God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 177

While speaking, Shi Qing pointed to the huge stone platform suspended in mid-air next to Wan Shiyuan, and smiled.

Chapter 373 The eye-catching Xiao Li!

"Alright," Xiao Tian smiled and nodded, then said to Xiao Li: "In Wan Shiyuan, be careful and don't embarrass me."

"Disciple understands!" Xiao Li nodded and said solemnly.

"Okay, let's go," Xiao Tian waved his hand when he heard the words, and glanced at Shi Qing, then his figure flashed and appeared on the stands.

Xiao Li took a deep breath, held the token in his hand, and walked towards the spatial wormhole in front of Wanshiyuan.

Soon, Xiao Li arrived in front of the space wormhole, and he who held the token immediately attracted a lot of attention.

After all, those who participated in the trial of Wan Shiyuan, except for the Shi Clan geniuses who were born with unreasonable physical bodies, the other groups were all Dou Zong-level disciples.

Suddenly, a nine-star fighting spirit sprang out, which was like a beacon in the dark night, very conspicuous!

So for a time, many people turned their eyes on Xiao Li.

"When will the Stone Race's Wanshiyuan trial even the Nine Star Dou Ling participate?" a young man wearing a white robe and full of grass-green hair said with a contemptuous expression.

He is called Yao Feng, and he is a relatively outstanding disciple in the new generation of Yao Clan. Not only is he amazingly talented in refining medicine, but the speed of fighting Qi cultivation has also surpassed most Yao Clan disciples.

This time he came to the Stone Clan to participate in the Ten Thousand Stone Abyss Trial, intending to lay a firmer foundation and prepare for the future attack on Dou Sheng and even Dou Emperor!

"Brother Xiao Li, you are here," Xiao Xun'er saw Xiao Li with a smile on his face.

She hadn't noticed Xiao Li before, and thought Xiao Li had missed the trial of Wan Shiyuan, but she didn't expect Xiao Li to arrive suddenly on the eve of the trial of Wan Shiyuan.

A group of Shi Clan disciples looked at Yao Feng like an idiot, and their expressions were full of disdain.

Do you really think this Xiao Li is an ordinary nine-star fighting spirit?

Many of them have witnessed the fight between Xiao Li and Shi Qing yesterday. Finally, Xiao Li took the fall and walked out of the smoke and dust. The figure like a god and a devil has been deeply imprinted in their hearts!

Yan Jin of the Yan clan smiled slightly when he saw Xiao Li, then glanced at Yao Feng, and said with disdain, "Idiot!"

Not to mention that he had met Xiao Li on Yunlan Mountain and knew how old Xiao Li was.

Even if he hadn't met Xiao Li, how could ordinary people be able to participate in the trial of Wanshiyuan with the strength of the Nine Star Dou Ling?

Only Yao Feng's self-righteous idiot didn't take Xiao Li in his eyes.

"Sure enough, it's a group of stupid pigs whose brains are burned out by refining medicine," the soul clan led the team this time, and when he heard Yao Feng's words, he said coldly.

The Soul Race and the Medicine Race didn't deal with it quickly, especially the Soul Palace arresting pharmacists everywhere in the Dou Qi Continent, which even touched the Medicine Race's mold.

If it weren't for the strength of the soul clan far surpassing the medicine clan, the medicine clan would have already merged with the soul clan!

However, although the medicine clan and the soul clan did not start a war, there were a lot of collisions in private. The soul emptiness suffered a lot in the hands of the medicine clan at the beginning, so if you seize the opportunity now, you will naturally not be polite.

"You!" When Yao Feng heard the words of Xun Xu, he sneered, raised his finger at Xun Xu, and sneered: "You are the waste that was defeated in the hands of my Yao Wenxin brother, also worthy of this rant?"

Soul Xu glanced at Yao Feng, without speaking.

When Yao Feng saw a smug look on his face, just about to speak, a deep voice resounded in the sky——

"Wan Shiyuan is opened, and disciples of all races are restricted to enter Wanshiyuan within half an hour. After half an hour, those who have not entered Wanshiyuan will be deemed to have given up their qualifications for the trial!"

Chapter 374 Medicine Clan Medicine Xuan!

With the sound of that deep voice, ripples suddenly appeared on the space wormhole in front of Wan Shiyuan, and the Shizu disciples rushed towards the space wormhole without hesitation.

The heroes of the other emperors didn't react slowly when they saw the movements of the disciples of the stone clan, and each ran up and rushed towards the wormhole in space.

The most funny thing is that just before stepping into the space wormhole, Yao Feng suddenly turned his head and made a provocative gesture at Xiao Li.

On the floating platform above Wan Shiyuan, Xiao Tian looked a little strange when he saw Yao Feng's movements.

This kid from the medicine clan, has a brain problem, right?

Haven't you seen the attitudes of the people of the other races towards Xiao Li?

In this situation, Yao Feng dare to provoke Xiao Li?

Thinking of this, Xiao Tian couldn't help but cast his gaze on the opposite side of an old man wearing a pharmacist's robe with gray hair, and then he was shocked.

"Senior Xiao, this is Elder Yao Xuan of the Medicine Clan, and that Yao Feng is the grandson of Elder Yao Xuan," Shi Qing said in a low voice when he saw Xiao Tian looking at the old man and hurriedly leaning to the side of Xiao Tian.

"Five-star Fighting Saint, it's not bad, but it's a pity that the fame of a lifetime was destroyed in the hands of an idiot grandson," Xiao Tian glanced at Yao Xuan and said lightly.

When Shi Qing heard Xiao Tian's words, he was about to speak, but he didn't want Yao Xuan to speak in front of Shi Qing.

I saw Yao Xuan looking at Xiao Tian and contemptuously said: "What are you worthy of commenting on my medicine family?"

When Shi Qing heard Yao Xuan's words, his whole body seemed to have been struck by nine days of thunder, and he didn't know what to say.

Is this Yaoxuan a fool?

Haven't you seen yourself being so respectful to Senior Xiao?

He Yaoxuan is a five-star fighting sage, and his strength is three points weaker than himself. Who gave him the courage to talk to Senior Xiao like this?

"Idiot!" The elder accompanying the soul clan this time was the soul evil spirit who had fought against Xiao Tian. Hearing Yao Xuan's words, the soul evil spirit couldn't help but sneered.

"What am I?" Xiao Tian smiled upon hearing this, and said in a flat tone: "I'm just an ordinary person, far inferior to the prestige of your medicine family."

As he said, Xiao Tian turned his head to look at Shi Qing, smiled, and said casually: "The subordinates are quiet, but they don't deserve to sit on this floating platform. Elder Lao Shiqing will arrange another place for me."

When Shi Qing heard Xiao Tian's words, he only felt that there was a gloomy wind blowing around him, making his back a little cold.

Xiao Tian said this lightly, but the question is, does Shi Qing dare to do it?

If he really did what Xiao Tian said, he would completely offend this new Jin Doudi!

Was worried by a strong emperor, can the stone clan have a good life?

Thinking of this, Shi Qing glared at Yao Xuan, and said every word: "Elder Yao Xuan, this is my Stone Clan's Stone World, not your drug clan's territory, and you can't tolerate your prestige here!"

After finishing speaking, Shi Qing commanded the disciples of the Stone Clan who were on the floating platform to alert: "Come here, send Elder Yaoxuan back to the world of medicine. My Stone Clan Temple is small, and I can't accommodate the great god of Yaoxuan!

Yao Xuan's expression suddenly changed when he heard Shi Qing's words, and he shouted, "Shi Qing, do you dare?"

Yao Xuan knew very well that if he was really'send' back to the medicine world by a disciple of the stone clan, then he would probably become a big joke among the eight ancient clans!

The powerful elder of the dignified medicine clan, the five-star fighting sage, was driven out of the stone world by the stone clan!

This kind of thing not only damages his own reputation, but may even shame the Yaozu!

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