God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 261

He also wanted to see if he could find a way for Xu Changqing to live forever in the God Realm.

After all, Zi Xuan is now his apprentice. As a master, he always wants to contribute to his apprentice’s happiness, right?

"If Senior Xiao doesn't dislike it, Junior is willing to take this trip with Senior," Xu Changqing nodded and said respectfully.

After knowing that Zi Xuan is a descendant of Nüwa, Xu Changqing also had her own calculations in her heart, especially since Zi Xuan's decision to disperse the Nüwa clan to pass on spiritual power and re-practice before, made him greatly touched.

Xu Changqing had made up his mind that he would protect Zi Xuan while Zi Xuan was re-cultivating.

"Junior is also willing to take a trip to the God Realm with Senior," Tang Xue on the side thought about it, and finally nodded and agreed.

She didn't know why Xiao Tian would let her go to the God Realm with her, but she thought it wouldn't be a bad thing. If it's a big deal, she should go to the God Realm to meet the world.

"You follow me," Xiao Tian nodded, raised his hand, and a mysterious formation exuding a hazy light appeared in front of him. Xiao Tian smiled, stepped into the formation, and then disappeared. not see.

Xu Changqing and Tang Xue didn't hesitate when they saw it. They stepped into the formation, and then the light flashed. Tang Xue saw that the two of them also disappeared.

When Longkui and Jingtian saw this scene, they didn't say anything. Under the leadership of Longku, the two swords flew towards the ghost city of Fengdu...

God Realm, outside the God Realm Hall.

A white light emerged outside the magnificent hall, and then the figures of Xiao Tian, ​​Tang Xuejian and Xu Changqing appeared outside the hall.

"Who!" Xu Changqing and Tang Xue saw that before they had time to take a closer look, the guards of the God Realm shouted loudly.

"Goddess Xiyao?" As soon as the guards of the gods had finished speaking, they saw Tang Xue see them, and then he was taken aback for a moment, and said in a puzzled way: "Goddess, you are not guarding the god tree. Why are you here suddenly? Is there anything important? Report to the Emperor of Heaven?"

"Xiyao? Goddess?" Tang Xue was stunned when he heard the words, and then looked at Xiao Tian suspiciously.

The guard of the gods followed Tang Xue's gaze, but found that Xiao Tian was standing on the side, with no expression of joy or anger on his face.

"Senior Xiao Tian!" The face of the guard of the gods changed suddenly, and he said with respect.

The last time Xiao Tian came to the God Realm, he obtained General Feipeng’s old battle armor and previous cultivation base from the Emperor of Heaven and then fluttered away. During this period, the Emperor didn’t even dare to say a word. At that time, he was in charge of protecting the Emperor. So I clearly remember the appearance of Xiao Tian.

"Do you know me?" Xiao Tian glanced at the guard of the gods, his performance made him a little funny.

The last time Xiao Tian came to the God Realm, his attention was focused on the Emperor, but he didn't pay much attention to the nearby guards, so it was funny, Xiao Tian was also a little confused.

"Senior is joking. Now in the God Realm, who doesn't know Senior?" The God Realm guard smiled bitterly: "Since Senior Forced His Majesty the Emperor to compromise last time, His Majesty has passed the portrait of Senior to God Realm, and We are strictly ordered not to provoke us.

What's more, when Senior came to God Realm last time, he was guarded by His Majesty the Emperor."

"It turned out to be like this," Xiao Tian nodded and smiled: "I want to see the Emperor, will you stop me?"

Chapter 575 The Emperor of Heaven is slightly depressed!

"Senior made a joke," the gods guard shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Where does the villain have the courage to stop Senior? Your Majesty is in the hall now, Senior please feel free to do it yourself."

After speaking, the guard of the gods returned to his post, watching his nose and his heart, as if he hadn't seen the existence of the three Xiao Tian.

Tang Xuejian and Xu Changqing couldn't help being a little bit more surprised when they looked at Xiao Tian.

Although they knew Xiao Tian's strength was tyrannical, but being able to make the heavenly emperor and other existence that dominate the gods bow their heads, I am afraid that Xiao Tian's strength is much stronger than they thought.

"You two will meet the Emperor with me," Xiao Tian noticed the gazes of Tang Xuejian and Xu Changqing, smiled, and said lightly.

After speaking, Xiao Tian strode towards the hall of the God Realm. Xu Changqing and Tang Xue hesitated when they saw it, and followed Xiao Tian into the hall.

In the main hall, the Emperor of Heaven was sitting on the main seat, and seeing Xiao Tian who walked into the main hall, his originally smiling face suddenly became gloomy, and then he put on a smile again.

"I don't know why Brother Xiao came to my God Realm this time?" Tiandi suppressed the anger and depression in his heart, looked at Xiao Tian, ​​and said in a deep voice.

While speaking, Emperor Tian's gaze swept across Tang Xuejian and Xu Changqing, stayed on Tang Xuejian for a moment, and then fell on Xiao Tian.

"I'm bored in the human world, come up and chat with the Emperor," Xiao Tian spread his hands, leaning on a pillar carved with dragons and phoenixes in the hall, and said lazily.

The corners of the Emperor's mouth twitched twice, and he said coldly: "Brother Xiao came up this time to entertain me? Although my strength is not as good as you, but the gods of my God Realm, if they are determined to die with Brother Xiao, even if Brother Xiao is consummate. Participating in good fortune, I am afraid that I can't guarantee my safety, right?"

When the Emperor said, the threat in the words was already undisguised.

"I came to the God Realm this time because I need help from the Emperor of Heaven." Xiao Tian stopped teasing when he heard the Emperor's words. He straightened his face and said, "I want a fruit of the God Tree. Besides, I want to ask. The Emperor of Heaven asks for a way to make mortals live forever.

Hearing Xiao Tian's words, the Heavenly Emperor's expression suddenly became cold, and it took a while before he gritted his teeth and said: "This is the last time, Brother Xiao, your strength is tyrannical, but my God Realm is not a soft persimmon for you to knead!"

"This is natural," Xiao Tian smiled and said in a flat tone: "After this incident, I will not go to the God Realm again."

Xiao Tian knew very well that he couldn't push the Emperor of Heaven too hastily. After all, a dog would jump the wall when he was anxious. What's more, such a magnificent God Realm master like the Emperor?

"I hope Brother Xiao has the words to say!" The Emperor Tian took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, and said solemnly.

After speaking, the Emperor turned his head and said to a guard of the gods: "Go to the goddess Xiyao, get two fruits of the god tree, and also invite the goddess Xiyao over, I guess Brother Xiao might also want to see the goddess Xiyao. ."

The guard of the gods quickly took his orders and flew towards the place where the god tree was.

Then the Emperor of Heaven looked at Xiao Tian and said in a deep voice; "Brother Xiao, the way you want mortals to live forever is very simple. The gods of the gods were also created by Fuxi with the fruits of the gods.

By absorbing the fruit of the sacred tree, mortals can naturally live forever, and are not restricted by the gods, but mortals want to absorb the fruit of the sacred tree, which is basically a dream. Maybe Brother Xiao can try."

The Emperor of Heaven really has no reservations this time, he just wants to send Xiao Tian out of the God Realm now, lest he look depressed!

Chapter 576 Goddess Xiyao!

When Xiao Tian heard the words of the Emperor, he couldn't help but froze for a moment. He had forgotten that the fruit of the sacred tree had many effects. At the beginning, Fuxi used the fruit of the sacred tree as a medium and supplemented with his own spiritual power to create the gods.

At present, if Xu Changqing can absorb the fruit of the sacred tree, although it may not be comparable to the protoss created by Fuxi, it is not difficult to live long.


Xiao Tian frowned, looked at the emperor, and said solemnly: "The emperor is so sure that mortals can absorb the fruit of the sacred tree and can avoid the side effects of the fruit of the sacred tree?"

Although he had previously used the fruit of the sacred tree to reshape the body of the nightshade, the fruit of the sacred tree in his hand was produced by the system, and Xiao Tian naturally did not have to worry about the side effects of the fruit of the sacred tree.

But at the moment, what Xu Changqing wants to absorb is the fruit of the sacred tree that has not been strengthened by the system. Xiao Tian is not sure whether there will be any side effects.

In fact, the side effects of the fruit of the sacred tree are not big or small, and not small.

Because the fruit of the sacred tree is the result of the sacred tree absorbing the pure air of the gods, it is not tolerant of the earth's turbid air, so the "god" created by Fuxi resides in the sky and forms the gods.

If Xu Changqing absorbed the fruits of the sacred tree, he might be affected by the fruits of the sacred tree and would not be able to exert his full strength in the human world.

"That's natural," the emperor nodded and explained: "The gods are not tolerant of the earth's turbid air, because the gods are created by the great god Fuxi with spiritual power and the fruits of the god tree. After all, they are formed by the clean air of the gods. .

And the young man next to Brother Xiao was originally the human body, absorbing the fruits of the sacred tree would only increase his spiritual power, fade the mortal body and cultivate into an immortal body."

Xiao Tian nodded when he heard the words, and stopped saying more, leaning on the pillar and closing his eyes to rest.

But Xu Changqing and Tang Xue saw that they were a little cautious. After all, this was the God Realm, and even the core of the God Realm. In front of them, it was the Emperor of God who ruled the God Realm.

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