God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 174

You must know that this vacuum wave palm is one of the stone clan inheritance fighting skills. Although it is only the top level, but in terms of mystery, it is probably not worse than some heavenly fighting skills.

From his point of view, Xiao Li's actions are basically doing useless work. If the palm strength of the vacuum wave palm is so easy to crack, this fighting skill is not worthy as the inheritance fighting skill of the stone clan!

Even Xiao Tian's expression was a bit strange.

In his opinion, Xiao Li clearly had many ways to take this palm, but he didn't know why, but he chose the most risky one!

In this world, there has never been any perfect fighting skill, even the "Thunder Beast Change" that Xiao Tian taught Xiao Li after the system magic reform, also has many flaws.

So although this vacuum wave palm is good, as long as its weakness can be found, it is not difficult to crack it.

But this also depends on the situation!

When replaced by Xiao Tian, ​​facing this palm, he would naturally be able to crack it easily, but Xiao Li was different, his cultivation base was his fault!

With Xiao Li's cultivation base of the Nine Star Dou Ling, the weakness of this vacuum wave palm is not much different from other places for Xiao Li!

In this situation, Xiao Li wanted to attack against the attack, relying on the weakness of hitting the vacuum wave palm to break this fighting skill, the difficulty was really not low.

Xiao Li had his own plan. Although he thought of no less than three ways to crack the vacuum wave palm, the most visually impactful and shocking method was the method he chose now!

The reason why Xiao Li made such a decision was also to shock the disciples of the Shi Clan under the martial arts stage, so that they could understand that there is a gap between people!

What they can't do does not mean that he Xiao Li can't do it!

The shadow of the gun was heavy, with dazzling thunder light, successively dotted on the palm prints taken by Shi Qing, and there were continuous electric arcs exploding, leaving a shallow crack on the palm print, and there was a faint thunder light in the crack.


Seeing that the palm prints were about to hit him, Xiao Li's expression suddenly became a little weird, his spear stuck to the ground, and a word was lightly spit out from his mouth.

With the sound of Xiao Li's voice, a dazzling thunder light suddenly appeared on Shi Qing's palm prints, and the azure blue light enveloped the palm prints. Then accompanied by a loud noise, the powerful palm print exploded in an instant. Come on!

Xiao Li saw a little more smile on his face.

It is true that the weakness in the palm print that Shi Qing photographed was difficult for Xiao Li to break, but Xiao Li didn't need to break the weakness at all.

With the speed of firing a prairie fire with a hundred blows, Xiao Li was able to stab hundreds of guns before his palm prints, and countless gun shadows enveloped the palm prints, and there were always one or two that could leave marks on the palm prints!

As long as there are one or two spear shadows making contributions, Xiao Li can send his own anger into that palm print, detonating this powerful palm print from within!

Chapter 367 Shi Qing's emotion!

When everyone in the audience saw that Shi Qing's massive attack was easily resolved by Xiao Li, their expressions couldn't help but become a little dull.

Shi Qing was the first to react, looking at Xiao Li, and admiringly said: "The younger generation is terrible, the last resort, as long as you can follow, little brother, I promise to let little brother enter the trial of Wanshiyuan!"

After speaking, Shi Qing jumped into the air, and a terrifying aura exuded from him.

The sound of the surrounding wind seemed to become intense, the sky above Shi Qing, clouds piled together, like a heavy sky, the cover pressed down!

"The fighting skill I will use next is one of the inherited fighting skills of my stone clan. It has always been a heavenly fighting skill that only outstanding disciples in the clan can practice. Falling Sun!"

As Shi Qing said, raising both hands at the same time, the terrifying grudge condensed into a huge sphere.

As the big ball took shape, the surrounding air seemed to become viscous, and a terrifying gravity formed out of thin air, covering the entire martial arts platform.

Under the terrifying gravity, some Shizu disciples who were closer to the Yanwu Platform could not help but bend their backs slightly, trying to relieve the terrifying gravity.

Xiao Li's expression suddenly became dignified, gritted his teeth, faintly dense beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

It is important to know that the gravity that the Shi clan disciples on the side of the Yanwu platform bear is just aftermath. At the Yanwu platform, Xiao Li, who is firmly locked by Shi Qing, bears several times or even ten times the weight of those stone clan disciples. Several times!

When Shi Qing saw Xiao Li's performance, a strange color flashed in his eyes.

At the moment, the gravity that Xiao Li was bearing was about to catch up with the gravity in the middle of Wan Shiyuan, but he didn't expect that Xiao Li was only slightly struggling, and it seemed that he had not reached the limit.

"It's really a good seedling," Shi Qing said with some emotion: "If it were my disciple of the stone clan, my stone clan's fighting skills are simply tailored for him!"

Thinking of this Shi Qing could not help but laugh at himself, Xiao Li leaned back on a Doudi-level teacher, and the exercises and fighting skills he cultivated are probably top-notch ones. In contrast, the Shi Clan’s exercises and fighting skills may not be able to Comparable to the fighting skills Xiao Tian taught Xiao Li!

"I'm going to try your limit today!" Shi Qing saw Xiao Li under such terrifying gravity, but he was slightly struggling, and his heart couldn't help but become more curious. The big ball of vindictiveness in his hand gathered away.


Shi Qing's aura rose again, and a terrifying aura shrouded in the sky above the martial arts stage, like a god Linfan!

At the same time, under the dual effects of this terrifying coercion and gravity, the few disciples of the weaker stone clan who left the martial arts platform were unable to withstand the terrifying coercion and were pressed to the ground!

The Shi Clan disciples who were affected by the aftermath were even like this, and the pressure on Xiao Li, who was in the middle of the storm, was naturally conceivable!

There was an abnormal flush on Xiao Li's face, big beads of sweat constantly appeared on his forehead, his back was bent, and his body was trembling slightly.

Obviously, under this terrifying pressure, Xiao Li couldn't hold it anymore!

"You can't just sit back and wait. For the sake of the present, I'm afraid the only way to attack is to attack!"

Feeling the increasingly terrifying pressure, Xiao Li gritted his teeth and said to himself in his heart.

Thinking about this, Xiao Li handed the spear to his left hand, and slowly raised his right hand, his palm was wrapped in a ball of dazzling thunder...

Chapter 368 Xiao Li's Change!

When everyone in the martial arts stage saw Xiao Li's movements, their expressions became extremely strange, and even the two Shi Clan elders couldn't help but glance at Xiao Tian.

The third elder of the stone clan asked hesitantly: "Senior Emperor Xiao, is the envoy a little...enough?"

In fact, if it were not for Xiao Tian's identity, the third elder of the Stone Clan would not use such a tactful term.

In his opinion, when Shi Qing had already used the Heaven-Rank Fighting Skill to Fallen Sun, even if Xiao Li's own strength was good, he wanted to use his mere nine-star Douling's cultivation base to harden this fighting skill.

Even if he is a direct disciple of Doudi, he is determined to be impossible!

Xiao Li's behavior at the moment is simply ignorant!

Xiao Tian smiled, did not speak, but kept his eyes locked on Xiao Li, ready to rescue him at any time.

Although he was very confident of the Nine-Ranked Immortal Body, Xiao Li had only cultivated the Nine-Ranked Immortal Body after all. Although his physical strength was terrifying, he might not be able to resist the Heaven-Rank fighting skills!

At this moment, Shi Qing, who had been floating in the air on the martial arts stage, moved.

He took a step in the air, holding a huge vitality ball in both hands, and slammed it down towards Xiao Li!

The vitality ball fell with unparalleled aura, really like a red sun falling from the sky.

At the moment when the vitality ball fell, countless fine cracks appeared on the Shi Clan's martial arts stage cast with various precious materials!

The terrifying gravity along with the large ball of vitality acted on Xiao Li's body, making his face suddenly pale, and the thunder light entwined on his right hand became a little dim.

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