God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 308

Sedum's face remained unchanged, the Demon Sword placed a heavy epee curtain in front of him, and at the same time he withdrew and retreated.

Although he became a lot of impatience because of the awakening of Fei Peng's memory, he was not out of mind. The breath exuding from Yu Lin had clearly told him that he was not Yu Lin's opponent.

Therefore, Sedum didn't even hesitate, so he pulled away and left.

"Want to run?" Yu Lin snorted coldly, sticking out his right hand, and a large amount of magic energy quickly gathered, condensed into a black palm that covered the sky and sun, and patted it towards the stone.

If this is true, Sedum will be seriously injured if he does not die!

"You're looking for death!" When seeing this, the nightshade's expression became extremely cold, and a terrifying flame ignited on the dark purple sickle in his hand, and then the solanie's right hand became a seal, and the flame on the purple sickle quickly turned into a weird beast. He slammed into the palm of Yu Lin's devilish energy.

Yu Lin's expression remained unchanged, his devilish palms changed from patted to grasping, and he pressed his hand against the flame giant.

The original fierce flame behemoth was easily intercepted by Yu Lin, and then Yu Lin's right hand suddenly exerted force, the huge devilish palm quickly closed, and directly crushed the flame behemoth summoned by the nightshade into a sky of flame!

"With this strength, I dare to be presumptuous in front of this king. I really don't know how to live or die!" After crushing the flame behemoth, Yu Lin glanced at the nightshade, disdainfully said.

"Really?" The corner of the nightshade's mouth was a bit more inexplicable mocking, as if the flame behemoth was crushed by Yu Lin and failed to affect her at all.

"The flame behemoth should be your strongest attack method, right?" Yu Lin sneered: "Even your strongest attack method has been easily resolved by me. Can you turn the sky over?"

Hearing this, Solanum's face was even more mocking, but he did not answer. The sickle in his hand was constantly waving, and the lines of fire flew out from the quiet purple sickle, towards the lush forest.

"A needless struggle," Yu Lin shook his head, raised his right hand, and the terrifying demonic energy gathered towards him, and then turned into countless sharp weapons flashing with cold light, covering the nightshade and the Yasha army not far behind the nightshade Away.

"Originally, I thought that a few masters could play with me, but now it seems that I think too much," Yu Lin sighed somewhat happily, turned around, and prepared to leave.

However, he didn't fly far, and countless dense purple lines of fire suddenly appeared in the air, which actually faintly formed a large net to intercept him.

Yu Lin's expression changed, and he turned to look in the direction of Dragon Kwai, only to find that the devilish weapon blade that should have fallen into the army of the Yasha tribe was also stopped by the line of fire from nowhere...

Chapter 695 Dragon Kwai's Eight Desolate Profound Fire Array!

Yu Lin's face changed and he looked at Solanum, only to find that Solanum was an unabashed mockery, as if watching a clown.

"I underestimated you," Yu Lin quickly recovered. Although he didn't know why the nightshade was able to block his attack, he didn't care too much.

After all, he is one of the few in the Demon Realm who can retreat from Demon Lord's hands three times and again!

The powerful strength made him confident that he could easily solve the Yasha tribe army outside the Nightshade and Zhenhunguan, so that the nightshade blocked his attack, it was nothing more than to make him tired and make another move!

While talking, Yu Lin condensed a lot of devilish energy all over his body, and the dark devilish energy formed an exaggerated long bow in front of him. On the bowstring, several devilish long arrows exuding awe-inspiring spirit pointed at the army of the Yasha tribe. Direction, ready to leave the string at any time!

"It is your honor to let me use this trick!" Yu Lin slammed his right hand down, and the bowstring of the longbow in front of him vibrated. Waves of magical energy and long arrows shot from the bowstrings in a blink of an eye. An overwhelming arrow rain formed in an instant, shrouded in the nightshade and the Yasha tribe army not far behind her.

The nightshade's complexion remained unchanged, and a large number of purple lines of fire suddenly appeared all over her body. As these lines of fire appeared, over her and Yulin, countless lines of fire emerged out of thin air, covering more than ten miles of space, and those lines of fire formed a faint line. An extremely mysterious formation!

The rain of arrows made by Yulin was completely blocked by the thin line of fire, and the magic long arrow fell on the line of fire, and was burned out in an instant.

"This is?!" On the Wanren Lonely Peak, Xiao Tian couldn't help being a little surprised when he saw this scene.

He couldn't be familiar with the formation that the dragon kwai had set up, but it was the Eight Desolate Profound Fire Formation that he obtained from the plane of Zhuxian and after several improvements by him.

Although the Eight Desolate Profound Fire Array patterns arranged by Solanum are different from the Eight Desolate Profound Fire Array he arranged, it is indeed the Eight Desolate Profound Fire Array.

Because of this, Xiao Tian was surprised, because he just casually mentioned a few words with Solanum, and then demonstrated the formation pattern. Apart from that, he didn’t teach Solanum or anything related to the Bahuang Xuanhuo array. .

Unexpectedly, the Dragon Kwai re-created her own Eight Desolate Profound Fire Array with his words!

"I underestimated Xiao Kui's comprehension," Xiao Tian shook his head, his tone a little more relieved.

"This is the Eight Desolate Profound Fire Array you've been talking about? It doesn't look very good," Zhonglou shook his head, and said leisurely: "Then Yulin is not a simple character. Escape in the hand, even if there is a reason why I didn't try my best, its strength should not be underestimated."

"You will see it," Xiao Tian said with a calm expression. Although he had never seen the Dragon Knee display the Eight Desolation Profound Fire Array recreated by her, Xiao Tian still had confidence in his proud disciple.

What's more, in the eyes of Xiao Tian, ​​even if there is no Eight Desolation Profound Fire Formation, relying on the strength of Dragon Kwai itself, with the help of Water Spirit Orb, it may not be Yu Lin's opponent!

Chonglou shook his head and didn't speak. He still felt that Xiao Tian was too high on Solanum. It is true that Solanum is not weak, but against opponents like Yu Lin, the odds of winning are still very slim.

Even if the Dragon Kwai's strange moves are repeated, Yu Lin is not a mediocre player. When Yu Lin is familiar with the Bahuang Xuanhuo Formation, he will soon be able to break out of the formation!

At that time, it is the time when Solanum is defeated!

Chapter 696 Confident Shura Clan!

In the Eight Desolate Profound Fire Array, the dragon sunflower was surrounded by a large number of purple lines of fire, and at the same time countless purple fireballs fell from the sky and smashed towards the Yulin.

Although the power of the fireball summoned by the Eight Desolation Profound Fire Array is not too strong, the faint purple flame is the Nine Nether Flames condensed with the purest ghost power after the Dragon Knife practiced "Soul Fragrant Fragrance", which injures the soul.

Once the Nine Nether Flames are stained, if the strength is insufficient, the soul will be burned out on the spot and become a walking dead!

If this fireball, which fell like raindrops, fell in the Zhenhun Pass, it would be enough to turn this Shura clan male pass into a dead animal!

It's just that now that the Eight Desolate Profound Fire Array is shrouded, only the Solanum platooner and the third prince of the Asura clan Yulin, so the sky full of fireball seems to have eyes long, and it smashes toward Yulin!

Yu Lin looked solemn. Although he didn't know the details of Nine Nether Flames, he didn't dare to be careless, especially when he came into contact with Nine Nether Flames, it seemed that the burning sensation from the depths of his soul made him beat up. Spirit, dare not let the fireball approach him again.

"The three princes actually fell into the wind..." In the Zhenhunguan, many Asura warriors saw this scene, and their faces showed a strong look of horror.

Even if they couldn't participate in the fight between Yu Lin and Dragon Kwai, they could easily see that Dragon Kwai had firmly gained the upper hand with the Eight Desolation Profound Fire Array.

If Yu Lin can't crack the Eight Desolation Profound Fire Array in time, when he runs out of energy, it will be time for him to lose or even die!

"What's the origin of that woman? The Third Prince is a master who can retreat from Demon Respect Building!" A Shura warrior whispered, his face full of disbelief.

He is a confidant of Yu Lin, and he is very clear about Yu Lin's strength. It can be said that above the Nine Nether Lands of the Demon Realm, the Demon Respect Building is the strongest person, followed by the Kuiyu Heavenly Witch, and then Yulin !

As for the other demons, even if they were the kings of the other eight demon races besides the sky demons, their strength was half a point weaker than Yu Lin!

Had it not been suppressed by the Demon Respect Building, Yu Lin would have swept the Nine Nether Lands with the Shura army with his personal strength!

However, just today, outside the Zhenhun Pass, under the gaze of tens of thousands of soldiers from the Yasha and Shura tribes, Yu Lin was suppressed by a woman of unknown origin with a formation method, and only the power to parry was left!

As if he had heard the words of a fighter from the Shura clan in the Zhenhunguan, a terrifying devilish energy suddenly rose from Yu Lin's body, which turned into scarlet armor, enveloping him.

After the devilish armor appeared, the fireball condensed by the Eight Desolation Profound Fire Array fell on Yu Lin, and apart from making an extremely faint "poof" sound, it was no longer able to affect Yu Lin at all!

"Woman, you annoyed me!" Yu Lin was wrapped in the scarlet demon armor, and the voice came from under the helmet, resounding like thunder in the sky above Zhenhunguan.

"The three princes are serious! I said, how could that woman be the opponent of the three princes, it turns out that the third princes hadn't been serious before!" An Asura warrior said excitedly in the Zhenhun Pass.

"That woman's catastrophe is imminent," a Shura warlord laughed: "The Third Prince will make an all-out effort. I am afraid that the formation will not last a moment. When the Third Prince disperses the Yasha tribe army, we will take advantage of the situation to go out and kill. Let the Yasha tribe army be destroyed outside the Zhenhunguan!"

Chapter 697: The Might of the Eight Desolate Profound Fire Array!

When the soul of the town was closed, all the soldiers of the Asura clan were full of confidence, waiting for Yulin to break through the Eight Desolate Profound Fire Array under the solanum cloth.

But only Yu Lin himself knows that he is still in trouble now.

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