God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 208

The guardian's sneak attack on him did succeed, but there was a strange treasure on his body, which happened to prevent him.

In addition, after the guardian Yu saw Xiao Li, his thoughts were all on Xiao Li, and this made him survive by luck!

"Soul Hall, Xiao Li!" Duan Tianming gritted his teeth while looking at the direction Xiao Li was leaving.

He didn't know how much he had spent for this fighting saint relic, but in the end it was such a result that he couldn't accept it at all.

"Is it the ancient Bodhi tree?" Duan Tianming suddenly showed a cold smile on his face, and said in a low voice: "Xiao Li, Xiao Li, I can't kill you, but there is always someone who can kill you, if you If you die in the hands of your peers, I want to see if your Master Doudi can take revenge for you!"

Thinking of this, Duan Tianming's hand received the ring brilliance for a flash, and a unique jade bottle was held in his hand.

"I hope that the things left by the super sect Royal Beast Gate in the ancient times are useful," Duan Tianming looked at the jade bottle in his hand, quite a pain.

In this relic of fighting saints, in addition to the improvement of his cultivation, the biggest gain is to obtain the things in this jade bottle.


Duan Tianming suddenly slammed the jade bottle in his hand to the ground, a crisp cracking sound rang out, and then wisps of dark red smoke floated out of the jade bottle, spreading towards the outside of the valley...

Xiao Li didn't know that Duan Tianming was lucky enough to escape from the hands of the guardian Yu, and even secretly calculated to let him fall. At this moment, he had passed through the periphery of the wild ancient realm and appeared on a barren plain.

"According to the message left by the ancestors, this is where the ancient Bodhi tree might appear," Xiao Li looked around the deserted plain with a helpless expression.

This plain is desolate and desolate, and the few grasses on it have turned yellow, and there is a possibility of death at any time.

In this case, let alone the towering giant trees such as the ancient bodhi trees, even the low shrubs can hardly survive in such a place!

"The ancestors didn't make a mistake, right?" Xiao Li looked at the plain again, but still couldn't see any clues, and simply found a spacious place to rest...

Chapter 449 The Ancient Bodhi Tree Was Born!

Five days later, in the depths of the wild ancient realm, on a barren plain.

Xiao Li walked aimlessly on the plain, his face a little ugly.

He has stayed in this plain for five days, and for five days he has been looking for traces of the ancient Bodhi tree, but he has not gained much.

"Could it be that the information given by the ancestors was wrong?" Xiao Li suddenly stopped, resting his chin in his right hand, and said in a deep thought.

He was the soul of the Emperor Realm. After five days, he almost thoroughly checked the plain, but he did not find anything related to the ancient Bodhi tree!

"Why don't you leave first, because the continent is so big, there are too many places to experience," Xiao Li frowned, and didn't intend to continue spending it here.

Although the ancient Bodhi tree is mysterious, there are many opportunities on the mainland that are more precious than the ancient Bodhi tree!

Thinking of this, Xiao Li didn't hesitate at all, turned and walked towards the outskirts of the reckless ancient realm.

Before Xiao Li took two steps, the ground under his feet suddenly trembled violently, like an earthquake, and countless cracks appeared on the scorched ground of the plain.

With sharp eyes, Xiao Li caught a glimpse of the fleeting emerald color in the crack.

"The ancient Bodhi tree?" Xiao Li's expression was shocked, and his thoughts shifted.

I am afraid that there will be nothing more than the ancient bodhi tree that can make people holy to make such a big movement!

Without waiting for Xiao Li to continue thinking, the cracks on the ground continued to expand, and then a towering giant tree emerged from the ground under Xiao Li's surprised eyes.

At the same time, a dazzling emerald light soared into the sky, forming a magnificent beam of light, which can be seen from thousands of miles away!

Upon seeing this, Xiao Li's expression changed, and he hurriedly rushed towards the ancient Bodhi tree with his true energy.

However, when he was still fifty feet away from the ancient Bodhi tree, Xiao Li was stopped by an invisible wall of air. No matter what method Xiao Li used, he couldn't get any closer!

"Damn it!" Xiao Li suddenly remembered some news that Xiao Xuan had told him in the sky tomb.

According to Xiao Xuan, this ancient Bodhi tree exists at the same level as Dou Emperor. If it hadn't been for the failure of the ancient Bodhi tree to activate its spiritual wisdom, it would have been a master of Dou Emperor level.

But even so, the ancient Bodhi tree, which acts on its instinct, can also have a few tricks against Emperor Dou!

"I don't know how long this beam of light will last," Xiao Li looked at the emerald green beam of light, feeling helpless.

If this beam of light lasts too long, I am afraid it will attract a large number of masters at that time.

Although Xiao Li was conceited that his strength was also ranked among Dou Zun, he was hard to beat by four hands. Once he was besieged, even Xiao Li couldn't guarantee that he could retreat completely!

"Damn it!" Xiao Li cursed in a low voice, murmured: "It would be great if the teacher was here."

Then Xiao Li shook his head and put this unrealistic idea behind him.

Not to mention that Xiao Tian is not here now, even if Xiao Tian is here, I am afraid he will not make a move.

Just as Xiao Li was thinking about it, a few breaking noises rang out, and then three young people with high spirits appeared on the plain under the leadership of an old man in white robe.

"It really is the ancient Bodhi tree!" The white-robed old man saw the towering giant tree with a little smile on his face.

"Master, do you want to throw that kid out first?" As soon as the white robe old man's voice fell, the man leaning to the left behind him pointed to Xiao Li and sneered.

Chapter 450: Sound Valley Heir!

The young man spoke with an undisguised contempt on his face. His name was Yin Jue. He came from Yingu, one of the three valleys in Zhongzhou. He had reached the six-star Dou Zun at a young age.

And his master, the white-robed old man in front of him, is Yin Lingyu, the Great Elder of Yingu, a terrifying existence with the highest level of strength and semi-sage!

Under such circumstances, Yin Jue would naturally not take Xiao Li, a little brat who seemed to be no more than a star Dou Zun, to his heart!

"Senior Brother Yinjue is right. Since ancient times, treasures have been inhabited. That kid doesn't look like a star, and he is worthy to compete with us?"

Hearing Yin Jue's words, the two young men next to him echoed.

These two young people are also Yingu disciples, the male is called Yinfusheng, and the female is called Yinyun, both of which are the cultivation bases of five-star Douzun. Like Yinjue, they are both outstanding geniuses of Yingu.

Yin Lingyu groaned for a while, nodded slightly, and said, "Just throw him out, you can't hurt your life."

Although he also didn't think that Xiao Li, a one-star Dou Zun, had any strength to compete with his three apprentices for the opportunity of the Bodhi ancient tree, but this kind of ants should be cleared out as early as possible, so as not to look annoying!

Hearing Yin Lingyu's words, Yin Jue smiled, squeezed his fingers into a creak, walked in front of Xiao Li, and said proudly, "Boy, did I throw you out, or did you get out by yourself?"

Xiao Li glanced at Yin Jue, without speaking.

It's nothing more than a six-star Dou Zun, even if the foundation is solid, it is not his opponent!

Yin Jue didn't expect that Xiao Li, a small one-star Dou Zun, would dare to ignore him. He immediately glared and shouted: "Boy, it seems that you chose to let Grandpa I throw you out?"

As he said, Yin Jue raised his right hand, ten fingers into claws, and grabbed Xiao Li.

Following his movements, majestic fluctuations of vindictiveness spread from him, and it was obvious that Yin Jue was not merciful with this hand!

Xiao Li's expression became cold, and he made a fist with his right hand, a trace of thunder beating on his fist, and then suddenly burst out.

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