God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 235

"To mobilize the army of the demon world, that demon is generous enough, but unfortunately I can't use it," Xiao Tian grabbed the token, put it into the ring, and then flew towards Yuzhou City.


Five days later, Yuzhou City.

Xiao Tian showed up at the gate of Yong'an Dang with the nightshade, watching Sedum who was busy valuing the pawned things, a strange smile appeared on his face.

"Master, you brought Xiaokui here, didn't you want to calculate your brother, did you?" Nightshade saw Jingtian's expression, his expression changed, and he couldn't help but worry a little.

Chapter 512 Xiao Tian's careful thinking!

When Xiao Tian heard the words, the corners of his mouth twitched twice, and said with no good air: "It's okay to be a teacher to figure out what your brother is doing, I really think it's very idle to be a teacher.

"Yes," Solanum nodded softly, agreeing.

She knew Xiao Tian's strength, and being able to have an equal dialogue with Demon Venerable and other existences, and even more respectful and respectful to the head of the Shushan Sect, there was really no need for such existences to count Sedum as a small mortal.

But because of this, Solanum was more puzzled, not knowing what Xiao Tian wanted to do with her to find Sedum.

"Doesn't your brother want to learn martial arts?" Xiao Tian looked at Jing Tian and said in a calm tone.

"Master, are you willing to accept your elder brother as a disciple?" A surprised look appeared on Solanum's face when he heard this. Xiao Tian returned to Yuzhou City two days ago. After two days, she persuaded Xiao Tian to accept Sedum as his disciple. , But Xiao Tian did not agree.

"I said, I won't accept him as a disciple," Xiao Tian shook his head, his expression unchanged.

If it were before accepting nightshade as an apprentice, Xiao Tian would be in the mood to accept the apprentice Sedum, and teach him carefully.

But now that he has already accepted Solanum as his disciple, if he wants to continue accepting other disciples, then he must consider whether it is worth it.

In Xiao Tian's view, the relationship between Sedum and Solanum is too close, and it is very possible that the special task that Sedum can trigger can also be triggered.

In this case, it is better to collect another apprentice who does not have a deep intersection with the Sedum Sedum, in order to increase the chance of triggering special tasks.

For example, Zi Xuan, a descendant of Nuwa, and Xu Changqing, an abandoned apostle from Shushan!

"Then Master, what do you mean?" Dragon Kwai could not help but feel a little puzzled. Since Xiao Tian didn't plan to accept Sedum as a disciple, why did he mention this suddenly.

"Yesterday I saw young people wearing the costumes of Shushan disciples appearing in Yuzhou City. I am afraid that something big will happen in Yuzhou City."

Xiao Tian smiled and said meaningfully: "If your brother can get in touch with Shushan disciples, maybe he can take this opportunity to worship Shushan or learn both Shushan martial arts."

Originally, Xiao Tian was still afraid of changing the world line because of his appearance, allowing Luo Rulie to stay dormant, but since seeing Xu Changqing and Zi Xuan yesterday, Xiao Tian was relieved a lot.

Since Xu Changqing, who wants to eliminate the demon and make meritorious service, has all appeared in this Yuzhou city, I am afraid that Pilitang can't help but do it!

"Shushan disciple?" Dragon Kwai heard that the doubt on his face became more intense, and asked: "But does this have anything to do with Master, you brought me here?"

"It doesn't matter, I just want to be a thing," Xiao Tian smiled, holding the ring Guanghua in his hand, and the token that Zhonglou gave him appeared in his hand.

It's just that now this token has been sealed off by Xiao Tian, ​​and it looks like it's just a well-made blood token.

But if you look closely at the Bloodfang Throne and the word "Zun" on the token, you can still feel the strong evil spirit coming to your face. People who are not determined can lose themselves under the impact of such evil spirit.

Xiao Tian didn't use this token. After all, with his strength, he was able to walk sideways in the Six Realms, and mobilizing the Demon Realm army was a bit of a taste for him.

"This is the token of Demon Venerable?" Dragon Kwai looked at the token in Xiao Tian's hand, and felt a familiar breath emanating from the token, which was almost exactly the same as the Demon Respect Building that had appeared before, and couldn't help being surprised. .

Chapter 513 Pawn Demon Lord Token!

"Yes," Xiao Tian nodded, and said, "This token is indeed owned by Chonglou. It can mobilize the army of the demon world. Chonglou gave it to me. I am afraid that I will give it to the younger disciples to protect themselves. idea."

Speaking of this, Xiao Tian pointed to Jingtian and said with a smile: "If your brother walks in the rivers and lakes, with his three-legged cat skills, it is inevitable that no accident will happen. With this token, he may be able to save him whenever necessary. Life."

With that said, Xiao Tian took the token and walked into Yong'an. Solanum squat hurriedly followed.

In Yongan Dang, Jing Tian had just sent away the last guest. As soon as he looked up, he saw Xiao Tian and Solanum Kwai coming in.

"Why are these two people again?" Jingtian sighed in his heart, a little helpless.

He remembered Xiao Tian and Solanum, especially Solanum. A few days ago, the red hair that used a strange sword for himself had just left. Soon after that, Solanum appeared, and he called his brother without any explanation.

Coupled with the purple water immortal clothing that is not ordinary at the first glance on Solanum, Sedum will not forget it just by seeing it, so Sedum naturally has an impression of Solanum.

"The two guest officials want to pawn items?" But I feel helpless, and now Yongan Dang hasn't closed yet, Jingtian had to ask Xiao Tian and Solanum.

"I really want to be something," Xiao Tian looked calm and patted the token in his hand on the counter.

Sedum glanced at token casually, and then his pupils suddenly dilated, and then he was quickly covered up by him.

With his eyesight, he couldn't even see the origin of this token. He searched all the information in his mind, and nothing was related to this token.

If it were placed in the past, Sedum would never accept this kind of thing, but for some reason, when he saw this token, there was a voice in Xiao Tian's heart calling him, telling him to Take this token!

"I don't know how much the guest officer intends to make?" Jing Tian moved his gaze away from the token, and looked at Xiao Tian with a calm expression.

Although he had determined that this token was valuable in his heart, there was no other expression on his face, as if the token in front of him was an ordinary brand.

Xiao Tian took all the changes in Sedum's expression into his eyes, including the shock of Sedum's moment, but also failed to escape his eyes.

"Do you want to pick up cheap from me?" Xiao Tian smiled in his heart, then pushed the token on the counter to Sedum, and said lightly: "A penny."

"A penny?!"

Jing Tian's face turned a little ugly when he heard this. Xiao Tian's words reminded him of the red hair who appeared in Yongan a few days ago. He was babbling. He didn't call his name "General Feipeng", and he forcibly used a penny. Treat yourself as a strange sword!

Now Xiao Tian took out another token that was obviously valuable, which was only used as a penny, which made him even think about it!

"Your Excellency is teasing me Sedum?" Sedum said, looking at Xiao Tian with a cold expression.

A few days ago, after that Hongmao took the sword to himself, Xiao Tian and Solanum Kwai appeared outside the Yongan Dangmen. This made Jingtian wonder if the two of Xiao Tian knew about the Hongmao sword for him. Come to amuse yourself specially!

"Teasing you?" Xiao Tian shook his head, disdainfully said: "You are not worthy, this token, a penny should be given to you, if you dare to sell it or transfer it to others, you will be at your own risk!"

As he said, a terrifying aura rose from Xiao Tian's body, oppressing Sedum all over the sky.

Chapter 514: I want to go to Mount Zhou!

Facing the terrifying pressure of Xiao Tian, ​​Sedum couldn't help shrinking his neck, and at the same time he couldn't help howling in his heart: "Damn, this man and that red hair must be in the same group! Bastard!"

But even though he had already scolded the pot, Jingtian quickly put a smile on his face, and said quickly: "Yes, I'll accept this token."

While talking, Jing Tian took out a penny from the wallet around his waist and put it on the counter, pushing it towards Xiao Tian.

Xiao Tian grabbed it casually and took the copper coin into his hand. Without looking at it, he threw it into Najie, and then took the nightshade out of Yongan Dang.

This time he came here to leave an amulet for Sedum, so as not to cause a change in the world line due to his own intervention, Sedum would die under the actions of Thunderbolt Hall.

After all, when he was on the plane of Zhuxian before, because of his intervention, Zhang Xiaofan changed from the expert who was proficient in the five-volume celestial book on the original world line, the master of the three cultivators of Buddhism, Taoism and Demon into a famous cook in Heyang City.

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