God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 281

In the rumors, the one who was mentored by the goddess Xi Yao recently was Xu Changqing, the former abandoner of the Shushan Fairy Sword Sect!

Xu Changqing, who was originally only a relatively good student among Shushan disciples, was able to catch up with Shushan's head after receiving the guidance of the Xiyao goddess, and now he has even entered the devil world!

This made the residents near Shushan and even the disciples of the Shushan school couldn't help but be moved!

But only the person concerned knew that Xu Changqing's strength improvement was related to the goddess Xiyao, but the goddess Xiyao who contributed the most was not the goddess.

It's just that Xi Yao won't explain these things, and Xu Changqing won't explain.

"Thanks to the blessing of the senior Xiao Tian, ​​my fame in Shushan is a lot bigger, and I even have some strength." Xi Yao sat at the stone table outside the hut, holding a cup of tea in her hand, shook her head and lowered Murmured.

The sacred tree is born of Bingtiandi, capable of absorbing the spiritual energy of the heavens and the earth and the incense aspiration. As the guardian of the sacred tree for hundreds of billions of years, Xi Yao naturally has the ability to absorb the incense aspiration.

Nowadays, because of Xu Changqing's affairs, many residents near Shushan have enshrined her gods, which has brought her a lot of incense and aspirations.

"I just don't know if the senior Xiao Tian will care," Xi Yao looked at the direction of Yuzhou City with a worried expression.

Chapter 626 Remorse!

She knew very well how strong Xiao Tian was. Right now, she could be enshrined by the residents near Shu Mountain, largely relying on Xu Changqing.

However, the one who contributed the most in Xu Changqing's case was Xiao Tian. She Xiyao, at best, only provided such a suitable environment on the top of the sacred tree.

But with Xiao Tian's strength, he wanted to take the sacred tree. Besides grit his teeth and send the sacred tree out, could there be other ways?

So if you really want to count it, Xi Yao didn't have any strength at all in Xu Changqing's case!

However, it was her Xi Yao who benefited in the end. What would Senior Xiao Tian think?

"Perhaps I'm worrying too much," Xi Yao suddenly shook her head, laughed, and whispered softly: "The senior Xiao Tian's meritorious deeds, these incense and fire aspirations, I'm afraid he won't be able to see him."

Just as Xi Yao was talking to herself, a sharp sword light suddenly flashed in front of the hut, and then an old man with a childlike face and a fairy-style bone appeared not far behind Xi Yao.

"Head of Qingwei, I don't know what you are doing here?" Xi Yao asked lightly without looking back.

Above this Shu Mountain, there will be no second person who can appear quietly and not far behind her except for the head of Shu Mountain.

"That's it. The four people including the Solanaceae girl wanted to see the goddess Xiyao, but they didn't know where the goddess lived in seclusion, so they found my Shushan school..." Qing Wei's face was a little unsightly, between words With a bit of regret that it is not clear.

He didn't actually feel too much hatred for the Dragon Kwai and others, especially if Dragon Kwai was still the disciple of Xiao Tian's predecessor, he naturally wouldn't want to have any grudges with Dragon Kwai.

But Zi Xuan...

When he was outside the lock demon tower, he mistook Zi Xuan for the demon clan, so he expelled Xu Changqing from the Shushan faction. As a result, Xu Changqing's strength was greatly improved, and he was not weaker than himself. Now he has entered the demon world through the well of gods and demons. .

As for Zi Xuan, he even learned of Zi Xuan's identity a few days ago when he borrowed from Xu Changqing to the Shushan God and Demon Well-the descendants of Nuwa!

If it's only like this, the problem is that Zi Xuan today is also the disciple of Senior Xiao Tian!

This really made Qingwei very regretful, because he had misunderstood for a while, not to mention that Xu Changqing, a proud disciple, went out, and it even offended Zi Xuan.

Qingwei knows very well that this time Zixuan, Dragon Kwai and others came to the door and did not directly enter the Shushan Immortal Sword Sect, which already gave him enough face, so when Jingtian asked to see the goddess Xiyao, Qingwei didn't have any He hesitated, then agreed.

"The head of Lao Qingwei took me to see them," Xi Yao heard Qingwei's words, turned her head immediately, and said to Qingwei.

Qingwei was stunned for a moment when she heard the words, and said in doubt: "Xiyao goddess, you mean you are going to see dragon knight and sedum?"

He knows how arrogant the gods of the God Realm are. Although this goddess Xi Yao has arrived in the human realm for some reason, she lives in seclusion on the Shu Mountain, but her temperament is not ordinary arrogant.

For the entire Shushan Immortal Sword Sect, he is the only one who can talk to this Xiyao goddess!

But now, this Xiyao goddess will actually decide to meet Sedum Sedum in person?

"Yes," Xi Yao nodded earnestly and said, "Please also head Qingwei to take me to see them."

She could probably guess Qing Wei's thoughts, but she just smiled bitterly in her heart.

Chapter 627

Among the four people on the Shu Mountain, Sedum is the reincarnation of Feipeng and has a close relationship with her. Solanum and Zixuan are even Xiao Tian’s apprentices. Even the most inconspicuous Tang Xuejian has a deep connection with her. .

If only Jing Tian and Tang Xue were here this time, she could directly ask Qing Wei to bring people to the back of the Shu Mountain. After all, with her identity, she didn't need to worry too much.

But it was different if there were Solanum and Zixuan going together. These two were the disciples of Xiao Tian's predecessor. Even if she was a goddess in the world, Xi Yao didn't dare to be big.

Therefore, she can only take this trip herself.

Qingwei heard the words and said no more, flicked the dust in her hand, and flew up, flying towards the Shushan Sword Sect, Xiyao flashed her figure, Yukong followed Qingwei behind.

Soon, the two arrived at the front mountain of the Shushan Sword Sect and saw the four Solanaceae waiting here.

"Goddess of Xi Yao," Zi Xuan and others greeted Xi Yao immediately.

"Xiaokui, Zixuan, Feipeng, Xuejian," Xi Yao glanced across the faces of Solanum and others, and smiled: "What's the important thing to come to Shushan to find me this time?"

"Senior Xiao Tian said that Xuejian's cultivation level is too low, so we came to the goddess this time mainly to find a suitable practice for Xuejian," Jingtian scratched his head, a little embarrassed.

"Since Senior Xiao Tian pointed out the problem, didn't he teach the Xuejian exercises separately?" Xi Yao was stunned when she heard the words, and asked immediately.

She thought she knew something about Xiao Tian. At the beginning, Xu Changqing was not a disciple under Xiao Tian's name in the God Realm, but Xiao Tian was also dedicated to protecting him and even helping him step into the realm of immortals on earth.

Now that Xiao Tian mentioned the problem that Tang Xue saw, according to Xiao Tian's temperament, he shouldn't have taught Tang Xue saw the technique separately!

"Senior Xiao Tian only mentioned the problem of Xuejian at the time," Jing Tian shook his head and smiled bitterly: "It may also be that our performance in Gutenglin was so bad at that time, so Senior Xiao Tian was not satisfied."

Solanum and Zixuan couldn't help feeling a little ashamed.

Solanum is okay, but the strength is still lacking. After Gutenglin and his entourage, Xiao Tian just asked her to consolidate strength as soon as possible.

However, Zi Xuan was heavily criticized by Xiao Tian. For this reason, Zi Xuan even used the Nuwa Dream Snake secret technique to reveal the Nuwa Clan's true body when he was in the ghost world.

"So that's it," Xi Yao nodded, and then said to Tang Xuejian: "Xue Jian you and I can say that the same origin, the best practice of the Qingmu Dian I am practicing now, Xue Jian you follow me to Mount Shu Mountain, these days you and I will practice the Qingmudian in Shushan."

"That's okay," Jingtian looked at Tang Xuejian, and said softly: "Xue sees that your current strength is indeed not enough. Besides, since Senior Xiao Tian arranged for us to come to Shushan first, he must have his intention to find Lei. There is no need to worry about Lingzhu's affairs."

When Qingwei on the side heard Sedum’s words, her face couldn’t help but smile a little, and she said: "If you have nothing to do, when this Xuejian girl and Xiyao goddess practice the exercises, you might as well rest in my Shushan Sect. ,how is it?"

Although he didn't know what Jingtian and Tang Xuejian came from, he knew the identities of Solanum and Zixuan—the disciples of Senior Xiao Tian!

After finishing speaking, her gaze fell on Zi Xuan, and she whispered: "Before the old and dim-eyed, he mistaken the girl for the demon clan, so she made a huge misunderstanding. Please forgive me."

Chapter 628 Xiao Tian's Conditions!

Zi Xuan waved her hand without speaking.

If she had been worried about Qingwei's misunderstanding before, after meeting Xiao Tian, ​​she had no longer cared Qingwei.

Not to mention the strength of her master Xiao Tian, ​​it is her Zi Xuan, now it is not far from completely getting rid of the destiny of the Nuwa clan, by then she alone will be able to overlook the entire Shu Mountain.

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