God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 2

The reason why Xiao Tian stopped so late was because he thought the dice was controlled by the system itself. After staring at it for ten seconds, he realized that the dice was still spinning happily before reacting.

The dice stopped for a few minutes. A giant eagle spreads its wings in the air. A man and a woman are standing on the eagle's back. The man's temples are like snow, with a sense of vicissitudes in his eyes. Like a cold fairy.

On the upper left of the screen, a few lines of small print slowly emerged——

At the bottom of Zhongnan Mountain, the tomb of the living dead.

Condor Heroes, extinct arena.

"It turned out to be this plane!" A strange color flashed in Xiao Tian's eyes, and there were a lot of great people on this plane!

"System, send me there!" Xiao Tian said softly, and then a white light flashed, and Xiao Tian's figure instantly disappeared in the rental house.


God carving plane, Dali, Wuliang Mountain.

A white light appeared out of thin air, and then a man in strange clothes appeared on the cliff behind the silent Wuliang Mountain. It was Xiao Tian who had crossed to the plane of the god carving.

Xiao Tian looked around curiously, and then asked in his heart: "System, where is this place?"

"Host, this is Wuliang Mountain, where Wuliang Jade Bi is," the system's cold voice sounded.

"Wuliang Mountain?" Xiao Tian couldn't help but shook his head when he heard the system. If it was Tianlong eight parts, he could still try to take out the "Beiming Shengong" and "Ling Bowei" hidden in Wuliang Cave before Duan Yu. "Step", but Duan Yu doesn't know how long he has been dead on this plane of god carving. Where is there any chance in the Wuliang Cave?

"System, how many mentor points are needed to read the origin of the current plane?" Xiao Tian found a clean bluestone and sat down and asked in his heart.

"Ding! 500 points are needed to fully read the origin of the current plane!" The system's voice was cold, without a trace of emotion, like a basin of cold water poured on Xiao Tian.

"Why are there so many?" Xiao Tian couldn't help standing up and asked.

"The current plane is the Divine Carving Plane, which belongs to the Golden Martial Arts Plane, the Inherited Yue Female Sword Plane, the Heavenly Dragon Eight Part Plane, and the Eagle Shooting Heroes Plane. There are many hidden opportunities in it, so There are more mentor points needed to fully understand the origin of the plane!"

"It turned out to be like this," Xiao Tian nodded, with a bit of stunned expression on his face. The timeline of the gold martial arts plane is very clear and there are traces to follow. There is no problem with the systematic explanation.

"If this is the case, then focus on reading some of the origins related to Xiaoyao Sect and Shaolin Temple!" Xiao Tian quickly made a decision.

In the world of sacred sculptures, the inheritance of the Xiaoyao Sect has long been cut off, and its reputation is little known. However, the Shaolin Temple was badly injured because of the fire master Tuo's murder in Shaolin Temple, and the mountain was not closed.

In contrast, other kung fu is much easier to obtain, so Xiao Tian decided to spend his precious shien points on Xiaoyao Sect and related parts of Shaolin Temple.

"Ding! Reading is complete, consume 90 points of the teacher's grace, congratulations to the host for acquiring Xiaoyao School of Martial Arts "Xiaoyao Yufeng", "Beiming Magic Art", "Lingbo Microstep", "Life and Death Talisman", "Little Wuxiang Gong", and "Old Changchun" "Gong", "Tianshan Zhuangmei Hand", Shaolin School of Martial Arts "Yi Jin Jing", "Marrow Washing" and Shaolin 72 stunts!"

The voice of the system rang in Xiao Tian's mind, making him a little confused.

After a long while, Xiao Tian reacted, his face flushed with excitement!

"Get rich!"

Chapter 3 Under the Zhongnan Mountain!

"The system, consume all the remaining teacher's points, and comprehend "Xiaoyao Yufeng"!" Xiao Tian quickly ordered the system in his heart.

Xiao Tian also knows a lot about the martial arts of the golden martial arts. Don’t look at the system to resolve a lot, but if you want to say that the most valuable one, it is naturally "Xiaoyao Yufeng", you must know that the name of the Xiaoyao school is the source In this "Xiaoyao Yufeng", no one of the Xiaoyao school can comprehend one or two of it except for the founder of the school, Xiaoyaozi!

And "Bei Ming Divine Art" and "Lingbo Weibu" and other Xiaoyao unique studies are all martial arts learned from "Xiaoyao Yufeng"!

As Xiao Tian's voice fell, a weak air flow suddenly appeared in his body, then flowed all over his body, and finally gathered in the dantian. At the same time, the weak air flow rapidly increased at a speed visible to the naked eye!

At the same time, Xiao Tian only felt that countless martial arts insights suddenly appeared in his mind, as if all the martial arts in the world could be easily grasped!

Xiao Tian knew that this was just an illusion caused by his own promotion too fast, but it could not affect his inner excitement.

"Open the system panel," Xiao Tian ordered in his heart.

A light quality panel that only Xiao Tian can see appears-

Name: Xiao Tian

Race: Terran

Cultivation: Houtian Grandmaster Consummation (Peak of Refining Qi)

Technique: "Happy Wind"

Teacher's point: 0

Disciple: None

Saint Master’s exclusive skills: [Shien] [Shiwei]

After reading it, Xiao Tian couldn't help but nodded secretly. He knew very well what the great master Houtian's perfect cultivation represented in the world of the sculpture!

We must know that when Huashan discussed the sword for the first time, Wang Chongyang broke through the realm of the Houtian Grandmaster with a piece of "Innate Skills" and entered the innate. Xiexidu is also the Southern Emperor and Beigai, and they are nothing more than the masters of the Houtian Grandmaster!

In other words, Xiao Tian's current strength, even if he does not rely on the system, is one of the few in the entire Divine Sculpture World!

Then Xiao Tian calmed down and sorted out the martial arts insights that suddenly appeared in his mind.

Although the 10 o'clock teacher's point made his comprehension of "Xiaoyao Yufeng" reach the level of entering the room, but it only raised the cultivation base to the Houtian Grandmaster Consummation, and from it he comprehended his most greedy Lingbo Weibu and Beiming magic arts. That's it.

As for the remaining Tianshan Zhemei Shou and a series of martial arts such as the Guizang Sword, we can only wait for the opportunity to learn from "Xiaoyao Yufeng".

"Now, it's time to find an apprentice," Xiao Tian said with a smile, touching his chin, and then twirled up Lingbo and disappeared behind the Wuliang Mountain.


Half a month later, a handsome young man wearing a moon-white gown, a cyan soap cloth belt around his waist, and soft boots under his feet appeared at the bottom of Zhongnan Mountain. He couldn't help but smile when he looked at the boundary stele of the Zhongnan Mountain in front of him. meaning.

"Yang would be very unhappy in Quanzhen Sect now?" Xiao Tian laughed in a low voice. He came all the way from Dali and heard a lot of news on the way. The most important one was Guo Jing a month ago. Guo Daxia showed off his power in the Chongyang Palace and led Quanzhen's disciples to repel the thieves who made trouble in the Chongyang Palace.

"Let's go up the mountain and see Yang Guo first," Xiao Tian glanced at the two Quanzhen Sect Shoushan disciples not far away from the boundary stele of the Zhongnan Mountain. Ling Bo moved to the extreme with slight steps, disappearing in place like a breeze.

"Brother, it seemed that someone had passed by just now?" The disciple Moriyama on the left was wearing the costumes of the four-generation disciple of Quanzhen Sect, with a suspicious look on his face.

"Junior Brother, you are just too worried. This area is obviously open. How can we not see if someone passes by?" The Moriyama disciple on the right laughed and said, "Besides, my Quanzhen Sect is the world's authentic martial arts school. , If someone really wants to go up the mountain, they will also submit a greeting card, take off their weapons, and visit them respectfully!"

"That is true," the disciple Moriyama on the left nodded, and then stopped struggling with the matter.

And Xiao Tian, ​​at this moment, has already gone along Zhongnanshan Road to the back of Zhongnan Mountain...

Chapter 4 Yang Guo!

The bright moon hangs high, and countless brilliance is scattered, and the back of Zhongnan Mountain is very quiet with the sound of insects.

A slightly thin figure appeared in the back mountain along the mountain road, and whispered while walking: "Damn Zhao Zhijing, I haven't taught me kung fu for so long, and that Lu Qingdu is the most hateful. I know that Xiaoye didn't I have learned Quanzhen martial arts and I still have such a heavy hand!"

The figure sat down against a big tree, and by the moonlight, a slightly immature face could be vaguely seen, but at this moment, this face had a lot of bruises.

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