God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 264

"You shouldn't ask me this," Xiao Tian said lightly, leaning on the roots of the sacred tree.

Xi Yao was dumb, and immediately looked at Tang Xue to see him, and said softly: "Xue see, what are your plans to stay with me in the god realm or return to the human world?"

"I..." Tang Xue was silent for a while before she said softly: "I'll go back to the world. Didn't you say that you created me to accompany the reincarnation of Fei Peng? Since I was created by you, I will do it for you. You have fulfilled this wish."

Xi Yao shook her head and said softly: "Xue Jian, I tell you your origins, not to ask you to do anything, but to tell you that your life is hard-won, and I hope you will cherish it.

As for Scabious, if you have a good impression of him, it is best to be with him. If you don't have a good impression, I don't want to force it."

With that, Xi Yao took out a spirit orb surrounded by wind spirits from her words and handed it to Tang Xue: "This is the wind spirit orb that Fei Peng gifted me at the beginning. Please pass it to Fei Peng for me."

Seeing that Tang Xue accepted the Wind Spirit Orb, after thinking about it, Chong Xiyao said, "You might as well go back to the human world with me, just to see if Sedum is the reincarnation of Feipeng."

Xi Yao was taken aback for a moment. She had always abided by the rules of the God Realm, and apart from creating Tang Xuejian at the beginning, she had never done anything that violated the rules of the God Realm.

Hearing what Tang Xue saw right now, he couldn't help feeling a little moved.

"It's just that I am the god of the God Realm, and I will be spotted by the God Realm when I arrive in the world. I am afraid that the Emperor of Heaven will send troops to hunt down..."

Xi Yao looked at Tang Xue and said softly.

Before, because of Xiao Tian, ​​the Emperor of Heaven did not pursue her privately stealing the fruits of the sacred tree. It was already extremely rare. If she went to the human world again, she would probably arouse the anger of the Emperor!

Chapter 582: Blocking the God Realm!

The Emperor of Heaven has ruled the God Realm for countless years and has accumulated great power.

So even in the God Realm Hall before, the Emperor of Heaven had already said that if she wanted the lower realm to find the Flying Poverty, if he would not interfere more, Xi Yao did not dare to make a decision lightly.

Xiyao has seen too much of the patron saint tree for hundreds of billions of years.

Fei Peng guarded the well of the gods and demons for thousands of years and made countless battles for the gods. However, he was demoted to the human world because of a private fight with the heavy building. Thousands of years ago, the goddess Shuibi Nether captured Fei Peng, but because of a momentary error, he was directly caught In addition to the gods of the emperor

Therefore, Xi Yao can't guarantee that the Emperor of Heaven will not anger her by then, especially since she will definitely have a relationship with Xiao Tian this time in the lower realm!

Xi Yao knew very well that Xiao Tian had twice lost the face of the Emperor of Heaven, enough to make the Emperor of Heaven regard Xiao Tian as a life and death enemy, but due to the problem of strength, the Emperor of Heaven was not easy to attack.

But it was not difficult for the Emperor of Heaven to deal with Xiao Tian, ​​and dealing with people related to Xiao Tian.

"If you are determined to lower the realm, then leave with me," Xiao Tian saw Xi Yao's expression, shook his head, and said calmly: "I don't think the emperor will go to war with me because of you."

When the cultivation base was in the early stage of the human immortal, Xiao Tian did not pay attention to the emperor, not to mention that his cultivation had reached the peak of the human immortal, and his strength had improved more than that.

Under such circumstances, let alone that the current Emperor of Heaven is just an incarnation of Fuxi, even if Fuxi came in person, Xiao Tian didn't necessarily fear him!

"Sister Xi Yao, let's go to the realm with us," Tang Xue couldn't help but shine upon hearing Xiao Tian's words, and persuaded: "There are many gods in this realm. Even if you leave, the tree will not be taken care of , As for the Emperor of Heaven, with Senior Xiao sitting in control, the Emperor of Heaven does not dare to attack you!"

Xi Yao was silent after hearing the words, and looked at Xiao Tian with some hesitation.

"If you are in the lower realm, don't worry about the emperor's side," Xiao Tian saw that Xi Yao looked at him, smiled, and his tone was flat.

"Then you will have to work, senior!" Xi Yao took a deep breath after hearing this, and then solemnly said.

She guarded the sacred tree for hundreds of billions of years. Apart from creating Tang Xuejian, she had always followed the rules and was worthy of the God Realm. Now that she has a choice, she is not willing to miss it.

"Since you have decided, let's go." Xiao Tian nodded and waved his hand. A few white lights enveloped the three of Xi Yao, Tang Xuejian and Xu Changqing, and then the white light flashed, and Xiao Tian led Xi Yao and others to disappear. not see.

After Xiao Tian and others left, the Emperor of Heaven in the Great Hall of the God Realm took out a bluestone slab exuding terrifying coercion with a gloomy face, and threw it away. The bluestone slab turned into a green light and disappeared.

Then the God Realm shook suddenly, and the terrifying coercion enveloped the God Realm. Strips of golden array patterns appeared in the sky above the God Realm. In an instant, a terrifying array was formed. After the formation of the big array, the pattern quickly disappeared. go with.

The gods of the gods guarding the well of the gods and devils only felt that the surrounding heaven and earth suddenly became richer, and the top of the well was covered with a layer of light golden light.

The faint demon energy that would occasionally escape from the Well of Gods and Demons also disappeared!

"The Emperor of Heaven is blocking the God Realm?" The god guarding the Well of Gods and Demons cast his gaze in the direction of the Great Hall of God Realm, a flash of enlightenment in his eyes.

The emperor is annoyed!

After being broken into the God Realm Hall twice by Xiao Tian, ​​the Heavenly Emperor had nothing to do with Xiao Tian!

Chapter 583 Gathering in Tangjiabao!

Naturally, Xiao Tian didn't know what happened in the God Realm. At this moment, the group of them had already appeared in Tangjiabao.

Not long after Xiao Tian and others returned to Tangjiabao, a dark red light suddenly flashed in Tangjiabao, and then the figure of the heavy building appeared in front of Xiao Tian and others.

"The Holy Spirit Bead you want," Zhonglou casually threw a golden bead exuding aura to Xiao Tian, ​​then his face changed and he asked: "Did you break through?"

He hadn't noticed just now, and now he saw Xiao Tian, ​​only to realize that the aura exuding from Xiao Tian's body was extremely powerful, like Yuan Yu Yuezhi, giving people heavy oppression.

"Good luck," Xiao Tian shook his head in a calm tone.

Xiao Tian didn't have too many surprises that Zhonglou could discover his changes.

With his current strength, although others may not be able to see the change in his cultivation level, after all, Zhonglou is the supreme demon world. Standing at the top of the fairy sword plane, it is not surprising that he can see the change in his cultivation level.

Chonglou's expression stunned. Before Xiao Tian broke through, he was already a little struggling against Xiao Tian. Now Xiao Tian breaks through again and his strength is even higher. I am afraid that he is not even Xiao Tian's opponent!

"I have resolved the Anxi matter. Both Xifeng and Goddess Shuibi will follow me back to the Demon Realm. I hope you don't forget your promise." Although surprised at Xiao Tian's improvement in strength, Zhonglou didn't say much, just He took a deep look at Xiao Tian and said in a deep voice.

"Don't worry, Xiao Kui has already taken Sedum to the ghost world. When he comes out of the impermanence hall, he will be able to awaken his memories," Xiao Tian glanced at the building and said lightly.

"That's good," Chonglou heard the words and said nothing more. Before he could leave, there was a sudden gust of wind outside Tangjiabao, and the two swords of Hou Jingtian and Solanum fell in Tangjiabao.

Solanum hasn't changed much except that the ghost power radiated from his body has become stronger, but Sedum seems to have changed personally.

Sedum used to have a somewhat cynical smile on his face, but now Sedum gives a sense of calmness and reliability, as if facing a towering mountain.

"Fei Peng?" Zhonglou looked at Jingtian, with a rare smile on his face.

He has fought with Fei Peng for thousands of years, and it can be said that he is also an enemy and friend. Although Xiao Tian turned out so that he will not have no opponents, Chong Lou cares more about Fei Peng.

After all, for thousands of years, he and Fei Peng have not been able to really distinguish the victory or defeat. The New Immortal World War had ended because of the intervention of the gods, and the two still failed to distinguish between them.

"Chonglou," Jingtian nodded looking at the Chonglou, his eyes full of war.

Even though he has only awakened the memories of previous lives, his strength has not changed much, but facing the heavy building, he still does not want to lose his power!

"After your cultivation base is restored, we will fight in the New Immortal Realm," Zhonglou nodded to Jingtian, and his back figure flashed and disappeared.

Seeing this, Jing Tian didn't say much, and turned his gaze to Xi Yao who was beside Tang Xue, a little bit more surprised.

"Xiyao?" Jingtian frowned, looked at Xi Yao, and said coldly: "You have also been demoted to the world?"

In his impression, Xi Yao is notoriously observant of the God Realm. If even Xi Yao is demoted to the human world, then the God Realm should be transformed!

"I belong to the lower realm," Xi Yao looked at Jingtian, her eyes full of tenderness: "Thanks to Senior Xiao's blessing, I can leave the realm of God safely, and the lower realm will come to you."

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