God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 137

"Stop talking," a member of the Xiao family who was close to him said quickly: "You are stupid, Xiao Li is lucky, but my Xiao family can also benefit from it, let alone anything else, Xiao Li will break through in the future. Can you still take care of my Xiao family?"

Chapter 282 Medicine Dust!

Many members of the Xiao family nodded secretly when they heard this. This person was right. It is enviable that Xiao Li can worship a high-level Dousheng as a teacher, but the Xiao family has also gained a lot of benefits.

Among other things, the news that Xiao Li worshipped a high-ranking fighting saint was enough to make the Xiao family rise quickly and quickly grow into a decisive force in the Gama Empire.

And as Xiao Li's strength increases, the influence of the Xiao family will gradually expand. In the end, perhaps under the blessing of Xiao Li, the Xiao family will grow to a level that they never even dared to think about!

At that time, these Xiao family disciples will also be looked up to by countless people.

It's no different if one person can ascend to heaven.

Xiao Zhan was even more happy. After all, it was his son who was accepted as an apprentice by Xiao Tian!

And when everyone was discussing in the Xiao family hall, Xiao Li also took Xiao Yan to Xiao Tian who had been waiting here for a long time.

"Teacher/Senior Xiao!" Xiao Li and Xiao Yan looked at Xiao Tian and said respectfully.

"En," Xiao Tian nodded, glanced at Xiao Yan with some doubts, then set his gaze on Xiao Li and asked, "Why did you bring your brother here too?"

"Teacher, disciple courageously, I want to ask the teacher to accept Xiaoyanzi as a disciple!"

Xiao Li looked at Xiao Tian, ​​gritted his teeth, and said seriously: "Little Yanzi's talent is much better than mine. If the teacher accepts Xiaoyanzi, he will definitely not regret it!"

"This kid's talent is really good," Xiao Tian smiled, then gently shook his head in Xiao Li's expectant gaze, and smiled: "However, this kid has another chance, and I am not good at refining medicine. The kid worshipped me as a teacher, but some pearls secretly voted."

After talking, Xiao Tian's gaze fell on the lacquered black ring in Xiao Yan's hand, and said lightly: "What do you think, the friend in the ring?"

Upon hearing the words, Xiao Li and Xiao Yan quickly cast their eyes on the dark ring on Xiao Yan's hand, with a strong look of doubt in their eyes.

"Senior Xiao, this ring is my mother's relic, is there any mystery?" Xiao Yan took off the dark ring on his hand and said blankly.

He has worn this ring for several years, and has never found any mystery, so he is very at a loss.

As soon as Xiao Yan's voice fell, the ring in his hand suddenly floated, and then was surrounded by a cloud of white flames!

As the flame appeared, the surrounding temperature seemed to drop a few minutes.

"What kind of flame is this, it's terrifying!" Xiao Li saw the white flame, his pupils shrank suddenly, surprised.

He is now a star fighting spirit, but when facing this flame, he felt a crisis of life and death. There was a voice in his heart telling him, don't touch this flame, otherwise he might die!

"Bone Spirit is cold, and ranked 11th in the Different Fire Ranking, I'm right, Yao Venerable, Yao Chen!" Xiao Tian smiled and said lightly.

As soon as Xiao Tian's voice fell, the white flames on the pitch-black ring suddenly trembled twice, and then an illusory old man's shadow flew out of the ring and appeared in front of everyone.

"Who are you, why have I never heard of you?" Cang Old Man Ying looked at Xiao Tian, ​​eyes full of doubt.

He Yaochen was born in the medicine clan, he is also a famous alchemist, even in Zhongzhou, but he has never heard of such a high-level fighting saint!

Chapter 283 Yao Chen and Xiao Tian!

It is important to know that not everyone can cultivate high-level fighting saints. In fact, apart from the ancient eight clans and the unidentified Taixu ancient dragon clan, Yao Chen has never heard of other forces possessing high-level fighting saints!

Even the Celestial Monster Phoenix clan and the Nine Nether Earth Python clan, which are also known as the three major clans of Warcraft with Taixu Ancient Dragon, do not have a high-ranking fighting saint!

Is the person in front of him from the Xiao Clan?

Yao Chen looked at Xiao Tian, ​​with more doubts in his eyes, but if Xiao Tian came from the Xiao Clan, even if the Xiao Clan had completely fallen, he should have heard of Xiao Tian's name.

But in fact, he had never heard of any news related to Xiao Tian. This person seemed to have appeared out of thin air!

"You have never heard that I am normal, because I have never made a shot in Zhongzhou," Xiao Tian smiled and said lightly.

Although Yao Chen was surprised when he heard this, he did not continue to question.

After all, Xiao Tian was not hostile to him, and he didn't need to get to the bottom of it. Some things, if they were completely unfolded, would be of no benefit to both parties.

Seeing that Yao Chen did not continue to question, Xiao Tian nodded lightly, and a touch of satisfaction appeared on his face.

This Venerable Medicine is also an interesting person.

After that, Xiao Tian turned his gaze to Xiao Yan, and said with a smile: "This Venerable Medicine is the culprit that caused your strength to fall back. Since he has appeared right now, he should not secretly absorb your fighting spirit after he comes. "

When Xiao Yan heard Xiao Tian's words, he quickly turned his gaze to Yao Chen, gritted his teeth and said, "So it turns out that you are in secret!"

Xiao Yan naturally heard what Xiao Tian called Yao Chen before, but he couldn't care about that much now, even if Yao Chen was the legendary Dou Zun?

Can Dou Zun be able to secretly absorb the fighting spirit that he has cultivated so hard?

Besides, there is his second brother's teacher sitting next to him. Although this Yao Zun is a strong Dou Zun, but his second brother's teacher is a real Dou Sheng strong!

Under such circumstances, could this Venerable Medicine still kill himself?

Xiao Tian naturally saw Xiao Jiujiu in Xiao Yan's heart, but he didn't say anything, but looked at Yao Chen with a playful expression.

When Yao Chen heard Xiao Yan's words, a look of embarrassment appeared on his face.

Originally, he had planned to find an opportunity to show up, and in addition to give Xiao Yan some compensation, if he had a chance, it would not be impossible to accept Xiao Yan as a disciple.

But right now, Xiao Tian called out, and seeing Xiao Yan's angry appearance, he was a little embarrassed.

"Little Wawa, even though I have absorbed your fighting spirit for three years, I don't need to be so angry, right?" Yao Chen looked at Xiao Yan and said somewhat sly.

If it weren't for Xiao Tian by his side, he would naturally not be like this. After all, he was a dignified medicine sage, so he could only give Xiao Yan some compensation.

Anyway, he has a rich family, to compensate for Xiao Yan, it couldn't be easier!

But right now, with a high-ranking fighting saint like Xiao Tian beside him, he had no bottom in his heart.

"No need?" Xiao Yan gritted his teeth and said, "How much ridicule did you bring me in the past three years because you absorbed my fighting spirit?"

Yao Chen smiled embarrassingly, then glanced at Xiao Tian, ​​and said to Xiao Yan: "Since I have absorbed your fighting spirit for three years, I will eventually give you some compensation. Right now I will give you two choices, you How about it?"

Yao Chen glanced at Xiao Tian while he was speaking, and a glint flashed in his eyes. He could probably guess why Xiao Tian called himself out, after all, he had heard what Xiao Tian said before.

Chapter 284 Two Choices!

Xiao Yan heard Yao Chen's words, a faint joy appeared on his face, and then asked, "What choice?"

Seeing Xiao Yan's expression, Xiao Tian shook his head slightly amused. The future "Emperor Yan" is still a bit too immature at present and needs more polishing.

Yao Chen glanced at Xiao Tian, ​​then looked at Xiao Yan, and said lightly: "Two choices, the first is that I will help you enter the Douhuang level within three years, as I have absorbed you for three years. The reward of anger."

Xiao Yan's heart was shocked when he heard the words, his face moved a little more.

This is Dou Huang!

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