God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 218

"It's a bit hanging," Xiao Tian Xuying nodded lightly and said lightly.

With Xiao Li's strength, against the incarnation of the evil emperor, although there is a chance of victory, the possibility of defeat is even greater!

"Then you still—" Xiao Li couldn't help being frustrated when he heard the words, he couldn't figure out what his teacher thought.

Obviously already knew that he would not be the opponent of the evil emperor incarnation, so why did he let himself face the evil emperor incarnation alone?

Even if it is a test for yourself, it is too difficult!

"If you beat this evil emperor incarnation, there will be another reward," Xiao Tianxu looked at Xiao Li, his expression very calm.

Xiao Li's eyes flashed upon hearing this, and his fighting spirit instantly became high.

None of the things that Xiao Tian can take out are Mortal, whether it is the "Nine Transformation Immortal Body" he cultivated or the "Thundering Yin" and "Lei Beast Change" taught to him by Xiao Tian later. , Both are the exercises and fighting skills that countless people dream of!

How could the reward Xiao Tian personally promised now be worse?

No matter how bad it is, it has to be on the same level as "Thundering Yin" and "Lei Beast Change"?

"Isn't it just an incarnation of the evil emperor? Teacher, don't worry, the disciple can solve him without your action!" Xiao Li looked at the incarnation of the evil emperor, took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice.

"Arrogant kid!" Hearing Xiao Li's words, the evil emperor incarnation immediately gritted his teeth and said: "Since you are looking for death, this emperor will fulfill you!"

As soon as the voice fell, there was no movement from the Evil Emperor's incarnation. The black figure instantly disappeared in place, and then appeared behind Xiao Li, with his right hand claws, and he drew towards Xiao Li's back heart!

He didn't leave any hands behind with this move. Once Xiao Li is firmly grasped by this claw, he might fall on the spot!

Perceiving the sound of breaking through the air behind him, Xiao Li stepped a little, and took a dozen steps to the side, avoiding the evil emperor's incarnation in a dangerous way.

The evil emperor’s incarnation was not accidental. Xiao Li, as a personal disciple of the Dou Emperor, would be a bit too wasteful if he couldn’t even escape a single blow!

Without a single blow, the evil emperor's incarnation did not hesitate at all. The vitality stored in the massive ancient Bodhi trees was gathered in front of him, forming a slowly rotating ball of pitch black light.

There was a faint and stern wailing sound in the light ball, and countless hideous and terrifying faces appeared on the surface of the light ball!

As the light ball took shape, the boundless black air radiated from the light ball, dyeing this strange space black. In the center of the space, the light emitted by the emerald green tree dimmed a little, even the original There has been an extra layer of gray light on the emerald green branches.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Li's face suddenly became extremely solemn, and the pitch black light ball actually gave him an extremely terrifying threat, as if he would fall under this pitch black light ball next moment.

Chapter 473 Shocked Evil Emperor Incarnation!

Not only Xiao Li, but even Xiao Tian Xuying's eyes watching the battle became serious, looking at the pitch-black light ball, ready to take action at any time.

"go with!"

The Evil Emperor incarnation waved his right hand, and the pitch-black light ball suddenly turned into a stream of light, with a distracting howling sound, it slammed at Xiao Li!

Seeing that the pitch-black ball of light was about to hit Xiao Li, Xiao Tianxu's eyes condensed and he was about to take a shot, Xiao Li suddenly moved!

"It's just a Dou Emperor who has fallen a long time ago!" Xiao Li roared up to the sky, azure blue thunder light burst out all over his body, and countless thunder arcs sputtered out in all directions.

Countless dense blue thunder lights suddenly appeared in the strange space that had been dyed into pitch black by the boundless black air, which looked like beating meridians, clinging to the black air, constantly beating.

Xiao Tian Xuying saw this scene with a little smile on his face.

For him, it was enough for Xiao Li to act brazenly under the terror of the evil emperor incarnation!

"A mere ant with a star, dare to compete with this emperor for glory?" The evil emperor incarnate disdainfully, while talking, gently waved his right hand, the pitch-black light ball slammed into Xiao Li's body with an impeccable potential!


Xiao Li immediately spouted a mouthful of blood, and the whole person stepped back five or six steps before stabilizing his figure.

That is to say, he practiced "Nine Revolutions of Indestructible Body", and the physical strength was amazing, otherwise the attack of the evil emperor incarnation would be enough to turn him into a fan!

Even so, Xiao Li felt as if his whole person was about to break, and every bone in his body was moaning, and his internal organs felt like he was being burned, and the pain was so painful.

"Not dead?" The evil emperor's incarnation frowned. When he thought about it, with his strength, Xiao Li should have been completely wiped out with his strength. He didn't expect Xiao Li to just vomit blood. Just step back a few steps!

"Is it resistant to beatings?" A murderous intent flashed in the hollow eyes of the evil emperor's incarnation, and said coldly: "This emperor wants to see how resistant you are to beatings!"

As he said, the evil emperor incarnation waved his right hand continuously, and every time he waved it, the pitch-black ball of light fell on Xiao Li, spitting out blood and bursting back.

However, I don't know why, the evil emperor's incarnation found that every time he attacked, Xiao Li's injury was lightened by half a point.

When the final shot fell on Xiao Li, he just made his body shake a few times, let alone vomiting blood, and he couldn't even make Xiao Li back!

"Are you curious why your attack effect is getting weaker and weaker?" When the evil emperor incarnate was puzzled, Xiao Tianxuying who was watching the battle suddenly spoke quietly.

The evil emperor turned into a startled one, then looked at Xiao Tianxu Ying, coldly shouted: "Are you doing a ghost?"

"Am I fucking?" Xiao Tianxu pointed to his nose, then his face quickly sank, and said with disdain: "You really value yourself too much. With your incarnation, you are also worthy of letting me act?"

"If you didn't make a move, how could you take my attack with the strength of this kid One Star Dou Zun?" The evil emperor incarnate stared at Xiao Tianxu Ying and asked.

He is very clear about his strength, not to mention that Xiao Li is just a one-star Dou Zun, even the one-star Dou Sage has long been turned into a fan under his previous attack.

At the moment Xiao Li is safe and sound, Xiao Tian Xuying did not make a move, he did not believe it anyway!

Xiao Tianxuying shook his head when he heard the words, and the disdain on his face became thicker.

Chapter 474: The Mysterious Confidence of the Evil Emperor Incarnation!

Xiao Tian Xuying could probably guess the idea of ​​the evil emperor's incarnation, but he didn't have the idea of ​​solving the evil emperor's incarnation.

In fact, the reason why Xiao Li was able to safely accept the attack of the evil emperor’s incarnation was because of the mystery of "Nine Revolutions of Immortal Body", which is the supreme skill that combines "Nine Revolutions of Profound Art" and "Explosive Body Art". The law is already above all the exercises in this continent.

It just so happens that the Nine-turn Immortal Body attaches great importance to the strengthening of the physical body. In addition to self-tempering the physical body, it can also increase the physical strength by being hit.

Therefore, the attack of the evil emperor's incarnation fell on Xiao Li, and the effect was worse than that.

Of course, there is another reason. The space here is the internal space of the ancient Bodhi tree. Even if most of the power of the ancient Bodhi tree is assimilated by the evil emperor, the ancient Bodhi tree can still call this piece of land. The power of space!

At other times, when the evil emperor incarnation fully controls these powers, the ancient Bodhi tree naturally cannot compete with the evil emperor incarnation for control of those powers.

But now the incarnation of the evil emperor has focused all his attention on Xiao Li, the ancient Bodhi tree will naturally not miss this opportunity!

The incarnation of the evil emperor was a method left by the former evil emperor, and his knowledge was not comparable to that of ordinary people. He quickly guessed the reason for the ancient bodhi tree in it, and his eyes swept from Xiao Li and Xiao Tianxu. Finally fell on Xiao Tian Xuying.

"This ancient Bodhi tree is your refuge?" The evil emperor incarnate looked at Xiao Tianxu, and his tone was full of mockery: "You think there is an ancient Bodhi tree that is secretly making trouble, and a single star can fight against me. Really ridiculous!"

As he said, countless purple and black thin lines appeared around the Evil Emperor's avatar, which looked like a net, covering all the space in it.

"Boy, blame your teacher for being too arrogant!"

The evil emperor looked at Xiao Li, raised his hand, and the net made of thin purple and black lines flew towards Xiao Li. The hideous faces above the net seemed to be rushing out at any time, and they looked quite oozing.

Seeing this, Xiao Tian Xuying shook his head secretly, a teasing flash flashing under his eyes.

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