God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 198

With your current attack, the little master, there is no way to pose too much threat to the crystal wall constructed by the ancient insects."

Xiao Li was taken aback when he heard the words, and slowly fell back to the ground, frowning, and whispered: "According to the words of the saint of stars, this ancient insect devouring is not what I can match now...

But since the teacher arranged this way, it shows that I am not without the hope of crossing the crystal wall. I am afraid there is something in me that can restrain the ancient insects..."

Seeing Xiao Li's thoughts, the saint of stars didn't bother him. He walked back a few steps and looked into the depths of the tomb with some thought in his eyes.

He wanted to know why Xiao Li still clashed with the Ancient Insect Devourer here, and what his support was.

At the same time, in the depths of the sky tomb, Xiao Tian and Xiao Xuan passed through the light curtain floating in front of them, and captured the performance of Xiao Li in their eyes.

"Senior Emperor Xiao, I'm afraid you have miscalculated this time. Although Xiao Li's child can't get through the light curtain, there is no danger at all," Xiao Xuan couldn't help shaking his head when he saw Xiao Li's performance, and said to Xiao Tian.

Before Xiao Tian asked Xiao Li to face the Ancient Insect Devourer in advance, he was holding Xiao Li's plan to make a breakthrough between life and death, but at the moment Xiao Li could not use the Ancient Insect Devourer, but he was on the periphery of the crystal wall. There will be no half-point crisis!

Xiao Tian smiled upon hearing this, and said lightly: "In the tomb of this day, there are still many crises. If you count the time, it's almost time."

As if in response to Xiao Tian's words, the moment his voice fell, the scene in the light curtain floating in front of the two suddenly changed.

I saw a hurricane of strong energy suddenly roaring on an empty plain, and finally formed an extremely terrible chain reaction, causing a huge energy storm to take shape rapidly in this area...

"The energy storm of the heavenly tomb," Xiao Xuan muttered as he saw the scene in the picture.

The moment he saw this energy storm, he guessed Xiao Tian's plan.

The scope of the Great Energy Storm of the Heavenly Tomb is extremely wide, and the entire first and second floors of the Heavenly Tomb are within its sweeping range, so Xiao Li must enter the third layer to avoid this energy storm that is enough to strangle Dou Zun's peak!

Chapter 424 Energy Storm, Coming!

"With the power of the energy storm, it is enough to pose a threat to Xiao Li's child," Xiao Xuan nodded slightly.

In the light curtain in front of him, on the empty plain, a gorgeous line connecting heaven and earth is spreading rapidly in all directions.

"It's just..." Xiao Xuan hesitated for a moment, and said with a solemn expression: "The energy storm is the peak of Dou Zun who is involved in it, and there is no life...

With the strength of Xiao Li's child, it is absolutely impossible to support him in the energy storm for too long. If we do not rescue in time, I am afraid that his foundation will be damaged!"

"It's okay," Xiao Tian smiled when he heard the words, and said with a calm expression: "That kid Xiao Li has something to restrain the ancient insects. Perhaps under the threat of the energy storm, he can break the game faster."

Hearing Xiao Tian's words, Xiao Xuan nodded, but made up his mind. Once Xiao Li was completely involved in the energy storm, he would personally save him!

After all, the declining Xiao Clan finally had such an outstanding junior, and he would never see Xiao Li's foundation damaged!

As for the terrifying energy storm, Xiao Xuan did not take it seriously.

With the strength of his nine-star peak fighting saint, in this tomb, it is enough to run wild!

Xiao Tian smiled when he saw it, and didn't say anything, but his eyes on the light curtain became more focused...


At the entrance to the third floor of the Heavenly Tomb, Xiao Li and the Starry Sage still did not leave. Xiao Li was shrouded in thunder at this moment, like a tireless monster, hitting the crystal wall in front of him with a punch.

The Starry Sage stood not far away, his face full of helplessness.

In his opinion, Xiao Li had no chance of passing through the energy crystal wall at all, and now it was just a waste of energy.

"Little Master..." The Starry Sage suddenly spoke, before uttering the following words, a terrifying energy fluctuation suddenly came from behind him.

The starry saint's face changed, and he turned his head to look behind him, only to see the figure of the blood knife saint appearing in his sight, his face was full of panic.

"Hurry up and take the little master away! The energy storm is coming!" The blood knife saint roared when he saw the starry saint.

Hearing this, the starry saint's heart jumped wildly, and he looked behind the blood knife saint, and saw a splendid line that penetrated the sky, like a terrifying beast that swallowed everything, quickly approaching where he and Xiao Li were!

"It's an energy storm!" The Starry Sage sank sharply. Even he didn't dare to say that he was able to resist the energy storm. Xiao Li's strength was weaker than him. In this terrifying energy In front of the storm, there is no resistance at all!

Even if Xiao Li's physical strength was amazing, he could only be wiped out a little bit by this endless energy storm, and eventually he was exhausted and fell into the energy storm!

"Little Master, the energy storm is coming, please follow me to avoid it!" The Starry Sage turned his mind and quickly shouted at Xiao Li.

In any case, Xiao Li cannot fall here!

"Energy storm?" Xiao Li, who was bombarding the energy crystal wall, heard that his hand was stagnant, turned his head to look at the starry saint, and his tone became a lot more dignified: "It is said that this energy storm swept through the first and second floors of the entire sky tomb. Apart from entering the third floor of the tomb, where else can I avoid the energy storm?"

Chapter 425: The Way to Break the Game!

A few days ago, he fought against the Starry Sage and the others. He also learned a lot about the Heavenly Tomb from the three fighting sages, including energy storms.

So Xiao Li knows exactly how terrifying the energy storm is, at least, not what he can contend with now!


Once the energy storm comes, it will surely sweep the first and second floors of the heavenly tomb, and he is now stopped outside the third floor of the heavenly tomb. Where can he avoid the energy storm?

"I'm afraid the teacher had expected this," Xiao Li suddenly smiled and sighed: "I'm afraid that there is no external threat to stimulate my potential, but using the energy storm to pressure me is too much for me... "

When the Starry Sage heard Xiao Li's sigh, his heart was shocked.

No wonder this energy storm appeared so coincidentally, was it actually arranged by the owner?

But thinking about Xiao Tian’s shocking power, the Starry Sage quickly calmed down. After all, as the master of the Heavenly Tomb, now the only one fighting emperor on the mainland, these methods, for Xiao Tian, ​​perhaps It's nothing.

As Xiao Li was talking, the energy storm in the distance had already approached a lot.

Above the boundless and silent earth, thunderous rumblings resounded, and a storm of energy filled the sky and the earth swept from afar, wherever he went, even the space was collapsed, and the darkness was extremely shocking.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Li had already stepped into the realm of Dou Zun, and he was still a little staggered.

In the face of this power of heaven and earth, manpower is really too small.

"Well, anyway, I didn't think about shrinking. Now that the energy storm threatens me, it is enough to keep me from letting up," Xiao Li suddenly looked terrified, laughed in a low voice, and then flipped his wrist. He shot a spear. In the hand, the tip of the gun shone with thunder.

He believed that if Xiao Tian arranged in this way, he would definitely leave him with a chance to break the game. At the moment, he wanted to fight the energy storm with his strength. It was undoubtedly a idiot dream. Therefore, the opportunity to break the game should be on the crystal wall created by the ancient insects. !

Looking at the sky and the earth in front of him, even if the energy storm is coming, there is still no brilliant light curtain that makes it half turbulent. Xiao Li's eyes flashed, and the spear in his hand waved, a huge thunder arc suddenly appeared in the air, towards the energy crystal. The wall is cut off!


The thunder arc slashed down, and the crystal shavings splashed in all directions. A huge crack appeared on the crystal wall, like a hideous wound. On the edge of the crack, a faint scorched color appeared.

Then, under Xiao Li's gaze, a burst of energy liquid quickly permeated the crystal wall, repairing the place he had split.

However, Xiao Li was able to clearly notice that the speed at which Crystal Wall was repaired this time was much slower than before.

Xiao Li's gaze fell on the crystal wall in front of him. In his line of sight, although the crystal wall was still as smooth as a mirror, there was a faint mass of black impurities in the depth of the crystal wall, which looked quite an eye-catching.

"I'm afraid this is the dead ancient insect biting," Xiao Li stared at the black impurities, a little more smile on his face.

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