God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 222

Chapter 482 Han Guangjie and the Fruit of the God Tree!

Putting away the Ziling fairy clothes, Xiao Tian grabbed the ball of light on the right.

The brilliance dissipated, and a green ring appeared in Xiao Tian's palm, and at the same time, the sound of a piano sounded like flowing water.

"This is Hanguang Ring? What's the use?" Xiao Tian played with the emerald green ring and asked the system in his heart.

"Han Guang Jie is made of Han Guang Liuli from the depths of the East China Sea. It was worn by Han Xiangzi when he was practicing Taoism. Because he was contaminated with various musical instruments, he gave birth to spirituality. When worn, he can be proficient in various musical instruments!"

The system sound soon sounded in Xiao Tian's mind.

"Proficient in musical instruments?" Xiao Tian couldn't help feeling a little more interested when he heard the system.

Although this Han Guang Jie is useless for the strength bonus, it can make people proficient in various musical instruments, and it will have a big effect on the future cultivation of music theory.

Putting on the Hanguang ring directly, Xiao Tian continued to instruct in his heart: "The third draw is designated, and other items will be drawn!"

As soon as Xiao Tian's voice fell, the system prompt sounded in his mind——

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining a fruit of the sacred tree!"

As the system prompt sounded, an emerald green fruit exuding strong spiritual energy appeared in his hands.

"Sacred tree fruit?" Xiao Tian looked at the emerald green fruit in his hand, raised his eyebrows, and asked the system, "System, what is the origin of this sacred tree fruit?"

"The fruit of the sacred tree comes from the sacred tree guarded by the goddess Xiyao on the plane of the fairy sword. It contains a strong spiritual energy and has various mysterious functions." The system quickly answered.

"It turned out to be this thing!" Xiao Tian's eyes lit up, carefully putting away the fruits of the sacred tree.

According to the information he learned, the goddess Xiyao once used the fruits of the god tree to create Tang Xuejian with reference to her own appearance. If used properly, maybe the fruits of the god tree will give him a surprise at that time!

"Haha, finally broke through to Fighting Saint." After collecting the fruits of the sacred tree, Xiao Tian looked at the direction of the reckless ancient realm, a smile appeared on his face.

Just now, the projection of will he left in Xiao Li's mind sensed the changes in Xiao Li's strength, and now Xiao Li has broken through to a star!

"Boy, I hope you won't be surprised later..." Xiao Tian looked at the direction of the reckless ancient realm and laughed in a low voice.


In the wild ancient realm, Xiao Li and others appeared on the wasteland where the ancient Bodhi tree appeared.

"Brother Xiao Li, I'm thanking you this time," Shi Ling said loudly, standing not far from Xiao Li, with an unconcealable smile on his rough face.

Originally, he thought that he would get nothing in the fight for the ancient Bodhi tree, but this time Xiao Li solved the hidden danger of the ancient Bodhi tree. The ancient Bodhi tree left the opportunity of enlightenment to Xiao Li, but the distribution of the Bodhi child was all Hand it over to Xiao Li.

With a good relationship with Xiao Li, Shi Ling obtained three Bodhi seeds this time. Although they are not as good as Xiao Xun'er and Xiao Li, they are even particles compared to Yan Jin and Lei Ling'er, which only have one Bodhi. There is still medicine star pole in Wushou Soulya, then I don't know how much better!

"Brother Shi doesn't need to be like this," Xiao Li smiled and shook his head, and said, "The Wan Shiyuan of the Stone Clan gave me a lot of help back then. A few Bodhi seeds are nothing."

"Haha, I don't want to thank Daen. Brother Xiao will have free time in the future and can come to the stone world as a guest. I still have some status in the stone clan," Shi Ling was not a twitchy temper, and immediately laughed.

Xiao Li smiled, just about to speak, his eyes condensed suddenly, and his face quickly became gloomy.

Chapter 483: The Returning Guardian

With the strength of his current one-star fighting saint, plus the soul of the god realm, hundreds of miles in a radius are covered by his perception.

So he clearly noticed the strangeness around him!

"Brother Xiao Li, what's the matter?" Xiao Xun'er asked in a low voice when she saw Xiao Li's expression change.

She thought it was Xiao Li who had something wrong. After all, Xiao Li had fought against the evil emperor incarnation in that mysterious space before, and then enlightened under the Bodhi tree, madly breaking through the realm, and she did not rule out the possibility of leaving sequelae. .

"It's nothing," Xiao Li shook his head, disdainfully said: "It's just that an old acquaintance is doing tricks in secret."

As he said, Xiao Li cast his gaze on the dense forest a hundred miles away, and said lightly: "Guardian, since he is here, why not show up?"

"Huh! Xiao Li, your kid is lucky!" Guardian Kyu walked out of the dense forest, exuding a monstrous evil spirit, which made people daunting.

"Unfortunately, you can't get out of this reckless ancient realm this time!" Guardian Ku looked at Xiao Li with a cold expression, and said.

As he said, the guardian of Kyu waved his right hand, and there was a rustling sound in the surrounding dense forest, and then in the eyes of everyone's incredible eyes, countless red-eyed beasts walked out of the dense forest and surrounded this wasteland!

Those monsters with low strength are not the masters of the fighting master, and the strong ones have reached the highest level of fighting master, and they even sense that there are a few fighting saint level monsters among them!

"Sky Devouring Tiger!" Lei Ling'er looked at a black beast with wings on his head and eyes full of red light, and his pretty face was a little bit more shocked.

The Sky Devouring Tiger clan has always been known for its amazing combat power, but the Sky Devouring Tiger clan has always been inferior in intelligence, so it is not recognized by other monsters.

But just looking at the combat power, the Sky Devouring Tiger clan can rank in the top three among the beasts, even if it is compared to the Taixu Ancient Dragon clan, it can't do much!

The Heaven Devouring Tiger in front of us has reached the realm of a one-star fighting sage. If you really want to fight, I am afraid that the ordinary three-star fighting sage will not be the opponent of this Sky Devouring Tiger!

In the face of such a Sky Devouring Tiger, with these people present, apart from Xiao Li, I am afraid that no one is the opponent of this Sky Devouring Tiger!

not to mention……

Lei Ling'er's gaze swept across the dense beasts, and the pretty face lost its blood and became extremely pale.

In her perception, there are no less than five beasts whose breath is not lost to that of Tianhu, and there are even two beasts that emit more violent aura than Tianhu!

"I remember these methods of manipulating monsters have been recorded in the clan," Xiao Xun'er also looked solemn, walked to Xiao Li's side, and whispered.

"Xun'er, do you want to talk about the Royal Beast Gate?" Xiao Li smiled and said: "Old Yao once told me that the Royal Beast Gate in ancient times is said to be very good at the technique of defending beasts.

When the last sect master of Yu Beast Gate was in power, there were emperors who had to avoid its edge.

It was only later that the last sect master of the Yu Beast Gate failed to break through the Emperor and was seriously injured, and was annihilated by a new Jin Dou Emperor and several great emperors, and the inheritance was cut off."

"Yes," Xiao Xun'er looked solemn and whispered: "Brother Xiao Li, since the guardian can control such a large number of monsters, I am afraid it is the legacy of the Royal Beast Gate, why should we avoid it first?"

As she said, Xiao Xun'er flicked her right hand, and a light golden flame emerged out of thin air, burning the space in front of her into a space crack.

Chapter 484 Respective Reactions!

In Xiao Xun'er's view, although the army of monsters created by the guardian Kyu was terrifying, the guardian Kyu had limited strength and couldn't seal the surrounding space. They could completely tear the space and leave.

"A bunch of chickens and dogs," Xiao Li smiled and shook his head, his tone flat.

The enlightenment under the Bodhi tree is not just fun. His enlightenment in the inner space of the ancient Bodhi tree not only raises his cultivation to a one-star sage, but also achieves his understanding of the first level of "Nine Revolutions of Immortal Body" To a very high degree.

Now Xiao Li is confident that even if Jiuxing Dousheng takes a shot, it will take a while to break through his defenses!

"Chicken tile dog?" Yao Xingji heard Xiao Li's words and couldn't help but sneered: "I really thought you would be invincible if you broke through to the one-star Dou Sheng? You want to die by yourself, then you can die here!"

With that, Yao Xingji raised his hands and slammed it to the left and right, and a space crack appeared in front of Yao Xingji.

Yao Xingji didn't hesitate at all, stepped into the space crack and disappeared.

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