God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 165

Hearing this, the guardian must feel confident in his heart.

Yes, no matter how you say it, it is also the guardian of the Soul Palace. Even if the white-clothed man in front of you is strong, he still won't lose face to the Soul Palace, right?


Thinking of the performance before the guardian, Ku guardian's expression became hesitant again.

Unlike the Li protector, he was just a non-staff member absorbed by the Soul Palace, staying in the northwestern region all the year round to be a prestigious blessing, and basically did not understand the affairs of Zhongzhou.

As for the Soul Palace, it would not send the news specifically for a small fighting sect, so the guardian Yu didn't even know what happened in Zhongzhou a few days ago!

However, even Li Protector, who was a one-star Dou Zun, was so respectful to the white-clothed man, being a Dou Zong himself was really not enough for the opponent to crush.

In case he really angered the other party and died in his hands eventually, I am afraid that the Soul Palace may not be going to trouble the white man for his little fighting sect!

"Guardian Yu!" Yunshan saw the expression on Guardian Yu's expression, and the secret way was not good, and he quickly shouted: "You have also interfered with the affairs of the Xiao family. The man in white is obviously related to the Xiao family. Do you think you still have a way out?"

Yunshan is very clear about his current situation, if the guardian Yu also learns to leave the guardian, then he really has only a dead end!

The only way at the moment is to tie the guardian Kuku to his chariot.I hope that the name of the soul hall can make the man in white jealous, and dare not kill him two!

Chapter 346 Seeing Emperor Xiao!

Hearing Yunshan's words, the guardian Yu gave Yunshan a vicious look, his eyes burning with anger.

He is not a fool. How can he not guess Yunshan's intentions? What's more, Yunshan's remark just now directly confirmed that he had something to do with the Xiao family and directly cut off his retreat!

Yunshan's expression did not change at all when he saw the performance of the guardian.

Right now he has no retreat. If he is not allowed to protect the law, then he has only a dead end. He doesn't think that the man in white will easily let him go!

Tying the guardian to his chariot certainly offends the guardian, but as long as he can escape the catastrophe, even if he is to meet the guardian's revenge, he will admit it!

After all, he was more willing to face the five-star Douzong's strength guardian than Xiao Tian who made the one-star Dou Zong dare not take action.

Seeing that Yunshan's expression didn't fluctuate at all, the guardian gave a glance at Yunshan, then turned his head to look at Xiao Tian, ​​and said in a deep voice, "I don't know what your origin is, but I am the guardian of the Soul Palace. If you are right, If I act, my soul palace will definitely not rest!"

In fact, the guardian Yu knew in his heart that he was a small fighting sect, and he was probably like a cannon fodder in the soul hall, and it was impossible for the soul hall to stand up for him.

Right now he just said something like this with the mentality of a try.

But Yunshan's previous remarks had already pushed him to the opposite of the Xiao family. If he didn't say these remarks, I am afraid that even if he did not die in the hands of the white man, he would be besieged by Yao Chen and Hai Bodong.

On the contrary, if he said this, he might still have this ray of life.

"Soul Palace? Don't take a break?" Xiao Tian raised the corner of his mouth when he heard the words of Guardian Yu, and mocked: "Do you think the Soul Palace dared to offend me for such a small fighting sect like you?"

Protector Khu naturally heard the teasing in Xiao Tian's words, but now he has no way out, so he can only bite the bullet and say: "Your Excellency can give it a try, see if I dare not dare!"

Xiao Tian smiled when he heard the words, turned his head to look not far away, and said lightly: "A few people outside, have you watched enough."

As Xiao Tian's voice fell, ripples appeared in the space not far away. After a while, four figures walked out of the ripples in the space, exuding a monstrous aura!

"Shi Ling of the Shi Clan, I have seen Emperor Xiao!" The head was a burly man, looking at Xiao Tian, ​​respectfully.

"Yan Jin of the Yan clan, I have seen Emperor Xiao!" Behind Shi Ling, there was a young man with flame lines on his forehead and red hair. Yan Jin looked at Xiao Tian with a respectful expression.

"Gu Qingyang of the ancient tribe, I have seen Emperor Xiao!" Next to Yanzhin, there was a young man in Qingyi standing, whose strength was also the strongest among several people. His tyrannical aura spread out, oppressing everyone on Yunlan Mountain. Vaguely out of breath.

"The soul of the soul clan, I have seen Emperor Xiao!" The last person was shrouded in a black robe, his body exuding a frightening cold air, his voice hoarse, like an evil spirit roaring in the Nine Nether World Prison.

When everyone present heard Shi Ling's address to Xiao Tian, ​​their faces showed incredible expressions.

In Douqi Continent, the word'di' is not something that everyone can use. This man in white can be called the "Xiao Di", and his strength can be imagined!

"The Xiao family has something to do with Emperor Dou..." On a big tree next to the square, Nalan Jie, the old patriarch of the Nalan family, looked at Xiao Tian with an incredible expression in his eyes.

Chapter 347 Depressed Soul Void!

When Xiao Li summoned the Nine Profound Golden Thunder before, Nalan Jie had already regretted that Nalan Yanran went to the Xiao family to regret her marriage.

In his opinion, the strength displayed by Xiao Li might soon surpass the Jiama Empire, coupled with Xiao Yan also showing extraordinary strength, this has made him regret it.

If it weren't for Xiao Li and Xiao Yan's confrontation with Yun Lanzong, Nalanjie would have the urge to tie Nalan Yanran to the Xiao family and apologize!

But even so, Nalanjie's heart was full of bitterness.

Originally, the Xiao family would become his Nalan family's most solid ally, and Xiao Li, as well as such talents as Xiao Yan and Xiao Xun'er, would also become his Nalan family's help.

But all of this was pushed out by his granddaughter, Nalan Yanran in the most impulsive and hurtful way.

Right now, it was revealed that Xiao Li's master was the legendary Doudi strong man, and the bitterness in Nalanjie's heart rose to the apex in an instant!

That's Doudi!

If Nalan Yanran didn't regret the marriage, his Nalan family could also take advantage of this shareholder's wind to soar!

Thinking of this, Nalan Jie's face was blue and white, and finally turned into a sigh, turned and walked down Yunlan Mountain.

If he continues to stay, he is afraid that he will hear any more news that will make him regret for a lifetime!

The rest of the people looked at Nalan Jie's bleak back, and their eyes flashed gloating. Fortunately, there was no disciple like Nalan Yanran in their clan, otherwise they would regret it today!

If Nalanjie felt bitter in her heart, then the guardian's heart was frightened.

Because after the appearance of the soul, a token was thrown on his face.

Although the guardian is only an external member absorbed by the soul hall, he also knows some necessary common sense in the soul hall, so naturally he will not fail to recognize the token that represents the position of the head of the soul hall!

"The hall, the hall master," the guardian Ku swallowed his saliva, looked at the soul, with a difficult expression.

He knew he had no way to survive now, and the only thing he could fight for was a happy death.

After all, as a person in the Soul Palace, even if it was just an insignificant peripheral member, the Guardian Kyu had an understanding of those terrifying methods in the Soul Palace.

If you fall into the hands of the soul, I am afraid that you will really die!

"I'm not the hall master, you are the hall master!" Soul Xu stared at the guardian, and shouted coldly.

Since Xiao Tian made a noise in the Soul Palace and opened the Soul Realm with a sword, everyone in the Soul Clan has been honest, for fear that he would provoke Xiao Tian this evil star without paying attention.

The power of the Soul Palace in Zhongzhou shrank directly into the various sub-temples, not daring to make a second.

Especially when Xiao Tian broke through the fighting emperor, the news that let the soul sky emperor not fight against the Xiao Clan was spread to the soul world, the soul family directly gave up all the sub-halls of the soul hall, leaving only the most important ones. The three main halls of heaven, earth and people.

But Hunxu couldn't even dream of it. When the forces of the Soul Palace in Zhongzhou died and did not dare to make trouble, there were idiots in this northwest region who didn't have long eyes, and they provoke Xiao Tian to death!

Originally, when he came to Yunlanzong this time, he only received an order from the clan to follow Gu Qingyang, but he did not expect that as soon as he arrived at Yunlanzong, he saw Li protector and was scared to the ground by Xiao Tian. A scene of begging for mercy.

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