God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 163

Although Xiao Li's decisive killing of several Yun Lanzong elders was commendable, it was nothing in Xiao Tian's eyes.

You must know that Xiao Li's "Nine Renaissance Immortal Body" was originally an extremely mysterious technique. For Xiao Li, a leapfrog battle is as easy as eating and drinking!

Chapter 341 Yun Yun!

Not to mention that Xiao Li used the'Tian Lei Yin' to attract the Nine Profound Golden Thunders. Under this situation, even a few fighting kings could not solve it, Xiao Tian should consider whether to expel Xiao Li from the division. !

So Xiao Tian didn't take Xiao Li's killing of several Yun Lanzong elders at all!

What made him more concerned was that when Xiao Li would deal with Yun Yun’s attack, Xiao Tian didn’t think that Yun Yun, as the sect master of Yunlan Sect, would still watch the battle after Xiao Li powerfully killed the elder Yun Lan. Let Xiao Li launch an attack!

Thinking of this, Xiao Tian looked at the dark whirlpool above Xiao Li's head and the huge golden thunder dragon floating in mid-air, a look of expectation flashed in his eyes, and he whispered: "With this kid's cultivation base I am afraid that this Thunder Dragon will not be able to sustain it anymore. I don't know how he can support Yun Yun in a while?"

While Xiao Tian was thinking about things, there were new changes on Yunlan Mountain.

Haibodong and Yunshan fought against each other on the sidelines. Although the momentum was shocking, both sides had reservations, and they had not yet reached the point of fighting each other.

Yao Chen and Yu Protector also occupy a place, but their fight is much more intense than that of Hai Bodong. They recruit blood, fists to the flesh, but whenever a Yunlanzong disciple accidentally approaches, Will be strangled by the aftermath of the two attacks!

But the most dramatic change was the large array laid by the Yunlanzong disciples. Under Xiao Li's terrifying attack, the airtight large array laid by the Yunlanzong disciples instantly became chaotic.

The three Xiao Li even took this opportunity to get rid of the encirclement of Yun Lanzong disciples.

When Xiao Li and the three of them broke out of the Yunlanzong disciples, before they had time to breathe, a long sword entwined with small whirlwinds pierced out of the sky, bringing countless sword shadows, and enveloping the three of Xiao Li.

At the same time, a coercion that belonged to Dou Huang spread out without concealment, bringing up a burst of smoke and dust.

"Huh! Can't help but make a move at last?" Xiao Li was enveloped by Jian Ying, with no trace of panic on his face, he gave a sneer, looking at the person who shot him, his face was full of disdain.

While speaking, Xiao Li raised his right hand, and the golden thunder dragon floating in the air let out a long roar, slamming towards the long sword and its owner!

Seeing Xiao Li's movements, Xiao Yan and Xiao Xun'er's movements were equally slow, the huge heavy ruler was lifted by Xiao Yan and blocked the three of them.

At the same time, the golden flames at Xiao Xun'er's fingertips broke out, quickly forming a splendid flame web in front of the three of them.

The moment that countless sword shadows touched the flame net, they were touched by the terrifying flames that could burn even grudge, and in the blink of an eye they turned into a dazzling ball of light, and then dissipated in the air.

Only a few fish that slipped through the flame net that Xiao Xun'er arranged, but they were greeted by an exaggerated heavy ruler!

As the Xuanzhong ruler swung, the strong wind howled, stopping all those sword shadows.

When Yun Yun saw this scene, a flash of astonishment flashed in her eyes. She didn't expect Xiao Li and the three to cooperate so tacitly, but there was no time to express emotion to her, because the terrifying golden thunder dragon was about to pounce on her In front of you!

Even though there was a distance, the strong wind brought by the golden thunder dragon still made her cheeks hurt!

Seeing Yunyun's face also became dignified, although she had seen the power of the golden thunder dragon before, but when she really faced it, she realized that she was so small!

Chapter 342 Another Soul Palace Powerhouse!

This discovery also made Yun Yun feel a little more uneasy, who can teach disciples like Xiao Li, then who is the senior expert?

Especially now that the Yun Lan Sect has been at odds with Xiao Li, if the expert behind Xiao Li is involved, does Yun Lan Sect still have a chance to survive?

Thinking of this, Yun Yun couldn't help but complain about her teacher a little bit more in her heart.


This complaining emotion didn't last long, and was interrupted by the golden thunder dragon rushing toward him, which made Yun Yun had to concentrate and deal with this terrifying golden thunder dragon!

She didn't want to end up like those elders of Yun Lanzong who had turned into powder!

Yun Yun lifted her right hand slightly, and following her movements, gusts of wind surrounded the long sword in her hand, and sword shadows emerged out of thin air. In the blink of an eye, countless sword shadows formed a continuously rotating sword wheel.

The surrounding heaven and earth vitality gathered towards the sword wheel, and soon a cyan vitality long sword condensed in the center of the sword wheel.

"go with!"

Yun Yun's clear voice resounded on Yunlan Mountain, and the cyan vitality sword slashed towards the golden thunder dragon!

"I can't help myself," Xiao Li shook his head when he saw this scene, disdainfully said.

Jiu Xuan Jin Lei is a Dou Sage who must be treated solemnly. Yun Yun is a Dou Sovereign, even if his strength is strong, is it possible to turn the sky upside down?

The golden thunder dragon and the cyan vitality sword collided with each other. The cyan vitality sword was annihilated by the golden thunder dragon without even a little splash, and the golden thunder dragon was only slightly dimmed!

Yun Yun's brows condensed when she saw this, and a pair of green and white fighting spirit wings suddenly opened behind her, flew away towards the distance, and at the same time she kept waving the long sword in her hand, and the green sword spirit enveloped Xiao Li.

Although she is not the opponent of the golden thunder dragon, she also found some clues in the collision just now, that is, although the golden thunder dragon is amazing in power, it consumes equally amazing fighting spirit.

In her opinion, Xiao Li's support until now, I am afraid that it is almost to the limit, otherwise Xiao Li would not let the golden thunder dragon directly hit it, but directly let the golden thunder dragon spit lightning attack!

Xiao Li naturally knew his situation. Seeing Yun Yun chose to fight, he didn't dare to let the golden thunder dragon launch an attack rashly. He just protected the whole body, and he was in a stalemate with Yun Yun.

At this time, on the other side, fighting against Yaochen for a long time, a fierce look suddenly flashed in the eyes of the guardian Kyu, who had not been able to achieve meritorious services, and forced Yaochen away with one blow. The brilliance of the ring on his right hand flashed, a piece of pure white. Yu Jian was caught in his hands.

"Space jade slip!" Yao Chen saw the jade slip in the hands of the guardian Yu, his expression suddenly changed, and the bone spirit rose up in the cold and enveloped the guardian Yu.

As the former pinnacle Dou Zun, how could Yao Chen not know the function of the space jade slip, so he launched the most violent attack on the guardian of Yu!

However, Yao Chen's movements were a bit slow after all. Facing the overwhelming white flames of the forest, the guardian smashed the jade slip in his hand with a grinning smile. In the blink of an eye, a huge spatial wormhole appeared in Yun Lan. On the mountain!

This huge spatial wormhole instantly attracted everyone's attention, and even the movements of Haibodong and Yunshan in the fight slowed down a bit, watching the huge spatial wormhole together.

"The third child, didn't I tell you, don't find me if it's okay, who else can be your opponent in that wild land in the northwestern region?"

In the space wormhole, a thick male voice with a slight dissatisfaction came out, and then, a figure covered in black robe stepped out of the space wormhole, and the breath of a star Dou Zun was unconcealedly released, like a hurricane. Scratched from Yunlan Mountain!

Chapter 343 Have You Asked Me?

"One Star Dou Zun!"

Upon seeing the incoming person, Yao Chen's face was solemn, and he said every word.

If he was in his heyday, a one-star Dou Zun would be able to shoot to death at will, he would naturally not take it to heart.

But right now he lost his physical body, and at the same time only recovered a small part of his soul power. Facing a one-star Dou Zun, he didn't even have the slightest resistance to resist!

"Yao Chen, I didn't think there would be such a great gift here!" The visitor looked at Yao Chen and said in surprise.

After that, the Soul Palace Dou Zun raised his hand to grab Yao Chen, and the majestic spatial force formed a huge cage under his control, trapping Yao Chen in it!

"Huh? The little princess of the ancient race is here too?" He immediately trapped Yao Chen, and the Soul Palace Dou Zun cast his gaze at the others, then his eyes condensed and said in ecstasy.

As Soul Palace Dou Zun, even if it was only a one-star Dou Zun, his knowledge was far beyond that of the Guardian, so the moment he saw Xiao Xun'er, the Soul Palace Dou Zun recognized Xiao Xun. child.

"This is really a credit given to me by God!" This Soul Palace Dou Zun didn't care why Xiao Xun'er appeared here, he only knew that once he captured Xiao Xun'er, it would be a great feat.

I can't say that he can still take this opportunity to enter the emperor altar of the clan and temper himself with the imperial aura. Maybe he will have a chance to attack Dou Sheng in the future!

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