God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 287

Yun Ting touched his chest with some fear. If he hadn't dodged in time, he might have cut him in two directly!

"As expected to be Senior Xiao Tian's apprentice, I really couldn't care less," Yun Ting said to himself, just because he was a little relaxed, he was almost directly beheaded by the Dragon Kwai, because he thought he had a good chance of winning!

But think about it, the senior Xiao Tian's meritorious deeds, his strength can not be overstated, how could his apprentice be mediocre?

Thinking of this, Yun Ting's expression became serious, and Lei Lingzhu surrounded him, and the terrifying Lei Ling breath gathered towards him, and then a large amount of electric light gathered in his hand to form a constantly changing thunderball!

"Try this trick!"

Yun Ting gave a light scream and threw the thunderball in his hand. The moment the thunderball was released, it turned into a roaring angry dragon, and with unparalleled power, it slammed into the four of Zi Xuan!

Where the Thunder Dragon passed, rubble was splashing, and a deep mound appeared on the ground!

In the face of this terrifying Thunder Dragon, Zi Xuan's expression changed, and she hurriedly sacrificed the unearthed spirit orbs, laying a thick barrier in front of the four of them.


The Thunder Dragon hit the rock barrier formed by the Earth Spirit Orb. The thick barrier failed to support it even for a moment, so it shattered, and the remaining lightning blasted out and fell on the four of Zi Xuan.

Tang Xue saw that despite Xi Yao's guidance, his strength had improved, but the moment he was hit by lightning, he vomited blood and flew out and fell to the side, no longer able to fight.

If it weren't because she was a creature created by the fruits of the sacred tree, and she had some strength, under the blow just now, I'm afraid she would die on the spot!

Sedum was also uncomfortable, although the memory of awakening Fei Peng helped him improve his strength.

But he hasn't awakened his memory for long, and his current strength is only good. After being hit by lightning, he took a few steps back, and the tiger's mouth broke apart, and the hand holding the magic sword couldn't help shaking.

Only Solanum and Zixuan were better. Although Solanum was hit by lightning, but with the powerful ghost power, the weakened lightning only caused her to sway twice, and it did nothing to her. influences.

As for Zi Xuan, she is even more relaxed. She is originally from the Nuwa ethnicity, and her physical body is far stronger than Jingtian and others. She also cultivated Xiao Tian's Nine Turns Immortal Body. The weakened thunder light fell on her, and She tickles almost.

"Sedum, take care of Xuejian, hand it to me and Xiaokui here!" Zi Xuan held the Heavenly Snake Stick and said.

Chapter 641 The Four Spirits Combine!

Jingtian nodded, walked to Tang Xuejian's side, helped her up and brought her aside.

Yun Ting also didn't control Jingtian and Tang Xue to see him. He didn't want to kill him, as long as he surpassed the four of Zi Xuan.

Jingtian and Tang Xuejian's exit is also a good thing for him, at least he doesn't need to worry about the threats from Jingtian and Tang Xuejian.

After all, although the strength of these two people is not too strong, they are also threatening to him. Now that Jingtian and Tang Xuejian are leaving the field, he can concentrate on fighting against Zixuan Longkui!

"Xiaokui, buy some time for me," Zixuan said after trying to communicate with Lei Lingzhu to no avail.

After finishing speaking, the Heavenly Snake Staff waved and laid down layers of defense around her. At the same time, Wind Spirit Orb, Water Spirit Orb, Fire Spirit Orb and Earth Spirit Orb appeared beside her at the same time, and then the majestic spiritual power gathered towards Zi Xuan.

Yun Ting's expression changed when he saw this scene, his body was covered with a terrifying thunder light, and when he raised his hand, two thunder balls smashed towards Zi Xuan.

The moment when Thunder Ball came out, it turned into two galloping cheetahs, seeming to want to tear Zi Xuan into pieces.

However, the cheetah was stopped by a purple black sickle before Zi Xuan was in front of him, and the nightshade just gently waved the sickle in his hand to disperse Yun Ting's attack.

Then the nightshade's figure flickered, and he slid against Yun Ting again, waving his sickle one after another, with a stern wind breaking sound, not giving Yun Ting a chance to breathe.

Facing the storm-like attacks of nightshade, although Yun Ting was afraid of Zi Xuan on the side, he knew what amazing moves she was preparing, but he also had to cheer up to deal with the nightshade attack.

After all, the strength of Solanum is not weak, once it is hit by her sickle, I am afraid it will be defeated instantly!

In this situation, where does Yun Ting dare to be distracted?

Dragon Kwai attacked more than a dozen moves one after another, the originally dense storm-like attacks couldn't help slowing down, his face became a little pale, and fine beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

Yun Ting was pleased when he saw this, and before he could fight back, he only heard Zi Xuan on the side suddenly shouting, "Xiaokui get out of the way!"

Hearing the words, Dragon Kwai quickly swung two sharp blades, and then flashed back and appeared beside Zi Xuan. Although Yun Ting was evasive, he was blocked by the blades of Dragon Kwai.

After he smashed the blade light, Zi Xuan's attack had already hit him.

The four spirit orbs of Fengshui and Huotu carry majestic auras. The wind spirit in the wind spirit orb turns into a blue goshawk that spreads its wings, surrounded by a large number of wind blades, cutting towards the cloud!

The earth spirit in the earth spirit beads turned into a handsome tiger, the tiger paws slapped on the ground, and a large number of thorns rushed towards Yun Ting.

And the water spirit in the water spirit beads turned into an ice-blue basalt big turtle, with a huge foot falling on the ground, and a large amount of frost covered the place where Yun Ting was, turning it into an extremely cold purgatory!

The fire spirits in the fire spirit beads turned into roaring fire dragons. The terrifying high temperature caused the green leaves in the backyard of the governor's house to quickly turn yellow. Before they were completely burned, they were emitted by the water spirit beads. The cold breath is frozen!

For a time, the vicinity of Yunting was enveloped in fire for a while, and then it became an extremely cold purgatory, sometimes with sand and dust, sometimes with strong winds!

Under this terrifying attack, Yun Ting's spiritual power was quickly exhausted, and his face became extremely pale. After the last trace of spiritual power was exhausted, Yun Ting closed his eyes in despair...

Chapter 642 Furious Xiao Tian!

He still underestimated the strength of Solanum and Zixuan. First it was Solanum. He was overwhelmed with an exaggerated sickle. The continuous attacks and the strange cold breath on that sickle, no matter how you put it In anyone, it is enough to make him a strong one.

However, both of them are concentrated on the dragon kwai body!

What's more, Yun Ting is very clear that Solanum's methods are far more than these. When dealing with Thunder Jiao, Solanum's used a bow instead of a sickle!

As for Zi Xuan, Yun Ting didn't have too many surprises. He knew that most of Zi Xuan's abilities were on the Five Spirit Orbs. He had also seen Zi Xuan move the Water Spirit Orb against Lei Jiao before.

Originally, he thought about not giving Zi Xuan a chance to use the spirit orbs, but he was forced by the nightshade to get rid of the power of the spirit orbs.

"You deserve to be Senior Xiao Tian's apprentice," Yun Ting sighed, "I can see the power of this level, even if I die, there is no regret."

Soon, Yun Ting was covered by the attack of the four spirit orbs, and Zi Xuan only shook her head when she saw it. Using four spirit orbs at a time was also extremely difficult for her. It was already possible to control her power near Yunting. To her limit, she could not stop the attack.

So although Zi Xuan had a lot of doubts and wanted to ask after hearing Yun Ting's words, she could only watch Yun Ting be covered by that terrifying attack...

But fortunately, Zi Xuan's urging of the four spirit orbs was also extremely expensive. After losing her support, the attacks of the four spirit orbs did not wreak havoc for too long, and they dissipated.

"Huh? I'm not dead?" After waiting for a long while, Yun Ting, who didn't feel the slightest strangeness, opened his eyes in confusion, and then suddenly realized: "Senior Xiao Tian, ​​it was you who made the shot!"

In front of him, Xiao Tian dressed in white, looking at him calmly.

Obviously, the terrifying attack just now was stopped by Xiao Tian.

"Master!" Dragon Kwai and Zi Xuan were also taken aback when seeing Xiao Tian's figure, and then quickly respectfully said.

"Senior Xiao Tian!" Tang Xuejian and Jingtian walked to the side of Solanum and Zixuan, respectfully.

"Yeah," Xiao Tian nodded, patted Yun Ting's shoulder, and smiled: "It's a good performance, it's not a waste of teaching you these days, it didn't shame me."

Yun Ting looked a little sad when he heard this, and said, "Unfortunately, I still lost. It seems that I have no chance with you, Senior."

"It's nothing more than a master and apprenticeship," Xiao Tian shook his head and laughed, "There is no need to force it, and practice what I teach you. Among these six realms, you have a place!"

After that, Xiao Tian's eyes fell on Zi Xuan and the four of them, lost in thought.

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