God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 277

Jingtian's expression stunned when he heard the words, but he himself did not notice the problem.

He didn't know that he had been faintly affected by Fei Peng's memory.

"Master, do you have a way to solve your brother's problem?" Solanum also looked at Xiao Tian anxiously and asked.

"Two methods," Xiao Tian put up two fingers and said lightly: "The first one is to increase his strength as soon as possible, so naturally there is no need to worry about the problems I mentioned before.

The second method is to seal the memory of his awakening again and unblock it a little bit as his strength improves."

Speaking of this, Xiao Tian paused, shook his head and said, "But if you want to seal the memory of the flying puffballs, you have to figure out your own way, and I won't do it."

Then Xiao Tian turned his gaze to Tang Xue, and said solemnly: "Miss Tang, you only have one problem, that is, your strength is too weak. After all, Tang Jiabao's poisonous skill is only the most superficial inner power method. You want to improve your strength. You still have to find a suitable practice as soon as possible."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Tian waved his hand and said impatiently: "Okay, I have said everything that should be said, and you can figure out the rest for yourself, now that you have got the Earth Spirit Orb, then go to the ghost world to retrieve it. Fire Lingzhu, just let me see if you have listened to me!"

Zi Xuan and the others quickly nodded and agreed. Xiao Tian didn't say anything any more when he saw it. His figure flashed and disappeared.

After Xiao Tian left, Zi Xuan's four looked at each other, and wry smiles appeared on their faces at the same time.

"Master's requirement is too strict," Solanum shook his head, and whispered: "How do you say that Gutengjing is also the spirit of the fit period, and the plant is cultivated to become a spirit, and the vitality is already strong. I can't do anything with a single arrow. Is it normal."

"Master is also for our good," Zi Xuan sighed and whispered softly: "Just like this time, if Master hadn't blocked the Guteng Forest in advance, we might have to find Earth Spirit Orbs all over the world next time. It's really looking for a needle in a haystack, I don't know how long and how long will I find it."

"Okay, let's not talk about it," Dragon Kwai shook his head, quickly changed the subject, and asked: "Since the master has asked us to retrieve the fire spirit orb first, when shall we leave?"

"Three days later," Zi Xuan thought for a while, her eyes swept over the three Solanum, and smiled: "It just so happens that we also sort out the harvest of Gutenglin and his party this time, and strive to satisfy Master this time!

Chapter 616 Xiao Tian's Plan!

Three days later, Yuzhou Wing On.

Seeing the four people packing up, Zixuan Longkui Sedum and Tang Xue heard Xiao Tian's voice, and then their swords flew towards the ghost city of Fengdu.

Because of the impermanence hall master’s judge’s order on the dragon kombu, the dragon kui can lead people in and out of the ghost world freely, so this time, the four of Zi Xuan don’t have to spend energy rushing to Buzhou Mountain, trying to make the dragon with candlestick. Open the ghost world channel.

While the four of Zi Xuan rushed to the ghost world, Xiao Tian flew to Leizhou with Yujian.

The five spirit beads left by Nuwa, the water spirit beads are on Zi Xuan, the wind spirit beads are now on Tang Xuejian, and the earth spirit beads have been found by Zi Xuan and others. Only the fire spirit beads and the thunder spirit beads are left.

At the moment, Xiao Tian arranged for Zi Xuan and the four to go to the ghost world. First, he wanted to see if Zi Xuan and the others had listened to what he said before. Second, he didn’t want Zi Xuan and the others to get Thunder too easily. Lingzhu!

After all, the host of Thunder Spirit Orbs, Yun Ting, is just an ordinary person. Sedum only needs to find Yun Ting, and they can easily get the Thunder Spirit Orb.

Xiao Tian asked Zixuan and others to search for the Five Spirit Orbs in order to experience them, so naturally they couldn't easily get the Thunder Spirit Orb!

Soon, Xiao Tian rushed to Leizhou City.

Leizhou City is located by the sea. The walls are full of mottled marks. There are soldiers with clear-cut flags patrolling the city. The city is even more prosperous.

However, Xiao Tian was keenly aware that a very small area in Leizhou City was shrouded in rich lightning attributes, and lightning flashed from time to time.

"That's the location of Leizhou Provincial Governor's Mansion, right?" Xiao Tian laughed in a low voice: "I hope that when Zi Xuan and the others come to look for Lei Lingzhu, they will not be scared!"

With that, Xiao Tian's figure flashed, and he appeared outside the gate of Leizhou Governor's Mansion.

"Who!" As soon as Xiao Tianfu appeared, the soldiers guarding the Cishi Mansion spotted Xiao Tian, ​​surrounded him, and asked.

However, because of Xiao Tian's appearance out of thin air, several guards did not dare to get too close to Xiao Tian, ​​for fear of accidents.

"It doesn't matter what my name is, what is important is that I have a way to solve your son's strange disease," Xiao Tian said lightly, looking at the guards.

Although Yun Ting possesses the power of Thunder because of being boarded by the Thunder Spirit Orb, he himself cannot control the power of the Thunder Spirit Orb. Therefore, in the eyes of the people of Leizhou, even in the eyes of Yun Ting, the power of lightning on him is considered It is caused by a strange disease!

For this reason, Leizhou Governor's Mansion found many famous doctors, but in the face of Yun Ting's problem, those famous doctors were also helpless.

"Mr. Can really solve my son's strange disease?" The guard on the left immediately asked with an eager look on his face.

Yun Ting has been loved by the people of Leizhou for his life and life. The guards who guard the Cishi Mansion are naturally no exception, but Yunting has always been plagued by strange diseases, which has made many people of Leizhou embarrassed.

So when Xiao Tian said that Yun Ting's strange illness could be solved, this guard would ask without thinking about it.

"You are too naive," the guard on the right shook his head and sighed: "The son's strange disease so many doctors are helpless, this little gentleman wants to solve the son's strange disease..."

Although he didn't say the following words, no matter who it was, he understood what he meant.

"Believe it or not, you can't be the master. It's better to report your son to see what he wants." Xiao Tian was not angry, looking at the guards, and said calmly.

Chapter 617 Yun Ting!

Several guards heard Xiao Tian's words and looked at each other. Then the guard who had questioned Xiao Tian put away his weapons and turned around and entered the Cishi Mansion.

The remaining guards looked at Xiao Tian, ​​and the person who spoke at the beginning said earnestly: "Sir, do you really have a way to cure my son's strange disease?"

"It's not difficult," Xiao Tian smiled, and said in a flat tone: "Your son's strange illness is actually not something difficult to solve, but you have always found the wrong person.

Because your son is not sick at all, you just look for famous doctors all over the world, and they can't do anything about your son's situation!"

"This gentleman, do you mean that there is no problem here?" At this moment, a slightly surprised voice suddenly heard from the Cishi Mansion.

After that, the guard who walked into the Cishi Mansion was following a handsome and handsome young man in white, who was Yun Ting from Leizhou Cishi Mansion.

At this moment, Yun Ting was looking at Xiao Tian with curiosity. He wanted to know where Xiao Tian was emboldened. He said that he had to trouble him, and that it was not difficult for him to have a strange illness in the Governor's Mansion and even the entire Leizhou City for more than ten years!

"Master Yun is full of energy and energetic, and there is no sign of illness on his body. He is really healthy," Xiao Tian said with a smile.

Yun Ting shook his head, and said lightly: "If the master's skills stop here, Yun Ting will ask her to leave."

Originally, Yun Ting thought Xiao Tian could say something good, but now it seems that he thinks too much.

Think about it, too, this problem that has plagued Leizhou for more than ten years can be solved by a young man like Xiao Tian?

"Young Master Yun is rather impatient," Xiao Tian smiled upon hearing this, and said, "Also, the power of thunder on Young Master Yun is caused by the Thunder Spirit Orb among the five spirit orbs created by Nuwa in the past.

It's just that Young Master Yun is a mortal body, unable to control the Thunder Spirit Orb, which causes the power of thunder to leak from time to time, hurting others.

As long as Young Master Yun has a little cultivation base, although he cannot use the Thunder Spirit Orb flexibly, it is easy to stop him from releasing the power of thunder."

Hearing Xiao Tian's words, Yun Ting's expression changed, and then ecstasy appeared on his face, and he asked, "Sir, are you serious?"

For a long time, Yun Ting thought he was suffering from a strange disease, or even some kind of curse, but now Xiao Tian told him that the strange disease and curse he thought was actually caused by the Thunder Spirit Orb?

Although he didn't know what Lei Lingzhu was, he could hear the words behind Xiao Tian clearly and clearly!

As long as he has the cultivation base, he will be able to stop the Thunder Spirit Orb from releasing the power of thunder!

"Naturally it is true," Xiao Tian shook his head and laughed, and at the same time deliberately released a ray of breath. The terrifying pressure swept past like a hurricane, and the guards at the gate of the Assassin's Mansion were about to collapse and sit on the ground.

Even Yun Ting's face was extremely pale, and at the same time a faint thunder light appeared on his body.

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