God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 285

After Solanum shoots this arrow, her face becomes paler. Although the arrow was powerful, it emptied nearly half of the ghost power in her body!

However, her eyes were staring at the frozen area, with a solemn expression.

Before that, her arrow was interrupted before it reached its limit. This led to her being only ten miles away from ice, and the only one who could plan her arrow just now was the missing Thunder Demon!

Under the gaze of Solanum, bursts of blue light suddenly appeared in the ice-bound area, and from time to time, electric lights flickered on the ice.

Solanum's face changed, before he could even speak, a slender shadow suddenly broke through the thick ice and flew towards the sky!

"It turned out to be a Thunder Jiao!" Zi Xuan said softly when she saw the slender figure, her expression relaxed.

She didn't know the details of the Thunder Demon before, she was still a little worried, and she had no doubt in her heart now.

Although in her perception, this Thunder Jiao was a great demon who passed the Tribulation Period, and was only half a step away from the Mahayana Period, looking at the human world, he was already qualified to dominate one party and was at ease.

But in her eyes, it was nothing.

Even if she has just stepped into the Nascent Soul Realm now, with the help of the power of the Heavenly Snake Rod and the Five Spirit Orbs, she is enough to contend with the Tribulation Period!

What's more, beside her, there is a Mahayana cultivation base, and at the same time, the strength is also stable in the Tribulation Period Solanum formation!


Lei Jiao hovered in mid-air, staring at Zi Xuan and Solanum, and said: "Woman, why do you break into my lair and fight?"

It has been cultivating here for thousands of years, and it has finally reached this point. Recently, it has reached a critical juncture of transforming a dragon, but it was interrupted by Zi Xuan and Solanum.

If it weren't for worrying about the strength of Zixuan and Solanum, and not wanting the person who stayed in the dark to take advantage of it, it had already shot, how could it be nonsense with Zixuan and Solanum?

"This time I will trouble you because of Yun Ting, the son of the Leizhou Provincial Government..." Zi Xuan smiled and relayed the words of the guards of the Leizhou Provincial Government. After speaking, he looked at Lei Yao, her face full of profound Smile.

Chapter 636 Fierce Battle!

"Yun Ting!" After listening to Zi Xuan's words, Lei Jiao's eyes flashed with astonishing killing intent, and he roared in a low voice.

It has been entrenched outside Leizhou City for decades, and naturally knows the details of Yun Ting, but it is just a poor bug, and even dare to design people to trouble it!

"So, you came to me to get news of Yun Ting from me?" Lei Jiao looked at Zi Xuan and Tang Xue, but the killing intent in his eyes did not dissipate much.

Although Yun Ting was the initiator of the incident, it would not easily let the four of Zi Xuan go!

After all, it was not Yun Ting, but Zi Xuan who broke into its lair and slaughtered and interrupted its cultivation!

"Yes," Zi Xuan nodded, and then said: "But looking at you, it seems that you don't want to tell us about Yun Ting?"

Lei Jiao didn't speak, but the thunder light surrounding him became richer.

Since it has been known that Zi Xuan and Dragon Kwai were not with Yun Ting, and had nothing to do with the person in the dark, it would naturally not let Zi Xuan go!

"It seems that I can only say it when I hit you." Seeing Lei Jiao's reaction, Zi Xuan took a deep breath and waved the Heavenly Snake Rod in her hand lightly. A large number of snake shadows instantly formed and surged towards Thunder Jiao.

This is surprisingly the "ten thousand snakes biting the sky" used by the saint-aunt puppet mother-in-law and Xiao Tian before, and now it is used in Zi Xuan's hands, and its power is almost the same as that of the puppet mother-in-law!

Lightning flashed across Lei Jiao's body, and a large amount of lightning surrounded him, forming an airtight grid. The snake's shadow hit the grid and caused terrifying fluctuations, but it did not hurt Lei Jiao half a point.

Seeing this scene, Yun Ting, hiding in the dark, couldn't help but relax a little.

Zi Xuan's current strength is not a big threat to him. In his opinion, as long as Zi Xuan is not given the opportunity to use the spirit beads, Zi Xuan's role is extremely limited!

This gave him a bit more confidence in defeating the four of Zi Xuan head-on.

Zi Xuan didn't make a contribution with a single blow, and there was no other expression on her face. With a wave of the heavenly snake stick, the majestic water spirit gathered towards her.

The nightshade on the side knew it, and once again opened the bow, an ice-blue long arrow slowly took shape. Unlike the previous arrows, this arrow is made of pure water spirits, and it does not contain any nightshade. Ghost power.

Lei Jiao saw a flash of horror in this scene, opened his mouth and vomited, and a huge number of thunderballs flew towards Zi Xuan and Solanum.

Although it doesn't know how powerful the nightshade trick is, but instinctively tells it, it is best not to try it lightly, and don't give the nightshaw a chance to display this trick!

Facing the huge number of thunderballs, Zi Xuan shook her head, and the sky snake rod waved, a huge ice wall emerged out of thin air, stopping the thunderball.

At the same time, Solanum also loosened the bowstring, and the ice blue long arrow turned into a bright streamer, shooting towards Thunder Jiao!

Yun Ting, who was hiding in the dark, couldn't help but widen his eyes when he saw this scene, unwilling to miss half a minute.

Among the four of Zi Xuan, the one he feared most was the dragon kwai. As far as he had seen before, the dragon kwai should be the most aggressive of the four.

Now that he has the opportunity to see where the bottom line of Solanum is, he will naturally not miss it.

Unlike Yun Ting, Lei Jiao, facing the icy blue long arrow, burst into death, his heart screamed frantically, his slender body was coiled into a ball, and at the same time he was surrounded by a strong thunder light.

It is very clear that if it can't take this arrow, I'm afraid it will have only one fate, and that is-death!

Chapter 637 Lei Jiao bows his head!

Before Lei Jiao could fully defend himself, the terrifying ice blue arrow slammed into it with unparalleled power.

The thunder and thick scales around the body didn't have any effect before the icy blue arrow. They shattered in an instant, the scales scattered, and the blood from the wound was too late to flow out, it was instantly frozen by the terrifying frost!

In a twinkling of an eye, Lei Jiao, who was just so powerful, was frozen into a hideous ice sculpture!

Only the lightning faintly circulating under the frost proved that this Thunder Jiao was barely alive.

"Xiaokui, didn't you die?" Zixuan couldn't help being a little bit stunned when she saw this scene. This Lei Jiao seemed to be able to enter the Mahayana stage only half a step away in strength, but was frozen by an arrow from the Dragon Kwai.

Although Zi Xuan knows that the strength of Solanum spp. has improved rapidly these days, he did not expect that Solanum spp.

"Sister Zixuan, don't worry," Dragon Kwai shook his head gently, and smiled: "This time I can freeze the water spirit orb that Thunder Jiao also uses. I can't kill it by my own strength. After a while, the Thunder Jiao should be able to break through the frost."

"That's good," Zi Xuan said with a smile: "We have to find a way to get some news from this Lei Jiao, but we can't let it die like this."

While Zi Xuan was talking to Solanum, Yun Ting, who was hiding in the dark, quietly left the dense forest.

After following so long in secret, he almost figured out the strength of the Dragon Kwai four. Although it is somewhat difficult for him to beat these four, it is not completely impossible to do.

With the help of Lei Lingzhu, he is confident that he will not be much worse than the Dragon Kwai four, and the rest can only be seen on the spot.

Soon after Yun Ting left, Jing Tian and Tang Xue saw that the overwhelming little spider was also resolved, and they rushed to meet with Solanum and Zi Xuan.

Just now, Lei Jiao also broke the frost, but now Lei Jiao had a little more fear in his eyes than before, and his slender body was coiled into a ball, watching the Dragon Kwai four warily.

"You have been practicing for a long time, and you must know something about this Leizhou City. I will ask and you will answer, otherwise, die!"

Zi Xuan looked at Lei Jiao and said calmly.

This Lei Jiao caused her a lot of trouble. If she didn't want to get some information from her mouth, she would just cut the Lei Jiao directly when she was frozen by ice just now!

"You say you say it!" Lei Jiao glanced at Solanum in a little fear, then set his gaze on Zi Xuan and said quickly.

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