God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 211

After all, those who appeared on this wasteland now, except him Xiao Li, were all the elites of the great emperor clan, as for him Xiao Li, behind him stood the only fighting emperor on the continent today!

As long as Lingxiao is not a fool, he will not risk offending a Doudi and several ancient emperors!

"Brother Xiao Li, you don't know," Xiao Xun'er said solemnly: "This Lingxiao was originally the third elder of the Spirit Clan, but his temperament was tyrannical. At the beginning, he killed countless people of the Spirit Clan in the spirit world of the Spirit Clan. Later, Expelled from the spirit world by the spirit race!"

Speaking of Xiao Xun'er's expression becoming more solemn, she said every word: "Now that Lingxiao is here, it is impossible to guarantee that he will not attack us!"

Xiao Li's expression stunned when he heard the words, and an astonishing killing intent flashed in his eyes.

Unlike Xiao Xun'er, Xiao Xun'er, as the jewel in the palm of the ancient tribe, has now reached the cultivation base of the Five-Star Dou Zun, but to speak of the grasp of the human heart, Xiao Xun'er, who used to crawl in Rock Desert City, climbed up from the bottom. Li is undoubtedly better!

Xiao Xun'er was only worried that Ling Xiao would suddenly attack them, but what Xiao Li wanted was Ling Xiao's presence here, whether there was any instruction from the Spirit Race behind him!

You must know that there are two disciples of the spirit race who have reached the strength of Dou Zun following Lingxiao this time. Without the approval of the spirit race, it is absolutely impossible for Lingxiao, a desolate person who has been expelled from the spirit world. Two disciples of the spirit race appeared here!

"Haha, there are quite a lot of people here," Ling Xiao's gaze swept across Xiao Xun'er and the others, and finally fell on Xiao Li, playing with a taste: "This kid looks very face-to-face, not from the ancient emperor clan. People?"

Xiao Li's expression suddenly became cold when he heard the words, and the keen sense of smell that he had trained for years at the bottom level made him aware of the slightest killing intent in Lingxiao's words.

"This old boy wants to kill me?!" Xiao Li's heart was overwhelmed, and the speed of his body's fighting energy was faintly faster, his eyes fixed on Lingxiao, and he said solemnly: "I am a member of the Xiao clan."

"Xiao Clan?" Ling Xiao's mouth turned a little bit disdainful when he heard the words: "It's nothing more than a desolate family that doesn't even have the qualifications to enter Zhongzhou. Can you even cultivate Dou Zun?"

With that, Ling Xiao's right hand suddenly lifted, and the power of the majestic space pressed towards Xiao Li.

"At the beginning, I had a grudge with the Xiao Clan. Now that the Xiao Clan has fallen, let your life be used to pay for it!" Ling Xiao sneered, as if he had seen Xiao Li being crushed to death by the mighty power of space!

Seeing Lingxiao's movements, including the two Spirit Race disciples behind him, the faces of everyone present became extremely pale!

Chapter 456 Fighting Lingxiao!

They never expected that Ling Xiao would suddenly attack Xiao Li!

To know the identity of Xiao Li, it is not a secret among the ancient emperors. They don't believe that Ling Xiao, the former third elder of the spirit clan, would not know the identity of Xiao Li!

Now that Ling Xiao dared to attack Xiao Li, it showed that he had another reliance on him, and he could not be afraid of Xiao Li's teacher-the famous Emperor Xiao in the mainland!

"Does the Spirit Clan intend to go to war with that Emperor Xiao?" Hun Li and Hun Ya quietly stepped back two steps, and said in a low voice.

"I remember that the patriarch of the spirit clan is no more than a six-star fighting saint. The bloodline of the fighting emperor in the clan is almost exhausted. There are no geniuses in the younger generation..."

Hun Ya looked at Ling Xiao, with some doubts: "Under this situation, how can the Ling Clan dare to have sex with that Emperor Xiao?

You must know that once Xiao Li dies here, that Emperor Xiao will be furious, let alone the spirit race today, I am afraid that even the original Spirit Emperor may not be able to stop an angry Dou Emperor, right?"

"Who knows?" Hun Li smiled disdainfully, "Maybe there is another chance for the Spirit Race to think that he can not be afraid of the Emperor Xiao, right?"

Although the voices of the conversation between Hun Li and Hun Ya were very small, everyone present was at least at the Dou Zun level, with clear ears and eyes. Although the voices of Hun Li and Hun Ya were small, they were still clearly heard by everyone.

Hearing the conversation between the two Soul Li and Soul Ya, the two spiritual disciples behind Ling Xiao turned paler.

As disciples of the spirit race, they are naturally aware of the current situation of the spirit race. Today's spirit race has long since declined, so what chance is there?

But since Ling Xiao dared to attack Xiao Li, he must have passed the approval of the clan. In this case, the clan sent them out and let them go with Ling Xiao.

Obviously, they have become abandoned children!

"Old thing, you really thought you could kill me if you were a Five-Star Fighting Saint?"

Xiao Li had been paying attention to Ling Xiao a long time ago, and facing Ling Xiao's sudden trouble, he was not too surprised. The ring light flashed in his hand, and he grabbed a spear in his hand and shouted sharply.

As he spoke, Xiao Li was enveloped by lightning all over his body, and countless clouds gathered above his head, forming a slowly rotating vortex. In the depths of the vortex, a golden thunder light faintly passed by.

"Is this the fighting skill that catches thunder and lightning?" Yan Jian and Shi Ling saw the vision above Xiao Li, a touch of splendor appeared in their eyes.

They had seen Xiao Li used this fighting technique at the beginning of Yunlan Mountain. Xiao Li was only a mere nine-star fighting spirit, and his mastery of this fighting technique was not as good as he is now.

Even so, Xiao Li could use this fighting skill to confront Douzong.

At the moment Xiao Li has reached a Star Dou Zun, and he is obviously more proficient in this fighting skill. In this case, how amazing is its power to use this fighting skill again?


Xiao Li whispered, a golden thunder roared out from the depths of the whirlpool, and flew towards Lingxiao with a terrifying power!

"Nine Profound Golden Thunder!!" Yao Xingji saw this scene, and immediately lost his voice.

As the leader of the younger generation of Yao Clan, Yao Xingji naturally knew what this golden thunder was.

According to the legend, the Nine Profound Golden Thunder that can only be drawn by refining the Ninth-Rank Golden Core, even the high-ranking fighting sage is quite difficult to resist, and even if it is careless, the high-ranking fighting sage will fall into the Nine Profound Golden Thunder. under!

However, now Xiao Li actually summoned the Nine Profound Golden Thunder, how could he not be surprised?

Chapter 457 Xiao Tian Appears!

The Nine Profound Golden Thunder roared towards Lingxiao, like an angry dragon with distinct scales. The sound of the dragon's roar resounded through the sky, and the terrifying pressure tore the ground apart, revealing countless cobweb-like cracks.

Ling Xiao's face changed slightly. He didn't expect Xiao Li's strength to be so strong. A single star Dou Zun could even issue an attack that shocked him!

In fact, Hun Li and Hun Ya had guessed well, he will appear here this time, and he has indeed received the instruction from the high level of the clan to get rid of Xiao Li.

As for why the high-level spiritual clan gave such an order, Ling Xiao is not very clear, but he knows that the Soul Heaven Emperor of the soul clan has quietly entered and left the spiritual world many times recently.

When he thought about it, this time the Spirit Race senior would let him kill Xiao Li, I am afraid the Spirit Race would contribute a lot in it.

"Huh, kid, do you really think you can ramp up the mainland by mastering a strange fighting skill?" Although Ling Xiao was afraid of attacking sternly, as a five-star fighting saint, he didn't want to lose his power in front of a group of juniors.

Raising both hands slightly, the coercion belonging to the five-star fighting saint level diffused, covering all the people present.

Then I saw Ling Xiao's hands swiftly swiping, and with his movements, countless spatial ripples suddenly appeared in front of him. Layers of spatial ripples were stacked together, looking like an indestructible shield!

The Nine Profound Golden Thunder and Space Ripples collided, smoke and dust were everywhere, and the horrible fluctuations spread in all directions.

Seeing this scene, everyone present hurriedly hid in the distance.

Nine Profound Golden Thunders or the ripples in this space are not something they can handle, let alone the entanglement of the two now, the power will be improved.

Soon, the smoke and dust dissipated, and the original golden thunder dragon with great momentum and distinct scales had disappeared. Ling Xiao stood peacefully in place, but the sleeve of his right hand was missing by half.

Obviously, taking on Xiao Li's attack is not easy for him!

"Boy, you are fine, you can block my attack with the strength of a star Dou Zun, but..."

Speaking of Lingxiao's face suddenly gloomy, he said every word: "But you have completely angered me now, and I will let you die!"

Even when Ling Xiao was in the Spirit Clan, his temperament was extremely surly, but now Xiao Li actually blocked his attack and lost his face. Naturally, he would not give Xiao Li a good face.

Xiao Li smiled with unabashed contempt on his face.

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