God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 314

The long-lost system reminder sounded in Xiao Tian's mind as soon as the baptism of the Dragon Knee bloodline ended.

"Don't submit it yet," Xiao Tian shook his head and ordered in his heart.

He still has two special tasks on his body that have not been completed. Once the main task is submitted, he will leave the fairy sword plane, and those two special tasks will be wasted.

For Xiao Tian, ​​two special tasks, whether it is a ten-year appointment with Chonglou or solving the fate of Zi Xuan’s Nuwa clan, are not too difficult. Naturally, he will not waste these two special tasks in vain. task.

"Blood baptism has been completed, and it's useless to keep this incarnation of me, Daoist Xiao Tian, ​​don't let it go. If there is a chance in the future, Daoist Xiao Tian may still see me in the chaos beyond the six realms."

After the blood baptism was completed, Shennong Xuying smiled at Xiao Tian, ​​then turned into a sky full of light and dissipated in the air.

After the Shennong phantom disappeared, Xiao Tian's gaze fell on Dragon Kwai, his eyes were a bit more gratified: "With your current strength, among the six realms, not many people are your opponents, not bad, not bad.

You have heard the words of Shennong’s incarnation before. If you are interested in the world beyond the Six Realms, you can also go and see it in the future. With your strength, you can protect yourself."

"Master, have you seen the world outside the Six Realms?" Solanum Kwai thought for a while and suddenly asked.

"I have seen it," Xiao Tian nodded, and then said with a smile: "However, the world I have seen is far larger than you think. Beyond the chaos of the six realms, there are countless worlds, waiting for your strength. Stronger, naturally able to go deep into the chaos and explore other worlds."

Xiao Tian was not interested in the other worlds hidden in the chaos beyond the six realms in the plane of the fairy sword, nor did he have the idea to explore.

But this did not prevent him from planting a seed in the heart of the nightshade. As for whether this seed would germinate in the future, Xiao Tian didn't care.

For his apprentices, whether it is the disciples of Yang Guo, Xiaofeng and Wang Yuyan on the plane of martial arts, or the disciples of the lower immortal planes like Baguio Lin Jingyu and Longkui Zixuan, or the Xiao who had been accepted on the plane of Doupo Li, Xiao Tian didn't force them to break through the shackles of the original plane.

But as long as these apprentices have this ambition, Xiao Tian will spare no effort to help them and give them a chance to see another world!

Hearing this, Solanum was more curious on his face, but he didn't express his opinion, but said to Xiao Tian: "Master, shall we go back to Yongan now?"

Xiao Tian nodded and smiled: "I can teach you not much now. You have to go on your own in the future. Go back to Yong'an first. After Tang Xue sees back, I will finally arrange a task for you. As long as you can complete it, I can travel through the six realms with peace of mind."

After speaking, before the Solanum could speak, a lot of sword light suddenly appeared in Xiao Tian's body, and then his whole body soared into the sky and flew towards Yuzhou City.

Solanum did not hesitate at all when he saw it, and also mobilized the abundant ghost power in his body, followed Xiao Tian and flew into Yuzhou City.

Chapter 711 Xiao Tian's plan!

After Xiao Tian and Longkui returned to Yong'an Dang, they discovered that Tang Xuejian had already returned to Yong'an Dang a step ahead of them. They were talking with Jingtian and the others.

Seeing Xiao Tian and Longkui appearing, Jing Tian stopped the exchange and said respectfully to Xiao Tian: "Senior Xiao Tian/Master!"

"Well," Xiao Tian nodded, his gaze fell on Tang Xuejian, and it took a long time before he spoke: "It seems that you have gained a lot."

Now that Tang Xue saw that the aura exuding from her body had reached the peak of the Tribulation Period, she did not know how much stronger than her before!

Even if she practiced the Qingmudian before, her strength has already reached the stage of fit, but only one day of changing the technique, her strength can improve by leaps and bounds, which is enough to prove how Wangchen Art fits her!

"Thanks to Senior Xiao's advice, otherwise Xuejian is still worried about how to improve her strength," Tang Xue said respectfully in a salute to Xiao Tian.

Even Xiao Tian himself did not expect that the Wangchen Jue would have such a great effect on Tang Xuejian, because the Wangchen Jue was only an auxiliary exercise. Previously, Xiao Tian suggested that Tang Xuejian go to the goddess Shuibi to obtain the Wangchen Jue. , It was just using the Wangchen Technique to develop her potential.

After all, Tang Xuejian was created by Xi Yao with the fruits of the sacred tree, and the potential is endless. It is just that she stays in the human world all the year round and is contaminated with the staleness of the human world.

The Wangchen Jue was created by a descendant of Nuwa to avoid contaminating the muddy qi of the human world.

"This is your own chance. What does it have to do with me?" Xiao Tian shook his head and said lightly: "If you can't complete the test of Goddess Shuibi, this Wangchen Art will not fall into your hands."

Just when Xiao Tian and Tang Xue were talking, Zi Xuan's gaze fell on the dragon kwai, she couldn't help but looked at it, and said in surprise, "Xiao Kui, have you broken through again?"

No wonder Zi Xuan was so surprised. In just one day, the nightshade had undergone earth-shaking changes, and there was a little more sacred aura on her body.

In her perception, the power contained in the nightshade was even more like a vast ocean, even before she passed Nuwa's spiritual power to Lin Qing'er, it was only to this extent.

"Fortunately to break through," Solanum nodded softly, and said softly: "It all depends on the blood baptism of the Great God Shennong, otherwise this bottleneck will trouble me for a while."

Zi Xuan opened her mouth when she heard the words, her face a little bit more envy.

Although she transmitted Nvwa spiritual power to Lin Qing'er, she was of Nvwa blood after all and could not accept the baptism of Shennong bloodline. Therefore, Dragon Kwai had such opportunities, she could only envy her.

"Zixuan, you don’t have to envy Xiaokui. The Nine Ranks Immortal Body you cultivate can assimilate all kinds of energy. Although the energy required to break through the realm is extremely large, as long as you have enough energy to swallow it, it is not necessary to quickly increase the realm. What is difficult."

Seeing Zi Xuan's expression, Xiao Tian immediately smiled and said, "It just so happens that in this Yuzhou city, there are things that can quickly improve your strength!"

Zi Xuan's eyes brightened upon hearing this, and she looked at Xiao Tian expectantly, her eyes blazing.

"Amidst the clouds of resentment over Yuzhou City, there is a sword light cage with what you want," Xiao Tian smiled and said Chong Zixuan.

The Evil Sword Immortal is an aggregation of the five old evil thoughts of the Shu Mountain, and it has absorbed the resentment in the Shushan Demon Tower, and then the cultivation takes shape. As long as the Evil Sword Immortal can be killed and the evil thought crystallization is obtained, Zi Xuan wants to quickly increase his strength It's not difficult.

Chapter 712 Get rid of the Fateful Hope of Nuwa Clan!

Before Zi Xuan heard the words, the nightshade on the side curled her lips and said in a huff: "Master, you laid the sword light cage, right? Is there another mystery inside?"

She knew too much about Xiao Tian's urination. Before they had found the Five Spirit Orbs, Xiao Tian arranged for them to take a trip to the Demon Realm by seeing Tang Xue wanting to improve their strength.

She doesn't believe that her master would be so kind to put things that can quickly increase her strength in the sword light cage, waiting for Zi Xuan to get it!

Even if there is no other thing in the Jianguang prison immediately, I am afraid it will take a lot of work to crack the Jianguang prison.

"Since you guessed it, do you go or not?" Xiao Tian didn't refute when he heard the dragon kwai's words, but asked with a smile.

He knows where the weaknesses of the Solanum and the others lie, so naturally he is not afraid that Solanum and the others will not obediently find trouble with the evil sword fairy!

"Can I say that I can't go?" Dragon Kwai gave Xiao Tian a blank look, and said in a bad mood: "Master, when can you stop using these tricks?"

"This is the last test. As long as you can complete it, I can travel through the Six Realms with confidence. If you want to improve your strength, you have to find a way by yourself," Xiao Tian smiled upon hearing this, with a calm face.

Solanum nodded lightly and did not speak any more. After being baptized by the blood of Shennong, Xiao Tian said that he would arrange another task for them, but Solanum did not expect that this task would be related to the improvement of Zi Xuan's strength.

Seeing the dragon kombu not speaking, Xiao Tian smiled and said: "In the sword qi cage, there is a cluster of evil thoughts trapped, and your task is to kill it.

With the help of its condensed evil thoughts, Zi Xuan, you can step into the realm of human immortality, and maybe even further. At that time, the fate of the Nuwa clan will no longer bother you."

In the second half of the sentence, Xiao Tian kept his eyes on Zi Xuan when he spoke, and his expression was calm.

Zi Xuan heard the words, as if struck by lightning, froze in the same place, and immediately a surprise appeared on her face.

The reason why she worshipped Xiao Tian as a teacher was to solve the fate of the Nuwa clan?

For this reason, she dissipated Nuwa's spiritual power, which was once enough to disdain a few rivals in the six realms, passed all of it to Lin Qing'er, and then practiced from the beginning.

Now Xiao Tian actually told her that as long as the evil thoughts in the sword-qi cage were resolved, she could get rid of the fate of the Nuwa clan. How could this not surprise her?

"However, the evil thoughts aggregates are not so easy to kill. Once I remove the shackles of the sword light cage, I will not shoot again. At that time, he can quickly improve his strength with the help of grievances, so I suggest you go before you are fully prepared."

Xiao Tian looked at Zi Xuan and the others, and said lightly: "This mission has no time limit. You can figure it out by yourself. As for the sword-qi cage, you only need to launch an attack from the outside, and it can be easily broken. ."

After speaking, Xiao Tian's figure flashed and disappeared into the sight of several people.

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