God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 259

He couldn't imagine that Zi Xuan, who was mistaken for a demon by Qingwei, turned out to be the descendant of the legendary Nuwa!

"Yes," Xiao Tian nodded and said with a smile: "The Zixuan girl next to you is from the Nuwa ethnicity. If it hadn't confined her spiritual power, her strength would not be far behind me. As for the hidden information, I won’t say more."

"Since the predecessors know my identity, why does the predecessor accept me as a disciple?"

Zi Xuan looked at Xiao Tian with a little doubt on her face.

Since Xiao Tian can easily tell her identity and tell the things that she has imprisoned her spiritual power, it is naturally not difficult to know how strong her true strength is.

In this case, apart from being able to acquire the title of a master of the descendants of Nuwa, there is no point in accepting such a disciple as oneself.

Zi Xuan didn't think that her strength reached Xiao Tian's level, and she would care about these false names.

"I plan to accept you as a disciple, so naturally it has my intentions." Xiao Tian looked at Zi Xuan, pointed at Xu Changqing, and said lightly: "Besides, if you want him to return to the gate of Shushan, you must first let Qingwei put down his prejudice. Just work.

The easiest way for Qingwei to let go of his prejudice is for me to accept you as a disciple, and even if Qingwei has objections, he will have to hold it back!"

In fact, the reason why Xiao Tian intends to accept Zi Xuan as his apprentice is because of the system. In addition to the first apprentice on each plane, the other apprentices can greatly increase the probability of triggering special tasks.

And Zi Xuan, in Xiao Tian's eyes, is basically a treasure house with a large number of special tasks!

Whether it is the identity of the descendants of Nuwa, or the entanglement between him and Zhonglou and Xu Changqing, or even Qinger who was sealed by Zi Xuan with spiritual power, it is possible to trigger a special mission!

This is why Xiao Tian wants to accept Zi Xuan's apprentice!

Hearing what Xiao Tian said, before Xu Changqing could say anything, Zi Xuan gritted her teeth and said respectfully to Xiao Tian: "Disciple Zi Xuan, I have seen Master!"

She knew that Xiao Tian had other plans for accepting her as a disciple, but right now this was the fastest way for Xu Changqing to return to the Shushan School, and she naturally didn't want to let it go.

As Zi Xuan's voice fell, the mechanical and cold voice of the system continued to sound in Xiao Tian's mind——

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for accepting Zi Xuan, the second apprentice of the Immortal Sword Plane, and triggering the special task [Fate of the descendants of Nuwa]!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for accepting Zi Xuan, the second disciple of the Immortal Sword Plane, to trigger the special task [Finding the Holy Spirit Orb]!"

Hearing the system prompt, Xiao Tian was shocked. Although he expected that the apprentice Zi Xuan would trigger a special mission, he did not expect to trigger two special missions directly!

However, although Xiao Tian was shocked in his heart, he did not show much expression on his face, but Chong Zixuan nodded and smiled: "No need to be polite, I have nothing to teach you. As a master, the only way to solve it Yes, it is the fate of the Nuwa tribe on your back."

Chapter 570 The Fateful Way to Get Rid of Nuwa's Descendants!

"Master has a way to solve the fate of the Nuwa people?" Zi Xuan was shocked when she heard Xiao Tian's words, and then exulted.

After the death of Lin Linping, Zi Xuan began to make arrangements to escape the fate of the Nuwa tribe.

First, to prevent her daughter Lin Qing'er from absorbing her mother's spiritual power so that she would no longer be immortal, she used spiritual power to control Qing'er to prevent her from growing up, and asked her to take the puppet soup.

After that, Zi Xuan traveled all over China to find Xu Changqing, the reincarnation of Lin Linping, and designed Changqing to worship under the gate of Shushan to build the road.

And he also used the Water Spirit Orb to cultivate the inner alchemy in his body early, and only waited for success in the cultivation, he would pass the inner alchemy to Xu Changqing, and let the successful Changqing subdued to become immortal.

In this way, Xu Changqing has a long life span after becoming a fairy, and she can make up for the regrets of the previous two lives.

It's just that Xu Changqing has been dedicated to becoming a Taoist monk in this life. Even if she secretly prevented it, or even led to the wolf demon Chi Yan, it just made Xu Changqing's desire to become a monk less intense.

However, even so, Xu Changqing still tried her best to return to Shushan. Even if she didn't want Xu Changqing to do so, she still had to compromise.

Zi Xuan can see clearly that there hasn't been a good end to the Nuwa in the past.

Countless people worshiped them only because they gave up their lives at a critical moment in exchange for the peace of the whole world.

They are not so much descendants of gods as they are a shield left by Nuwa to mankind.

It's like a sacrifice.Whether it’s a god, a demon, or a demon...

The things that humans can't resist are given to the blood of the Nuwa clan to seal them.

So she designed it early, not hesitating to seal Lin Qing'er, imprisoning her own psychic powers, and practiced inner alchemy with water spirit beads, in order to escape the fate of the Nuwa people!


Even after designing it for so long, Zi Xuan still did not see the hope of escaping her fate. Now Xiao Tian told her that she could get rid of the fate of the Nuwa tribe for her. How could she not be surprised?

"The destiny of the Nuwa tribe is not secret," Xiao Tian shook his head, stretched out two fingers, and smiled: "If you want to solve the destiny of the Nuwa tribe, there are two ways to go..."

"The first one is that one's own strength surpasses the six realms. At that time, the fate of the Nuwa people will naturally no longer restrain you," Xiao Tian looked at Zi Xuan and said softly, "If you want to go this way, you It is necessary to transfer all of the Nüwa spiritual power passed down to others, and then start practicing again."

Zi Xuan's heart sank upon hearing this, and asked, "Master, what about the second one?"

"The second one is relatively simple, but the price is to destroy the Holy Spirit Orb and Five Spirit Orbs inherited by the Nuwa clan," Xiao Tian looked at Zi Xuan, and said softly, "Use the Holy Spirit Orb as the medium, and then use the Five Spirit Orb as Assistant, I am sure to break the fateful shackles of the Nuwa clan for you."

Zi Xuan was stunned for a moment. The Holy Spirit Pearl is a holy artifact passed down from generation to generation by the Nuwa people. It is also the place where the holy souls of the Nuwa people of the past generations have been attached.

It’s just that the Holy Spirit Pearl was lost a hundred years ago, and now it’s nowhere to be found.

Although the Five Spirit Orbs were cast by Nuwa, they were not controlled by the Nuwa people. Except for the Water Spirit Orb, which was passed down from generation to generation, the other four spirit orbs also didn't know where they went.

What's more, even after finding the six spirit orbs, Zi Xuan couldn't make the decision to destroy them.

After all, she is a member of the Nuwa tribe, even if she is unwilling to bear the fate of the Nuwa tribe, she will never let the sacred objects of the Nuwa tribe be destroyed in her hands!

Chapter 571 Zi Xuan's Decision!

"Master, are there only two ways to go?" Zi Xuan bit her lip, looked at Xiao Tian, ​​and said unwillingly.

Even though she had imprisoned her own psychic energy, she could still perceive the majestic energy contained in Xiao Tian's body, and she asked herself that even in her heyday, she could not match Xiao Tian.

However, even the existence of Xiao Tian could only give these two paths, which made Zi Xuan a little desperate.

She knew very well that each of the two paths pointed out by Xiao Tian was full of thorns.

Needless to say, the first is that Zi Xuan, as a descendant of Nuwa, does not have the slightest confidence to go. To this point.

And the second one is to find the Five Spirit Orbs and Holy Spirit Orbs first, and then destroy the six Spirit Orbs. Even if Zi Xuan can use this to reopen the fate, I am afraid that the Nuwa clan will gradually decline , Maybe even die because of this.

"There are only two roads," Xiao Tian nodded, his expression extremely calm.

Unless his strength can exceed the limit of the Immortal Sword plane, otherwise he can only find these two methods at the moment, but even if he has a system close to him, Xiao Tian does not feel that he can exceed the limit of the Immortal Sword plane in a short time.

After all, in Xiao Tian's guess, the strongest in the fairy sword plane should be the first three innate ancestor gods, Fuxi, Shennong, and Nuwa!

These three people may have broken through the realm of immortals and reached the realm of earth immortals!

Therefore, the limit of the Immortal Sword plane is probably the pinnacle of the Earth Immortal, and maybe even the Celestial Immortal!

"Master, can you let the disciple think about it," Zi Xuan said quietly for a while.

"Yes," Xiao Tian nodded, and flew towards Yongan Dang with a few people.

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