God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 283

"Go," Yun Ting waved his hand, his tone calm.

Upon seeing this, the guard stopped staying, and went straight out of the hall, ready to order the things Yun Ting had explained.

Yun Ting slowly got up, put the Lei Lingzhu aside, took a deep breath, and whispered, "According to Senior Xiao Tian, ​​that Thunder Demon has been cultivated for more than three thousand years.

If I didn't have the Lei Lingzhu to help me, it would be difficult to overcome the Thunder Demon. Now I can take this opportunity to see how strong the four are."

The reason why Yun Ting thought of letting the Dragon Kwai four fight against the Thunder Demon was first to make things difficult for Sedum and the others, and the other was to explore the bottom of the Dragon Kwai four.

Needless to say Yun Ting's calculations, Zi Xuan and his group of four asked after entering Leizhou City, and soon focused their attention on the Governor's Mansion.

According to the information they received, Young Master Yun Ting in the Provincial Governor's Mansion had a weird physique, and he often released lightning for no reason.

Zi Xuan guessed that this Young Master Yun Ting might have something to do with Lei Lingzhu, so she took the Dragon Kwai Sedum and Tang Xue to see the three people directly rushing towards the Cishi Mansion.

However, the group of four people did not get into the Cishi Mansion at all, and was stopped by the Cishi Mansion guards.

"You mean, Young Master Yun Ting was injured by the Thunder Demon a few days ago, so it's not convenient to see outsiders?" Zi Xuan frowned, and asked the guard of Shifu.

Chapter 631 Zi Xuan's Thoughts!

"Yes," the governor's guard nodded and whispered: "If you want to see my son, you might as well live in the city for the time being, and then make plans after my son is healed."

"How long will it take for Young Master Yun Ting to heal the injury?" Zi Xuan's expression was a bit ugly, and the guard rushed to the Shifu asked.

"I don't know about that," the governor of the governor's house shook his head, and then seemed to think of something, and said: "But the doctor said that my son is a heart disease. If you want a quick cure, you have to solve it at the root."

Zi Xuan's eyes flashed and she whispered: "I understand, please tell your son, we will come again in a few days, and I hope that by that time son Yun Ting's injury has been completely healed."

After speaking, Zi Xuan left the Cishi Mansion with Jingtian.

Upon seeing this, the guards of the Provincial Governor went straight into the mansion and reported to Yun Ting.

On the other side, the four of Zi Xuan went around and walked to an inn in the city to stay.

"Sister Zixuan, did we leave like this?" In the inn, Solanum frowned, and Chong Zixuan said, "The guard was telling lies."

"Xiaokui, this is Leizhou City after all," Jingtian shook his head and whispered softly: "Besides, we don't know the details of Young Master Yunting. It's better not to rush into conflict right now.

Then Young Master Yunting just wants to use our hands to get rid of the Thunder Demon, we will stay in this inn, I will see who consumes more energy!"

None of the four Sedums are fools, so they can naturally hear whether the guards of the governor's palace are telling the truth or the lie, but Zi Xuan has not spoken before, and they have not revealed it tacitly.

"In my opinion, we might as well look for the Thunder Demon," Tang Xue thought about it, and said: "Then Yun Ting wants to use our hands to get rid of the Thunder Demon, there must be a relationship between him and the Thunder Demon. As long as we can find the Thunder Demon, it is not difficult to figure out the details of Yun Ting!"

"Xue Jian was right," Zi Xuan nodded and said with a smile: "That's why I didn't take you to the Cishi Mansion on the spot.

The situation is unclear at the moment, and if we have troubles, I am afraid that Master will not be satisfied."

For Leizhou City and Yun Ting, Zi Xuan didn’t have much fear. What she was worried about was that their disturbance in Leizhou City this time was too great. The delay in searching for Lei Lingzhu would make Xiao Tian dissatisfied. .

She clearly remembered the evaluation made by Xiao Tian during Gutenglin's and his entourage. In Xiao Tian's opinion, the ghost world and his entourage had done too much useless work.

So looking for Lei Lingzhu this time, she wanted to do her best, and she didn't give Xiao Tian a chance to pick it up!

"Yes, since Senior Xiao Tian asked us to find Lei Lingzhu and return to Yong'an as soon as possible, I'm afraid we don't want us to have trouble in Leizhou."

Tang Xuejian nodded and said, "If this is the case, let's find out about the Thunder Demon first, and then find the Thunder Demon as soon as possible, and learn from the Thunder Demon about the Master Yunting of the Assassin's Mansion!"

"Then, let's ask for the news separately later, and remember to pay attention to the news from Leizhou Provincial Governor's Mansion," Zi Xuan thought for a while and made a decision immediately.

Solanum Sedum and Tang Xuejian both nodded their heads, and then the four of them walked out of the inn and were scattered in Leizhou City, asking about the Thunder Demon.

Just when Tang Xue saw the others asking about the Thunder Demon news, Yun Ting in the governor's mansion also got information from the guards...

Chapter 632: Attacked!

"Interesting, do you want to inquire about me from the Thunder Monster?" Yun Ting couldn't help but smile after hearing the news from the guard, his expression a little weird.

The Thunder Demon spent a lot of time near Leizhou City, I am afraid he has also heard about Yun Ting...

But now he, after meeting Senior Xiao Tian, ​​had already undergone earth-shaking changes in his body. Even if the Dragon Kwai and others could make the Thunder Demon speak, they would not get any useful news.

What's more, based on Yun Ting's understanding of the Thunder Demon, it would be difficult for Zi Xuan and others to get any news from the Thunder Demon.

"My son, do we want to trouble them?" The guard who came to report knew the agreement between Xiao Tian and Yun Ting and said in a low voice.

"No," Yun Ting shook his head and said softly, "I didn't want to hide anything, nor did I want to hide from the four of them. I just wanted to take this opportunity to see their strength."

Speaking of this, Yun Ting had a look of reverence on his face, and said respectfully: "Senior Xiao Tian is amazing. If his disciple behaves too badly, it would be better for me!"

Yun Ting hadn't planned to play any conspiracy and tricks from the beginning, because Xiao Tian had said before that if he was to defeat Zi Xuan and his party upright, Xiao Tian would make an exception and accept him as a disciple!

"Okay, continue to pay attention to them, and when they find the Thunder Demon, come and notify me immediately!" Yun Ting waved his hand and said to the guard who came forward to report.

"Yes!" The governor's guard nodded respectfully.

"I hope your strength, don't let me down," Yun Ting said softly as he looked into the distance after the guard left.


Half a day later, outside Leizhou City, in a dense forest.

Seeing the four fully armed, Zixuan Solanum Sedum and Tang Xue walked toward the depths of the dense forest alertly.

"Xue Jian, are you sure that the Thunder Demon appeared here last time?" Jingtian held the magic sword and looked at both sides carefully, while whispering: "We have been looking for a little here for a long time, let alone the Thunder Demon, even I haven't seen the Thunder Demon's shadow. Could it be that the news is wrong?"

"This place is really suspicious," Zi Xuan said in a low voice before Tang Xue saw it. "The Lei Spirit here is much richer than other places. Even if the Thunder Demon is not here, I'm afraid there will be other things."

"Brother, Sister Zixuan, see Sister Xue, look over there!" The Solanaceae who was walking in front suddenly shouted.

Zixuan's expressions were shocked when they heard this, and they quickly looked at the place pointed by Solanum.

In the depths of the dense forest, layers of white cobwebs were wrapped around the tree crown, covering a radius of more than ten miles, and the cobwebs flashed with blue light from time to time.

The ground under the cobwebs was covered with a lot of bones and feces, humans and other animals, piled up together, exuding foul smells.

"This is not the Thunder Demon's lair?" Tang Xue saw covering her nose, raised her hand and slapped in front of her, whispered.

"It looks like it should be," Zi Xuan frowned, her face also a little ugly, and said: "The Thunder Spirit here is stronger than other places nearby. I'm afraid the Thunder Monster is also nearby, so be careful!"

As soon as Zi Xuan's voice fell, a huge black shadow fell from the sky and enveloped the four of them.

Sedum's face changed, and the magic sword in his hand cut out with an unmatched force, slashing on the dark shadow.


The magic sword and the black shadow collided with each other, making a sound of gold and iron, and at the same time, there were countless sparks shooting in the air.

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