God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 29

"Hello sir, what kind of things do you want to see?" As soon as Xiao Tian stepped into the gate of Jubaoxuan, a young girl in a cheongsam greeted him and smiled at Xiao Tian.

Although Xiao Tian's dress seemed a bit out of fashion, the staff at Jubaoxuan had seen how many wealthy and powerful people they didn't know, and they didn't make the mistake of judging people by appearance.

After all, Xiao Tian's moon-white robe is indeed different from the successful people in suits and leather shoes around him, but since he practiced "Xiaoyao Yufeng", he has gained a little more dusty temperament.

And after he stepped into the Innate Polar Realm, this temperament became more obvious, and he really had a bit of a fairy-like character who became a fairy in the legend.

"I'm looking for old man Wei, he should have ordered it?" Xiao Tian glanced at the girl, and shook his head impenetrably.

If it had been before, he might have looked at it more, but he had seen too many beauties in the four years of the plane of god carving.

Little Dragon Girl and Huang Rong don't need to say much, even Guo Fu and Li Mochou are rare beauties. Although the girl in front of her is pretty, she can only be considered middle and upper.

"Mr. is Xiao?" The girl naturally knew the name of her boss. When she heard Xiao Tian's unceremonious address, her heart shrank, and her attitude became a little more respectful.

Those who dare to call their own boss in this Jubaoxuan are either fools who do not know the heights of the sky, or predators with amazing status and status!

Xiao Tian looks more like the latter no matter how!

"Yes," Xiao Tian nodded, his tone flat.

"The boss is on the second floor, please come with me, sir." The girl heard Xiao Tian's words and thought of her boss's previous orders, her tone was respectful again, and she quickly led the way.

"No, I can go up to him by myself," Xiao Tian shook his head, and then walked directly to the second floor without waiting for the girl to speak.

The people around did not hear the conversation between Xiao Tian and the cheongsam girl. Seeing that Xiao Tian walked directly to the second floor, a smirking smile appeared on his face.

The second floor of the treasure house is not easy to go up!

When Jubaoxuan opened the door to do business, the rules were fixed. The antique calligraphy and paintings on the first floor were true or false. Whether it was punching or picking up treasures depended on personal vision.

But the second floor was all antiques collected from various places. The boss of Jubaoxuan even put down his words. Whenever he bought a counterfeit on the second floor of Jubaoxuan, he compensated for ten antiques of the same value!

But at the same time, in order not to waste time, Jubaoxuan also has an unwritten rule, that is, people without a certain net worth cannot go to the second floor of Jubaoxuan!

And the standard for a certain net worth is ten million!

This ten million does not count fixed assets!

In other words, if you really want to count it, someone who can enter the second floor of Jubaoxuan is worth at least hundreds of millions!

They don't think that such a young young man will have a net worth of hundreds of millions!

"Xiaotian, are you here? The old man has been waiting for you for a long time, so go up." Before Xiaotian went to the front of the stairs, he suddenly walked down a middle-aged man from the second floor. The middle-aged man saw Xiao Tian with an instant on his face. A smile appeared, and he quickly spoke.

"Pay the bill first," Xiao Tian said lightly, standing on the spot, extending his left hand to the middle-aged man.

"You kid," the middle-aged man shook his head, took out his wallet, and drew out a few red banknotes and put them in Xiao Tian's hand. He said in a bad mood: "Enough!"

Xiao Tian shrugged, tucked the banknotes into the sleeves of his robe, and strode upstairs, regardless of the crowd of onlookers who had fallen to the ground with their jaws in shock...

Chapter 57 Unexpected Disaster!

When Xiao Tian and the middle-aged man disappeared on the stairs, a crowd of onlookers on the first floor began to discuss—

"I'm not mistaken, am I? The one who came down to meet the young master of Jubaoxuan just now?"

A young man in a suit and leather shoes widened his eyes with an incredible expression on his face.

He has come to Jubaoxuan quite a few times, but he has never seen Young Master Jubaoxuan come out to greet anyone in person!

"I'm afraid which family's son, he looks handsome, if he can catch up..." a girl in a long skirt whispered.

The best friend beside her knocked on her hand when she heard the girl's words, and said with no anger: "Wake up, the handsome guy has gone far!"

"Don’t guess, that person is a friend of Wei Lao. Every time I come to this Jubaoxuan, I always go directly to the second floor. I shouldn’t have to come out to greet him. Maybe it’s because Jubaozhai has a new staff member. Wei Lao is worried about the following What misunderstanding should happen to the people!"

A middle-aged uncle who often wandered around Jubaozhai proudly said, as his voice fell, there was another exclamation around him.

Mr. Wei's friend, what level of big man should he be!

Xiao Tian naturally didn't know these things. Under the leadership of the middle-aged man, he went to a quiet room on the second floor.

An energetic old man in a Tang suit is holding a pipe and leaning on a nanmu chair. This old man is the man at the helm of the treasure house, Wei Hong!

Two people stood beside Wei Hong.

To the left is an older man with a pair of reading glasses. He already has a lot of gray hair on his head, but his eyes are not muddy; on the right is a somewhat blessed middle-aged man, looking at him with a bad face. Xiao Tian.

"Xiaotian is here, come, sit," Wei Hong greeted after seeing Xiao Tian, ​​then pointed to the old man with reading glasses next to him, and introduced: "This is the famous big collector of Nanjiang City. Master Guan Wang."

"Look up for a long time," Xiao Tian arched his hand to Wang Guan, looking calm.

Wang Guan didn't care either. Although he had some reputation for collecting, he would not be so arrogant that everyone in the world should know himself.

"This is the leading painting and calligraphy appraisal expert in China, Ji Xi, Master Ji!" Wei Hong pointed to the somewhat blessed middle-aged man and introduced.

"Fortunately," Xiao Tian glanced at Ji Eleven with a perfunctory expression.

This Ji eleven didn't give himself a good face since he entered the door, he naturally wouldn't be hot to stick to other people's cold ass!

"Humph!" Ji Shixi snorted coldly, without answering.

Wei Hong frowned when seeing Ji Shixi's expression, but did not speak.

Now he wants to ask Ji eleven, so he can only let him presumptuous!

"Xiaotian, did you bring your crow formation picture? Let Master Ji help with his palms. Master Ji has been reading calligraphy and painting for many years, and he hasn't even punched his eyes. Let him palm the eyes, Xiaotian, you should be relieved?" Smiled at Xiao Tian.

"Hmph, take a look at fake things, what's so good about it," Ji Shixi said dissatisfied.

No wonder he was like this. Today, he happened to get a copy of Yan Zhenqing's calligraphy, and was planning to observe it alive, but Wei Hong found him and asked him to help him see a picture of Tang Yin's crow formation!

He was in high spirits, but when he was suddenly interrupted like this, no one would have a good face.

Wei Hong was his gold master, so naturally he couldn't get angry with Wei Hong, so all his dissatisfaction was transferred to Xiao Tian.

"I'll know if it's true or not," Xiao Tian put the ancient awkward scroll in his hand on the table and said lightly.

"Boy, you really want money and want to be crazy!" Ji Shixi mocked: "Tang Yin's crow formations have appeared a lot of times, but they are all later imitations. The speculation in the circle is that its authenticity may have been in the war. Damaged, can you still make it impossible to recover what has been damaged?"

"What if I really have this ability?" Xiao Tian said a little more jokingly on his face.

"If you are genuine, I will eat it on the spot!" Ji Xixi said disdainfully, and then reached out and grabbed the scroll on the table: "I will tear down your fake today and let your heart die!"

"Slow!" Xiao Tian said suddenly, and at the same time stretched out his hand to stop Ji Xi's palm.

"Boy, guilty?" A sneer appeared on Ji Xi's face, and he said coldly: "It's late! If you dare to come to Jubaoxuan with fakes, you just wait for the famous street!"

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