God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 231

With the formation of the big formation, the aura of the fire attribute between heaven and earth quickly gathered towards the big formation, and then turned into a monstrous rain of fire, which burned all the ghosts and demons who tried to escape into ashes!

Soon, Zhonglou walked out of the Demon Locking Tower, holding the magic sword, glanced at Xiao Tian, ​​and prepared to leave.

"Mozun will stay for now," Xiao Tian suddenly shouted as he watched the heavy building leave the Demon Locking Tower.

Chapter 503 Receiving the disciple Dragon Kwai

Chonglou heard the words and paused, looked at Xiao Tian, ​​and said lightly: "What's the matter?"

For Xiao Tian, ​​an opponent whose strength is similar to his own, Zhonglou still cares very much. After all, since General Feipeng was demoted to the world, Xiao Tian was the first opponent he encountered!

"Lent me the magic sword for a use," Xiao Tian said, pointing to the magic sword in Chonglou's hand without wiping around.

After hearing this, Zhonglou threw the magic sword to Xiao Tian. At their level, a magic sword was nothing at all, so Zhonglou didn't worry that Xiao Tian would be greedy for the ink magic sword.

Xiao Tian took the devil sword, felt the monstrous devilish energy contained in this long sword, smiled, and then flexed his fingers on the sword.

Following Xiao Tian's movements, a blue glow appeared on the magic sword, and then a cloud of blue light flew out of the magic sword, turning into a transparent phantom.

"Who are you?" The transparent phantom, dressed in a blue fairy dress with wide sleeves, looked at Xiao Tian, ​​with deep doubts and vigilance on his delicate face, cautiously said.

She was lodged in the magic sword, but was easily forced out of the magic sword by Xiao Tian. How could this make her not vigilant?

"It doesn't matter who I am. The important thing is whether you want to meet your brother?" Xiao Tian smiled as he looked at the transparent phantom, his words were full of bewilderment.

At the moment when he saw the magic sword, Xiao Tian reached his mind to the nightshade who was lodged in the magic sword. Although it was good to see Jingtian Xu Changqing and others as disciples, nightshade was also an excellent choice.

"Big brother?" Solanum could not help but a surprise on his face when he heard the words, and quickly asked: "Senior knows the whereabouts of brother?"

"Yes," Xiao Tian nodded slightly and smiled.

"Senior please tell me the whereabouts of Brother Xiaokui, Xiaokui is very grateful, but I will give you instructions in the future, Xiaokui will not hesitate!" Longkui looked at Xiao Tian and said with a serious face.

"Don't be so troublesome," Xiao Tian waved his hand, looked at the nightshade, and smiled: "I want to accept you as a disciple, I don't know what you want?"

"Xiaokui has seen Master!" Although Solanum is innocent, it is also the heart of Huizhilan. I can't hear the meaning in Xiao Tian's words, so Solanum does not hesitate, and immediately respectfully said.

As soon as the Solanum spoke, the system prompt sounded in Xiao Tian's mind——

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully subordinate the Dragon Kui, the first disciple of the Immortal Sword Plane. The main quest of the Immortal Sword Plane is activated, and the mission requirements are to teach the Dragon Kui to the immortal realm."

Xiao Tian couldn’t help but smile a little more when he heard the words. He looked at Solanum and said: “Your brother is in this Yuzhou city now. You will see it soon, but before that, there are two things to do. ."

"What's the matter?" Dragon Kwai looked at Xiao Tian, ​​with doubts in his pair of cut water autumn eyes.

"You have been living in the magic sword for thousands of years, and you have long been inextricably linked with the magic sword. If you leave the magic sword too far, the damage to you is incalculable, so the first thing is to cut off you and the magic sword. Contact!" Xiao Tian explained with a smile looking at Solanum.

After finishing speaking, Xiao Tian cast his gaze on the Chonglou, and said with a smile: "Speaking of attainments in this area, Demon Lord is much better than me, and one of the Lao Demon Lord has shot once."

"The deity can take action, but what do you offer in exchange?" Zhonglou said indifferently when he heard Xiao Tian's words.

"You cut off the connection between my disciple and Devil Sword for me, and I will go to the New Immortal Realm with you and have a good time!" Xiao Tian looked at the heavy building and cut the railway.

Chapter 504 Reshaping the Body!

"Interesting," Chonglou heard Xiao Tian's words, his face couldn't help being a little more playful: "What if the deity refuses?"

"If you refuse, please refuse," Xiao Tian heard the words and threw the magic sword to Chonglou, and said lightly: "It's not that I can't cut the connection between my disciple and the magic sword, it takes a little effort at most."

After speaking, Xiao Tian was ready to leave with the nightshade.

"The deity promised you," Chonglou said quickly after receiving the magic sword and seeing Xiao Tian's movements.

If you put it in the past, he would definitely not be threatened by Xiao Tian based on his temperament, but since General Feipeng was demoted to the world, he hadn't encountered a suitable opponent for a long time.

For thousands of years of loneliness, he had to learn to compromise temporarily!

"Then there will be Lao Mozun," Xiao Tian laughed at the heavy building after hearing the words.

"Humph!" Chonglou snorted coldly, and stretched out his hand to wipe the magic sword, and then a bloody blue thunder fell from the sky, splitting on the magic sword, forming a mysterious barrier.

Nightshade's illusory body instantly became more illusory, as if it might disappear at any time!

Xiao Tian was not surprised and rejoiced when he saw this. The reason why the Dragon Kwai became like this was because the connection with the Demon Sword was forcibly severed by the heavy building, and the result was backlashed by spiritual power.

From now on, no matter how far away from the magic sword, the nightshade will not be affected at all.

"I thanked Mo Zun for helping me," Xiao Tian said with a smile while looking at the Chonglou.

"I'm waiting for you in the New Immortal Realm!" Zhonglou took a deep look at Xiao Tian, ​​carrying the magic sword, and instantly disappeared on the lock demon tower.

Xiao Tian looked at the direction of Chonglou's departure, with a faint smile on his face, before he cast his eyes on the dragon knight, and said: "This first thing has been completed, as for the second thing, it is to reshape your body! "

After hearing the words, a surprise appeared on Dragon Kwai's pretty face. She jumped into the sword forging furnace and fed the sword with her body. The flesh and blood had long been integrated into the magic sword. She had no expectation of rebirth.

but now……

Thinking of Demon Respect Building's understatement of cutting off the connection between himself and Demon Sword before, Dragon Kwai's pair of cut water autumn eyes suddenly lit up.

My own master can bargain with the Demon Respect Building. Obviously, he and the Demon Respect Building exist at the same level. Maybe his master can really reshape his body and make himself repay the Yang Yang again?

Seeing the expression of nightshade, Xiao Tian couldn't help but laugh, and then the brilliance of the ring flashed in his hand, and a whole emerald green fruit exuding a strong spiritual energy appeared in his hand.

It is the fruit of the sacred tree obtained in the previous lottery!

Heavenly goddess Xiyao can transform the fruit of the sacred tree into Tang Xuejian who looks exactly like her. Xiao Tian’s cultivation base is still higher than that of Xi Yao. It is nothing to reshape the body of the solania using the fruit of the sacred tree as a medium. Hard thing!

The aura in the dantian ran wildly, and then Xiao Tian threw it hard, throwing the fruit of the sacred tree, suspended on the top of the dragon knight.

"Xiaokui, intends to guard the dantian and operate the ghost power," Xiao Tian raised his hand and pointed at the fruit of the sacred tree, while shouting at the dragon kui.

The nightshade didn't dare to neglect it, and hurriedly ran the ghost power. The majestic ghost power accumulated for thousands of years was gathered madly, and the nightshade was also enveloped by the purple black light cocoon.

In the center of the purple-black light cocoon, a touch of emerald green light was slowly expanding, and at the same time, an orchid-like musky fragrance enveloped the sky above the lock demon tower.

After a while, the fragrance slowly dissipated, the purple-black light cocoon also completely turned emerald green, and irregular cracks appeared on the light cocoon.

Chapter 505 Purple Ling Xian Yi Gifts Solanum!


Soon, the light cocoon dyed into emerald green burst into pieces, and the nightshade walked out of the light cocoon wearing a tattered wide-sleeved fairy dress, and a pair of cut water autumn eyes were full of surprises.

She never thought that one day she could have a physical body again!

"Disciple Solanum, thanks to Master for his reinvention!" Solanum glaring at the side of Xiao Tian, ​​who looked calm, hurriedly respectfully worshiped.

If it weren't for Xiao Tian, ​​she would still be sealed in the Demon Locking Tower together with Demon Sword, utterly confused.

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