God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 168

When Hai Bodong on the side heard Xiao Tian's words, his face couldn't help showing envy.

Tianlei leads him to practice, and he naturally knows how strong this fighting skill is. A fighting skill that is no worse than Tianlei leads to the level of the legendary heavenly fighting skills!

Even Xiao Li's face has a bit of unbearable joy. Although all the exercises and fighting skills he cultivated after he joined Xiao Tianmen are top-notch ones, who would think he knows a lot?

A fighting skill that is stronger than Tian Lei Yin can completely become his confidence to challenge him!

Seeing Xiao Li's expression, Xiao Tian smiled and said lightly: "After returning to Xiao's house, go to the back mountain to find me."

After speaking, Xiao Tian stepped out, and ripples of space appeared in front of him, and he swallowed Xiao Tian in the blink of an eye.

When Xiao Li and others saw this, they looked at each other and rushed towards Wutan City.


Wutan City, the back mountain of the Xiao family.

Suddenly a wave of ripples appeared on the top of the silent mountain, and then a figure in white clothes walked out of the ripples and landed on a huge bluestone. Who was it if it wasn't Xiao Tian?

"System, I want to draw a lottery." As soon as Xiao Tianfu landed, he immediately placed a space blockade around him, and then instructed the system in his heart.

In fact, Xiao Tian will leave Xiao Li and others first this time, just to find a place where no one can draw the prize!

Because the rewards of the system this time really exceeded Xiao Tian's expectations, Xiao Tian originally thought that the system would only award some prestige and mentor points this time, and then added a few random lottery or designated lottery opportunities to end.

Never thought that this time the system actually rewarded an opportunity to draw a super-level technique!

The last time Xiao Tian got the chance to extract a super-level technique was on the plane of Zhu Xian, he was rewarded by the system when he pushed back through a hundred miles of good and evil and besieged the Ghost King's Alliance Army.

It was also that time that Xiao Tian got the incomplete "Nine Revolutions Profound Art"!

That's why Xiao Tian was anxious to draw the lottery this time, because according to the urinary nature of the Saint Master System of Ten Thousand Realms, it is very likely that this time he will extract the content of the second level of "Nine Revolutions Profound Art" he badly needs!

"The host has one chance to draw the remaining super-level skills and two random draws. Does the host draw all of them?"

Chapter 353 Nine Ranks Indestructible Body (Second Layer)!

"Extract super-level techniques," Xiao Tian ordered in his heart without hesitation.

While talking, Xiao Tian was also a little worried, and he didn't know if he could get the second level of "Nine Revolutions Profound Art" he needed most this time.

If he pulls out other techniques, Xiao Tian will recognize it, but if he pulls out the other layers of "Nine Revolutions Profound Art", Xiao Tian thinks he can find a rope to hang himself!

Soon, the voice of the system sounded in Xiao Tian's mind——

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining "Nine Revolutions Profound Art" (second level)!"

When Xiao Tian heard the system's voice, he only felt that there was a thunder in his mind, and it took a while before he recovered.

"System, are you sure it's the second level?" Xiao Tian asked with some difficulty, for fear that he had heard it wrong before.

Although he guessed that according to the urinary nature of the Saint Master System of Ten Thousand Realms, when he already had the "Nine Revolutions Profound Art" (the third layer), it was very likely to extract the "Nine Revolutions Profound Art" (second layer). , But before the dust settled, Xiao Tian was still a little unsure.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining "Nine Revolutions Profound Art" (second level)!"

Hearing what Xiao Tian said, the system had to repeat it again, and at the same time a large amount of information flooded into Xiao Tian's mind like a tide.

Xiao Tian didn't dare to neglect, and quickly sorted out the complex information in his mind.

"Huh—" After a long while, Xiao Tian exhaled deeply, and a little more smile appeared on his face.

This time the system really gave him the second layer of "Nine Revolutions Profound Art" he badly needed!

"System, how many faculty points do you need to integrate the Nine Rank Profound Art and the second level of Body Blasting Heaven?" Xiao Tian thought for a while and asked in his heart.

He remembers that when he merged the first level of Nine Revolutions profound art with the first level of Blasting Body Heavenly Art, he spent a full 1,000 Master's Favor points, and now he is fusing the more sophisticated Nine Revolutions Profound Art and the second level of Blasting Body Heaven. I'm afraid there will be more Shien points!

"To fuse the second layer of Blasting Body Heavenly Art and the second layer of Nine Revolutions Profound Art, 5000 Master Points is needed, because the host has already merged the first layer of Nine Revolutions Profound Art and the first layer of Blasting Body Heavenly Art, and the fusion route has been fixed. May I ask the host? Fusion?"

"5000 Shien points, so black!" Xiao Tian looked at his only 5124 Shien points, and the corners of his mouth twitched twice unconsciously.

It’s just the fusion of the Nine-turn Profound Art and the second level of Blasting Tiangong, and the required mentor points have been doubled by a full five times. Later, the third and fourth tiers, and even the highest ninth level, are needed. Not a sky-high price?

"Fusion!" Of course, Xiao Tian just complained about it. Not to mention it was only 5000 shien points, even if it was 50000 shien points, he would grit his teeth to gather up the shien points, and then merge the techniques.

After all, he has already seen the mystery of the Nineth Rank Immortal Body, so naturally he cannot give up the follow-up exercises!

"It's merging, the estimated time is one minute, please wait patiently," as Xiao Tian's voice fell, the system prompt sounded immediately, and then an exquisite hourglass appeared in Xiao Tian's realization.

There was no way to do anything in one minute, Xiao Tian simply lay on the bluestone, grabbed a weed, grabbed the roots, and waited for the fusion to complete.

As the last dust in the hourglass fell below, the system prompt sounded as scheduled——

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully fusing the second level of the explosive body heavenly power with the second level of the Nine Ranks Profound Art, and congratulations to the host for obtaining the second level of the Nine Ranks Immortal Art!

Chapter 354 The Great Vision!

As the system prompt sounded, a lot of insights poured into Xiao Tian's mind like a tide, all related to "Nine Turns of the Immortal Body".

It succeeded!

Xiao Tian spit out the grass roots in his mouth, a little joy on his face.

He still remembers that when he first merged the exercises, the system told him that the merged exercises might fail.

Even though he had successfully integrated the first level of the Nine Ranks Immortal Body, and now only integrated the follow-up exercises, Xiao Tian also couldn't guarantee that he would succeed.

Fortunately, the system did not disappoint him in the end!

Thinking of this, Xiao Tian didn't dare to neglect, and quickly concentrated on the information in his mind. As the information in his mind was sorted out by Xiao Tian, ​​the aura exuding from him became more and more shocking!

With Xiao Tian’s current cultivation base of Emperor Dou, he was already standing at the top of the Doupa Sphere plane. However, as his understanding of the second level of "Nine Revolutions of the Immortal Body" gradually deepened, Xiao Tian's cultivation base was actually Breaking through the limit of the Doupa Sky plane, breaking through to a higher level!

A large amount of heaven and earth vitality coiled around Xiao Tian, ​​forming small tornadoes. Dense cracks appeared on the bluestone under Xiao Tian's feet. After reaching a limit, they were broken into countless powders and swept in the air by the wind. .

Xiao Tian still kept lying down, suspended in mid-air with a radius of a hundred miles, and all the vitality that drifted between heaven and earth was attracted by Xiao Tian, ​​and the terrifying suction of "Nine Revolutions of the Immortal Body" even caused various visions!

Countless heaven and earth vitality gathered together to form a colorful river of vitality, hanging upside down from the sky, Xiao Tian's body slowly ascended, rising and falling in the river of vitality, his body faintly exudes a white and jade luster!

The residents of Utan City naturally noticed this huge movement, but they could only watch it anxiously, and couldn't even get close!

Because the place where Xiao Tian is located is the territory of the Xiao family!

As one of the three major families in Wutan City, the Xiao family was originally the overlord in Wutan City. After Xiao Li worshipped Xiao Tian as a teacher, although the Xiao family did not pass the news out, the Xiao family also took Wutan City. All the major forces beat it again!

Therefore, it is no secret in Wutan City that there are mysterious strong people behind the Xiao family, especially after Xiao Li's speed of light broke through to Jiuxing Dou Ling, and Xiao Yan's strength has advanced by leaps and bounds. This statement.

Therefore, although the movement in the back mountain of the Xiao family is not small, no outsider can approach it!

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