God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 229

As a music fanatic, Gong Ao is naturally no stranger to Dong flute. Even Gong Ao himself is a master of Dong flute, but he can play the song "Remembering the Old Man" to such a realm. It is unheard of!

This "Remembering the Old" is known as the Top Ten Famous Songs of Huaguo Dongxiao. The number of people who can perform it is unknown, but Gongao has never seen one that can give people a sense of being on the scene.

Xiao Tian’s control over this piece is probably no less than that of Cai Yong, who wrote this piece at the beginning!

Wei Hong glanced at Gong Ao, then set his gaze on Xiao Tian, ​​with a little surprise in his eyes.

He and Gong Ao have been in friendship for decades, and he knows this old friend well, but he rarely sees such a shocking expression on Gong Ao's face!

Especially when it comes to the issue of musical rhythm, Gong Ao has almost never shown any shock.

After all, Gong Ao himself is already a master in terms of musical attainments, and the only ones who can impress him are the few remaining master-level figures!

Xiao Tian didn't have the mind to pay attention to Gong Ao and Wei Hong. After playing a song, Xiao Tian put the flute into the tray, and immediately took a purple clay pottery instrument with six holes as large as a goose egg, and played slowly. stand up.

"Chu Ge?" Gong Ao hadn't recovered from the shock before, but his expression calmed down when he heard Xiao Tian's xun music.

In fact, seriously, the difficulty of learning Xun is higher than that of Dongxiao, but with the foundation of Dongxiao, it is not difficult to learn Xun.

It can be said that every person at the master level of Dongxiao, if he transfers to Xun, it will not take long to reach the master level.

Therefore, even though Xiao Tian still showed a master level on the Xun, Gong Ao was not too shocked.

Xiao Tian put Gongao's expression in his eyes, shook his head impenetrably, put the purple clay pottery xun in his hand back into the tray, and took a unique guqin.Seeing Xiao Tian's movements, Gong Ao couldn't help raising his eyebrows. This Guqin was different from the Xun Xiao Tian had chosen before. Although Xiao Tian's attainments in Xun were amazing, it was actually nothing to Gong Ao.

And Guqin...

For Gong Ao, this is undoubtedly the key to determining whether Xiao Tian is uttering arrogant words!

Xiao Tian didn't pay attention to the change of Gongao's expression. With a wave of his hand, the guqin leaped in front of him, and then slowly fiddled with it, and the sound of the piano suddenly lingered in the palace hall.

On the faces of Gong Ao and Wei Hong, a strong shock appeared.

It is because of Xiao Tian that Wei Hong's ability to volley in the sky is comparable to the legendary means of immortals. As the helm of an ancient family of martial arts, Wei Hong naturally understands what this means!

While Gong Ao was shocked by Xiao Tian’s strength, but even more shocked by the music Xiao Tian played——

"Guangling San"!

"It's different from Guanglingsan that is circulating nowadays, isn't it..." Gong Ao looked at Xiao Tian and his heart was extremely shocked.

Chapter 499 Guangling San!

According to legend, "Guangling San" has been lost since Ji Kang, and now only forty-five paragraphs of "Guangling San" are circulated, part of which is missing.

However, what Xiao Tian played was already beyond the forty-five section, and there was nothing wrong with it. Obviously, Xiao Tian didn’t know where to get the missing part of Guangling San, or even to complete it. Guangling San"!

Soon, Xiao Tian finished playing "Guangling San", put the guqin back in the tray, and was about to pick up the next instrument, but Gong Ao suddenly said, "Brother Xiao, wait a minute!"

"Huh? Is there anything wrong with the old man?" Xiao Tian stopped his hand movement when he heard this, and looked at Gong Ao with a smile.

Gong Ao's previous expressions were all in his eyes, so he could probably guess Gong Ao's thoughts at this moment.

The complete "Guangling San"!

Even if Xiao Tian himself is not very interested in rhythm, he still knows how much temptation the complete "Guangling San" is for those music fans!

"Little Brother Xiao's attainments in Xiao, Xun, and Guqin have reached the master level, there is no need to show it anymore," Gong Ao looked at Xiao Tian, ​​waved his hand, and smiled: "This manor was given to Xiao Xiao Brother!"

"Thank you Gong Lao, then." Although Xiao Tian knew that Gong Ao had other thoughts, he did not refuse.

This manor still suits his heart. In addition, the man who presided over the construction of this manor was also a master. He just happened to build this manor on the ground node, occupying the most aura of Wuliangshan Tiandi!

Taking down this manor, at least for a long period of time, you can not worry about the growth of the flat peach spirit roots.

"It's just that the old man still has a ruthless please," Gong Ao looked at Xiao Tian, ​​rubbing his hands, his face was a little bit embarrassing.

As a music fanatic, he knows how much effort it takes to reach the realm of a master with Xiao Tian's age in controlling several instruments!

This shows Xiao Tian's obsession with music!

For people like Xiao Tian, ​​the complete "Guangling San" may be called the supreme treasure and must be properly cherished. If he asks for it now, it is a bit of a gratitude.

"Lao Gong said it's okay," Xiao Tian smiled and said softly.

He also guessed Gong Ao's thoughts. For him, the complete "Guangling San" was nothing extraordinary, and its status in his heart was not even as good as an ordinary martial arts secret book!

After all, this is the music score that comes with Hanguangjie, and for him it can only be regarded as an accessory to Hanguangjie.

"Little Brother Xiao just played, but it is a complete Guangling San?" Gong Ao asked expectantly when he heard Xiao Tian's words.

"Hehe, the old man is very knowledgeable," Xiao Tian nodded and smiled: "It is the complete Guangling San. If the old man likes it, I can copy a sheet of music to the old man."

There was joy on Gong Ao's face when he heard that, although it was not the original sheet music he was looking forward to, or even the sheet music written by Ji Kang, even the copied "Guangling San" sheet music was precious.

"The old man is here, thank you little brother," Gong Ao looked at Xiao Tian and said seriously: "What needs the little brother has in the future, as long as the old man can solve it, I won't frown!"

Hearing Gong Ao's words, the servants of the palace on the side showed an unpleasant expression on their faces, apparently already very familiar with the nature of the master of the palace.

Chapter 500 Go to the Immortal Sword Plane!

Not only the servants of the palace family, but even Xiao Tian's expression was a little weird.

Although he knew that Gong Ao was a music fanatic, as the head of a great ancient martial family, he was a little surprised to make a heavy promise so easily.

But Xiao Tian quickly left these things behind, and he couldn't use Gong Ao's promise anyway.

After all, with his current strength, if he really encounters something that even he can't solve, even if the entire family is involved in it, it won't make any difference!

So Xiao Tian's expression quickly recovered calm, smiled, and did not speak.

Seeing the change in Xiao Tian's expression, Gong Ao consciously greeted the servants of the Gong family to come over and order them to move away. Xiao Tian and Wei Hong also took a helicopter back to Nanjiang City.


Three days later, in the depths of Wuliang Mountain.

There is no one in the manor that originally belonged to the palace, except for Xiao Tian.

The flat peach spirit root planted in the villa in Nanjiang City and the Zhaowu Xuanguang Array Pan buried under the flat peach spirit root were brought to this manor by Xiao Tian, ​​and the Zhaowu Xuanguang Array Pan and the flat peach spirit root were buried in the backyard.

Buried together with the two, there is the best spiritual root culture solution of the other side.

Under the abundance of heaven and earth aura and the nourishment of the best spiritual root culture solution, the faintly yellowed leaves of the flat peach spirit roots have returned to the jade-green color. Not to mention, the flat peach spirit roots that were originally only half human are even more violent. It was almost as tall as Xiao Tian!

Sitting in the manor, Xiao Tian fully aroused the Zhaowu Xuanguang Formation, and then instructed in his heart: "System, send me to the Immortal Sword plane."

As soon as the voice fell, Xiao Tian was wrapped in a cloud of white light. After a while, the white light dissipated, and Xiao Tian's figure disappeared in the manor.

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