God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 204

Although his cultivation base was piled up by pill, he really wanted to fight people, and a solid one-star Douzong could fight him back and forth, but in any case, he was also a nine-star Douzong!

If you want to crush his shoulder easily and not use grudge, at least the strength of a star Dou Zun is required!

The young man in front of him looks so young, and his strength can reach this level. I am afraid that his background is not small!

After all, how difficult it is for Dou Zun to break through, he couldn't know better.

He reached the Jiuxing Douzong more than ten years ago. For more than ten years, he has made countless contributions to the Sky Mingzong, and all the rewards he received were used to improve his cultivation, but he failed to break through.

But this young man has reached the realm he dreams of, which makes him have to think more!

"Little brother laughed," the owner of the weapon shop raised his left hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead, and said with a smile: "Where can I ask the little brother for a favor?

It’s just that the little brother is so young that he has reached the point he is now, and the power behind it must be not small. If the little brother is mixed into the team of the Heavenly Underworld Sect this time, it is impossible to guarantee that the two will not be guilty..."

Although the owner of the weapon shop didn't know the origin of Xiao Li, in his opinion, only the powers of Zhongzhou who could cultivate these juniors were the only powers in Zhongzhou. I am afraid that Xiao Li was the arrogant of a certain power in Zhongzhou.

That's why he wanted to persuade Xiao Li to give up this idea. After all, if Xiao Li were to join the team of the Heavenly Underworld Sect, it would be okay if there was no accident. Once there was an accident, he, the deacon, would definitely have no escape!

"Haha, I won't bother the boss," Xiao Li narrowed his eyes slightly, his eyes flashed with cold light, and said lightly: "If you put me into the team of the Heavenly Underworld Sect, you can live, otherwise, die!"

Chapter 439 Fighting Saint Ruins!

Hearing Xiao Li's words, feeling the increasing strength on his shoulders, the weapon shop owner's face was pale, and he didn't dare to neglect, so he quickly agreed.

He was also a little depressed while talking. He thought he was looking for a baby, but he hit the iron plate.

"Doo Zun?" The weapon shop owner was depressed, and couldn't help sneering in his heart: "Little Young Sect Master is now also the power of Dou Zun, and there are elite disciples in the door accompanying him. A small Dou Zun is also delusional. Since you are looking for death, then I'll send you to death!"

Although I guessed Xiao Li's origins may not be simple, but the Heavenly Underworld Sect is one of the most powerful forces on this continent, one of the two sects, second only to the existence of one hall and one tower!

Especially after the soul hall gave up the branch halls of various places and retreated to the three main halls of heaven, earth and people, the power of the Sky Mingzong expanded rapidly, and now even if it is compared with the Dan Tower that has dominated the Central Prefecture for countless years, it is not letting go.

Even if Xiao Li was a genius of other great forces, Xuezang, but since he came to the team of the Heavenly Underworld Sect, he would be dead or alive when the time comes.

He doesn't believe that in addition to Danta, Zhongzhou has the power to dare to fight against Tianmingzong because of a dead genius!

Xiao Li saw that the weapon shop owner looked different, and he could guess some of the weapon shop owner's thoughts, but he didn't say much, shook his head, and dropped the sentence "arrange as soon as possible, I will come to you tomorrow". Disappeared in the sight of the weapon shop owner.

Seeing Xiao Li leaving, the weapon shop owner walked into the shop with a gloomy face, then closed the shop door and removed the shelf facing the shop door. Behind the shelf, a dark passage appeared.

A gloomy breath came out from the passage, and then a young man with a pale face and a cold expression, with a few traces of blood on his mouth, walked out of the passage.

"I have seen the young master," the weapon shop owner said quickly and respectfully when seeing the visitor.

This person is the only son of the young master of Tianming Sect, Duan Tianming, both in strength and status are far above him, he naturally does not dare to neglect.

"Old Wu, how are the things I explained?" Duan Tianming looked at the weapon shop owner and said lightly.

The owner of the weapon shop shook his body when he heard the words, and respectfully said: "Little Sovereign, ten guards have already been found, but..."

"Say!" Duan Tianming frowned and shouted coldly.

At the same time, an awe-inspiring killing intent radiated from him, like a sea of ​​blood in Shura, which made people shudder.

The weapon shop owner shook more severely, and quickly explained Xiao Li's affairs in detail, and finally wiped the sweat from his forehead, and cautiously said, "I wonder what Sect Master Xiaoxiao plans to do with this person?"

"Dou Zun strength? Maybe it is the genius of other big forces?" Duan Tianming smiled, his face was full of sarcasm: "The Danta group of guys won't mix this kind of thing, I'm afraid it's the other forces listening. When it comes to wind, I plan to send someone to fish in troubled waters."

"But as long as they are not from Danta, if they are dead, no one will dare to trouble me Tianming Sect!" Duan Tianming's expression suddenly became cold and severe, and said lightly: "Old Wu, recruit him into the guard, just right. The situation in this Dousheng Ruins is unknown, so it's okay for a Dou Zun to find the way.

"Subordinates understand!" Hearing the words "Fight Saint Ruins", the weapon shop owner trembled in his heart and quickly responded.

Duan Tianming nodded and walked into the passage, but stopped abruptly without taking a few steps.

Chapter 440 Preparation!

Seeing Duan Tianming's actions, the old Wu of the weapon shop suddenly hung his heart. This young master was moody, and many disciples in the clan died in his hands.

An expatriate deacon like him has the same status as an outer disciple. If Duan Tianming killed him, he would probably not even be punished!

Just as Old Wu was up and down, Duan Tianming's voice suddenly sounded: "This time I did a good job. This is for you."

While talking, an exquisite porcelain vase was thrown by Duan Tianming behind him.

Lao Wu hurriedly caught the porcelain bottle and carefully pulled out the cork. A blood-red pill was lying quietly in the porcelain bottle.

"This is the Dark Blood Pill," Duan Tianming's voice came from when Old Wu was looking at the pill: "I have experienced five-color robbery thunder, and it is also considered high-grade in the Dark Blood Pill, enough to help you break through to the fight. Respect the realm."

Hearing this, Old Wu was overjoyed, plugged the cork, and said quickly: "Subordinates, thanks to the young master for the reward!"

"You do things for me, I won't treat you badly, but --" Duan Tianming shook his head, his tone suddenly turned cold: "This time there is a cause, I will not pursue you for losing my face. If there is another time, You know my means!"

Old Wu shuddered when he heard this, and the porcelain bottle containing the blood pill in his hand almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, Old Wu quickly reacted and put the porcelain bottle into the ring, bowed his head respectfully and said, "Subordinates understand.

"Just understand," Duan Tianming snorted coldly and walked towards the depths of the passage. Only his cold voice still echoed in the passage, like a ghost——

"Dou Zun? Interesting, I would like to see which force it is that dare to oppose my Tian Mingzong..."


Xiao Li woke up early the next day, and then saw Old Wu with a gloomy face with a bandage on his right shoulder at Old Wu's weapon shop.

"The boss's injury healed very quickly," Xiao Li said lightly, looking at Lao Wu.

"Drain your blessing, you can't die!" Old Wu's face was even more ugly when he heard that, his tone of voice was harsh.

"Heh~" Xiao Li smiled, did not pay attention to Old Wu's tone, eyes drooping, and asked: "Is what I said yesterday, have you arranged it?"

"Come with me," Old Wu took a deep breath, resisting the urge to punch Xiao Li with two punches, and said.

After speaking, before Xiao Li could speak, Old Wu walked out of the city on his own.

Xiao Li didn't say much when he saw it, and slowly followed Lao Wu and walked outside the city.

Soon, the two appeared on a hillside outside the city. At this moment, there were already nine people waiting here on the hillside. Counting Xiao Li, it was exactly ten.

Xiao Li looked at the nine people, and immediately lost interest.

In his perception, the strongest of these nine people is only the Five-Star Douzong, and the weakest is even the strength of the Nine-Star Douhuang, which is the life of cannon fodder.

"You stay here for a while, the young masters will be here soon," Old Wu smiled at the other nine people and said, "Don't worry, I promised you a lot of benefits before. If you are lucky, maybe It can still be seen by the young master of the Heavenly Ming Sect. By that time, Feihuang Tengda is just around the corner!"

When the other nine people heard what Old Wu said, their faces were full of joy.

Most of them have reached a bottleneck in strength and want to try their luck.

The task this time is just to protect a few young ladies who are not very strong and go to the wild and ancient land for a round, and then they will be able to get rich rewards, why not?

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