God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 241

Above these cracks, he felt an aura that disgusted him extremely, and at the same time, this aura was different from his perception of any one of the six realms.

Except for the evil thoughts of the evil sword immortal, I am afraid that there will be no such peculiar power in the six realms.

"It's really a big deal, it's a pity..." Xiao Tian smiled, his right hand volleyed and painted, a series of mysterious formations instantly formed, falling on the cracks, inducing the ghost energy of the ghost world, and quickly repairing the cracks.

As the crack was repaired, a faint plume of black smoke flew out of the crack, and a faint scream sounded.

"This!" Seeing the black smoke, the Lord of Samsara's expression condensed fiercely, and he lost his voice: "Is someone secretly tricking the crack in the passage of Samsara?"

While speaking, the face of the Lord of Samsara was full of horror, and the passage of Samsara had always been cracked from time to time, which was later repaired by the previous Lord of Impermanence.

Later, the last lord of the impermanence palace fell. Thousands of years ago, the old part of General Fei Peng made a big trouble in the Samsara Hall, which affected the reincarnation channel. After that, cracks appeared in the reincarnation channel again.

It's just that the cracks at that time were extremely subtle and harmless, so the Lord of Samsara did not take them to heart.

It was only in the past fifty years that the cracks in the passage of reincarnation suddenly began to increase. It turned out that he had also explored, but he did not find the slightest clue. It was only because of his own negligence that the original cracks expanded.

He didn't know until now that it turned out that all this was a secret trick!

Hearing the voice of the Lord of Samsara, Xiao Tian smiled, did not speak, and concentrated on repairing the cracks in the passage of Samsara.

In his opinion, this is normal. Although the Evil Sword Immortal is far inferior to the existence of Zhonglou and his, but it is also considered to be a leader in the Mahayana realm. In addition to its ability to absorb evil thoughts from the world, it has almost been established. In an invincible place.

This reincarnation hall master is also only in the late Mahayana stage, a little weaker than the impermanence hall master, and it is normal not to notice the existence of the evil sword immortal.

Soon, Xiao Tian repaired all the cracks and flew towards the Lord of Samsara.

Just as the impermanence hall master said before, repairing the cracks in the passage of reincarnation is actually not difficult. The difficulty is that the cultivation base must reach the level of Xiao Tian!

Since the last impermanence palace master fell, the ghost world has never existed in the immortal realm, so facing the cracks in this reincarnation passage will be helpless.

"Okay, all the cracks have been repaired, and the rest is beyond my control," Xiao Tian smiled at the Lord of the Samsara Palace, and walked outside the Samsara Palace after speaking.

Chapter 527 Special Mission Completed!

"Senior Xiao wait!"

Just two steps out of the way, the Lord of Samsara chased after him, with a solemn expression: "Senior knows who is secretly messing up?"

"I know," Xiao Tian nodded and said lightly, "I also know why he put his ideas on the path of reincarnation."

In fact, Evil Sword Immortal's intention for the passage of reincarnation is not difficult to guess, because he was formed by the evil thoughts of the five elders of Shushan, and was able to absorb evil thoughts between heaven and earth to strengthen himself.

And once the six passages of reincarnation collapse, the six realms will fall into chaos, and a lot of evil thoughts will inevitably grow, and then he can quickly become stronger!

"Senior, please tell me who is secretly doing the ghost!" The Lord of the Samsara Palace gritted his teeth.

As the Lord of Reincarnation, he is in charge of the passage of reincarnation, but he was touched on the passage of reincarnation under his nose. How could he not be angry?

"It's nothing more than a clown, don't care," Xiao Tian shook his head, disdainfully said.

In his opinion, the idea of ​​the evil sword immortal is really stupid enough. Once the passage of reincarnation collapses, I am afraid that he will be wiped out by the bigwigs of the six realms before he has a chance to absorb evil thoughts!

Although the demon world, the ghost world, the human world, and the immortal world have nothing to hand, the masters of the gods and demons can easily obliterate him!

After all, the six reincarnations are related to the six realms. Even if the people of the demon world do not enter the reincarnation, they can gather energy and rebirth after death, but the six reincarnations still play an important role in the stability of the demon world. Therefore, Zhonglou will never sit and watch the six reincarnation channels. Collapsed!

This action of the evil sword immortal is undoubtedly playing with fire and burning himself!

"Senior Xiao, please tell me who that person is next!" The Lord of Samsara didn't give up because of Xiao Tian's words, and still insisted on asking.

"A cluster of evil thoughts, do you have a way to deal with it?" Xiao Tian looked at the Lord of Samsara, and said lightly.

The Lord of Samsara was startled when he heard the words, then smiled bitterly.

With his strength, it can also be said that he stood at the top of the Six Realms. Except for a few and Zhonglou such as the supreme demon world, he was almost invincible in the Six Realms.


He was at a loss as to what was beyond the six realms of evil thoughts aggregates.

"Okay, someone will solve that thing, and he won't have the chance to come to the ghost world to do a ghost in the future," Xiao Tian smiled, except for the Samsara Palace, and flew towards the impermanence Palace.

"System, can you submit the task of repairing the six reincarnations?" Xiao Tian asked the system in his heart as he flew towards the impermanence hall.

"The special task [Fix the Six Paths of Reincarnation] can be submitted. Will the host submit it?" Soon, the system prompt sounded in Xiao Tian's mind.

"Submit," Xiao Tian ordered without hesitation.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the special task [Repair the Six Reincarnations], with a reward of 100,000 reputation and a special equipment upgrade scroll, which has been sent to the host space equipment!"

Hearing the system's voice, Xiao Tian couldn't help but smile a little more, and then he gave a flash of brilliance, and a well-made scroll appeared in his hand.

He once drew a volume of master-level weapon forging book on the plane of Zhu Xian, which is similar to this special equipment upgrade scroll, but obviously this special equipment upgrade scroll is more precious.

"System, can I use this scroll to upgrade the Xuanwu shirt?" Xiao Tian thought for a while and asked in his heart.

He always wanted to change the Xuanwu jersey, but it was a pity that Ziling Xianyi was drawn in the last lottery, and he had already given it to the nightshade as an introductory gift.

Xiao Tian will naturally not miss the opportunity to upgrade the Xuanwu jersey now!

Chapter 528 Upgrade Xuanwu Battle Robe!

"Meet the upgrade requirements. Does the host use special equipment upgrade scrolls to upgrade the basalt battle robe?"

Soon, the system prompt sounded in Xiao Tian's mind.


Xiao Tian didn't hesitate at all, and immediately ordered.

Since he can use this special equipment upgrade scroll to upgrade the Xuanwu battle robe, he can save the next or even a few designated lottery chances, which is a trade that will never lose money.

As Xiao Tian's voice fell, the scroll in his hand suddenly turned into a stream of light, falling on the Xuanwu battle robe he was wearing, and a hazy brilliance enveloped the Xuanwu battle robe.

After a while, Qinghui dissipated, and Xiao Tian's basalt battle robe had turned into a mighty silver-white armor, which looked extremely mighty.

At the same time, the system prompt sounded in Xiao Tian's mind.

"Congratulations to the host, the Xuanwu tabard has been successfully upgraded to Phaseless Armor!"

Phaseless Battle Armor?

Xiao Tian was stunned for a moment, looking at the greatly changed armor on his body, frowning.

Compared to the battle armor, he still prefers the previous robe style. After all, wearing a pair of armor to go out is really too conspicuous and too ostentatious.

This thought just arose in Xiao Tian's mind, and a faint gleam of light suddenly appeared in the formless armor on his body, and then in Xiao Tian's dull eyes, it turned into the appearance of the moonwhite robe before.

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