God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 196

"With Xiao Li's cultivation base, it is enough to face the Ancient Insect Devourer. Besides, if that kid wants to grow his strength rapidly now, he can only stimulate his potential between life and death," Xiao Tian heard Xiao Xuan's words. Smiled and explained.

Xiao Xuan couldn't help nodding slightly when he heard the words. Dou Zong and Dou Zun were a hurdle. After they passed, their strengths were far apart.

Xiao Li was able to contend with the five-star or even the six-star Dou Zun when he was at the peak of the Nine Star Dou Sect. After the breakthrough, I am afraid that the ordinary Nine Star Dou Zun might not help him.

Under this circumstance, apart from himself and Xiao Tian in the tomb, there are really only the three saints and the ancient insects in the crystal wall that can put pressure on Xiao Li.

It's just that no matter how much pressure he and Xiao Tian put on Xiao Li, they won't have any effect, but the three saints can't put Xiao Li into a crisis of life and death. After thinking about it, only the ancient insects are the most suitable.


The blood knife saint is not easy to pass...

Xiao Xuan looked at the scene on the light curtain in front of him and smiled, with some expectation in his eyes.


At the periphery of the tomb, Xiao Li was enveloped by the endless bloody knife light at this moment, and every way of his retreat was blocked by the bloody knife light, forcing him to face the bloody knife light.

"Only at the periphery of the heavenly tomb, there has been a fighting saint-level energy body, the teacher is too cruel, right?" Xiao Li waved a spear and pushed a few bloody knives away, looking at the blood knife standing proudly not far away. The saint could not help but complain in a low voice.

As soon as he finished adjusting his breath, before he had time to fully understand the power of the Dou Zun level, the energy body who claimed to be a blood knife saint killed him, raising his hand to the endless bloody knife light, making him tired to deal with.

This blood knife saint was able to kill at this time, obviously he had been watching for a long time.

Plus what the energy bodies of the two five-star Dou Zun said before, such as "little master" and "master".

If Xiao Li couldn't guess Xiao Tian's arrangement, he wouldn't have been able to create a "sly fox" name in Rock Desert City.

Chapter 419 Cut Fei!

It's just that even though Xiao Li had guessed Xiao Tian's arrangement, Xiao Li didn't expect Xiao Tian to be so ruthless. He had just broken through and let himself face the Dou Saint level energy body!

That's Dou Sheng!

Which one of the Dousheng energy bodies in the tomb that day was not a stalwart, standing on the top of the continent, that countless people look up to?

Seeing that Xiao Li's expression was constantly changing, the blood knife saint knew that he had guessed his identity, but he did not show mercy. The blood knife in his hand waved, and a stunning bloody knife light seemed to split the gloomy sky in the tomb Generally, with an unmatched momentum, he slammed into Xiao Li.

After slicing out the blade light, the blood knife saint stood up, holding the bloody long knife, intending to see how Xiao Li would respond.

If you change to other Dou Zun, except for the Nine Star Peak Dou Zun, facing him with this sword, you can only be annihilated by the sword light.

After all, the gap between Dou Sage and Dou Zun is as great as Tian Yuan, even those who are famous in the mainland can only use Dou Zun cultivation base to support in the hands of Dou Sheng!

But Xiao Li was different, he was cultivated by Xiao Tian himself.

The blood knife saint didn't know how terrifying the disciple that a Doudi expert had carefully taught was, but since Xiao Li could compete with the six-star Douzun with the strength of the nine-star Douzong before.

Now that the strength has advanced greatly, facing his own attack at the peak level of Nine Star Dou Zun, it may not be impossible to resolve it.

Seeing the movements of the Blood Saber Saint, Xiao Li couldn't help laughing bitterly, and sighed: "You really can look at me, this level of attack is actually used to deal with my one-star Dou Zun."

However, Xiao Li sighed and sighed, but he did not slow down at all. The Nine-Ranked Immortal Body was turned to the extreme by him, and a layer of pale golden light suddenly appeared on his body, and the halo flowed, as if he was covered with a layer of golden armor.

"I want to try too. After I break through to Dou Zun, where is my defensive power limit!" Xiao Li roared, and the spear in his hand pierced the bloody knife light like a dragon.

The tip of the gun was wrapped in thunder light, and there was a faint dragon roar coming from the thunder light.

Soon, the tip of the gun collided with the light of the blood-colored knife, making a thunderous roar.

The horrible wave spread from the place where the two collided, tearing the surrounding dense fog to pieces, and even where the tip of the gun touched the bloody knife, a subtle spatial crack emerged.

You must know that the heavenly tomb is different from the outside world. In the heavenly tomb, it is not difficult to use the power of space, but if you want to tear the heavenly tomb through the space rift, only Dousheng can do it!

The aftermath of Xiao Li and the blood knife saint's attack actually tore small cracks in the space of the sky tomb, which shows how amazing its power is!

"As expected to be the master's disciple," Seeing this scene, the saint of blood knife nodded lightly, and then laughed: "However, it stops here!"

While talking, the blood knife saint held the blood-colored long knife in both hands, the blade swept across itself, swiping a half-moon-shaped knife light, and slashed towards Xiao Li's waist!

Xiao Li's face suddenly changed when he saw it. He now spends all his energy on resisting the previous attacks of the Blood Saber Saint. Where else can he spare his energy to deal with this astonishing half-moon blade light?

The half-moon blade light slashed Xiao Li's body severely with the momentum of opening the mountain and breaking the sea, before he was about to fly away.

Xiao Li flew out dozens of feet upside down and hit a huge boulder. The red blood was spilled and looked miserable.

"Ahem, this kind of attack is still a bit difficult to deal with," Xiao Li coughed twice, touching the boulder, and whispered.

Chapter 420 Xiao Xuan's Idea!

When the blood knife saint heard Xiao Li's words, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, a little speechless.

His previous attack was a real nine-star Dou Zun's peak level, but this powerful attack fell on Xiao Li, just knocking him out?

With his eyesight, he can naturally see the real situation of Xiao Li now.

Don't look at Xiao Li looking miserable now, but in fact the half-moon-shaped blade light just barely left a wound on his waist.

The reason why Xiao Li vomited blood was due to the violent shock that caused the internal organs to shake.

"With the current performance of the young master, I am afraid that no one can threaten him in the Dou Zun realm," the blood knife saint looked at Xiao Li and said in his heart.

Thinking of this, the Blood Blade Saint also lost the thought of continuing to fight Xiao Li, his figure flashed and disappeared in the thick fog.

Seeing this, Xiao Li breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly sat down cross-legged, running the exercises to heal the injury.

When Xiao Li was healing, the three saints also got together, their expressions a little weird.

"Blood Knife, in terms of attack power, you are the strongest among the three of us. Even your attack can't help the little master. It seems that we have to take the little master to that place in advance," Fanxing Sage looked at the blood knife. , Shen said.

"That place?" The Saint Bloodblade was startled when he heard the words, and quickly said: "My attack just now was only at the peak level of Nine Star Dou Zun, and the little master can follow along as normal, but in that place, those ancient insects are not like us. Know to keep your hands."

"Blood Saber is right, Fanxing, you have always been steady, why have you become so impatient this time?" The Purple You Saint looked at Fanxing Saint, and his words were a little more dissatisfied.

Among the three, he was actually the one who had the most confidence in Xiao Li.

However, those ancient Insects who feed on fighting energy are simply not something ordinary people can cope with. Therefore, he is firmly opposed to let Xiao Li go to the crystal wall where the ancient Insects are located.

"This is not what I meant," Fanxing Sage had long expected the Blood Blade Sage and Purple You Sage to object, and immediately explained: "This is what Master Xiao Xuan meant."

"Master Xiao Xuan?!" Hearing the words of the Starry Saint, the Blood Blade Saint was taken aback for a moment, and immediately reacted, horrified: "In the eyes of Master Xiao Xuan, the little master has been able to solve those ancient insect devourers? "

The Blood Blade Saint knew Xiao Li's origins, so he would never suspect that Xiao Xuan would deliberately cheat Xiao Li.

After all, today's Xiao Li is the hope for the rise of the Xiao Clan, and Xiao Xuan can't put Xiao Li in danger anyway.

Therefore, Xiao Xuan asked the Starry Sage to take Xiao Li to the crystal wall where the Ancient Insect Eater was located. This undoubtedly showed that in Xiao Xuan's view, Xiao Li had the ability to face the Ancient Insect Eater, and could run away even if it was unhelpful!

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