God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 306

"A few rest earlier today, and tomorrow we will drive to Zhenhunguan, and we will rely on a few people by then," Long Ming placed himself very low, without the air of the great prince of the Yasha clan.

Zi Xuan and the others didn't speak, got up from their seats, and left the Chinese army's account.

After Zi Xuan and the others left, Long Ming discussed the arrangements for tomorrow with the remaining Yasha warlords in the big tent.

There was no word for a night, and the time passed quickly. Early the next morning, Long Ming led his army towards the Zhenhun Pass, and Jingtian and the others arrived at the Zhenhun Pass first.

Zhen Hun Guan is the last line of defense of the Shura royal city. It is located between two high mountains. The city wall is tall. From time to time, you can see Shura warriors wearing armor and holding long Ges on patrol.

The city wall was covered with blood stains, and there were faint waves of enchantment. Obviously, this Xiongguan was so easy to overcome from time to time.

"If you win the Zhenhun Pass, the Yasha Clan will be able to come to the Asura King City. Even if the Yasha Clan's army is destroyed, it will have nothing to do with us."

Zi Xuan looked at the Xiongguan in front of her, and whispered: "We only need to help the Yasha tribe to take this place, and then we can go back to the Goddess Shuibi. We don't need to mix up the rest."

"I'll go and test it first," Jingtian thought for a while, the magic sword appeared in his hand, his figure flashed, and he flew towards Zhenhunguan.

"Brother Jing is a little big," Xu Changqing shook her head when she saw it, and said helplessly: "This Demon Realm Xiongguan is not so easy to conquer, Zi Xuan, Xiao Kui, and Miss Xuejian, get ready to take action."

The three of Zi Xuan didn't hesitate at all when they heard the words, each holding their weapons, their eyes fell on Sedum, as long as Sedum was in crisis, they would immediately rescue Sedum back!

Sedum hovered in front of Zhenhun Pass, before he had time to make a move, he closed the rain of arrows and covered him. Sedum had no choice but to wave the magic sword in front of him.

Fortunately, these arrows were only shot by the Asura warriors, and they were not powerful, and Sedum didn't have to deal with them.

"It seems that the Shura clan is determined to guard the soul," Zi Xuan said helplessly when she saw the rain of arrows overwhelming the sky.

Chapter 690 Xiao Tian who protects the calf!

Sedum just appeared outside the Zhenhun Pass, and hadn't shown any signs of impacting the Zhenhun Pass, the Shura clan was already on the verge of an enemy, and Sedum didn't even have a chance to speak, it was a shower of arrows.

If Sedum attacks the Zhenhun Pass, wouldn't the Asura warriors in the pass open the barrier inside the pass and send a master to kill Sedum?

Faced with the rain of arrows overwhelming the Asura clan, Sedum didn't have a hard support. After pulling away the approaching arrow, Sedum pulled away and returned to Zixuan and the others.

"We can only wait for the arrival of the Yasha tribe before tackling the key," Jingtian said helplessly, putting away the magic sword.

Originally, he wanted to break through the Zhenhunguan with his personal strength, and then the Yasha army would be able to drive straight into the Asura King City, and they could also go to the goddess Shuibi to ask for "Forgetting Dust Art".

But now it seems that they have to delay for a while in Zhenhun Pass.

Zi Xuan did not speak, but looked at Zhen Hun Guan a little more solemnly.

At the same time, on Wanren Lonely Peak, the Zhonglou and Xiao Tian who saw this scene couldn't help being speechless.

"Unexpectedly, even after several reincarnations, Fei Peng is still so impatient," Chonglou said helplessly, sitting on the Throne of Bloodfang.

When Fei Peng guarded the Well of Gods and Demons, he was a hasty man. Originally, Zhonglou thought that after several rebirths, Sedum's temperament might converge a bit, but he did not expect that after awakening Fei Peng's memory, he became so impatient!

"I'm afraid Sedum can't wait to ask for the exercises for his sweetheart," Xiao Tian shook his head, no good spirits.

"The flying pennant has made a wrong calculation," Chonglou smiled and said: "The Soul Zhenguan is the first male gate of the Shura clan, and even the first male gate of my demon world!

Even if I took the shot myself, it would take a lot of effort to win the Soul Relief Pass. Although Feipeng and the others have the help of Yasha's army, I am afraid it will be deadlocked for a while."

"Not necessarily," Xiao Tian shook his head, and said, "If Xiaokui and the others can seize the opportunity to kill the high-level people in the Zhenhunguan, they may be able to take the Zhenhunguan in one go."

"How much do you think it is possible?" Zhonglou said with an aura: "Are you really a fool of the Asura clan? You can't defend the Shura clan properly, and go out to fight against the Dragon Kwai?"

Zhonglou didn't think that Zhenhunguan could block the Yasha army with the help of nightshade and others, but in Zhonglou's view, with the help of Zhenhunguan's natural danger, it was not difficult for the Shura clan to hold the Yasha army for a period of time.

Hearing the words of Chonglou, Xiao Tian fell into silence immediately.

Chonglou is right. As long as the Asuras are not stupid, they will not give up their advantages and go out and confront the Yasha army. However, when the Asuras are determined to defend firmly, the Dragon Kwai and others really have not quickly conquered the Zhenhun Pass. ability.

"I knew I would leave Xiao Kui and Zi Xuan a sword spirit," Xiao Tian said helplessly.

Although he has plans to let the Solanum members experience, but in comparison, he protects the calf better!

Although the Soul Zhenguan is dangerous, with his strength, with the help of the Dark Chen Sword, with all his strength, it is enough to split it!

"Pretentious!" Chonglou shook his head when he heard the words, and said with an aura: "In this case, you might as well take the initiative to break through the soul-saving barrier for them."

"Junior's matter, what am I doing?" Xiao Tian glanced at the heavy building and took back the Anchen sword that he had held in his hand for some time.

The corner of Chonglou's mouth twitched, stopped talking, his eyes penetrated the evil clouds, watching Sedum and the others, and muttered: "Fei Peng ah Fei Peng, how can you solve this situation?"

Chapter 691 Cautious Long Ming!

After the Zhenhun Pass, the Yasha tribe's army set up their camp. Long Ming took a few Yasha tribe warlords and stood more than ten miles away from the Zhenhun Pass, and could not help but look at the famous Xiong Pass of the Shura tribe.

"The prince, the terrain of this Zhenhunguan is dangerous, if it is a strong attack, I am afraid that the damage will not be small."

A Yasha warlord frowned, and said in a low voice: "Why don't the Shura family... ask a few people to take action... Anyway, their origins are amazing, especially the nightshade girl. There should be some contact with the Kuiyu Heavenly Witch. Dare to kill..."

"No," Long Ming shook his head and said with a cold expression: "Brother Jing have amazing backgrounds. We use them in this way. We can't guarantee that they won't make them feel bad and provoke them. It can be compared with the Shura clan. Much trouble!"

Although the Asura tribe is one of the eight major demon tribes in the Demon Realm, it is just a bloated monster after all. Even if the Asura tribe and the Yasha tribe have already shot real fire, the two sides are as deep as the sea, and the Asura tribe is impossible. Use all the power of the country to smash the Yasha tribe.

Because above the Eight Great Demon Races, there is a Demon Respect Building that sits in the Demon Realm. It's okay to make a small fuss. Once it involves a war to destroy a clan, the Demon Respect Building is bound to warn.

But the people of Longkui are different, not to mention the amazing origins of Longkui and others, they are descendants of Nuwa, and the reincarnation of God Realm warriors. The strength of a few people alone is enough to make Long Ming treat it seriously!

Once the Dragon Kwai and others are used to tackle the problem, it is bound to face the stormy revenge of the Dragon Kwai and others. Within the Yasha tribe, only a few people can fight the Dragon Kwai and others. Others face the Dragon Kwai and others. Can only lead to death obediently.

Therefore, if you offend several people of Solanum, I am afraid that the future Yasha tribe will not be peaceful!

Long Ming is a wise man, so naturally he will not do such a foolish thing. He can command the Yasha army to attack Zhenxun Pass, and ask a few people from Longkui to guard the flanks and guard against the masters of the Shura tribe.

But let the Dragon Kwai and several people attack the Soul Relief Pass, which affected the energy of the Shura tribe, and then the Yasha tribe army concealed and took the Soul Relief Pass. He would never do this kind of thing!

Even if Long Ming was unwilling to lose too much to the Yasha Warriors, he would never have a grudge with the Dragon Kwai and others.

Because from Long Ming's point of view, the price of offending the people of Longkui is more than the price that the Yasha army needs to pay to attack the Zhenhunguan!

"This kid is a smart man," Xiao Tian saw this scene on Wanren Lonely Peak. Xiao Tian couldn't help but laughed: "I said Chonglou, let this kid guard Wanren Lonely Peak. Isn't it better than the brains below? Why did you choose such a clumsy one?"

The dead brain that Xiao Tian said was naturally the extreme night, although Zhonglou had already ordered any demons guarding the Wanren Lonely Peak not to leave their duties without authorization.

But on the first day, after learning about the defeat of the Shura army, the Shura clan sneaked out, trying to go to the battlefield to support the Shura clan, but was finally caught by Xifeng.

This is why Zhonglou appreciates this Shura genius. If you change to another person and want to go to the battlefield to find death, Zhonglou will not stop him anyway!

"Although this kid is good, he was born at the wrong time. The old Yasha clan Longhao fought against Feipeng in his early years, and he had a hidden wound and needed to rest.

In fact, most of the things in the Yasha clan were handled by this kid, and Long Hao was only responsible for checking the omissions."

Chonglou shook his head, sighing in his words. Obviously, he himself is optimistic about Longming, but it's a pity that Longming's luck is not good...

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