God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 200

The blow just now has consumed the remaining fighting energy in his body. Right now, I can only hope that the ancient insects can repair the crystal wall slower, so that he can recover some fighting energy and cut the last stage of the crystal wall.

In the depths of the sky tomb, Xiao Tian, ​​who saw this scene through the light curtain, showed a little more approval.

For him, Xiao Li's strength is not actually the most important thing. After all, in the tomb of this day, he can rescue him at any time. What he wants is that Xiao Li has the heart of a real strong man!

Now he is on the plane of fighting, with such an invincible teacher like him, naturally no one dares not open his eyes to provoke Xiao Li, but what should Xiao Li do after he leaves?

Especially the Fighting Plane was different from the several planes he had traveled to before. Above the Fighting Plane, there was a bigger main plane.

Once Xiao Li breaks through to Emperor Dou, it will not take long for him to ascend to the main plane under the influence of the laws of the world, and as a teacher, he can't ascend with Xiao Li, right?

Therefore, Xiao Tian hopes to train Xiao Li into a real strong before he leaves the plane of Doupo!

Fortunately, Xiao Li's performance has already met some of his requirements.

However, Xiao Xuan's face became a little more anxious, ready to rescue Xiao Li at any time.

As the former patriarch of the Xiao Clan, seeing such an outstanding junior emerge from the declining Xiao Clan, even if Xiao Xuan once stood at the peak of the mainland, seeing Xiao Li's deep danger still unavoidably cares about it. .

After all, for him, Xiao Li is the hope for the re-emergence of the Xiao Clan!

Seeing that the crystal wall behind Xiao Li gradually closed, and Xiao Li still did not break the crystal wall in front of him, Xiao Xuan couldn't help it after all. The majestic soul power spread in all directions, his right hand was slightly raised, and his eyes were dead. Staring at the light curtain, once Xiao Li has a crisis, he will immediately take action!

"Huh?" Just when Xiao Xuan was about to break through the space and bring Xiao Li out, the picture on the light curtain suddenly changed, and Xiao Xuan couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief when he saw it.

"This kid is lucky," Xiao Xuan smiled as he looked at the picture in the light curtain, "I don't need to act this time."

In the picture, Xiao Li walked towards the depths of the crack he had cut before, and at the end of the crack, at the center of the crystal wall, there was a faintly round object the size of a fist, and the whole body was exuding a pale red color. From a distance, it looks like a strange cocoon!

Chapter 429 Ancient Insect Devouring Mother Worm!

At the entrance to the third floor of the Tian Tomb, Xiao Li stood in the gap opened up before, looking at the round object gleaming with light red in front of him, looking a little surprised.

"What is this?"

Xiao Li thought for a while, raised his hand and touched the crystal wall, his eyes became more confused.

The crystal wall here is much harder than the crystal wall he encountered before, and even the color is a bit richer, it looks like a strange red jade!

"No matter what, there must be a demon if something goes wrong!" Xiao Li gritted his teeth and gathered up a bit of vindictiveness that had just recovered in his body. A slightly dim light of thunder wrapped around his right hand, turning into a sharp short thorn. Stabbing to the crystal wall ahead!


The short thorns collided with the crystal wall. For a time, the muffled low noise suddenly resounded, and a ring of violent ripples of energy, centered on the point of the short thorn, spread out quickly, making this passage all It was shaking...


Under Xiao Li's nervous gaze, a small crack quietly cracked on the solid crystal wall, and then the crack expanded rapidly. Finally, Xiao Li pressed it hard, and the whole thing burst into pieces!

The pale red round object fell from the crystal wall, and faintly, there was a sad howling.

As the pale red object fell, the surrounding crystal walls seemed to be irritated and shook crazily. The rich liquid energy gushed from the crystal walls and spread towards the place where Xiao Li was.

There were even a large number of snow-white ancient insects flying towards Xiao Li before the energy crystal wall closed. However, as soon as those ancient insects flew out of the energy crystal wall, they turned into masses of white powder and dispersed...

When Xiao Li saw this, his face showed ecstasy. Why didn't he understand, what was he encountering?

"Unexpectedly, it was the female insect of the ancient insect-eater!" Xiao Li grabbed the pale red object on the ground in his hand, and then a gentle touch came from his palm.

When he fought against the three blood knife saints before, he once heard those three saints talk about something related to the ancient insects, among them it was about the ancient insects mother!

The reason why the number of ancient worms is endless is because of the existence of female worms. This female worm has amazing reproductive ability, and it can produce tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of ancient worms in one production.

If it weren't because the female worms need to rest for a long time when they produce once, I am afraid this kind of beast would have swallowed the entire world in ancient times!

But right now, Xiao Li had caught the female worm of Ancient Insect Devourer, which could be said to be the lifeblood of Ancient Insect Devourer.

This can be seen from the ancient insects who rushed out of the crystal wall desperately and attacked Xiao Li!

"In that case..." Xiao Li's eyes flashed, squeezing out a few anger from the almost dry dantian, holding the ancient insect-eating female insect in his right hand, her arm was wrapped with ray of lightning, and she slammed it forward go with!

A fist fell, and the crystal wall in front of Xiao Li burst into pieces. In the splash of the crystal chips, countless snow-white ancient insects exploded and turned into masses of white powder, scattered towards the ground.

"it is as expected!"

Xiao Li couldn't help laughing when he saw this. He guessed it was right. Given the importance of the ancient insects to the mother worm, the back of the crystal wall is probably all the ancient insects, and he only needs to break the crystal wall to expose the ancient insects. Just in the air!

Without the protection of the crystal wall, the ancient insects will die instantly when they touch the air!

Chapter 430 Refusing to inherit the blood!

Although Xiao Li knew the weaknesses of the ancient insects, at that time Xiao Li did not have enough female insects in his hands to recapture the ancient insects desperately. When Xiao Li’s attack landed on the crystal wall, there was nothing in the crystal wall. The ancient insect biting has long been hiding far away under the command of the mother insect.

Therefore, although Xiao Li was able to destroy the crystal wall before, he could not kill too many ancient insects. Except for those unlucky ones who were affected by lightning because their hiding speed was slower, Xiao Li could not kill even one ancient insect. Worms.

But now it's different. Because the mother worm fell in Xiao Li's hands, these irrational Ancient Devourers wouldn't have any dodge ideas.

With the death of a large number of Ancient Insect Devourers, a large area of ​​the crystal wall in front of Xiao Li suddenly became empty. Xiao Li smiled, holding the Ancient Insect Devouring Mother Insect, and walking slowly forward.

Next, Xiao Li did exactly what he had done, and quickly passed the remaining section of the crystal wall.

At the end of the crystal wall, Xiao Tian and Xiao Xuan stood side by side.

Seeing Xiao Li walking out of the crystal wall, Xiao Tian nodded slightly and smiled: "It's done well, then you will accept the blood inheritance of Xiao Clan's Doudi in the depths of this tomb. After the inheritance is completed Go back to Xiao's house and find me."

After finishing speaking, before Xiao Li could speak, Xiao Tian's figure flashed and disappeared instantly.

"After a thousand years, someone from the Xiao clan has finally stepped into the depths of the sky tomb again," Xiao Xuan sighed while looking at Xiao Li with a tired face, with a little more relief on his face.

"Unscrupulous descendant Xiao Li, I have seen our ancestors!" Hearing Xiao Xuan's words, Xiao Li only felt a little fever in his eyes, and immediately worshiped.

"Good boy, I can see all of your previous performance. From now on, the future of the Xiao Clan will be left to you," Xiao Xuan was also a little excited, and quickly said, "Follow me and accept the last gift I left. Right."

Having said that, Xiao Xuan walked towards the deepest part of the tomb.

Xiao Li stood there and did not move. Xiao Xuan walked a distance and found that Xiao Li hadn't followed. He immediately stopped, turned his head to look at Xiao Li, and asked in confusion, "Why didn't you keep up? Could it be that he was injured before? "

"Don't worry about the ancestors, I'm not injured," Xiao Li shook his head, then looked at Xiao Xuan seriously, and said in shocking words: "I don't want to inherit the blood of Emperor Dou!"

"Why?" Xiao Xuan frowned, a little puzzled: "You should know what the Dou Emperor bloodline represents, you inherited the last Dou Emperor bloodline of the Xiao Clan, and with your talent, you can reach the mainland in a shorter time. The pinnacle!"

"I want to leave this remaining Doudi bloodline to my brother Xiao Yan. His talent is also the best choice, even better than me," Xiao Li smiled, his face a little bit more pampered. The meaning of drowning.

Xiao Xuan was startled when he heard the words. Based on his experience, when he heard Xiao Li's words, he didn't know what to say for a while.

As one of the strongest people on the mainland, Xiao Xuan has seen too many brothers who turned against each other for the same treasure, and friends who met life and death because of some trivial benefits.

Compared with the treasures and benefits that people care about, the bloodline of Emperor Dou is countless times more precious!

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