"

Xiao Li sneered when he heard the words: "As a slave or a maid? My Xiao Family Temple is small, and I can't accommodate Miss Nalan, the big Buddha!"

Xiao Yan was even more decisive. He ignored Nalan Yanran, who had an ugly face, and walked aside, wrote down a note, and patted it on the table!

"Don't think you are so amazing! It's a woman like you, Xiao Yan is not rare! This is what you want, but it is not the contract to dissolve the marriage contract, but the divorce of this young master! From now on, you Nalan Yanran Nothing to do with my Xiao family anymore!"

"You...do you dare to divorce me?" Nalan Yan was furious, as if planning to do it, but suddenly thought of something, she glanced at Xiao Li, and flinched back.


At this time, Ge Ye, who had been paying attention to the development of the matter, clutched his chest and looked at Xiao Zhan and said: "Patriarch Xiao, is this letter of divorce too much? Although it is Yanran's own proposition this time, it has also been approved by the suzerain. , As soon as this book comes out..."

Ge Ye looked at Xiao Zhan and said meaningfully: "My Sect Master Yunlan's face, I am afraid it is not good..."

"Huh! Ridiculous!" Xiao Li snorted coldly, "Your Sect Master Yun Lan has a face, but my Xiao family's face is not a face anymore? Why, I haven't been beaten enough, want me to reward you with another shot? "

"Ahem, Your Excellency is indeed extraordinary, but it's just Douling, right? There are many people in my Yunlanzong who are stronger than Your Excellency, so you should be better!" Ge Ye coughed twice and said.

"That's a lot of nonsense," Xiao Li said coldly as he looked at Ge Ye with a murderous intent shining in his eyes: "Since you have said so, then save your life. I want to see you again. What can I do?"

As he said, the long spear in his hand pierced like lightning, and the arc on the tip of the spear bounced straight into Ge Ye's throat!

Chapter 275 Yun Leng!

Ge Ye's face changed abruptly when he faced Xiao Li's shocking shot, but his eyes faintly flickered with mockery.

He admits that Xiao Li is very strong and really wants to start. He is not his enemy of one move, but Nalan Yanran is in a noble position. As a direct disciple of his Sect Master Yun Lan, how can he be the only one who protects her? Where is a little big fighting master?

The person didn’t make a move before, but there was no need to make a move, but now...

Ge Ye looked at Xiao Li and sneered in his heart.

If Xiao Li did not show up today, then the Xiao family would be nothing more than a scandal, but now, the Xiao family has such a variable as Xiao Li, that elder will definitely find a way to suppress the threat in the cradle!

Seeing Xiao Li's spear piercing Ge Ye's chest, an old voice suddenly sounded in the Xiao family hall: "Boy, you have to be forgiving and forgiving, don't be too much!"

With this sound, the spear in Xiao Li's hand seemed to hit an invisible barrier, and he could no longer advance further.

Xiao Li quickly turned his gaze to the place where the sound rang, only to find that a thin, old man wearing the costume of the elder of the Yunlanzong was suspended in the air, with a pair of splendid fighting wings behind him showing his strength to everyone in the Xiao family!

Fighting king strong!

"I have seen the elder Yun Leng!" Ge Ye saw this old man appear, a touch of joy appeared on his face, and he quickly said respectfully.

"Well," Yun Leng nodded lightly, then turned his gaze to Xiao Li, and shouted coldly: "You kid has a vicious mind, you can't keep it!"

As he said, he lifted his right hand, and his robe went without wind, and a strong vindictive spirit wrapped around his arm, moving towards Xiao Li!

A sharp rock thorn protruded from Xiao Li's feet. If Xiao Li hadn't retreated two steps behind seeing the situation, he would have been stabbed by this rock thorn on the spot!

Even so, Xiao Li was rubbed by the rock thorn, and a long slit was torn open the clothes on his body.

"It's quite capable!"

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